I own nothing except the plot, and most of the OC's. Darkclaw belongs to my amazing best friend.

For my Darky~ You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, love, and I can't ever repay you enough. I hope your birthday is the best thus far. :)

"The moon illuminates your eyes, my sweet..." Pricklestone purred, resting his muzzle on the raven's shoulder as he peered at the stretch of sky before them. The great expanse of black velvet was sprinkled with stars, and the pale orb in the center beamed light upon the mates. The rock they perched upon was warm with the leaf-green heat, but they huddled together with the air of leaf-bare chills and affection that knew no brackets.

"You spoil me with your compliments," Darkclaw sighed softly, leaning against the tom's broad chest. She nuzzle her cheek into smokey fur that had softened over the years, her icy eyes closing.

"You deserve it," Pricklestone whispered in response, grooming the top of her head with a fond look in his eyes.

The she-cat glanced up at him, a purr of content rumbling through her body. "You're going to make such a wonderful father," she meowed, eyes flickering down to the swell of her belly.

"It's all I ever dreamed of." Pricklestone gave her ear a final lick before curling himself around her, tucking his paws neatly beneath his chest. "Ever since my own father went to StarClan, I've vowed to live up to his name.

"You and your father are... different," Darkclaw meowed softly, looking him in the eyes. "You're much more compassionate than Smoketooth ever was, and I love that."

"I always took after my mother," he murmured. "Even after she disappeared, the clan always told me that I was just like she was."

"Ivysong will forever be in the hearts of warriors," the future queen declared. "Elders will tell stories of her for a long time."

"Stories... that's the only way I know her," Pricklestone sighed. "I hope our kits can grow up with pride in us. I know that I never felt that way about my mother and father."

"They will," Darkclaw said, a firm note in her voice. "We'll be wonderful parents. I'm sure of it."

A smile crept its way onto Pricklestone's face, his features soft. "I love you," he mewed.

Darkclaw molded herself to align with his body, her head nestled beneath his chin. "I love you, too, Pricklestone," she purred softly. "And I always will."

Y'all go check out Darky's profile, Every Wolf Has Its Howl. She has more talent than I could ever dream of.

Reviews and criticism is appreciated. Thanks for reading!