Author's Note: Because I've been working on lots of little Giles/Jenny oneshots and I thought that some of them were worth sharing. Not sure how often this will be updated, as my unpublished fic is my main focus at the moment, but the Internet is lacking when it comes to Calendiles and I've gotten tired of it.

He was walking her to her classroom, like always. She wasn't holding her books today, as she had left them at school, and he hadn't needed to bring anything to school either, so they were holding hands. Jenny was squeezing his hand between intervals, relaying him a message in Morse Code. (Giles took great pride in the fact that he was dating an extremely beautiful woman who was knowledgeable enough to use Morse Code in everyday life.) Today, her message of choice (which had taken her their entire walk to relay) was YOU LOOK HOT, ENGLAND.

Giles had figured out the gist of the message by the time she got to the L in ENGLAND, and was grinning like an idiot by the N. Jenny tugged on his hand persistently until he turned, both of them stopping just a few doors and a right turn away from her classroom.

"Didja get it?" she asked playfully.

"Rather hard not to understand," Giles replied. "Unless, of course, one didn't know Morse Code."

Jenny gave him a fond smile. "You do, you know," she added.

"Know Morse Code?" Giles asked curiously.

"Look hot," Jenny informed him with amusement.

Giles ducked his head. "W-well, I'll take your word for it."

His eyes were focused on his shoes, but he still was able to notice Jenny's free hand move to curl around his lapel. Looking back up at Jenny, he was entirely unsurprised when she leaned in for a sweet kiss. It was brief, seeing as they were still in the middle of the hallway, but it was still utterly wonderful. Just as he was about to deepen the kiss, the bell rang, and Jenny pulled away reluctantly.

This had been happening more and more now. They were kissing all the time, everywhere, whenever it seemed like they could steal a kiss without getting caught. Initially, their relationship had been something they kept under wraps at school for the sake of professionalism, but now Giles felt like he couldn't possibly kiss Jenny enough.

Previously, one of Jenny's kisses could sustain him for days. Jenny actually told him during one of their dates that Buffy, Willow, and Xander were all always stopping by her classroom and asking her to kiss him more, simply because it put him in such a good mood.

(Buffy's motivation was primarily so that she could get time off patrolling to be with Angel, and Xander liked being able to put his feet up on the library table without getting reprimanded. Still, Jenny had kissed him anyway, so Giles wasn't too upset about the children's meddling.)

Now, though, he wanted to spend years with Jenny, just kissing her and holding her and being with her. What with his responsibilities, both as Buffy's Watcher and the school librarian, the free time he had was few and far between—not to mention it didn't often intersect with Jenny's.

Giles was entirely certain that he was deeply in love with her. However, he wasn't sure how Jenny would react to this news (seeing as they'd only recently rekindled their relationship) and was consequently hesitant to bring his strong feelings for her to her attention.

Yes, he did see a softness in her gaze when she looked at him, one that hadn't been there at the beginning of their courtship. Yes, she did cuddle into him when they were watching movies, and Jenny wasn't very cuddly by nature. But Giles wasn't inclined to believe that such a wonderful woman could see anything in him.

Even so, he dared to hope that he might win her.

Jenny rested her forehead against his for a moment. "See you at the party tonight," she told him, voice low and smoky.

"You make it sound as if we're going out together," Giles informed her, not managing to keep the petulance out of his tone. "It's Buffy's birthday party. I can't kiss you there without the children acting as though I've mentally scarred them."

Jenny giggled. Her breath tickled his face. "Rupert, we've got tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day…" Her head tilted up. As her eyes began to slip shut, Giles was tempted to take her hint and resume their kissing session. But then footsteps and voices filled the hallway, and he was forced to let go of her hand and step away.

"See you then," he told her reluctantly.

Jenny opened her eyes to smile at him, and there was a softness in her gaze.

As Giles walked down the hallway, he relished in the lingering happiness Jenny's touch always made him feel. Not only that, but Buffy's seventeenth birthday was coming up, making her the fifth oldest Slayer in history. He couldn't help but feel that for once in his life, everything was going well.