Dani dried herself off before coming back into the room. She had a towel wrapped under her arms, struggling to pull a sweater from one of her bags. Sans watched from where he was huddled under the blankets, watching her movements with a silent intensity. He was confused over and over again by the way this human made him feel. Everything she did seemed like some grand, beautiful gesture drawing his attention even when nothing was happening. He was perplexed, frustrated even. Was he going to be like this forever? Would he ever get back to the way he used to be?

The girl got changed before she really began listening for him. He could see her ears hard at work from the face of concentration she made. Deciding to throw her a bone, Sans spoke up. "what do you want to do now kiddo?" Instant recognition showed in the humans smile as she took calculated steps in his direction, bumping into the bed before her hands could rise to search. Apparently she hadn't counted correctly.

With a huff of mild agitation, Dani moved around the side of the bed. Sans pulled back the covers, eager for her to join him. "Nap." She answered plainly, a smile playing her features. Dani climbed up, hardly getting her arms and legs off the floor before Sans grabbed her around the waist, pulling their bodies against each other.

"a human after my own heart." Sans nuzzled his skull into the girl's shoulder, having forgotten about the blankets now that she was within arms reach.

Dani scoffed playfully, wiggling against his grasp. "Well everyone else certainly thinks so." It was obvious what she was referring to, the skeleton squeezing a bit more tightly at the mention of their awkward encounter in the water.

Releasing his hold over the human, Sans finally moved to grab the blankets, a wave of unease crashing down on him. "sorry for putting you on the spot back there kid." Dani settled beside him, her hands eagerly pulling the plush comforter up under her chin. She was still smiling.

"Eh, it's fine. I just didn't know what to say…" She laughed softly, obviously more relaxed than her skeletal counterpart. Dani rolled her shoulders until the mattress gave in to her will, before sighing contently.

Sans watched as her eyes closed, propping his hollow frame up on an elbow. He thought he'd go crazy if he didn't say something now while he had the chance but anxiety rattled his bones leaving the monster in a stalemate. It wasn't that he was afraid of being rejected necessarily, but years ago he had trained himself not to feel if he didn't have too; but more than that, to not share those feelings with anyone. When he found out about the anomaly within the time line there didn't seem to be a point in feelings, or anything else for that matter. Talking about his fears and concerns would only serve to terrify the people he cared about, even if their lives were reset he wanted to spare the people he loved from feeling the hopelessness that he had felt. Sans thought he had gotten past all of this thanks to Frisk saving the day; but in the back of his mind he knew that time was a fragile thing.

"hey, uh, kiddo, can we talk for a second." He asked, hoping to keep from sounding as broken as he felt in that moment.

Dani blinked a few times, obviously closer to falling asleep than he was. "Yeah, whats up?" She asked, voice soft as she rolled to face him. Her hand slithered across the mattress seeking him out.

Sans watched as her fingers brushed against his hand, giving them an encouraging squeeze. "i just gotta get something off my chest. so- just listen okay?" The human smiled, nodding, expecting him to vent about how annoying it was that he was required to actually do things while on vacation and how he would rather be sleeping.

The skeleton exhaled, his brows pulling together in concentration. The smile on his face was weak, appearing far more nervous than happy. Once again he was glad to know that she couldn't see how pitiful he looked. "i just wanted to tell you that moving in with you has been great and being with you like this has been even better." Dani looked perplexed as she listened to him, rising from lying on her back to bracing herself on an elbow. "you're beautiful and generous and kind and a million other things." He paused, realizing that he was speaking faster and faster as his nerves urged him to get the speech over with. The human's expression was unreadable as she listened, her hair falling into her face with that strange tilt to her head. Sans closed his eyes, hoping that if he couldn't see her it would make this easier. "your perfect and it may be selfish, but i want you all to myself. i don't want anyone to see you or touch you like i have." Sans barked a nervous laugh, shaking his skull back and forth. "i want you so bad i think i'm losing it. and as much as i wish i could stop thinking about you all the time i know i'm already screwed… it's all over for me."

That was it. He couldn't say anymore than that; not without going clear off the deep end into crazy town. Dani had been so patient as he rambled on, he really thought she was perfect, a saint even. No doubt that half assed speech made him sound like a maniac, obsessed or something; which wasn't completely inaccurate. The skeleton sighed, shifting to brace his spine against the headboard, his hands coming to prop up his skull. It was all over now, she knew everything that he had been thinking. If it was too much for her to handle, then at least he could say he was honest . The skeleton closed his eyes once again.

Dani's heart was pounding, the silence between them letting his words sink in. She never expected to hear him say anything like that. Their relationship so far had been based off of a mutual understanding. It was clear that they liked each other; and as far as Dani was concerned that was all they needed to know for now. Although Sans obviously felt differently about that.

The human sat up all the way, moving to face him. "You really feel that way?" She asked, a determined expression on her face.

Sans peeked at her with one eye surprised at the face she was making. "believe it." He answered, his grin rising on one side.

Dani was quiet for a few moments, collecting her thoughts. She didn't think that he was expecting a similar declaration from her, but she had to say something. Too bad her mind was empty save for a euphoric, giddy heat. Finally her face broke into a small smile. "So, does that mean that you're my boyfriend now?" Dani matched his grin, her nose and cheeks flushing red as she asked.

The skeleton stared. "if that's what you want kiddo."

Her face broke with a large smile. Dani moved to sit beside him, his arm coming to lay across her shoulders. "Thats what I want." She said, letting her head fall to his shoulder.

Sans thought his bones had been set on fire with how his temperature rose. His skull spread into a large toothy smile. The skeleton closed his eyes, letting his head rest against hers. "so you're my girl then ey?" He asked after a moment, unable to keep his smile from touching his words. The human nodded and cuddled closer, her legs curling up over his. "i like the sound of that…"

Dani moved to put her arms around his slender waist. "Maybe now you can stop calling me a kid all the time." She teased.

The skeleton chuckled. "i've always thought it was term of endearment." Dani shook her head grinning playfully. "hm, then how about i call you… sweetheart?" The girl scoffed as he moved to straddle her legs, grinning smugly. "honey buns?" Sans leaned close to her, his tongue forming before he gave the flesh of her neck a quick lick. The girl squealed in surprise. "no? then how about princess?"

Sans gave her another teasing lick as the girl giggled, putting her hands against his shoulders to push him back. "Ew, don't you dare." She said through a another laugh.

Grabbing the human's hips, Sans pulled her down until she was flat on her back. "okay, i didn't like that one either… cinnamon roll?"

The girl laughed heartily as he continued giving her licks and nibbles along her neck and any other bare skin he could find. "How about no." The human wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling until he was pinned against her.

Sans moved to keep his weight from coming down on her. "okay, fine." He said in mock defeat, enjoying their closeness.