Hi everyone I know that I took forever to update and I so sorry. Hopefully this long chapter will partially make up for it. I know there is no excuse I should have updated. Thank you for all your encouragement.

Disclaimer: I do not own DCMK. I am poor, do not sue.

Warnings: like one bad word, dramatics. ooc-ness, failure to understand comas (and just going with it, sorry if this is incorrect), and probably a lot more I can't remember.

On with the show! And we raise up the final curtain!

Kaito set Shinichi down onto the couch in the Kudo mansion's living room.

"Tantei-kun, talk."

Shinichi smiled and attempted to blink innocently while facing Kaito but, ended up looking a few inches to the right of his intended target, "Talk about what? Ah, I see. How are you feeling? Are you hurt? It must have been hard to be kidnapped like that."

Kaito deadpanned, arms crossing, "I'm not going to be distracted."

"I don't understand what you mean, Kaito." Shinichi denied, giving Kaito a sparkly, entirely false smile.

Kaito frowned down at the detective. He knew that something was wrong but Shinichi, being the stubborn person he was, was definitely not going to admit it. Okay, despite how stubborn he was, even he could see that questioning the detective would get him nowhere however, he couldn't just give up! No, if he read the signs correctly then this was serious. Fine, If Shinichi was going to play games with him then it was time for a test.

Kaito sighed purposely and got off the couch.

"Okay I believe you. I'm going to get a glass of water. Do you want anything?" he lied.

Shinichi snorted, "Are you offering me drinks in my own house?"

Kaito grinned at the jest, "Are you saying that you don't want anything?", he teased.

Shinichi nodded, "Thanks but no thanks. I trust you know the way?" he replied grinning.

Contrary to his statement, Kaito stayed exactly where he was. He waited few minutes before taking a small rubber ball out of one of his pockets and throwing it into the kitchen, making sure to hit a pan and create a loud noise.

Shinichi whirred around from where he was sitting to face the kitchen behind him, startled by the noise, "Kaito?" he called hesitantly, "Are you okay? What happened?"

Kaito's eyes narrowed from where he was, still standing in the same place, in front of Shinichi.

He grabbed Shinichi's wrist as the detective rose to head towards the kitchen when he didn't get a response, and consequently scaring the blinded detective.

"Kaito! Wha-"

"Talk." Kaito nearly growled, anger seeping through.


"No excuses. I never went to the kitchen. I was always in front of you. Why can't you see anything?!" he fairly screeched at the stunned detective.

Shinichi's eyes widened as he realized what had happened. He bit his lip. "It's not that serious. I-"

"Bullshit!" Kaito interrupted, "You can't see, tantei. What part of that is not serious?!"

"It's not permanent!" Shinichi lied, in truth he wasn't sure but, he supposed that it wouldn't matter soon and he was sure as hell not going to tell Kaito. "I just used a lot of energy with those spells since I had to combine them to make it glow red, in accordance what you told me about Pandora, and stun everyone the second the attempted to move. I'll regain my sight soon. I just haven't used this much magic in a while. In fact, I an starting to see a little right now! It'll all heal by tomorrow, don't worry. moved,. I'll regain my sight soon. In fact, I'm starting to see a little."

Kaito was not convinced and even Shinichi could see that and he couldn't even see!

Shinichi cursed silently, he would have to prove it or else Kaito would never believe him. Too bad he was lying through his teeth and he still couldn't see anything and was unlikely to see anything again for the short time he had left seeing as he already depleted his leftover magic stores and was still depleting them every minute that he breathed. I guess I'll never be able to see Kaito's face, his bright violet eyes, his childish grins, his magic... and that stupid white suit and monocle too. Funny that this is what I'm the most sad about. Damn, I really have it bad for him.

He cured silently, damn, he only had one choice. Shinichi took a deep breath before digging deeper into his shrinking pool of magic and pulling out a thin line, of thread-like magic to use. He took that thread of magic and laid it in front of him, splitting it with a single thought and letting it fan out and cover the room in thin, shining, gold strings of light. In an instant, he could see a map of the room, strings highlighting the position of everything, including Kaito, who was looking at him basically radiating displeasure.

Shinichi smiled directly at Kaito. Startling him as Kaito realized that, for the first time since the incident, Shinichi was looking straight at him. Shinichi got up and before Kaito could stop him, left the room. Kaito was still in shocke by the time Shinichi came back with a perfectly full glass of water in his hand and held it up to him.

"There you have it," he said, "I can see fine now."

Kaito reluctantly took the glass as he studied the detective. He frowned as he saw Shinichi follow his eye movements. Was he really telling the truth?

Without a sound, he walked three feet to the left. Kaito threw his voice to the far right of Shinichi, "Fine, I'll believe you if you can tell me where I am."

Shinichi just smiled indulgently and walked over. Stopping directly in front of Kaito.

"I'm impressed," Shinichi stated. "Is that what you do to Nakamori-keibu on heists?"

Kaito just nodded dumbly.

"Well, as you can tell, I am fine. I can see perfectly well now," Shinichi commented as he made his way back to the couch and sat down.

Once he was seated, he let the magic fade away, enshrouding his vision with darkness once again, before turning to Kaito. "I'm fine" he reiterated. "Go home. Someone must be worried since you disappeared for the day and it's already four in the morning."

Kaito thought back to Aoko and how he was supposed to meet up with her and winced. "Fine. I understand. You should get to bed as well."

Shinichi nodded before getting up and heading for the general direction of the stairs. He help back a sigh of relief once he felt the edge of the stairs touch is feet. He silently counted the steps as he made his way up, inwardly thanking his six year old self for counting the steps over and over after reading The Scandal in Bohemia in an attempt to be just a little more like his idol.

He paused at the top of the stairs. He hadn't heard Kaito leave. Without turning around, in fear that he would blow his cover, he called goodnight to the thief. With that, he continued to his room.

Shinichi let a small smile cross his face as he heard the front door close and lock, presumably from the outside. He got back to his own room and pressed his back against the door, letting go of his breath and promptly sliding to the floor, clutching his head in pain and gasping for air. His head throbbed and pulsed and his whole body felt like it was burning.

Damn, he thought, I really shouldn't have used my magic like that, I barely have enough as it is. But, another voice traitorously spoke, then Kaito would have worried or worse, found out! Shinichi sighed, sadly, that was the voice he was listening to in lieu of self-preservation. As long as Kaito was healthy and happy, and he would be. Kaito didn't need to know, he didn't deserve more pain. Kaito had been trough so much and his father's murderers were finally behind bars. Kaito could move on and start over. Yes, Shinichi could disappear now that Snake was behind bars, his dove was finally freed from his cage. With that last thought, a sudden sharp pain seared into his brain making him gasp and collapse, unconscious, on the cold floor.

Kaito headed to the Kudo manor cursing as he tried to ignore the growing pit of dread in his stomach.

'Stupid Ahoko', he thought as he recalled the day's events. He woke up today with an bad feeling that only got worse when he got to school where Akako whispered, "Time is running out. The blue dove clipped it's own wings and is about to hit the floor" while smirking evilly whenever she had time. Then, there was Aoko, who was pissed at him for ditching her yesterday and not answering the phone or explaining, well, it wasn't like he could say, "I missed out on shopping with you since a psychopathic killer that hunts my alternate identity, whom you despise by the way for tearing whats left of your family apart, and killed my father apparently thought that I would make a good bait and hostage for a man he believed was a magical rock but is actually an angel." Yea, that'll go over real well.

Anyways, Aoko alternated between attacking him with a mop and ignoring him the whole day, which left him with the amazingly, delightful company of Akako. The only reprieve was that the pretentious bastard, Hakuba, was away at England and couldn't stalk or accuse him. No, he did not need that particular headache right now. Nevertheless, Aoko decided that Kaito would have to make it up to her and dragged him out for cake and shopping. He had only just escaped and it was already nearing sundown. Still, he wasn't quite sure why he was heading to the Kudo manor. Shinichi seemed to be fine when he left yesterday but, Akako's words kept ringing in his head. Somehow, he just felt that he should see Shinichi. If anything, this was just a precaution.

Kaito stood in front of the grand gates, frowning as he rang the doorbell for the sixth time. Maybe, Shinichi wasn't home? But, it was around dinnertime and Shinichi always complained about how Haibara, the little scientist, would vivisect him if he skipped. Making up his mind, Kaito turned and headed towards the neighboring house.

Kaito started as the door he was heading for suddenly opened and hid in a bush on instinct.

"Ai-kun," an older voice spoke, "Are you heading to the hospital right now?"

"Hai," said soft but mature voice.

Kaito's brow furrowed. Even though he couldn't see the two people, he could feel the tension in their voices. Plus, the professor mentioned a hospital. Did Shinichi get himself into an accident again?

"I can't figure out what is wrong. I did all the tests I could but, there is no reason for Kudo-kun to be in a coma. Whatever is going on, it's not the apotoxin."

Agasa nodded solemnly. "I informed his parents; they should be at the hospital by now." He sighed, "We're lucky you found him so soon or else something worse could have happened. Shinichi-kun will be fine. We'll just have to believe that."

Kaito sprinted in the direction of the Beika General Hospital, his mind harboring a disarray of thoughts, each one darker than the other.

Shinichi was in the hospital.

Shinichi was in a coma.

He shouldn't have believed him yesterday.

Shinichi wasn't fine and he might never wake up.

Kaito took a deep breath as he reached the steps to the hospital. He forced himself to calm down. Maybe he heard wrong. Maybe it wasn't as serious as he thought. Maybe… dammit, despite not wanting to believe it, he could clearly see that he was in waist deep denial. There was only one way to see for certain. He took a step into the hospital, the pristine white walls and the smell of antiseptics made him nervous again.


Kaito stood in front a plain white door, his hand shook as he reached for the silver doorknob, the door seemed to be staring him down, wondering why he just didn't open it and see the detective inside.

"Oh, Yuu-chan!" a distressed, female voice cried, interrupting Kaito's internal monologue.

Kaito paused, hand resting on the silver handle.

"My poor baby!" sobbed the distraught woman. "He looks so pale with these cursed machines coming out from everywhere and beating his heart for him."

"Yukiko," a male voice soothed, "It'll be alright. Shinichi is strong. If that organization couldn't stop him then this won't either… whatever this is."

"You don't understand!" Yukiko replied, her voice cracking as new tears flowed down her cheeks. "His magic… his magic, it's almost all gone!"

"What?!" Yuusaku cried in surprise. "But, magic regenerates, you said that it wouldn't disappear even after if death!"

"It shouldn't, Yuusaku. But, but...Shin-chan's...Shin-chan's magic is disappearing. I can sense it."

It was silent for a minute as Yuusaku held onto his wife, pulling her tight. He buried his head into her soft, light brown locks, as he breathed out a heartbroken word, "Why?"

"Why?" he repeated, questioning his wife, questioning the cause of the coma, questioning the loss of magic, questioning the world that deemed it fair keep piling misfortune on their shoulders, to keep trying to take their son from them, to toy with his life like it didn't matter.

The silence continued, bearing down the heavy weight of pain and fear on the heartbroken couple and the silent thief on the other side of the door.

Surprisingly, it was Yukiko that broke the suppressing silence.

"There is only one spell that I know of that does something like this."

Yuusaku squeezed her arm, silently encouraging her to continue. Wishing that he had the power to save his son, wishing that he had the power to take the pain away from his wife, wishing he wasn't so powerless.

She continued, voice small and shaking as Kaito strained to hear, "It's….It's a life… life swapping spell. It's forbidden since… since it k-k-kills the user as, as a sub-substitute. A life for a life. No life can be created recklessly. No one should have that power. That's the rule Once some-someone uses it then, then, their magic locks. It won't regenerate anymore and when their magic runs, runs out then its-its over. But, Yuusaku, we, angels, need magic to live. We use magic as our heart beats and as we breathe. The magic depletes even if you don't use it and only depletes faster if you use it purposely. I don't know, how, how does my baby know about that horrid spell? I can't, Yuusaku, I can't, I don't have the power to stop it...I can't trade my life for Shinichi's... I'm not strong enough!" Her voice broke many times and trailed off as she broke into sobs but, Kaito heard. He heard every word.

Shinichi saved his life that night.

Shinichi traded his life for mine.

Shinichi used magic to save me, to fool me as well.

Shinichi is going to die and it's all my fault.

Suddenly, Akako's words came flooding back into his mind from where they were buzzing around in his conscious since the day she first gave her riddle and then her second warning. Time is running out. The blue dove clipped it's own wings and is about to hit the floor. The blue dove, if it is Shinichi then…

When the moon reaches its peak,

illuminating the bleak night sky.

one will fall,

never to rise again.

A blue dove with the ferocity of the devil.

a light being engulfed by the ink that haunts it,

can only be saved by the red light.

Hurry before it is too late, my little white dove.

Kaito cursed as he hurried to take apart the stupid riddle that Akako gave. Dammit, Akako, you could have told me something this important in normal words! He took a breath to calm himself, mind racing through all the things Akako had ever said in hopes of a clue. Wait... "ferocity of the devil"... didn't she say something like this before the clock tower heist. That was Shinichi.
Kaito felt a rock drop in his chest. He had been hoping in vain that it was all a coincidence and Shinichi wasn't the subject of Akako's infuriating riddles but, it seems like the chances were slim to none.

Okay, so she's saying that Shinichi will d-die. "When the moon reaches its peak"... He grabbed his phone, fumbling as he searched up the month's moon cycle. Full moon, full moon, full- shit, there was only 5 days until the full moon. If what Yukiko-san and Akako said was true then that's when his magic will run out.

Kaito could feel the despair engulfing him, threatening to drag him into the darkness, he forced his poker face up and shut off his emotions. No, he needed to think rationally. Panicking won't save Shinichi. That's right, he'll save Shinichi. He will save Shininchi even if it took everything he had. Screw Shinichi and his self-sacrificing nature, Kaito was going to bring him back. Bring him back to this world, to his friends and family, to Kaito.

Kaito's eyes widened as he thought about the seventh line, can only be saved by the red light...

Red light...red light… the only red light that I can think of is... could it be… Pandora!

With that thought Kaito ran down the hall, passing by a certain strawberry blond as he sprinted to the one person who might be able to help.

When Kaito threw open the door to a gothic-styled mansion located deep within the forest, he was greeted with the sight of a beautiful red-eyed sorceress who sat serenely on a golden throne while drinking from a bejeweled goblet served by a hunchbacked butler.

"Akako," the magician called.

The witch, Akako, smirked and set down the goblet, "Kuroba-kun, I've been expecting you. It seems as you've found out about the poor, blue dove."

"Akako! Why didn't you say something if you knew!"

The witch's smirk grew wider, "Ara, but I did and you chose not to listen. So, isn't this all your fault? After all, he did give up his life to you."

Kaito's face crumpled as she spoke, poker face crumbling at the calm accusitions, he stared at the floor, bangs covering his eyes, "tell me…" he said, "tell me, where can I find Pandora and how can I save Shinichi with it." He suddenly looked up, violet eyes drilling holes into the face of the red witch, "I need to save Shinichi. Tell me, Akako."

Akako paused, her stance calm and unworried as she considered the magician and his wish.

"That information will come at a price," she said as if it was a offhanded comment.

Kaito stared her down, eyes burning with violet fire, "Name it."

"You." a pause, "become my personal servant for the rest of eternity and I will give you the location of Pandora as well as how to save the blue dove."

Kaito's eyes narrowed as he replied, "Deal" without hesitation. He didn't want to serve that witch but, for Shinichi, for Shinichi he would do anything.

Maybe, I do love him. Kaito snorted at the sudden thought, It's a bit too late to figure that out, isn't it.

"Fool," Akako said, shaking her head.

"It's not foolish to me," came the steady reply.

Akako pursed her ruby red lips and gave a soft sigh.

"Paris. Phoenix Ruby. It's red so you won't see it's glow unless you pay attention. Just place it on him, and the ruby will know what to do."

Kaito nodded and gave a quick bow before swiftly leaving the room, intent on boarding the next flight straight to France.

Akako laughed as she watched Kaito leave.

"I'll be waiting for you, my little white dove." I'll finally have you, Kuroba Kaito. No man defies me.

Kaito cursed Akako as he crawled through a vent in the middle of the night, dressed in dark, shapeless fabric that hid his figure. There was no flashy heist and white suit this time. He needed to get in and out as soon as possible. It had been three days since he left Japan and made it to Paris. He had been searching for the wayward gem since his flight landed 13 hours after he left Akako's mansion. Dammit, he thought, would it have killed her to be more specific! He searched through all the museums he could find, both during the day and the night, before finding out that the gem was actually privately owned by some paranoid, rich man who kept the gem in a high security vault 24/7.

Well, Kaito thought as he dropped down into a small servants hallway, I may not look like it right now but, I am the Kaitou KID. That vault is nothing.


Kaito cursed as he ran through the hallway, pulling his black ball cap further down on his head. Why did he have to run into the paranoid owner right as he was leaving? Lady Luckkkkkkkk, he complained petulantly in his head as he sprinted through the corridors and dodged the security guards.

As he predicted, the vault and the security around the gem were no challenge and it should of been a clean, quick heist but, his luck ran out as the paranoid owner decided to check up on his precious rock for some reason as Kaito was leaving, gem in tow. Needless to say, things did not go so well after that.

Still, Kaito thought as he sat on the roof of a neighboring mansion, watching as police swarmed the mansion, it could have gone worse. I guess I was lucky that I was leaving instead of entering. Wordlessly, he held the gem up to the light of the moon.

Kaito smiled bitterly as he saw the gem glow faintly, I found it at last, oyaji. Can you forgive me for using it to save the one I love instead of destroying it like I promised? He shook his head, smiling ruefully as he turned to see the Eiffel Tower shining in the distance. It's fitting that the place where Kaitou KID was born is also the place where he achieves his goal.

The sounds of hysterical laughter and police sirens filled the night. A nearly full moon illuminated the unfamiliar streets of Paris.

Kaito ran, breathing heavily, ignoring the burn in his legs as he weaved through the streets of Tokyo, water splashed with his every step as he struggled to stay upright, heading towards the Beika General Hospital. He ignored the pelting rain that soaked through his clothes and shoes as he continued to run, garnering strange looks from the occasional passerby. Kaito's flight was delayed by storms and he was trapped in Paris for longer than expected. It was a full moon tonight.

Shinichi. I'm coming.

He burst through the glass doors of the hospital, not stopping even as the nurses at the front desk called out to him and the security guards followed him. Footsteps echoing in the quiet, empty hallways as he raced against time to the room his beloved was dying in. He brushed the water from his wet bangs as he skidded to a stop in the hallway that led to Shinichi's room, the sounds of yelling, surprising him.

"You can't!" a despairing voice screamed.

Kaito's eyes widened as his steps quickened into a sprint towards the door. That was Yukiko's voice.

"Ma'am," a soft, nervous voice spoke. "There's nothing we can do. His brain waves are slowing. We estimate that it'll stop sometime tonight. There's nothing we can do. We have no choice but to pull the plug. I know you are distressed but, please be rational, Kudo-sama."

"You're a doctor aren't you?! Do something! Save my baby! You said it yourself, his brain waves haven't stopped completely, right? My baby is still fighting! Don't you dare give up and pull it! Do something! Please!" pleaded Yukiko.

Kaito slid open the door, freezing as if held by an unseen force as he took in the scene. Yukiko had cornered a doctor against a wall, screaming incoherent words as tears streamed down her face like rivers. The doctor himself looked very frightened. Yuusaku was staring at the hospital bed, not even making an attempt at stopping his wife, silent tears streaming down his face for the first time in a long, long time. Ran was sitting in the corner of the room on a little plastic chair, embracing Sonoko as they both sobbed loudly, Mouri-san and his wife were attempting to comfort the girls. Agasa was by the door, hugging the little scientist who looked looked like the light was sucked out of her. Her eyes blank as she stared at the bed, tears coming out in rivets down her face but, no sound came out as she lamented the fate of the one who brought her out of the darkness and gave her hope for a future that was previously just a dream. And Shinichi.

Shinichi, looking pale and frail, lay unmoving under the plain white sheets, unperturbed by the grief surrounding him. He seemed, by all means, dead to the world.

Something snapped within Kaito when he saw Shinichi. Invisible bands, that held him in place, snapping as he headed toward Shinichi, ignoring the surprised eyes following the unexpected visitor. He heading towards the bed as if that was all he could see. As if he was all Kaito could see. Once he reached the bed, Kaito fell to his knees, tears beginning to form as he caressed Shinichi's cold face.

"Tantei-kun," he whispered.

Eyes adopting a determined cast, Kaito reached into his pocket and pulled out a small red gemstone, the size of his palm. He held the rock between his hands, and pressed his hands together, head bowed in prayer.

"Pandora, please. If there is any truth to your legend. If you can do anything. Please, save Shinichi."

Kaito's eyes snapped open as he felt the gem in his hand grow hot. He looked to see that the gem began glowing red. Wordlessly, he set the gem atop of Shinichi's prone body, right over his heart. Gasps were heard throughout the room as the gem began to sink into Shinichi's skin, right through the sheets. Kaito remained unmoving, eyes glued on the detective, repeating a mantra under his breath.

"Wake up.

Wake up.

Please wake up."

The glowing gem disappeared at last but, there was still no movement. The detective lay in the same position. Not a stir or a twitch of the fingers. Kaito exploded.


"Please," he sobbed, voice cracking as he tightly grasped the cold fingers. "Please, I never told you. I need to tell you…


Please… If you wake up I will tell you that I love you everyday, until your sick of it and then, i'll say it again. If you don't… if you don't wake up, I will never forgive you. I will follow you through the pits of hell if I have to, you baka-tantei! I LOVE YOU."

The room was deadly silent as the occupants took in the mystery person's outburst and confession. A collective thought going through everyone's minds, just who is this guy?

"You know, I never thought that I would hear you say those words. I resigned myself to just dreaming. Maybe I am lucky, don't you think?"

Heads whipped up at the weak voice. Gasps echoed through the room as they laid their eyes on the owner of the weak but arrogant voice.

Shinichi grinned cheekily from where he lay on the hospital bed.

"Why does everyone look so sad? Someone just told me that they loved me! I think that's a good thing."

The silence grew frustrated as everyone in the room exploded simultaneously.

"BAKA!" came the collective yell.

Shinichi winced at the sound, grimacing slightly, "Oi, oi. Don't yell. I almost died."

"Shinichi," Kaito whispered, name falling out as if it was a prayer on his lips. An impossible wish that actually came true. With that, he launched himself at Shinichi, grabbing him.

Shinichi put his arms around Kaito as the magician cried, fists lightly hitting him chest. "Baka! Baka! Shinichi, you idiot!"

Shinichi didn't respond, choosing to let the magician take out his stress, frustration, and fear. He looked up at his dad with pleading eyes.

Yuusaku sighed and gave a small nod to his son. Turning, he went to retrieve his wife. He pulled both her and the stunned doctor out while giving a look to the other visitors. One by one, they all filed out to give the two teenagers some privacy to figure things out.

Kaito spoke as soon as they were alone, "Why? Why did you save my life? Why did you save me when you knew you were going to d-die because of it? Why didn't you say anything, baka?!"

Shinichi smiled softly, be cupped Kaito's face, gently bringing it up so he could look Kaito straight in the eyes. "Because," he said softly, "I love you. I've loved you for a long time and I was happy as long as you were happy and well. I would do anything for you, Kaito. I thought, if it cost me my life then so be it, as long as you were happy. I'm sorry I caused you pain. I didn't really plan to get close to you afterwards because I didn't want you to be sad but, I failed. I was selfish. I wanted to spend time with you, even if I was just a friend."

Kaito's eyes watered at the declaration. He buried his face into Shinichi's chest.

"Baka… Of course I would miss you; you're my darling, little tantei-kun."

Shinichi reddened slightly at that. Gently, he pried Kaito out of his chest and faced him. He cleared his throat and asked nervously, "Umm I… umm… you...out...yes?"

Kaito laughed and shook his head, causing Shinichi's heart to plummet.

"Shinichi," Kaito wheezed as he tried to calm himself down in the face of Shinichi's "heartbroken but, pretending everything is fine" expression. "Shinichi, love, I have no idea what you just said. I'm not a meitantei, I can't figure out what you said just like that."
Shinichi turned beet red at the endearment, stuttering until the rest of the words registered. His eyes widened. Okay, so Kaito hasn't rejected me. I still have as chance.

He took a deep breath, exhaling slowly as he moved to look Kaito straight in the eyes.

"Kuroba Kaito, I love you. I have loved you for a long time and have never loved anyone as much as you and I sincerely doubt that I will ever love anyone as much as a fraction of how I feel about you. Will you consider allowing me to be your boyfriend and share the rest of my life with you?"

Now, it was Kaito's turn to impersonate a tomato. He stared at the detective, face bright red, mouth hanging open like one of those finny things he loathed so much, poker face shattered and in hiding somewhere in the dark recesses of his brain, blush spreading down to his neck, as he took in Shinichi's serious expression and shining, blue eyes, his thoughts having fled at the passionate declaration.

Kaito snapped out of the puddle of goo state he was heading to when he noticed the fear and insecurity in those pretty, azure eyes that only grew as the silence progressed.

Kaito brought Shinichi into a hug, "Baka, of course I want you as my boyfriend! Why would you ever think otherwise?"

Kaito pulled away from Shinichi, a light blush tinging his face when he realized that he was essentially straddling Shinichi on a hospital bed while a bunch of Shinichi's family and friends were just outside the door. God, thinking about it is not helping matters.

Kaito tried to get his expression under control, desperately grasping for his still elusive poker face.

Maybe, Kaito thought as Shinichi beamed at him, looking as if someone just hung the stars in the sky under his name or just told him that Sherlock Holmes was real, Maybe, just maybe, Shinichi's family could wait outside a bit longer.

With that thought, Kaito leaned in and pressed his lips against Shinichi's. He could feel Shinichi freeze against him in surprise before melting in his arms. Kaito closed his eyes when he felt lips push back against his own. Smiling into the kiss, Kaito let himself get lost in the warmth, he pulled Shinichi up and crushed him to his chest, trying to get closer. Arms came up and wrapped around his neck, slim hands tangling in his hair, as Shinichi pressed him closer, trying to confirm that this was real and he was not dreaming or dead.


The two boys jerked apart at the sudden sound, eyes snapping open to see a small, strawberry blond scientist standing by the door looking woefully unimpressed.

Shinichi turned red as he stammered, "H-Hai-Haibara. W-what?"

Haibara held out a hand to interrupt him, "Forget it. I'm going home." With that she turned and began to walk towards the door. Her hand paused on the handle, without turning around, she commented casually, "don't forget protection," and walked out, closing the door behind her.

Shinichi sputtered some more, face burning as Kaito sat frozen on the bed.

Somewhere else, in a mansion set deep in the forest, Akako sat on her throne, watching the two boys in the hospital room through a large crystal ball. She laughed. Kuroba Kaito, congratulations on saving your blue dove and on passing this test. Consider this a gift, you are not indebted to me. I wish you happiness.

While she was aggravated that Kaito didn't love her, part of her was fond of the magician and wanted him to be happy. If they love each other this much, they'll be fine.

With that, she snapped her fingers and the mansion was engulfed in red light. When the light faded, the mansion and its occupants were gone, as if they were never there to begin with.


Yuusaku ignored his wife's protests as he pulled her out of the hospital room.

"Yuu-chan! I want to see my son! Why do I have to leave when that boy gets to stay with my darling!" Yukiko whined childishly, since the danger seemed to have passed. Now, all she wanted was to spend time with her darling son and find out just who that handsome, young man was.

The author ignored her as he turned to the doctor, hand on his wife's shoulder to prevent her from going back in, "Sakamoto-sensei, please come back and check on Shinichi later. You should go continue your work we took too much of your time already. " He said goodnaturedly. Suddenly his expression changed into something more menacing, "And remember, don't mention what has happened here. I write murder mysteries for a living, they won't find you, ever."

Sakamoto-sensei let out an undignified squeak before rapidly nodding and fleeing down the hall.

Once the doctor left, Sonoko exploded, screeching, "When did that detective geek get a boyfriend?! And a super hot one at that?! How can he get such a good catch when I can't?!" Yukiko squealed, "I know right! Shin-chan should have told me, I am his mother! How can he keep such a juicy secret!" Sonoko nodded furiously and the two went into an excited discussion.

Everyone else sweatdropped.

Haibara smirked from her place against the wall, fear of losing Shinichi gone. Looks like that detective geek pulled through once again. Still, I'm going to give him hell for worrying me. With that, she pushed off the wall and headed towards the door to do just that.

The End.

And that's it! That's the happy ending. If you guys still want it, I'll write the alternate sad ending.

I hope that you guys enjoyed this and thank you to all that have read this and have stuck with me despite my horrible updating. I hope that you liked this story since it makes my day when you guys like something I wrote. Truly, thank you for reading.


Thank you so much! I hope that you liked this ending! Your review really motivated me to power through and finish. I hope that this met your expectations and exceeded them!


I hope that this answered your questions! :P He loses his life as his magic depletes. Since magic is required to live he used too much of what he had left and in result his most prominent sense is taken. So it is a sign that his time is drawing near.

Opal Spirit,

Yes, if it is still wanted (if people aren't satisfied with just a happy ending) then I will write another in the same story with a tragic ending. Thank you for reading and staying with me! I hope this reaches your expectations!


Thank you for reading this and I really, really glad that you liked it so far. Since you'll one read the happy ending, I hope that you liked this ending. Please tell me how you think!

Thank you to all! I'm sorry I only replied to a few reviews but, I would like you to know that when I find that someone likes my work it really makes my day. I'm happy as long as you like my work so thank you for taking the time to read it.

See you all soon!