After a year of being away, Miru's eyes lit up as she pulled back the curtains of the hotel they were staying at, and was greeted with the familiar sight of the gray cobblestoned pathways of London streets. The executive suite in the Four Seasons Hotel of London provided a spectacular view which took Miru's breath away the very first day they had arrived, just two days ago, and she had eagerly pulled open the curtains every morning since, much to Tora's amusement. Watching as his wife opened the windows and took in a breathe of fresh spring air, he wondered again for the tenth time, if she would enjoy it better if they moved back.

Not that they hadn't had the conversation before, but the conclusion they had was that Miru simply couldn't choose. In the end, the couple just travelled wherever Tora's work took him, while Miru worked on her very first book to be published, in between working with the publicity office of the Igarashi Corporation.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay alone?" Tora asked, as he walked up behind Miru and wrapped his arms around her waist, cradling her back against his chest and pressing a kiss to her cheek.

Miru looked diagonally at her husband with a grin. It was a question she had heard countless times ever since they had gotten the request from Takumi just a week earlier. His wedding to Misaki was scheduled to take place that morning, just an hour away. They had gotten an official invite, but Miru hadn't bothered packing a dress the moment Tora had read Takumi's message to her, with his highly odd request of bringing a helicopter to his wedding venue, about 30 minutes after the wedding vows were slated to be read. Both Tora and herself had been curious, but didn't ask why, and simply acceded to his wishes. Now though, she found herself curious.

"You always ask why you're doing something. Why didn't you this time?"

Tora grinned. "Well, I guess I should tell you, since it's been three years. I... owe Takumi a huge favor." Miru raised her brow with an unvoiced question, a silent signal for him to continue. "I told Takumi to watch over you when you first got here, back... then. Your apartment, your school fees-"


Tora winced at the screech. He should've known better then to break the news to her now when her hormones were all out of whack. The doctor did warn him.

"You did what Igarashi Tora?" Nope. That did not sound like a happy wife. He gave a sheepish grin, taking a step back to allow Miru the space to whirl around and glare at him, looking quite imposing despite her still dressed in her pink shorts and white tank she wore to bed.

Tora gingerly held up his hands in a posture of defeat. "I was worried, sweetheart. And you were all alone, and you looked horrible as you left the airport. I had promised you I wasn't going to look for you, but I can't just leave you to the wolves so I... asked him for a favor."

Miru scowled, internally grappling with how to deal with such new information. She remembered how odd it felt, to have all the luck fall like leaves on her lap during autumn. Miru had been prepared to face difficulty in funding her new studies, and even getting a place to stay on top of having the funds for her mother's medical fees. To have cheap rental and a scholarship for her within the first month of her moving to London had been a pleasant surprise, but Miru had thought it was finally her turn for good luck after her many years under the thumb of her father in Japan.

Yet while she felt irked, she knew Tora meant well. If anything, the earnest look on his face as he stared at her was enough.

So in the end, she merely crossed her arms and pushed her bottom lip out in a pout, much to her husband's relief. Tora hid a smile when he saw her posture. It was what Miru always did when she was miffed, but not entirely cross with him. It was also an indication that it was safe for Tora to approach. Closing the distance between the two of them with a stride to pull her in his arms, he pressed a kiss to her messy dark locks. "I was worried, sweetheart. Besides, everything else you got of your own accord. I promise, I did not ask Takumi to look for a job for you." Tora would've been happier had she been jobless and sitting at home instead. He had been more then happy to pay for her daily expenses, but he knew that would've been harder for Takumi to make it look like it was by chance, plus he knew Miru wasn't the type to be idle.

Miru huffed without a word. He chuckled, and moved his hands to splay them across her midsection, murmuring as he gently pressed against it. "Don't stay angry, princess. You don't want her to be an angry baby, do you?"

"And why are you so convinced it's a her?" Miru asked with a wry tone, raising a brow at him. Tora chuckled, his wedding ring glinting on his finger as he rubbed her still flat tummy. Tora had been unbearably overprotective ever since they had discovered that Miru was pregnant a week ago. It was another reason why he refused to bring Miru to Takumi's wedding, especially with the plan Takumi had concocted with Maki.

He grinned, speaking with a swagger in his tone. "Because my baby girl wouldn't disappoint her daddy."

Miru laughed. Even after a year of marriage, she found herself still caught off guard by Tora's obvious adoration for her, and had no doubt that he would be a doting father regardless if she now carried a son or a daughter. Unable to resist the smile that curled her lips upwards as Tora bent down to press a kiss to her still-flat belly, she turned to the door of their suite when a knock sounded, and a familiar voice called from the outside.

"Kaichou, we should get going. Takumi's vows are taking place right now."

Lips still brushing her stomach, Tora growled his annoyance, his fingers itching to wrap themselves around more then just his wife's shoulders for now. But he had promised his friend, and he knew Takumi really wanted this getaway he had planned. With how busy Ayuzawa was as a diplomat, and Takumi's amazingly overbearing family, Tora understood where he was coming from. So instead, he bit away his irritation and straightened up. "Give me a minute, Maki. I'll be out." Turning back to Miru, Tora collected her in his arms and pressed a searing kiss that promised more when he returned, smiling with satisfaction as he pulled back and saw her face flushed with delight.

"Be careful. I've put the reception on-call for you. Just call them for anything. I'll be back soon. Don't go in the bathroom if it's wet, get someone to dry it for you first. Call if you're hungry, they wil-"

"I get it, husband. I'll be fine. You're paying Four Seasons a fortune, they'll be able to get me a golden toiletbowl if I ask for it. Just go, Takumi and Misaki-chan are waiting." she nudged him towards the door.

With one last worried look at his wife, he grabbed his coat and headed out where his friend waited with a knowing grin. Closing the door behind him, Maki asked as they hurried down the carpeted hall. "Marriage life agrees with you?"

Tora laughed, as they got to the elevator and he hit the button for the rooftop where a helicopter sat waiting for them. Pulling on his vest and straightening his tie, Tora gave his friend a wink. "Never better."