
"Stop! You'll only make it worse!" Valka's cry did not reach the viking's ears. He simply glared at her and moved on to fight more dragons. A movement to her left caught her eye. A dragon was breaking into her house. She gasped and cried out "Hiccup!" Her son was in there and whether or not she wanted to, she would kill the dragon to protect her son.

Valka ran as fast as she could to the house. Entering Hiccups room she grabbed a sword; she raised it before stopping. The sword lowered to the ground as she watched the dragon. It was playing with Hiccup who was laughing. As she watched them, she saw that it wasn't a vicious beast but an intelligent, gentle creature. Then, the dragon's claw accidentally cut Hiccup's chin as the cradle moved. It would leave a scar Valka realized. The dragon turned towards her and moved closer. At first she was nervous but relaxed as she looked into the creature's eyes. Its soul seemed to reflect her own.

Suddenly, an axe slammed between her and the dragon. Stoick had come to save her and Hiccup from the dragon. He didn't know what she knew, but she decided to ignore that for now. Instead she ran to pick her son up. As she rapped her hands around him, there was pressure around her waist. Her feet left the ground and she looked up to see the dragon carrying her. She looked back down and saw Stoick's fearful face. The dragon carried her away as she shouted, "Stoick!" She heard her love reply and repeated his name. Their eyes never left each other as Valka was being carried farther and farther away. They were carried away from Berk and out to open sea.

Hours passed before land could be seen in the distance. As they drew closer she saw it was mostly made of ice. It formed in large, unnatural spikes. When they reached the ice, they flew through a tunnel and into a large cavern. Valka gasped at the sight before her. The ice cavern flourished with plants and everywhere you looked, there were water falls. And dragons. Dragons of all kinds; some she recognized and some she didn't.

The dragon carrying her swooped down and landed near a cliff. Valka climbed off clutching her baby to her. The dragon looked at her and noticed the small bundle in her arms. It cooed worried and nudged Hiccup. A movement to her left dragged her attention away from the dragon. After turning around, Valka was greeted by a large, white dragon. Dragons who were nearby stopped what they were doing to bow to this dragon. Valka realized that this was their king. Bowing before the king, Valka became covered in snow. Shocked she stands up and brushes the snow off her and Hiccup. Hiccup let's out a smell sneeze drawing the king's attention towards him. The king seemed puzzled about the small bundle in her arms and turned towards the dragon who had carried her here. They had a brief exchange before the king turned away and lied down.

Curious dragons approached Valka and Hiccup. They sniffed Valka and Hiccup for awhile before seeming to accept them. Valka felt safe here. At peace. She looked down at her son who was watching the dragons in awe. Hiccup belonged there with the dragons. Hiccup wouldn't grow up like the other vikings. He would be an outcast among them and there's the possibility that Stock might find them. But it was a risk worth taking. Hiccup would be safe and happy here. Holding Hiccup up to look around she said,

"Hiccup, welcome to our new home."

Author's Note: This didn't turn out quite how I wanted it to but I'm hoping it will get better. I will try my best to update at least once a week. I would really appreciate it if you tell me what you thought of it. What you liked what you didn't like. If there are any errors please notify me. If there is something you would like to see happen in this story let me know and I will try my best to include it. Please bare with me as I get the hang of this and as the story develops.