This is a Harry Potter/Yu-Gi-Oh crossover inspired by "King's Jackal" by esama. I have reached out to esama and received permission from her to use aspects of that story in this one. Therefore you will see similar concepts. While I know this one won't be as epic as hers I do hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I do not own HP or YGO. Some concepts used within are borrowed with permission from esama.

Warnings: SLASH! Ryou/Bakura, Yugi/Atem, Malik/Marik pairings. At this point Harry has no pairing, too young. Maybe Seto/Isis, haven't decided.

Beta: Bicky Monster

"Blah blah blah" will be in Japanese

"Blah blah blah" is in English

Poll Results:

Have the story continue at this pace for a few more chapters before skipping a head a few years. - 10

Skip forward a few years to where Harry is a little older, has more control over the shadows, closer to Ryou and Bakura - 8

Skip forward to when Harry is 11 timeline wise but have the chapter about the UK Wizarding World learning about Harry not being where he should - 4

Very close race between option 1 and 2 so this chapter will continue with the current pace with a slow increase to a few years ahead over the next few chapters.

Shadow's Ward

"Bakura, our bus stop is this one. Where are you going?" Ryou asked as Bakura continued on past their stop with a sleeping Harry in his arms.

"We're not going home yet," Bakura succinctly answered.

"And where are we going, if not home? Harry's had a rough day and I'm sure he would like to rest." Ryou shifted his hold on Harry's backpack as he left his place in the line that had formed to follow after the two.

"We need to discuss Harry's training with the Pharaoh. King can keep an eye on Harry while we do so."

"It's unusual for you to be willing to go to them, especially to talk with Atem," Ryou mused as they joined the line for the bus that would take them to the Kame Game shop.

"Harry's control over the shadows is getting stronger and we need to start training him now if we want him to have conscious control over them. Training requires permission from the Pharaoh," Bakura grumbled. "It took more than expected for me to push the shadows back at the Aquarium."

"Alright. Let's go see what the Kings will agree to," Ryou stated as the bus pulled up. Climbing aboard he let the driver know he was paying for 2 adults and 1 child as he tapped his fare card against the reader.


Twenty minutes later they got off the bus just down from the shop.

"Hopefully no one will be in the store at this time and they can close a little early," Ryou said as they drew closer to the building. Taking a quick peek inside, it was clear to see that one customer was at the register finishing up a purchase.

"Oi, King! We have some business with you, so finish up!" Bakura demanded as he walked into the store.

"Take your time, Yugi, we'll just wait for you in the back," Ryou hurried to say as he started pushing Bakura to the family area in the back of the store. "Sorry, please take your time," he directed to the customer in front of Yugi.

The poor woman turned a look of concern to Yugi, almost as if she was wondering if purchasing from this store really was the right decision. Yugi hurried to reassure her and finish checking her out. It wouldn't do for Bakura to storm back in claiming that Yugi was going too slow and scare her off from paying.

"Really Bakura, that wasn't necessary," Ryou berated as he continued to push against Bakura's back as they entered the main living area of the shop. "You could see as we entered that he was busy with a customer. A polite message to meet us in back would have sufficed,"

"Theif. Ryou. What brings you two and your Ward by this afternoon?" Atem asked from his seat at the kitchen table. It looked like he had been going over documents before they entered.

"Hello Atem," Ryou greeted the man as Bakura continued into the living room to settle the still sleeping Harry on the couch. Ryou dropped Harry's backpack down against a wall out of everyone's way before making his way to sit by Atem.

"This wouldn't have anything to do with the spike in shadows earlier would it?" Atem questioned, watching Bakura skeptically. "If you've sent another person to the Shadow Realm for no reason…"

"Calm your camels Pharaoh. That spike you felt was Harry's emotions acting out in distress. We need to start his training," Bakura stated as he returned to the kitchen.

Once in the room, Bakura crossed his arms over his chest, bracing himself for the start of an argument. One he planned on winning; after all, no one was going to train his son other than himself, Ryou, and maybe the Istars. Or maybe not, he thought with a wince after looking at Ryou; Ryou would never accept Malik and Marik training Harry.


After Yugi saw his paying customer out, he hurried to close the front door and switch their sign to closed. He really didn't want to chance Bakura's temper with another client. Yugi also knew that anyone from the Court or their friends coming to visit would be able to let themselves in without someone in the store area.

Following the sounds of fighting, really when were Bakura and Atem not fighting, Yugi found himself in his kitchen. Poor Ryou was in the middle trying to keep the two calm and turn the argument into a proper discussion. After listening in for a few moments Yugi quickly picked up on the fact that Bakura and Ryou's new ward was in need of training, which everyone seemed to agree on, but they couldn't agree on how. Before Yugi could add his thoughts to the discussion he noticed the boy in question over on his couch quietly watching the older men. With a small smile Yugi walked over to the boy.

"Good evening, Hari. How are you?" Yugi asked softly so as not to startle the boy.

"Hello," Harry replied. "I'm ok. How are you?"

"I'm good too. Want to play a card game while those three talk?" Yugi asked with a hand drifting to his deck attached to his belt.

"I don't know any."

"Do you remember the first time you came here? You were looking at the cards in the case. I can show you more and we can have a small game." Yugi coaxed the boy into the conversation, glad that Ryou had been teaching him Japanese. Harry was picking up Japanese and Egyptian much quicker than Yugi was with English.

"What about Papa?" Harry glanced over his shoulder to where the others were talking, ignoring the questions Yugi asked.

"Your Papa and Dad are currently talking with Atem about Court things. Once they are done they can join us." Yugi smiled, gaining the boy's attention again.

"Ok," Harry said nervously as he bit his lip. With one more glance at the kitchen he turned his attention to the deck of cards Yugi was spreading over the table.

"These are called Duel Monsters. Each monster has different abilities and are used in duels against opponents. However, for a special group of people these cards can do much more." Yugi smiled as he started explaining the history of the cards to the young shadow user. He could easily see Harry's excitement start to bloom the more he talked and knew that soon Harry would start building his own deck of protectors.


Ryou looked over to the living room to check on Harry as Atem and Bakura continued to argue back and forth. He felt a little bad that they had woken his son, but a smile spread across his face as he noticed how much Harry and Yugi seemed to get along with Harry's limited Japanese. From what he could tell, Yugi was introducing Harry to the history of Duel Monsters and using his own deck for examples.

"Atem does have a point Bakura," Ryou stated, interrupting the two. "Yugi should be involved with Harry's training, as is his right as King."

"Ryou! We don't need the pipsqueak involved. You and I are more than capable of training Harry to his full potential," Bakura argued, shocked that Ryou was finally taking a side.

"Thank you, Ryou. As I was saying, Yugi and I should oversee his training; if his outburst today was any indication of his strength…"

"Actually, Atem, I meant Yugi joining Bakura and I," Ryou interrupted. "Just look at the two of them. Yugi has already started the process and is calm enough to take things slowly with Harry. Between the three of us, he will be well trained quickly. And yes Atem, Malik and Marik will have little to do with his training."

Bakura paused before continuing his argument to glance over at the couch where he had left Harry asleep. Sure enough Yugi was there teaching the boy about the cards and how they relate to the powers that all of them held.

"Fine. The King can join Ryou and I in teaching Harry. However, you, Pharaoh, the Regent and Priestess will not be involved!" Bakura hissed out.

"As long as the Priests aren't involved and Yugi is, I can agree to that." Atem sighed. "But don't think that I won't send you to the Shadow Realm if you start teaching him to act just like yourself."

"He won't. Yugi and I will make sure of it, Atem," Ryou hurried to interject as Bakura opened his mouth to start the argument again.

With one last uneasy glance at Bakura, sure that he was plotting something, Atem turned his attention to Yugi and Harry.

"Will the three of you be staying for dinner? Gramps should be back soon with groceries and Yugi is always happy to have you over," Atem asked, looking at Ryou.

"Sure, it saves me from figuring out our dinner," Ryou replied, "and it gives Harry more time to get used to interacting with Yugi."


AN: Happy (late) Holidays everyone, this is my (Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Solstice, New Year, whatever you celebrate) present to you. I hope everyone has had a good start to 2017 and that this year goes well for you. Sorry about the late update, I'm aware that it's been about 6 months. RL took a strange turn during the fall and winter of 2016 for me. I'm hoping that in 2017 I'll be able to post more on this and Joukriger for everyone. A massive thank you and hug to all of you for being patient with me as I work on these chapters.