That's right bitches two chapters in two days I am on a roll.

"In his bed?" Mirajane grinned over the counter at her best friend. Erza seemed uncharacteristically flustered and she was quite sadistically enjoying it.

"Yes!" Erza hissed back over her cup of tea. "Stupid wolf. Never letting her have her way again. I can't believe she did that."

"Well technically you and your wolf are one being, Erza. You two don't exactly have different desires. And if she wants to be in his bed…" Mirajane trailed off, smirking at the pink in her friend's cheeks.

"Okay but I have some pride, damnit." Erza grumped.

"They're out, you know. You don't have to keep glancing at the door." Mirajane said knowingly. It hadn't escaped her attention that her friend was on the lookout for Jellal. She was rather in the same situation. Mirajane human's side was completely dormant while she was in her wolf form, a weakness due to her half human heritage, but she'd shifted back last night to find a bite mark on the side of her throat, just under her jaw. It really didn't hurt, was more for show than pain, and considering she'd also been covered in Laxus's scent, she had the sneaking suspicion her wolf had picked a fight and gotten pinned. And marked. Nothing official, more foreplay than anything.

Arrogant asshat. She'd whip his ass.

"Don't think it hasn't escaped my notice you have a mark on you." Erza flipped the tables in a second, leaning forward now to inspect it.

"You know me and my opinions are nonexistent when I let her out." Mirajane sighed, touching said mark. When she turned her head too far to the left it protested, and the sweet hint of pain just made her grumpy. It was sexually frustrating.

"One being." Erza threw her previous words back in her face. "Who left it?"

"Laxus." Mirajane sniffed. The big grumpy male was interesting, but this was too far.

"I scent him." Erza sprung to her feet. Being full wolf, her senses were superior to Mirajane's. "I'm leaving. Sort this out."

She vanished out the door, brushing past Laxus.

"You didn't go on the errand?" Mirajane asked simply, abandoning the kitchen to head towards the cleaning closet. The living room needed to be vacuumed, and she enjoyed the mindless taskwork.

"We just got back." Laxus hesitated for a second before following her. "Do you need help with anything?"

"No." It came out colder than expected, and she softened it with a sugary sweet smile. "Do you?"

He let out a soft growl but said nothing.

Mirajane pulled out the vacuum, angling herself so she knew he'd see the mark. She sensed him shift his weight, but he still said nothing.

A waiting game? She could do that. He wasn't the patient type. He would definitely crack soon.

She was just plugging in the vacuum, feigning a wince as she turned her head, before he spoke.

"I know it doesn't hurt."

She smiled sweetly at him. "What doesn't hurt?"

He was in front of her in a flash, irritation etched into every feature. One hand on her chin, he tilted her head to inspect the mark.

"Do you know you're growling under your breath?" She asked him. "Anyway, I'm not sure what happened last night. I can't remember anything when I'm in my wolf form."

She swore she felt him relax a bit.

"Erza did say it looks like a mark. Sounds like some guy got carried away." She hummed.

"I guess." He said gruffly, not letting her go. His hand had strayed from her chin to her neck, lightly touching the bruise.

"I was going to cover it up with makeup-" His harsh growl interrupted her. "-but I couldn't find my concealer. What was the growl for?"


"You're a shitty liar."

His gaze flashed to hers in mild surprise at her expletive, but he didn't say anything.

"I wonder who made it. Maybe Freed."


"Now there's a man I want to fuck into oblivion."

His hand absently collard her throat. "Filthy mouth," He murmured.

"Filthy intentions." She whispered back.

His eyes darkened.

"As were probably the intentions behind this mark, wouldn't you say?" She smiled.


"You don't know, Laxus? You're probably the only one who would. Why'd you mark the dainty little half wolf? You wouldn't happen to want her, would you?"

"Don't play with me." He growled, his fingers digging into her throat. The whisper of pain sparked her arousal, which surprised her for a second. She knew she liked pain, but she liked giving it much more. Imagining him at her mercy was such an entertaining thought, she felt her smile widen.

"But it's so fun."

"Cut your crap. I can't tell what you're thinking." He looked entirely too frustrated. "What does it take to make you drop your act?"

"Just say please."

He raised an eyebrow. "No."

Oh, his eventual surrender would be delicious.

"Beg me." Her eyed hooded. She knew her smile was going from sweet to dark.

Fear. Men were so easily scared of women.

But his eyes glittered with challenge. He enjoyed her dark side.

"So you knew it was me, you little fake. My wolf just wanted to check out the new meat."

Her smile vanished in a second. Her wolf paced.

"And maybe he thought the little liar deserved a lesson." He moved closer, their noses almost touching, her heartbeat accelerating. His eyes gleamed. "Maybe she wanted one."

She smiled at him.

And stomped on his foot with her three inch heel.

"Fuck" He hissed, jerking away from her. "Talk about a sore loser."

"I haven't lost anything."

"You're playing a game, and I'm ahead, Mira."

She liked the way he drawled her name.

"You marked me, Laxus." She was not losing.

"My wolf did." He regarded her almost lazily. "And I'm beginning to see why."

And then he was gone.

Hovering outside, Erza debated pros and cons of eavesdropping on them. Mirajane would tell her everything going on, but she was dying to know now.

"Erza?" She turned to see Jellal. He looked from her to the house. "Are you going in?"

"No" She said instantly. "And neither are you."


"Just stay here." She surveyed him. He looked vaguely quizzical, facing the house, tilting his head up ever so slightly to catch any scents in his own attempt to find out what was going on.

Laxus marked Mira. She didn't seem that upset by it. Then again, in her case it wasn't anything serious. Neither wolf seemed to be exactly into one another beyond a physical interest. Knowing Mirajane, she saw this as a game. Mirajane liked fun. Her almost dual personality was mostly a chaotic evil among her sexual adventures.

They'd discussed it before, what they wanted. What they liked. Mirajane had a dominant streak. She had even tried out being a dominatrix, in her sexual exploration. She said it was fun, but not passionate. Not the same sort of satisfying. Erza didn't like to dom. She wanted to spiral out of control and drown herself in someone else. Of course, at the same time, she had a hard time letting go. She probably never had.

Except with Jellal. Gazing at him, she recalled those strong arms, holding her together as she fell apart around him. Taking from her what she never let go.

As fierce as it had been, there had been this underlying gentleness, worship, as he touched her, skimmed his hands over her hips. They'd definitely been too caught up in the moment to delve into more the prettier side of love, consumed by a raw bottled up need.

Maybe next time…

Next time?

Why did she think there would be a next time?

Her wolf sang in the back of her mind, wanting that next time to be right now.

"You're staring at me." Jellal looked over to meet her stare. His entire demeanor shifted the moment he met her gaze, going from playful to almost dangerous. "Your wolf is in your eyes."

Erza didn't respond, mentally waging a war with her bitchy animal, who was straining to lick Jellal all over. The wolf didn't give a shit about Erza's hesitancy. She saw it as two wolves who were into each other and didn't understand why they were holding back.

Jellal suddenly seized her wrist, yanking her closer to him to slam his mouth against hers, his other hand tangling in her hair. He captured her gasp against his lips, pressing harder against her, her eyes fluttering closed as she found herself kissing him back with just as much urgency.

He licked her bottom lip and she responded by nipping his, causing him to growl low in his throat and draw back, his own eyes shining wolf.

"What was that for?"

"You can't look at me like that and expect me not to kiss you." He ran a thumb over her lip.

"I wasn't looking at you like anything."

"Don't lie to yourself" He leaned forward to smile against her lips.

"Are you kissing me again?"

"Are you letting me?" He drew her bottom lip between his teeth. "I want to kiss you."

"You are kissing me."
"I want to kiss you in other places."


"That's a no." She stepped away from him, shaking herself into the right frame of mind.

They were interrupted by Laxus emerging from the house, looking unusually smug. He nodded at Jellal as he swept past, heading towards the forest.

"He looked… satisfied" Erza wondered if this was good or bad news.

"He isn't the only one." Jellal smirked.

"You look more hungry than satisfied." She rolled her eyes at him and spun on her heel to enter the house and interrogate Mirajane.

"I meant you!" He called after her, laughing.


Have my chapters been getting shorter?

I'm in a good writing phase right now so you can count on some more updates for a while (lmao).

Anyway, let me know if you have any questions! About the fic, my characters, my plans, even about me. Go wild. I just thought a little Q&A thing would be cool. If you think it's a horrendous idea, you can tell me that too.

Does anyone have ideas for a title picture for this fic? I wanna put something but have no idea what...
