A/N: I do not own LOTR and am making no money from this.

This chapter actually takes place before prior to the return to Gondor, it begins almost a year after they arrive in Annuminas

"Mom! Mom!"

Stepping outside to the king and queen's private courtyard Eowyn was immediately greeted by Estel's happy shout. For a moment the queen of the Reunified Kingdom paused to take a deep breath. The whimsical elvish side of her daughter had been manifesting itself for the last few weeks on a constant basis. To her dismay Eowyn was having trouble handling the differences in her child. With Aragorn on a visit to Gondor she was alone with the children and the acting Steward. Usually she and Theorond entertained each other but her eldest was out playing with some of the other ranger's children while Estel- Her frustration vanishing Eowyn remembered that day almost two weeks ago. An early snow had fallen and the children had eagerly raced out to play in it. It had been less than a half hour when Estel had come back, alone. Even without the look of sorrow and hurt on the young face Eowyn had known something was wrong. Temperature, unless extreme, did not bother the elven child and she usually had to be dragged inside. "What is wrong?"

Aragorn's grey eyes had lifted to meet hers for a moment before looking back at the floor to hide the shimmer of tears. "I can not play with them. They say I cheat."

"You cheat?" Eowyn had asked, surprised. While she was extremely playful Estel was not a dishonest child.

Slowly she nodded, not lifting her head. "I move on top of the snow. I never sinkd and I do not get cold."

For a moment Eowyn had not known what to say. She and Aragorn had known the differences between Estel and the other children of Gondor and Annuminas might one day cause difficulties they had never reached a satisfactory way of dealing with the issue. "Estel," She moved to embrace the girl.

The child had pulled away, shaking her head. "I am an elf." The distant look that was natural to many elves had appeared on her daughter's face. "I am an elf," she reaffirmed.

Since that day she had been up everything. Her days were spent in trees. At night her sense of humor and fun was allowed full rein. Since she had met few elven youngsters she had taken on many of the aspects of the adult elves she knew. Most difficult of all she was holding herself in the almost apartness that most elves used around the lesser lived beings. While she did understand why many elves did maintained their distance, it had to be extremely painful to lose people to a death and know that you would be sundered from them forever, it was hard to accept in her own daughter. After four days of this she had sent a message to Rivendell requesting Elrohir's assistance. Aragorn had sent word that he was going to be delayed by a stop in Rohan.

That was another reason for her edginess. Eowyn was afraid of what that request for a visit might mean for Lothiriel. Her brother's wife was pregnant for the fouth time. So far she had been unable to carry a babe past the fifth month. It was heartbreaking for both Eomer and Lothiriel and not good for Rohan to have no heir. Instinctively her hands went to her own slightly enlarged waist. Her pregnancy had been confirmed only a week after Aragorn had left for Gondor. They had decided that while they were temporarily staying in the North he would need to make annual trips back to Gondor.

Trying to work up the energy to track her young daughter Eowyn was relieved to see that Rosie Gamgee was already there. The arrival of the hobbit family with Merry and Pippin had been a lifesaver. Young Frodo, Sam's eldest son, had hit it off immediately with Estel and the two had since become inseperable. Wearily she moved over to one of the benches near Rosie and collapsed. This pregnancy was taking twice as much out of her as the previous two. With Theorond there had only been morning sickness for the first few months, some exhaustion in the middle, and a vitality at the end. As for Estel, she had barely realized she was pregnant until she was overdue.

"It is good to see them laugh," Rosie had moved over to sit besider her. "Frodo has always been a little different. He has spent a lot of time alone."

Eowyn nodded, scanning the trees for some tell tale movement. Not surprisingly there was none. She only knew which general area the two children were in because of where Tarlaya was standing. "For Estel as well. Being a royal child is isolating enough, but being an elf only increases the isolation."

They sat in silence for several moments. "Sam and I will have to return to the Shire shortly. Merry and Pippin want to stay a while."

"That should be entertaining. Aragorn will be sorry he missed you. And Estel will be heartbroken to see Frodo leave."

Rosie hesitated a moment before speaking. The pause made Eowyn nervous. The hobbit was straight forward. "I wanted to ask about that. I wish to invite Estel to winter with us at Bag End. Sam is in agreement."

For a moment Eowyn was speechless, caught by total surprise. To her chagrin her first emotion was relief. As much as she loved her daughter it would be nice to have her be someone else's responsibility for a while. This pregnancy, Estel's isolation, and the stewardship were beginning to overwhelm her. "Aragorn has decreed that no big people are to enter the Shire."

"Estel is not a big people," the ever practical Rosie replied. "At lease not yet."

Before Eowyn could reply said child had leaped out of the tree over their heads. "Not fair," Frodo commented with a laugh as he jogged up. "The trees like you while they only tolerate me."

The girl nodded, grinning widely. "I'm extremely likable." Before Eowyn could call her to task for her precipitous arrival Estel spoke again, eyes shining. "Dad is coming!"

Her own relief and happiness almost overwhelming her Eowyn nevertheless asked her daughter, "and you know this how?" The children were supposed to remain within the courtyard unless they were with their guards and with their parents' permission.

Giving her mother an exasperated look Estel answered. "The trees were willing to allow me passage. Frodo waited at the gate as the trees were leery of his weight."

Slowly Eowyn took a deep breath and slowly released it. "Are you supposed to leave the courtyard?"

"No one could catch me. They would not even see me unless I allowed it"


"No," she replied sullenly. "I was in no danger."

Her daughter's utter belief in her superior abilities scared Eowyn as nothing else ever had. All the more because there was a grain of truth in her beliefs. Elves did have abilities that humans did not have, but they were not invincible. She had seen Legolas, Elladan, aned Elrohir show the same confidence bordering on arrogance. "You are still a child. And remember the trip to Rohan?"

The girl pulled back as though slapped.

Eowyn hated what she was doing but knew it had to be done for Estel's safety. "No one is safe all the time. And as capable as a being is that is not always enough." Still the girl said nothing. Rose and Frodo both remained still. Turning Eowyn scanned the surrounding trees. The branches had been trimmed back, much to the gardener's dismay-he had been even more vocal than the one in Gondor. Looking back at her daughter she asked, "do I need to cut back the trees more or will you give me your work to abide by your boundaries?"

Shoulders slumping she replied in a small voice, "I promise."

"Now go to your room. Your father will be up later." Once Estel was gone Eowyn turned back to her guests. "I apologize for the inconvenience." Her attention moved to Frodo. "Theorond is playing in the stables with some of the other children if you want to join them."

The young hobbit shook his head. "No, I will just go and reand a book."

Rose watched him depart the same way Estel had. "It is not only for you and Estel that I ask. It would be good for Frodo."

"I will ask Aragorn tonight."

As soon as the door to their rooms closed Eowyn sagged into Aragorn's welcome embrace. They had been surrounded from the moment Aragorn had arrived until now. They had instituted the same rule here as in Gondor, once the king and queen had retired for the evening they were not to be disturbed unless it was an emergency. "I have missed you."

Not releasing her Aragorn moved to the couch and sat down, pulling his wife down on his lap. "I have heard all the affairs of state, now I want to hear of you and our children." Lovingly he placed a hand on her stomach. He had been quietly joyful since Theorond had informed him of his impending big brotherhood again. Estel had remained subdued at the homecoming.

Reveling in her husband's love and presence Eowyn held nothing back, including her feelings of inadequacy in relation to her daughter.

When she was done Aragorn was silent for a few minutes. "We always knew Estel would be harder. If it is any help this is not unusual in elven children. She is too young to foster, perhaps the shire would be best for now, at least until the baby is born."

Eowyn rose to pace. "I should not have to send my children away."

Aragorn remained seated, allowing her vent her frustration. "You can not do it all, no one can."

Aware it would do no good to argue, and knowing he was correct, Eowyn paced a few more minutes before again sitting next to husband. "I just don't understand her sometimes."

Aragorn took her hand, rubbing his thumb along her fingers. "All we can do is love her and do our best. I think it would do her good to see the hobbit way of life."

"Theorond will miss her."

Aragorn nodded resting his head on hers as it rested on his shoulder. "It will give him a chance to know the capabilities and skills of other children around his age."

For a moment they were silent while Eowyn tried to work up the courage to ask her next question. "How fares Lothiriel?"

She could feel Aragorn slump slightly at her question. For a moment his hand squeezed hers before he shifted so they could face each other while his hand maintained its grip. "Not good. She is on bed rest. I gave her some herbs to help with her nausea and dizziness and to encourage the pregnancy to continue. But her body shows signs of being ready to birth the child."

"But she is only four months!" Despited herself Eowyn found herself clutching protectively at her stomach and the life within it.

Quickly shifting forward Aragorn laid one hand atop hers on the small bulge of their child and the other moved to rest on her cheek, forcing her to make eye contact. "Our baby is fine and feels quite content where it is. Lothiriel is closer to five months, but the babe is not yet ready to be born. If it does manage to survive a birth this early chances are very good that their will be complications to last the rest of its life. The longer the pregnancy can be maintained the better the chances for the babe."

"Could you help?" While she desperately wanted Aragorn to remain near she knew both she and the child were healthy.

His answer was almost immediate. "No, I have done all I can. Rohan's healers are skilled and Elrohir was visiting when I left."

Despite her concerns Eowyn could not help a small smile. "That is one friendship I would never have expected."

"Nor did Elrohir, especially when the same connection was not made with Elladan." Stretching he rose. "Let's turn in, I have missed holding you at night, I no longer sleep well alone."

Allowing herself to be pulled to her feet Eowyn raised an eyebrow at his wording. "Alone?" she repeated.

"Without you at my side," he confirmed without missing a beat. "Even if I lost you tomorrow no other woman could complete me as you do."

"And Arwen?"

Turning he met her eyes. "No one. I love you."

With a small self-depreciating smile she stepped forward so he could enclose her in his loving embrace. "I am sorry, I do not seem myself." Long ago she had gotten over her fears regarding the departed elf maiden, but every once in a while those old fears resurfaced.

"I think it is just a part of being pregnant."

Too tired to take offense and not sure he was wrong Eowyn continued into the sleeping chamber. Aragorn joined her immediately. As she snuggled into her husband's embrace Eowyn found herself agreeing with his observation. She no longer slept well without Aragorn at her side.

"My Lady, the King of Rohan comes."

Eowyn looked up from feeding her newborn daughter, who was starting to drift into sleep, at the paige's words. Quickly she laid the baby next to her sleeping twin, watching a moment as she cuddled close to her brother before falling deeply asleep. Afraid that the sight of her children would be too painful to her brother, Eowyn made her way to the family sitting room. Despite the paige's announcement the very unexpectedness of Eomer's arrival showed that this was not a state visit. "Find the king and hobbit, Meriadoc," she requested. "The other hobbit, Peregrin is welcome as well."

The young paige made no attempt to stifle his wide grin. "Yes, My Lady."

Unable to avoid smiling at the young man's enthusiasm Eowyn had to agree. The two hobbits had made the long, confining winter merry. Always happy and full of life they could brighten up a room simply by entering it. She had also found that their practical, almost simple way of looking at a problem was often more effective than the so-called 'sophisticated' and more convoluted answers the courtiers usually supplied. Although that was not as big an issue in Annuminas as it had been in Gondor.

As soon as Eomer entered she moved to hug him. She missed her brother. After a moment he pulled away from her, keeping his hand in hers. "You look good. Congragulations on the birth of the twins."

"Thank you," she started to lead him to the couchl.

"May I see them?"

Not allowing her hesitation to show Eowyn immediately changed direction. With a mother's pride she walked him over to the cradle. "Halbarad and Laria."

Cautiously, almost fearfully Eomer reached out a hand to gently brush Halbarad's cheek. "They are so big and beautiful. Little Eovine was so tiny and lived so little."

Biting back her tears at the reminder of her nephew's death, barely two weeks after birth, that she knew would cause her brother pain, she hugged him. "I was so sorry to hear of your loss."

Seeming to ignore her sympathy Eomer moved his finger down to Halbarad's hand, which instinctively wrapped around the finger. "Thank you."

"My King!" Merry had come and bowed low, closely followed by Pippin and Aragorn.

Eomer spared him a quick, but courteous greeting before looking back to Halbarad. Finally taking a deep breath he straightened, turning to face the King and Queen of Gondor. "I have no heir. The healers have recommended Lothiriel does not try to bear again at risk to her own life. While she would risk it I do not wish to lose her. As Eowyn is my closest kin I would request that Halbarad be named as my heir." He glanced at his sister and brother-in-law. "I will give you privacy to discuss it." He turned his attention to Merry and Pippin. "Will you accompany me?"

"Yes, my King," Merry promptly replied, smiling widely.

Pippin only nodded.

Once they were gone Eowyn turned to Aragorn. Eomer's request had caught her completely off-guard. As her eyes met Aragorn's she realized the request had not surprised her husband. And the more she thought about the more she realized it should not have surprised her. Rohan needed an heir. Her eyes went back to her youngest son. Rohan was so far away. Barely resisting the urge to hold Halbarad close she allowed Aragorn to lead her into the sitting room. "I should not be surprised. Halbarad is the logical choice, truly the only choice that will be acceptable to all. The house of Eorl has always rule Rohan."

"He will not need to be fostered until he is older. We will not lose him soon." He squeezed her hand. "And Rohan is not that far."

Giving him a disbelieving look Eowyn looked away. "It is for us. The king and queen can not travel at will. We have too many responsibilities."

Aragorn said nothing, simply took her hand.

"He will have to be raised as a Rohirrim."

"He will have to be raised as a part of both lands. We will need to request a Rohirric tutor and he will probably have a rohirric guard to work with his gondorian one."

Closing her eyes Eowyn took a deep breath and felt acceptance fill her. This was her younger son's path. "What of Laria? From what I know of twins they are often uncommonly close."

Aragorn shrugged. "I do not know." His eyes grew distant in a look that Eowyn knew meant he was seeing with his farsight. "Her path is not clear. It appears that at least one of our children will be able to walk her own path."

Aware that he was thinking about his own destined path to kinghood, a power that he still held only because he knew he was the only one could unite the kingdoms. "There is still happiness to be found."

He smiled at her. "There is still happiness." With a quick shake of his head he threw off the melancholy mood. "Halbarad will have to travel to Rohan to be invested as heir. Do you wish to travel with him?

The question caught her by surprise, although a part of her quickly realized she should not have been. Aragorn had always trusted her to represent the reunified kingdom. It would be hard to be so far away from her children and Aragorn. However it would also be nice to be free of some of the responsibilities. "I would like that."

"I will miss you." Pulling her close he bent to kiss her.

A knock on the door interrupted. "My Lord, My Lady," the paige called out.

With a slight laugh at her husband's disgruntlement at the interruption Eowyn rose. "It never fails." Bending she gave him a quick kiss before he took her hand and rose as well.

"I love you."