A/N So this is the final chapter of My Little Winter Sprite II Hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own.

Just a reminder that this is a SEQUEL. The first story is just called My Little Winter Sprite.

The very same woman who had threatened both Pitch and Sarah watched silently as Sarah left her room. A faint smile on her lips. She wasn't talking, but she was hanging out with her friends, that at least was a start.


The woman turned around a soft smile on her lips. "Amelia, what news?"

"You've been neglecting your duties" Amelia admonished "To help that young girl, get over her depression."

"No, I have not, I reap when I am told, it is up to me what I do with my off time"

"You are getting dangerously close to that family, Jane" Amelia warned. "You know the rules"

Jane stared at the family as Sarah listened intently, her eyes actually following the conversation as opposed to the dead eyed stare that Sarah had been showing for weeks.

"I have not broken them, not yet, I can not get close to my family, last I checked, Sarah was not blood"

"it isn't just blood that make's up a family Jane" Amelia warned. "You know that"

Jane looked through the window, and watched as Sarah took a small bit out of her apple before turning back to her long-time friend, and teacher. "What is it that you want, you did not come here, to lecture me on loopholes that may or may not exist, what has happened?"

Amelia sighed, in many ways Jane was just like her older brother, it isn't that she did not break the rules she just new how to work around them. She turned her attention to the current trouble at hand. "Now that the darkness isn't being contained by Pitch, it has sought I new vessel, a much darker vessel."

Jane's tilted her head in confusion before her eyes widened. "Oh No"

"Yes, he hasn't escaped yet, but-"

"He's growing more powerful"


Jane pulled the hair piece out of her hair flipped it into the air. It landed perfectly in her palm, now the size of a scythe. "Well then, I guess we have work to do."

"Jonathan?" Jonathan turned his attention to the person speaking His eyes widened. "Um Hey" He said. He glanced at Sarah. Had she been her normal happy self she would have laughed at his obvious fanboy attitude.

(North had come by, to check on Sarah's progress.)

"Can I ask you a question in private?" He asked. Something had been bothering him for weeks and he felt that since everything had finally calmed down a bit and Sarah seemed to be a bit more stable he could finally ask.

Jonathan nodded and stood

"I had a question about your sister" He asked softly.

Jonathan nodded. "About, why she seems to distrust you?"

North nodded uneasily.

Jonathan looked away. "She sent a letter to you when she was five, and… I think you refused to believe what she said, and you gave her coal for lying"

North eyes widened. "She wrote to me about Jackie."

Jonathan nodded. "That angered her more then anything, and I think she just vowed that if that wasn't going to work she'd just be naughty, so Jackie wouldn't feel left out."

North put a hand to his head. "I just thought Sarah wanted, more gifts, I didn't even think that Jackie might be a half spirit."

Jonathan shrugged. "It's not really important right now."

North nodded. "That is true. I'll just have to try to make next Christmas extra special for her."

Want to take a guess as to who the next Big Bad Will Be?