
A/N: I was thinking about the episode 'Too Far' when this idea came to mind. Now, I kind of and kind of not have an idea for it. I guess I'll just have to see from there. This is set after the Cluster was defeated.

Here's a little background info.

So, Homeworld finds out that the Cluster had been destroyed. And knowing about the intel on who the Crystal Gems are now, they notice something peculiar. This gets brought up to Yellow Diamond.

Yellow Diamond had experienced something she hadn't for a long time. Pity. Pity for this gem who was forced to listen to her underlings. Pity for this gem who didn't even know how she was supposed to be. Yellow Diamond was going to go to Earth, and help this said Amethyst.

Let the story commence.

My name is Amethyst. I know that. I also know that what was happening right now would be the end. All I can do is recollect the memories that brought me here. What brought me here? Well, this is going to be a long story, so get comfortable.

1 Year Ago...

The Crystal Gems knew who was coming. They knew exactly who was coming. Except for two clueless gems. Me, and Steven. We had no idea who Yellow Diamond was. We weren't even allowed to see the message that she had sent them.

Peridot has been scared ever since she saw the message. That was 1 week ago. Yellow Diamond was due in just a few days.

We've have been training harder than they ever have before. Yellow Diamond was a fiend that Garnet and Pearl had not seen in ages. With the exception of Peridot, it hadn't even been an Earth year since she last saw her.

Peridot knew Yellow Diamond could be nice, but definitely not to her. She failed her mission, and aided the enemy. She was an enemy now as far as Homeworld was concerned. Peridot even took the diamond out of her uniform. No stars though, she wasn't ready for that yet.

Through this whole process of getting ready, I was so confused. Steven was getting the most attention. All the powers Rose had were being tested with him. I didn't even try. I only got in the way. Pearl knew the most about Rose, Garnet had future vision, and Peridot was a good outside, unbiased source for when Steven tested his powers.

I had no idea what to do.

Ever since Peridot called me defective at the Kindergarten, I had been thinking.

I had always wanted to be more. Maybe that's why I shapeshifted so much, experimented so much. To try and fill that gap that could never had been filled. Heh, look at me. In deep thought. Who would've known?

I've also distant from the rest of the gems since then. When I was thinking about it, I came to a conclusion. They had known. The Gems knew. They had never told me. And why not? Why wouldn't they tell me? That was a question that was racing through my mind. Just a simple 'why'.

It was easy to tell that they knew. They must have encountered Amethysts in the war. Going by what Peridot told me, they were definitely fighting in it. Maybe that's why I wanted to experience it so much?

Why didn't they tell me? I don't see any negative effects of doing so. The only thing was another reason to hate myself. That wouldn't affect the other gems though!

Every time I thought about how they didn't tell me, the more conflicted I was. I was angry. No, I was furious that they had denied to tell me something very important about myself. I was also sad. I didn't know exactly why I was sad about it, I just had a heavy feeling in my heart. Like I'd had been lied to.

The Crystal Gems didn't necessarily lie to me did they? They just, neglected to tell me something. That's it.

"Man, every excuse I make is worse and worse." I mumble to myself halfheartedly.

At least I helped in defeating the cluster. Somewhat.

Peridot and Pearl have really been bonding. Ever since the diamonds came off, Peridot has been a lot more accepting of Pearl and Garnet. I didn't even need to be accepted in the first place.

Well, there was one good thing that came from me and the gems distancing. I had more time to think about this.

A few days had gone by too quickly for my taste. Yellow Diamond was due to arrive today or tomorrow. And what do you know, I look outside to see a concerned Garnet and Pearl and a tiny yellow dot in the sky.

Even if I barely knew who Yellow Diamond was, I knew that was her. I didn't even have to see Garnet and Pearl.

I guessed that the yellow dot was the same type of ship that Jasper and Peridot used to come here, except probably yellow.

I really didn't want to face this threat. I just didn't have it in me. But, screw all that, I still have to. I'll just shake it off.

I had to call Connie so she could come over. Yellow Diamond could possibly be here today. She and Steven worked well together, and with her knowledge of the sword, she'd be a great help.

I also had to evacuate the town with Peridot. Pearl was helping Steven and Connie with their weapons, and Garnet helping Steven and Connie fuse.

Peridot and I went all throughout the town, every single place. In just about an hour, nearly everyone was gone or leaving. I high fived Peridot. Good thing Steven and I told her what that was and that it wasn't some form of an attack.

Everyone was preparing. I was even sent to the Galaxy Warp to retrieve Peridot's limb enhancers. Eventually I found them. Hopefully the work when wet. I gathered them all up to warp back to the Temple.

When I got back, I could clearly see the hand now. It wouldn't be long until Yellow Diamond arrived.

I saw that Steven and Connie were practicing fusing into Stevonnie. Then they were trying to see how fast it took them to fuse. Stevonnie had to practice with a sword and shield, which she picked up rather quickly.

I did what I usually did to train. I got a bunch of rocks, and started to cut them up and stuff. I couldn't spar with anyone, everyone else was too busy. So I got my whip and started practicing.

I started with my whip first. I cut up the rocks, and I saw how affective my whiplash technique was. Nice! At least this is useful. There were a lot less rocks after I tried that.

I cut up a few rocks with my hair blade as well. It never hurt to get some extra practice.

I had practiced using my hair blade, my spinning attack, and my whip. I think I did a good job.

I looked up into the sky once more. The hand was even closer. We only had 2 hours tops. Peridot was panicking. She was shaking. It was weird since she had her limb enhancers on. Pearl was also in a state of panic, just not as extreme. Even Garnet showed some worry.

Steven and Connie were a little worried, only because it was another foe. They promised each other that they would fight together. That time would be soon. Was I the only one who wasn't that worried?

The hand came closer and closer still, and I could only wonder what was happening inside.

1 Hour, 45 Minutes Later…

The hand was coming down. It was going to hit the beach very, very soon. We were ready to fight. When Yellow Diamond came, everyone would be prepared. Peridot was told to go inside. Everyone doubted that Yellow Diamond would be okay with her being there.

A wind started to blow on everyone as the ship started to land. It landed on the beach with a bang. A yellow bubble came out of the ship. When the bubble lifted, standing there was none other than Yellow Diamond herself. Two other gems were with her, a black gem, and a white one.

"Steven, Connie, stay back." Garnet ordered. Connie and Steven did as they were told. Unlike when Jasper and Peridot came, Garnet didn't tell Yellow Diamond and her gems to leave. Was Yellow Diamond just that threatening?

"So, this is what's left of the Crystal Gems?" Yellow Diamond inquires. She looks at all of us. "A half-breed, a human, dirty war machine, some defective Pearl, and an amethyst?"

'An Amethyst'? That was certainly better than 'Overcooked Runt' in my opinion.

"You two, dispose of them." Yellow Diamond orders the two gems. They both go towards us in perfect unison. The black one fights Garnet, while the white one goes to fight the rest of us.

I can only barely look as the white one goes and hits Pearl right in the jaw, knocking her far back. Connie and Steven fuse into Stevonnie, who is wielding a sword and now shield. I use my whip to grab a boulder to throw at the icy white gem. I throw it at her, but the gem dodges. The white gem continues to fight Stevonnie. It's like I was being deliberately ignored!

Stevonnie seems to be holding her own. So does Garnet. What was Amethyst to do? She obviously couldn't face Yellow Diamond herself.

I knew I wasn't up for fighting. I was still bummed. I'd normally be helping in any way I can right now. I just, don't want to for some reason. Why don't I want to?

This was no time for me to be thinking like this. I would help Stevonnie and Garnet, but I'd probably mess up their flow. I look at both Stevonnie's and Garnet's fights. I notice something. Something bad. Those two gems that they were fighting, they weren't fighting as hard as they could.

They were merely toying with them. With two fusions. I couldn't believe it. How strong were they?

"And why can't I be that strong?" I ask myself, the sadness dripping from my voice. I asked it a little too loudly, because it seemed to get Yellow Diamond's attention.

"Milky Quartz! Onyx! Come back!" Yellow Diamond orders. Again in perfect sync, the two gems go back to the ship. Pearl finally comes back from her punch. Steven and Connie unfuse and Garnet walks forward. None of us know why Yellow Diamond had ordered her gems to stand down. Not even Garnet's future vision was doing much.

Yellow Diamond knew now was the time. Time to bring this Amethyst gem back to Homeworld.

"Amethyst." Yellow Diamond says slowly. I turn around. What would she be talking to me for? "I think it's time that you stop being lied to."

"What?" Pearl asks.

"Yeah, what?" I ask as well.

"These gems have denied you what is truly yours. Leadership. Capability." Yellow Diamond starts. "You were never properly trained. You never got to do what you wanted to do did you?"

"Well, uh-" I stutter. Trained? What does she mean 'trained'? I'm trained!

"Guys, what is she talking about? What is this whole trained thing?" I ask. Garnet and Pearl share worried looks.

"Well, um Amethysts all go through special training. They are one of the, bigger, soldiers." Pearl answers. I could feel herself getting angry. So, on top of not being told what I was supposed to be like, the gems didn't even let me live up to my fullest potential?

"Could you guys have trained me?" I ask. Maybe the gems couldn't have trained me, so that's why they didn't. Again with these excuses!

"Theoretically, yes. We just didn't want you to learn the teachings of Homeworld. I doubt it's what Rose would have wanted." Pearl answers quietly and slowly.

"Rose! What about what I wanted? I could have been helping you guys even more and I might have actually felt good about myself if you did train me!" I shout. Steven tries to calm me down.

"Amethyst, please. I can't bear to see you two fight." Steven says, going in between the two. I realised something. Why does it always have to be about him? He can't bear to see them fight!

I didn't want to be mean to the little guy, but I couldn't take not being able to do something I want to do for a change.

"Well, what if I want this? I want to get this sorted out!" I reply. Garnet walks over.

"Amethyst, lower your voice with Steven." Garnet orders. Why do I have a feeling just to say no? Why do I really want to do it?

"You know, all of you are acting like I shouldn't be reacting like this! You didn't let me live up to my full potential, and you lied to me about it! What do you think my reaction is going to be?" I yell. "And then, you all just act like I'm-I'm beneath you! Like what I want doesn't matter! It's always about Steven, or Pearl!"

"Amethyst!" Garnet yells quietly through gritted teeth.

"Amethyst stop!" Pearl orders. She can't just boss me around either!

"No!" I yell in return.

"Amethyst." Yellow Diamond says to me. She leans in to tell me something. The gems have worried looks on their faces.

"Amethyst! Don't listen to her!" Garnet orders with some actual desperation. I ignore her, there isn't any reason I shouldn't see what she has to say.

"These Gems, they rebelled against Homeworld. Do you know how many lives were lost? Just because they wanted to save this planet? Stop us from growing life here? Rose didn't know what we could have done. We could easily just have stopped growing here, like you see now. But yet, a rebellion occurred." I never actually thought of it like that. And when I think about it, I see nothing wrong with it! They could have just used part of the Earth, and then done! I look at the Gems with actual disgust. They were… murderers!

"Amethyst, whatever she told you, it is not true!" Pearl yells to me.

"How would you know? What if Rose didn't know this?" I reply to her. Pearl stops in her tracks.

"Amethyst, I know you aren't a murderer. You're just a victim. Just think, have you ever been, harvested before?" Yellow Diamond asks. Amethyst can remember one time she was bubbled. It was one of her early days. She was really mad and enraged. She fought the gems. And they bubbled her, for about a year too. She was told that it was for her own good. And she just went with it!

"Yes." Amethyst answers.

"Amethyst, I think you need to live up to your full potential." Yellow Diamond says.

"How?" I ask. Yellow Diamond raises her voice this time. To where everyone can hear.

"Come with us Amethyst. Your size is nothing we need to worry about. It's only the drive to do it. Would you like to be trained?" Yellow Diamond offers. Stars were in my eyes. I could, live up to my full potential! If I went with her, maybe I'd meet more like me! People that I could talk to!

It all came with a price. I would leave Earth. And the Crystal Gems. Would I be willing to?

"Amethyst! Don't do this! Homeworld is a terrible place!" Pearl argues. I look at her.

"I don't know what it's like." I say to her.

"That's just the point. You cannot go with them!" Garnet exclaims. Who was she to tell me this?

"This is exactly it! You all just order me around like I'm not as good as you! I've told you this before!" I yell to the both of them. They don't say anything.

"Is that what you've always thought of me? Beneath you? Well?" I demand. Pearl and Garnet don't say anything. I can remember when Pearl said that I couldn't beat her. How would she know? "Do you think I'm weak?"

"No, Amethyst, that's not what we think. Yes, you might need to… work up to your full strength, but no! We don't believe that you're weak!" Pearl answers. Work up to my full strength?

"You guys didn't even let me work up to my full strength?" I yell. Pearl and Garnet share worried looks.

"Wait no- let me guess, Rose probably wouldn't have wanted it!" I yell to them. Pearl clenches her fists.

"Amethyst…" She fumes. I think about Yellow Diamond's offer. I could train, and be with people like me. I could have friends who didn't lie to me!

"You know, I'm actually considering this! You guys have lied, lied, lied to me! And I'm tired of it! None of you I can talk to about anything. You guys care more about other things anyway. You know, one thing I would've asked for is just to be able to feel better about myself." I say. "You two were always so oblivious to my feelings. Remember Garnet? When you said you 'kept me'? And Pearl, when you laughed about it? You two knew I was in earshot of you!"

"Okay, I'll admit, we have done that, just…" Pearl answers.

"Just what? You knew what that would've sounded like to me!"

Everyone was silent. I sigh.

"Just tell me. Why can't I go with Yellow Diamond? Other than the obvious I'd be leaving you guys." I ask. Pearl and Garnet look at each other with worried glances.

"Amethyst, you'll be thrown into a hierarchy!" Pearl argues.

"You cannot be who you are." Garnet adds.

"People will be above you. They will harass you." Pearl says.

"Everyone is the same. There is no uniqueness." Garnet finishes. Sounds like they're saying what happened to them.

"Here's the thing. I'm already unique! And it sounds like you're only saying what happened to you guys. You don't know if that will happen to me. Now, tell me what will happen if I stay with you guys?" I ask. Garnet and Pearl say nothing. They have a defeated look on their face. I can barely hear Pearl say something.

"Nothing. Maybe you should go back to your real home. That's where you belong. This was all a mistake." She says. I feel like I could cry. I had trusted her. We made an agreement not to be that low.

"Pearl!" I yell to her. She looks up.

"I trusted you! Why do you always talk like that? You didn't even mean what you said when we went to the Kindergarten. Did you? You know, you were the one I trusted the most. Even cared about the most." I say. Pearl has a slight look of regret on her face. "I'm going. I'm going to Homeworld."

"Amethyst! Don't do this!" Pearl shouts.

"You don't control me!" I yell back.

"Amethyst! Rethink this now!" Garnet orders.

"I did! I have been! And I just can't take it anymore!" I answer. Steven looks at me with watery eyes.

"Amethyst, don't do it." He says calmly. I look at him. Man, this will hurt.

"Sorry Steven. But sometimes things can't always be good." I say. I turn to Yellow Diamond. She orders her gems to go inside the ship. They do. She puts her hand out as an offer.

"Are you ready? To go to your home?" She asks. I look at the Temple with tears in my eyes. I look at the traitorous gems. The scene that just unfolded played in my mind.

"Yes. I never want to see their faces again." I answer. I grab her hand. I turn back to the gems.

"If you ever add someone else to your team, don't screw it up. Goodbye." I say to them. Steven looks down. Connie looks down with him. Garnet and Pearl look defeated. I turn to the ship.

"There is no reason to stay on this rock. But one day, we will return." Yellow Diamond says to the gems. We walk to the inside of the ship. I take one last look at the gems before I step inside. As the door closes, I can see the sadness and anger on their faces.

I turn away. I don't need to think about them anymore. What I will think about, is that I'm going home.

A/N: I don't think I did too badly. Hopefully everyone was in character. If not, I hope they're close?

And yes, Yellow Diamond is actually going to be genuinely kind. Like, she'll have a mean look on the outside, but she is actually good on the inside. She's just trying to rule her land, you know?

I had this idea, and I was like 'This is gold!' So yeah. Here it is.

I think this is really going to be fun to write.

I hope you like my fic so far!