Hey guys, welcome back! Chapter 4 of the RWBY manga just went up recently, so it's time to see what everyone's favorite team of Huntresses-in-training think about it!

So...I think enough time has passed that I can bring up Volume 3- *dodges hail of tomatoes* Oh come on, people! It happened, you can deal with it!

...better than Yang is dealing with her missing arm, at any rate! OOOOOOOOH!

*dodges more tomatoes*

Fine, fine, I'll stop. It's just that because of Volume 3 I've recently reconnected with my Evil side, you get my point?

...like Blake got Adam's? OOOOOOOH!

*dodges flaming arrows*

*peeks out from cover* ...enjoy the chapter! Hopefully Team RWBY is having a better time than I am….


"...so then after I finished off the raging Boarbatusk, I turned towards the Ursa and told it 'When you get to Hell, tell 'em Peter sent you! ...and then apologize to Edgar for that time I had too much Sherry'. And then I shot him, but he was a feisty one, that's for sure; twice as large as normal, slavering at the thought of sinking his teeth into some of this!" The rotund Huntsmen then gyrated his hips, much to the chagrin of all the gathered students.

"Does he have to do that?" Weiss cringed, "I highly doubt that's proper classroom etiquette for a teacher."

Yang's eyes were morbidly transfixed on the spectacle. "...I wanna say he's better than most of the people at the clubs," she said, "but every time I try, my gag reflex stops me." She glanced over at her sister, "You doin' OK, Rubes?"


Ruby was currently busy emptying the contents of her stomach into a conveniently placed waste basket.

"At least he's not trying to flirt with any of the girls," Blake said from behind the safety of a textbook, "Velvet's told me some horror stories from some of the second year students."

"I still have nightmares about that first day…," Yang said with a far off look in her eyes.

"*cough*, *cough*!" Ruby said, wiping her mouth off. She kept her eyes closed, "...is it over yet?"

Blake peeked over the top of her textbook.

"...nope," she said, her eyes going blank as she retreated back into cover.

"This is stupid!" Yang groaned, "I wish class would just end already!"

Mercifully, as though it somehow heard the blond's plea, the bell chose that moment to ring, signaling the end of class.


"To somewhere else!" Ruby announced, joining the the students as they all filed out of the classroom.

Once the last student was gone, he stopped gyrating and continued the "lesson". "...and once the baby was returned to its mother, I- ...huh? Where'd everyone go?"


"Well, that was a thoroughly unpleasant experience," Weiss said as the girls made their way through the halls of Beacon to their next class. She normally didn't have a problem with Professor Port's long winded lessons, often taking notes on the little nuggets of useful information that slipped through the cracks of his stories, but this time he'd gone too far. (The image of his swaying hips would be forever locked in her memory.) She shook her head and looked over at Blake, "Do you what our next class is?"

Blake took out her Scroll and opened a document labeled "Schedule". "It's a free period," she replied, "but after that we have Professor Oobleck."

"'Doctor'," Ruby corrected automatically, before getting an excited look on her face. "Ooh! Can read the next part of that comic book about us?" she asked with sparkles in her eyes.

"Graphic novel," Blake corrected in turn.

"Whatever, I really wanna know what happens next!" she added.

"I don't see why," Weiss countered, "since we all know I'm not going to lose."

Yang then slung her over the heiress's shoulder. "You might as well give it up, Weiss, you know you're just gonna be outnumbered in the end." Her lilac eyes twinkled mischievously, "Don't be such a stiffy, Ice Queen!"

Weiss glowered at the blond.


"I should refuse on principle because of what you just did," she threatened, "...but, I suppose there are worse ways to spend a free period." She sighed, "Fine, let's s head to the library and get this over with."

"Yes!" Ruby cheered, marching purposefully down the hall, "To the Library!"

"It's the other way," Blake said, pointing behind them.

"...I knew that!" The crimsonette then did an about face without breaking her stride and marched in the opposite direction.

I'm absolutely going to regret this, Weiss thought as she followed her slightly ditzy leader.


The cover page…

Weiss was proven right the minute she laid eyes on the first page of the next chapter, her eyebrow twitching spasmodically.

"What is this artist's obsession with drawing me like some sort of pin up girl?!" she cried, "What have I ever done to give people the impression that I'm like this?"

"Keep it down!" Blake hissed, "Were in a library."

"I don't see what the problem is" Yang admitted, "it's not like you aren't sexy! Not as much as me, mind you, but still plenty sexy." She flipped her hair for emphasis.

"...it sorta looks like you're jumping over something," Ruby noted.

"It's not as bad as that page in the last chapter," Blake said, trying to console her teammate, but the heiress would have none of it.

"J-just turn the page already!" she pleaded. "The sooner we get through this chapter, the better!" She exhaled a tired breath, "I knew this was a bad idea…."


The next page…

"Eee, adorable kid Weiss returns!" Yang cheered, much to the actual Weiss's chagrin, before reading the dialogue. "Dang, mood killer much?"

"My family life is...complicated," she said, "I don't really want to talk about it…."

"Life isn't all smiles and laughter," Blake pointed out.

Yang shrugged. "Still…."

"Aw! I can't tell what Winter looks like!" Ruby whined, turning to her partner, "Do you have a picture of her I can see?"

Weiss sighed, taking out her Scroll. "Hang on a minute…." While she did that, Blake turned the page.

Playing house? she thought. ...yeah, probably something else Weiss doesn't want to talk about. She turned the page again, and was about to skip that one as well until the bottom caught her eye.

"Fight scene," Yang said, bored, "just skip to the next-" Then she did a double take, "Is that...blood?!"

This caught Weiss's attention.

"What was that?" she asked.

"Right there!" Yang jabbed the page with her finger, "That's gotta be blood!"

"People still bleed," Weiss reminded the blond, "Aura isn't infinite."

Ruby gave Weiss back her Scroll and looked over at the book, grimacing. "That's not...your blood, is it, Weiss?"

Weiss sighed, shutting her eyes.

"Just turn the page."


"I don't have very many good memories from this point in my life," she explained, "so I don't particularly feel like drudging all that up to explained to you guys, so keep reading if you want that question answered." She exhaled, "In any case, it's not like I could stop you."

"Well...OK, if you say so."


The next page…

"So that's how you got that scar!" Yang said. "Good thing that's the worst you walked away from that fight with."

"I suppose…."

"I really don't like that woman!" Ruby huffed, "Does she want you to lose or something?"

"I wouldn't know," Weiss shrugged, "she's the creation of whoever wrote this; no one tried to talk to me when I fought that thing for real."

"Well it seems like she does!"

"I'll give the artist this," Blake said, turning ahead in the book, "they certainly know how to an exciting draw action scene."


After the action scene…

Blake frowned. "Using your father to get a rise out of you...and you wonder why people don't hold the SDC in high regard…."

"Will you ever let that go?" demanded Weiss.

Blake shrugged, "Probably not."

"Attagirl, Weiss!" Ruby cheered as they read further into the next fight scene, "Show that mean lady who's boss!"

"Technically, that would be her dad," Yang pointed out. "Oh look, more 'this is why I fight' type narration that I'm sure Weiss doesn't need repeated. Skip to something interesting, would you, Blake?"

Blake glanced knowingly at her partner, "Are you sure she's the one who wants to skip to something interesting?"

"Yes," she said, completely straight, "Now skip ahead."

The Faunus merely raised eye eyebrow as she began flipping pages until she came to one near the end of the chapter with dialogue balloons. "Does this fit the bill?"

"It certainly does!"

"Ooh, I remember that!" Ruby said excitedly, "We watched it on TV back on Patch!" Then she turned to Weiss. "I don't remember you singing on the broadcast."

"I asked for my performance not to be broadcast," she explained. "I was hoping it would force my father to come see me in person."

"...did it work?"

"I don't want to talk about it," she said, her tone making it clear that she wanted the matter dropped.


"Well, that was kind of a depressing way to end the chapter," Yang sighed, "I'd rather watch more of Professor Port's bad gyrating."

"Don't even joke about that," Blake warned.

"I don't understand why whoever made this felt the need to take so many liberties with events from my life," Weiss said, purposefully ignoring the conversation to protect what lite innocence her eyes has left. "And that's not even taking into account that they seem to be privy to intimate details about my life in the first place!"

Ruby snorted, "He he, you said 'privy'!"

Weiss flicked Ruby on her forehand.


"Don't be crude," Weiss scolded. Then she check the time on her Scroll, "We'd better hurry if we want to make it to Dr. Oobleck's class on time."

"Ooh, good idea!" agreed Yang, jumping to her feet, "He'll probably make us write an essay or something if we show up late!"

"Glad to see your priorities are in the right place…."

"To Dr. Oobleck's!" Ruby announced, making a beeline for the front doors.

As the others fell into step behind their diminutive leader, Blake's eyes fell on the teaser note at the bottom of the last page. It read "Next time: Blake Belladonna".

I not sure how I feel about that, she thought before closing the book and following after her teammates.

to be continued….


*peeks out from cover* ...OK, I promise to stop with the tasteless jokes. For real this time.

Anyway, not as much to talk about this time since a majority of this chapter was just the conclusion of Weiss's fight with the Giant Armor. Which has me thinking that I should just do Blake's bit as a single chapter if it gets split into two again (and it probably will) considering how little I had to work with this time around. What do you guys think: would you rather have shorter chapter more frequently or longer, more substantial chapters that cover everything at once? Let me know in the reviews.

So until next time! (And go check out Snow White & the Huntsman by Nina Vale; I do the cleanup editing for that story, and both she and I like to hear our work is appreciated!)