A/N: Well, here it is. The last chapter of this story. I can't think you all enough for reading this little story! I appreciate it so much! Also, a huge thank you to my beta for being so awesome!

Oh, and my story Design for Life (one of my absolute favorites that I've written) is up for Favorite Romance Fanfic by the Fanatic Fanfics. If you've read it, feel free to go vote at awards. fanaticfanfics. com

...Epilogue ….

4 Years Later: Bella

It had taken two long years for Demitri Voltaire to be convicted of conspiracy to commit murder, murder for hire, burglary, and the first degree murder of Alistar Watgrove which had resulted in multiple life sentences for him.

Twenty minutes ago, I'd gotten a phone call from the prosecutor's office, informing me that Voltaire had been found dead in his cell. Someone had shanked the bastard, stabbing him twelve times, and I couldn't find it in myself to be the least bit sorry that he'd gotten what was coming to him.

Shoving my chair away from my desk, I decided to go hunt down Emmett who was working on a case with Archie in the basement and let him know. I stretched a bit before standing up, groaning at the dull throb in my lower back. This pregnancy was going to kill me before I made it to nine months.

I was halfway to the bank of elevators when I got distracted by the Almond Joys in the vending machine. I'd developed a craving for anything with coconut which was funny since I normally couldn't stand the stuff.

I put a couple dollars in the machine and got two of the candy bars, humming in delight when I bit into the first one. I swore my kid was going to come out with a coconut for a head.

"Really, B? Those things are so gross," Emmett commented once I'd found him in Archie's office.

"I know, but they're so good," I said around a mouthful of candy. "Anyway, I wanted to let you know that Demitri Voltaire got shanked late last night in his cell."

"Gee, let me shed a tear," he commented dryly, and I smirked.

I sat down in a chair that was provided to me by Archie, and chatted with the two of them as they told me about a case they were working on.

I was on desk duty for the next three months until my maternity leave kicked in, and I was fine with that. I certainly didn't want to be chasing down anyone while six months pregnant especially since I was tired and achy a lot of the time.

"Whoa," I said out of the blue as the baby began to wiggle around like crazy. Our boy was a kicker, and anytime Edward talked to him, Logan wiggled all over the place. He loved the sound of his daddy's voice.

"What's wrong?" both Emmett and Archie asked, and I shook my head.

"Nothing. Baby's moving around a lot."

They both got looks of relief on their faces, and I rolled my eyes at them.

I hung out with them until around eleven, and then I took lunch and went to the diner to meet Edward. I was suddenly craving a slice of coconut pie, and Lucy made a damn good pie.

"Hey, sweetheart," Edward said when I waddled in, and I leaned into the kiss he gave me.

"How's our boy doing?"

"He's kicking and wiggling," I told him as I slid into the booth and picked up the menu.

As we ate lunch, Edward told me about an estate sale in Seattle that he wanted to hit up tomorrow, but he promised to be home by five. There was an antique bookshelf for sale that he wanted to put in his study at our home.

His business was booming, and he'd had to hire a couple of people to help him out. Cullen Antiques was the antique store to hit up on this side of Seattle, and his online side of the business was booming as well. He was constantly getting orders and requests, but he loved it.

We'd moved into a beautiful late-nineteenth-century home built right near the Strait of Juan de Fuca with four bedrooms, three baths, and a large backyard overlooking the Strait in which our two year-old daughter, Mia, loved to play in.

"Are you still up for going to the zoo on Saturday?" he asked me, and I nodded. Was I looking forward to walking all over the zoo? Not really, but Mia wanted to go see some "aminals" as she called them.

"Yeah, maybe we can visit Alice and Jasper while we're in town," I suggested, and Edward pulled out his phone and sent a text to his sister.

Alice and Jasper still lived in Seattle. They hadn't wanted children, but they sure loved to dote on our girl, and Mia just loved her aunt and uncle.

"Do we want to invite Jake and his brood?" Edward asked.

"Sure, we can just make it one big playdate."

Jake had married a woman he'd met online a year after Edward and I had gotten married, and he had four kids now; a daughter who was three, a set of twin boys who were the same age as Mia, and a baby boy who had just turned one.

We often had playdates with them and Emmett's kids despite his girls being significantly older at ages eight and ten. Although, Emmett's youngest daughter, Hannah, loved to play with Mia.

After lunch, we went our separate ways, and I made my way back to the station, groaning at the pile of folders that had appeared on my desk while I'd been out.

"Seriously, Dean?" I shouted across the room, and he shot me a grin.

Jared Dean had become a good friend of ours after he'd helped us out with the Voltaire case all those years ago. He'd made detective a few years back around the time that I had Mia, and he was partnered with Emmett while I on desk duty.

"Daddy, I wanna see the giwaffes," our little girl told Edward, and I grinned at the way that she said giraffe. It was so fucking cute.

"I know, baby girl. We'll see them, but there are lots of other animals to see as well. Okay?" Edward asked as he carried her on his hip, and she let out a resigned sigh.


As we slowly made our way through the zoo, I rubbed my back, which was aching a bit, and I saw Edward look over with a worried look.

"I'm fine," I said with an eye roll.

"Well, I'll give you a massage later," he said quietly, placing a sweet kiss on my lips.

"Does it come with a happy ending?" I asked him, and he shot me a wicked grin with a wink.

"C'mon, my girls, let's go see some lions!"

We spent almost two hours at the zoo with Jacob's family as well as Emmett's, and all the kids seemed tired and ready for naps, and I was right there with them. A nap sounded fantastic, and I knew I'd have no trouble falling asleep on the ride home.

We'd stopped and seen Alice and Jasper earlier that morning, resulting in Mia getting some new clothes that Alice had made for her, and Jasper had given her a couple of books. Mia had been thrilled. She was becoming quite the bookworm, and her little bookshelves were filled with all kinds of books.

The drive home to Port Angeles was a quiet one, seeing as how our girl was asleep before we'd even gotten back to the car in the zoo parking lot, and it didn't take long for me to follow her.

"Wake up, Bella," Edward's warm voice said in my ear, and I blinked my eyes open to see that we were in our driveway.

I fumbled to unbuckle my seatbelt, and I followed Edward and Mia up the front steps, only stopping to check the mail real quick.

Once inside, I flipped through the mail and stopped when I came across an envelope with a return address belonging to Tanya Caius.

Her husband was still in prison, as far as I knew, but she had kept his name and his money.

"What's that?" Edward asked a few minutes later after he'd finished putting Mia in her bed for the remainder of her nap.

"A letter from Tanya," I told him, handing him the envelope.

He frowned as he opened it, and then he quickly read the letter.

"Huh," he said once he was done reading it, and I looked at him.

"It's an apology."

"For what?" I asked, taking the letter that he handed to me.

"For cheating on me and for trying to ruin my career all those years ago."

"Seems a bit late for that," I muttered, feeling slightly jealous. Why the hell was Tanya suddenly worried and concerned about Edward's feelings?

"I agree," Edward said, taking the letter back and tossing it in the garbage can.

"Now, c'mon, I believe I owe you a massage," he told me with a grin, and I eagerly followed him up to our bedroom.


Five More Years Later

"Daddy!" my now seven year-old daughter hollered from the living room.

"What baby girl?" I hollered back as I struggled to get Logan's shoes on his feet. He was five and constantly on the go, and today was no different. He didn't want to sit still long enough for me to tie his shoes, and although I'd been teaching him to tie them himself, right now, it was quicker for me to do it.

"We're going to be late!"

Boy, if there was one thing my daughter hated, it was being late.

Checking the watch on my wrist, I saw that we still had plenty of time, and I told her that as I walked down the stairs with Logan in front of me.

"You're so slow," she muttered, and I snorted.

"We have plenty of time, Mia," I assured her, but she gave me a look that said she didn't believe me.

It was Bella's birthday, and Mia had wanted to plan a surprise party for my wife, and I had gone along with it.

The party was being held at Charlie and Sue's house in Forks, and Sue had arranged it so that she and Bella would spend the day together before bringing her back to their house for the party.

"Daaaad," Mia whined, and I looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Mia," I warned, and she shut her mouth. She could get really whiney, and it was getting worse, so we'd had to have a talk with her about it.

"Ready, Logan?" I asked my boy as he put on the light jacket that I'd handed him.

"Yep!" he said with a big smile.

Logan loved visiting his grandparents in Forks. Charlie lived to take him camping in the backyard or fishing on a Saturday morning, and my boy ate it up.

What my kids didn't know was that my parents were going to be there as well. Mom and Dad had called a few days ago to tell me they were going to be in town, well Seattle really, and I'd invited them to the party. It would be a surprise for the kids and Bella.

A little over an hour later, I was pulling the Volvo SUV into Charlie and Sue's driveway, and moments after I'd parked the car, both of my kids were scrambling to get out of the car and rush into Charlie's arms.

"Grandpa!" they hollered, and Charlie let out a booming laugh as he wrapped them up in hugs.

"Hey, son," Charlie greeted me, and I gave him a hug after the kids had let him go. He'd definitely become a second father to me.

"Is everything ready, Grandpa?" Mia asked.

"I could use some help with putting up some of these decorations," he told her, and she beamed at him. I was fairly certain he'd purposely left those for her to do so she would feel like she'd helped.

Mia took off into the house with Logan at her heels, and Charlie and I followed.

"I figured steaks and shrimp would do," Charlie told me as we walked into his kitchen, and I agreed with him.

"I've got baked potatoes, potato salad, and potato chips for the kids," he said, and I snickered before asking him if he had enough potatoes.

"Shut it, you. It was Mia's idea."

"You spoil her, Charlie," I told him.

"I'm her grandpa. It's my right."

A little over twenty minutes later, Jacob and his family, along with Emmett and his family, all piled into Charlie's house, and we kicked all the kids out, telling them to go play in the backyard.

Charlie had built a treehouse years ago for Mia and Logan, and there was a playground set out there as well that the kids loved to play on.

"When are you parents showing up?" Jake asked me.

"Alice texted me a few minutes ago. They're about thirty minutes away," I replied, and Charlie told me he'd text Sue and let her know to come home in about forty-five minutes.

Sue had met up with Bella in Port Angeles, and had they'd gone out to have a spa day or something like that.

Thirty-five minutes later, Jasper and Alice pulled into the drive, and my kids freaked when they saw Pop Pop and Nana walking in behind Jasper and Alice.

Mia threw herself at my mom, hugging her fiercely, before doing the same to my dad, and then Logan did the same.

"Everyone hide and be quiet please," Mia said a few minutes later when we saw Sue's car drive up.

She wanted us all to hide and then jump out to surprise Bella when she came in the door, but I wasn't sure it would work since Logan had a hard time being quiet.

Sure enough, my boy started giggling from his hiding spot beside me, and I pressed a finger to my lips. He flashed me a grin before covering his mouth with his little hands, and it had me fighting a laugh myself.

The moment Bella and Sue walked in, we all shouted surprise as we jumped from our hiding spots, and Bella cracked up.

"Are you surprised, Mommy?" Mia asked, and Bella let out a laugh as she hugged and kissed our girl.


"I told you she'd be surprised," Mia told me, and I grinned at her, telling her she was right.

The rest of the day was spent laughing, eating, and being with family. It was a wonderful day, and it got better when my parents informed everyone that they were moving to Seattle once my dad retired at the end of December.

"That's great!" I told them, and my kids were ecstatic that both sets of their grandparents would be nearby.

Later that evening as the sun began to set, I was outside sitting around the bonfire that Charlie had started in the fire pit with Bella on my lap.

Our kids were sprawled on the ground at our feet, and I felt incredibly content. It was times like this that reminded me just how great my life was.

"Happy?" I asked Bella as she let out a contented sigh and snuggled deeper into my arms.


a/n: So, April is Campnanowrimo, so I'm using this month to start a new story. Although, I have another story that has 10 chapters done, but this one called to me. It's a Twilight fanfic based off the show Arrow. We'll see how it goes.