Aragorn stood on the palace's highest balcony watching the people of Minis Tirith celebrate in the streets below. Although the former ranger understood their and did not begrudge their joy in the fall of Sauron and the coming of the king, he found himself unable to join in the festivities. His longing gaze moved beyond the city walls to the Pelennor fields and the forests beyond. Soft footsteps intruded on his thoughts. "My Lady," he greeted Eowyn, the white lady of Rohan.

"My Lord, is everything alright?"

His half smile held a sorrowful edge. "You once told me what you feared most was a cage." He moved his arm to encompass the city and the lands of Gonder beyond. "Welcome to my cage."

Lightly she laid a hand on his arm, understanding washing through her. "Not all cages are completely unbreakable." With a final squeeze she left him to his thoughts.

The soon to be king did not turn at her departure, nor did he turn when he sensed rather than heard another's approach. "Legolas."

Slowly joining him Prince Legolas of Mirkwood could feel his friend's sorrow and sensed of inevitability. "My friend. You have done it, united the kingdoms of men."

"I did not want this power." The pain deadened grey eyes of the soon to be king met those of the elven prince. "But at least I once believed I would have my love by my side."

Legolas was unsure what to say, he knew Aragorn's love for Arwen had been one of the main reasons he had been able to follow his destined path. "Aragorn." Unable to find words of comfort or hope he delivered his message instead. "Lord Elrond of Rivendell has arrived with his sons along with the Lord and Lady of Lothlorien."

"I know." His voice continued with bitter, sorrowing edge. "This choice was for the best. She is the evenstar of her people and should remain with them, not give her immortality to a mortal who she will outlive by many years. We were only a dream. Isn't that correct my lord?"

Elrond joined them on the balcony. "A dream that will live forever." He responded, his eyes hooded., emotions kept carefully in check.

For a moment the eyes of elf and man met. "But never more than that." He straightened. " I am honored by your presence for my coronation. I hope this will improve relations between our two races. If you will excuse me I have a meeting with the lords of the city." Turning on his heel he strode out commenting under his breath but in a voice loud enough to be heard by the two elves, "and listen once more to why I must choose a queen quickly."

Late that night Eowyn stood on Aragorn's balcony. Tears filled her eyes but she refused to let them fall. She held her back straight with great effort. She would not break.

"My Lady, are you alright?"

"No," she answered Aragorn's question without thinking, "but I will be." Somehow her true feelings always came when talking to him. Taking a deep breath to steady herself and regain control she slowly turned. "I hope you do not mind me using your balcony."

Coming to lean beside her he shook his head. "It is not my balcony." He grinned conspiritually at her, looking almost boyish, "but lets keep it between us."

Without thinking she returned the good natured grin. While she had gotten over her crush on the king of men she still found herself more at ease with him than she was with most people. With him she could almost feel like a young girl. "It is our secret." "

For a few minutes they were silent, staring out at the now quiet streets. "Can you tell me what troubles you?"

Determinedly keeping her eyes on the distance she spoke the words that were destroying her. "My brother talked to me after dinner. Since the end of the war he has received offers for my hand and he believes that more will follow." She could feel Aragorn's silent sympathy. "Rohan is weakened with a new, young king. Rohan needs the support of a strong alliance." Unable to stop herself she looked into Aragorn's knowledgeable and supportive eyes. "The king's only sister is a valuable commodity. "

Aragorn did not break their eye contact. "What about love?"

She shrugged with a nonchalance she did not feel. "Mine will be a political marriage. All I can do is hope that my bars will not be too high."

Breaking their eye contact Aragorn stared out over what was soon to be his city. At last he turned back. "We need to talk." He held out his hand.

Puzzled Eowyn accepted the outstretched hand. He took her into the sitting room connected to the balcony and seated her on a dust clothed love seat. To her surprise he sat down beside her. Then something happened that Eowyn had not seen before: Aragorn said nothing. He was completely speechless. Lightly she laid her hand over his. "What is it?"

Slowly, almost reluctantly he released a deep breath. "What would you think of an alliance between Rohan and Gondor?"

Her mind went blank. At last she looked up to meet his eyes. "You and me?"

He nodded. "Before you agree or disagree we need to talk."

Hardly daring to believe what she was hearing Eowyn asked. "Shouldn't you be talking to my brother?"

"If you and I come to an agreement I will. I want a queen who will stand next to me not behind me." Turning his hand over he squeezed hers. "I believe you will do that."

Swallowing hard she tried to organize her thoughts. "What about Arwen?"

For a moment he looked away before forcing his eyes back up to hers. "What we had has become little more than a dream. This is not something I ask lightly." He hesitated a moment, attempting to find the right words. "I need a queen, but I was raised by the elves. Political marriages do not exist. If a husband or a wife departs the remaining spouse will seldom take another." Closing his eyes he went on. "I care about you, I respect you, and, other than Arwen, you are the only one I have ever felt any interest in." Opening his eyes he again caught her gaze. "I would also like to think my reasons are not all selfish. It would seem that you like me-"

"You mean my crush."

He grinned. "No. Unless I am very much mistaken you have moved beyond that. And that- crush- was not on me but rather on the idea of me and what I represent. If you had not begun to see me, not Isulder's heir I would not be asking. I think we have the potential to have a very good life together."

Unable to gather her thoughts while so close Eowyn rose and walked to the balcony.

"I will not imprison you, at least not more than being the queen of Gondor will."

Allowing her gaze to move to the white city's walls she felt a strange kind of acceptance. Turning she saw Aragorn was still seated on the love seat, giving her the time she needed. He was a good man and he cared about her, not just who she was or what she could bring to a marriage. And she could also sense the possibility for more. It was a better future than she had dared to dream of. "I accept."