AN: This fanfic will never stray from BBrae or robstar. I mean, I promised you guys those pairings, so why would I change it?

Ugh I really hate my writing. And this story. But I'll continue it nonetheless because people actually like it I think?

Oh, and major Terra/Tara bashing in this chapter. Don't like it? Then write your own bbterra fic I'm sure it'll be great.

Once again, sorry for short chapters. Maybe when I'm not so busy they'll be longer.

Raven was absolutely mortified. There she was, in a classroom with all of her friends; the ones who knew virtually nothing about what was going on between her and Garfield. She had a lot of explaining to do, and to top it off...

he kissed her within seconds of Tara kissing him.

In some weird way, it had felt like kissing Tara to her. Just the thought made Raven feel like screaming eternally.

"All better," Garfield said after releasing her, flashing her his trademark lopsided grin. Raven could just about hear the muffled murmurs coming from her classmates. One of them stood out in particular as it evoluted from a whisper into a deafening shout.

"GARFIELD!" Tara screeched. "Just what do you think you're doing?!"

Garfield chuckled lightly to himself, before turning to face the cretan. "What I'm doing, Tara, is kissing my girlfriend. You don't have a problem with that, do you?"

Upon finishing his sentence, the boy lazily wrapped his right arm around Raven's waist, causing her to freeze.

Raven pushed aside her embarassment as she now had something more important to achieve; bringing the rain down on Tara. She smiled as she played along.

"I think she does have a problem, seeing as she kissed you. Why did you do it, Tara? Was it because you were oblivious to the fact that he wants nothing to do with you? Or is it because you can't handle that you didn't get what you want for once?" Raven mocked with a smirk.

"You're one to talk, you creepy witch!" Tara started, her outburst silencing everyone. Raven bit back a whimper. Insults usually didn't have an impact on her, but it was that one word in particular that...

Tara crossed her arms and began to braid her long blonde hair. "Did you use your witchcraft to put a spell on my Garfield?"

"Nope. I merely treated him fairly and don't have intentions of being with him until the one night stand is over. You should try it sometime; you might actually get somewhere with that pathetic excuse of a 'love life' you think you have," Raven spoke, her raspy voice dripping with venom.

Now it was Tara's turn to be embarassed. After exaggerating a sigh, she suddenly lost interest in her hair and used her free hands to grab Richard by his collar and proceed to drag him out of the classroom, despite Richard's shouts of protest. "Come on Richard, at least you will appreciate what I plan on giving to you."

"Unless it's Kori Anders, I highly doubt that," Victor called to the pair, chuckling afterwards at Richard's flushed face.

Tara rolled her eyes. It was clearly obvious that Richard had feelings for the redhead, but he and Garfield were the only guys in the school that hadn't intentionally kissed Tara, and she was determined to change that soon.

Alas, a certain redhead was blocking the exit.

"You will leave him alone," the fierce voice of Kori Anders spoke. "You will also stop treating him as if he is a posession of yours."

Tara only scoffed in response, while Kori attempted to free the boy from her grasp. The blonde scowled and tightened her grip, careful not to let another boy slip away from her.

Kori took a deep breath before letting it out slowly. "I will not be ignored."

Blue eyes met vicious green ones before the blonde worked up the courage to finally speak again. It proved useless though, as she was punched square in the face just moments afterwards. As the girl fell to the ground, Richard stood up quickly to stop himself from falling with her.

"Leave him alone," Kori breathed before asking permission to lace Richard's hand with her own. Shocked but willing, Richard soon smiled and winked at Victor through his sunglasses. He accepted the redhead's hand and the two proceeded to walk to their desk and sat next to one another.

Raven smiled as she watched the scene unfold. She was glad that those two had finally gotten closer to becoming a couple. She just hoped that they wouldn't be back at their awkward stage by the next morning.

"Well, someone's gotta take the girl to the medical room," Victor bluntly said, whistling and looking away afterwards to emphasize the fact that he was not volunteering.

"I could go," Garfield offered as nobody else spoke up.

"No," Raven said, shaking her head. "She'll only glomp you."

"Jealous?" Garfield teased with a smirk.

Raven rolled her eyes while trying to suppress a smile. "Extremely jealous."

"Damn right you are! I mean, I don't blame you though. Who could ever resist me?"

"I don't think I have the time nor effort to name all of those who think of you as resistible," was the reply.

"I know for a fact that you're not one of them," Garfield stated, his smile only growing.

This caused Raven to once again roll her eyes. "You wish."

"You don't even know how much," the boy muttered under his breath.

After Victor had unwillingly taken Tara to the medical room to be checked up and class had finished, Garfield turned to Raven to ask her if she would come over tonight.

"Do your parents need a babysitter?" Raven asked, carefully placing her items into her bag.

"Nope, but I need a math tutor if you're up for it," Garfield replied with a geniune smile.

"Will Erica be home?"

"Nope, she's actually going out with my parents tonight."

Raven nodded, and tried to hold back another smile. The thought of having Garfield to herself secretly overwhelmed her, but she would never tell. She quickly shook her head as if to erase such thoughts.

"Okay," she replied, offering him a small smile. "Do you want to walk home together then?"

Garfield smiled back before happy muttering, "of course."

Okay, slow chapter. The next one (which will be up real soon) may contain mature themes so I'm guessing I may have to put the rating up? I don't know, it all depends on what you guys think. Could you handle it or nah?