
Raven and Robin have had relationship for the past year and half but when tragedy strikes what will Raven do. Raven appears in the Young Justice world, all the way through Season 1. Raven/Robin Raven/Connor

Authors Note: I don't own anything by the way. This is my first story ever. I will try to crank out chapters weekly, and if I don't I will post a reason why. So bear with me, please. Without further ado, let the story begin.

Raven's Justice

Chapter 1: Before

Robin's P.O.V.

"Happy Birthday, sleepy head."

I open my eyes to see Raven.

The first thing I notice was her eyes, they were a brilliant violet. Next her hair, it was still that rich natural blue, which she had been trying to grow out, and now reached to the small of her back.

She never looked more beautiful than she did right there.

I smile when I see that she was wearing one of my old black t-shirts. You know you're in a good relationship when seeing your girlfriend in your shirt and it still gives you chills. I tried and failed to not notice that the shirt only hit her mid-thigh, and that she was only wearing my shirt.

Today was my 18th birthday.

I honestly never thought I would get this far in my life, being in this line of work. Being a hero usually makes your life expectancy of barely into your twenties but it all really depended on when you began hero-work.

I start to sit up when I see that she's levitating a tray with all my favorite breakfast foods on it; pancakes, a bowl of fruit, orange juice, and a little bit of bacon.

A couple months ago on her 17th birthday I frantically spent almost 2 hours trying to create the perfect birthday breakfast. She ended up walking into the kitchen and broke out laughing when she saw that I got flour on almost every corner of the kitchen. The way she described the moment after the fact, was that apparently I had that deer in headlights look. It took me hours to clean it all up afterwards, but it was worth it seeing her face light up like that.

She smiles at me and gives me quick kiss on the lips before she sets the tray down on my lap.

"You're lucky that the bacon made it onto the plate. Cyborg kept trying to steal it, and I caught Beast Boy trying to toss the rest of the bacon before I could even cook it." she told me while she grabbed a piece off my plate.

Raven sat down on her side of the bed with her cup of herbal tea. We sat and talked and time just flew by.

I started to remember all of the years we've lived in the Tower. The team as a whole has had its fair share of ups and downs, but we were always able to separate work from home life. Though living in the Tower with the rest of the Titans has never been more difficult. Cyborg thankfully is spending a lot of time at Teen Titans East tower to be with Bee. He was the first out of the titans to get into a relationship. The next couple to form was Raven and I. At first it was awkward to be around Starfire, but once she found out that Beast Boy had a crush on her all that awkwardness just disappeared. An unspoken rule of the teen titans was that a happy starfire was a happy teen titan's tower. At first B.B. and Starfire's relationship was cute but then it turned excessive. Once I caught them making out in one of the many tower alcoves, and instead of being ashamed they just laughed and I was the awkward one. Raven being the empath that she is just said "Finally, all that teenage angst was becoming unbearable." But with everyone in a committed relationship life has become more grounded, and for once everyone was happy.



"Ugh. The alarm…"I said while I dramatically put the tray on my bed side table.

Our relationship has allowed Raven and I to break out of our shells. I was no longer always the serious leader that barely smiles and Raven. She's come a long way, and while she does appear the same to outsiders she is now smiling and talking more. I know that the others could see how our relationship was affecting both of our attitudes for the better. We were actually becoming normal, for once in our lives.

I wrap my arm around her waist, and put my other hand on the side of her face as I lean in for another kiss.

Kissing at first was wild and passionate in the beginning and as our relationship grew it was more of an assurance rather than a moment that we feared we would lose once it was over. As we became more serious we became comfortable with one another. Our physical relationship also became as comfortable as our verbal one. We could talk for hours and with our mental link we sometimes didn't need to talk at all.

For once in my life I am happy and comfortable with my personal life.

While the kiss was passionate we keep it brief because if went any farther we would miss the call.

"I'm sorry your birthday breakfast has been cut short."

"Duty calls."

We stand there for a while, not wanting to let go of one another. Having a moments like this come only once in a while. Our personal lives are always at the beck and call to job, and while we all know that the job comes first it can get really frustrating having to leave these moments behind.

It felt like no time had passed when we hear a knock on our door.

"What's taking so long birthday boy? Tell your girlfriend that you can get back to doing whatever you guys were doing later." Beast boy hollered at us.

We both groan and then chuckle as we head towards our closets to get our uniforms.

My suit consists of my usual shirt, tool-belt and pants. I finally let go of that ridiculous cape, Beast Boy pointed out that capes are for people who can fly. Raven convinced me that a haircut might also be for the best, and I am using way less gel also thanks to her.

Raven's suit is almost exactly the same, the only thing that changed was her cloak and boots became a dark blue. Sometimes she puts her hair into a braid during missions, but other than that her hair is down.

She grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers and smiled as we headed towards the elevator.


1 hour later.

Raven's P.O.V.

The fight was nothing unusual; it was just another bank robbery with . The chaos that followed was more than any of us could handle. When I look back at this very moment I am faced with a blur. What I remember clearly is what happens at 1:26 p.m.

I'm levitating some of the debris off the streets when I get a feeling of dread.

I am not a stranger to that feeling; I have lived with it all my life being the daughter of the demon Trigon. Being in a relationship has given me more stability than I ever thought possible. My original thought was that indulging in my feelings towards Robin would lead to catastrophic events, but when we kissed for that first time and the tower didn't explode I had hope.

Having powers like mine give me the worst case of intuition, my emotions literally sometimes have a mind of their own. My stomach feels like a bottomless pit, I've learned to always listen to my emotions no matter how small. At the moment all I could focus on was howl light-headed I felt and that my hands are clammy.

I start to look around the street for Robin. I don't know why but I know something is or will be very wrong very soon.

I find him about 100 feet away, he looks at me.


I know that it sounds crazy but the way he looked at me it was like he knew it would happen.

I started to go towards him when I hear the sound of bullet being fired. It hits him in the back, and he drops to the floor. I looked everywhere to find the son of a bitch who shot him; I could feel myself losing control. Once I see the man who fired at him; I look him straight in the eyes. All I could feel was anger, it was consuming me and I just knew that my eyes started to glow red. Then his eyes and ears began to bleed and he started to scream hysterically.

Then I started to scream. I can't stop screaming, can't stop screaming, stop screaming, screaming. There was so much screaming I couldn't tell if I was screaming anymore all I could hear was white noise.

All I could see is Robin crumple onto the street, a pool of blood starting to form around his torso.

There's nothing I can do, I collapse to the ground. My vision begins to fade, and the world goes black.