A/N: Sorry it's been a while, hopefully things will start looking up for me soon. Life has been really hard lately and dealing with depression hasn't made it any easier but heres another chapter, enjoy.

Chapter 4

"Shut your mouth." I whisper to Lissa. Her jaw snaps shut and she pulls out her cell phone.

Lissa: jelly bean and peanut?!

Me: Yes!

Me: meaning two!

Lissa: two, omg!

Me: I know... Talk about it later.

I hit send and then send a picture text of the picture that shows two babies. I know when Lissa sees them because she starts waving her hand in front of her face trying to keep the tears from falling.

"Lissa, is everything alright?" Mr. Belikov asks with concern.

"I'm fine." Lissa says, "I'm okay, or I will be." She says.

Dimitri looks over at me and I shrug my shoulders. "Woman issues, you know?"

He raises his eye brow in a bit of disbelief. "Maybe you need a minute, you should go to the bathroom, take Rose with you." He says handing over two passes.

Lissa squeaks when we're down the hall. "Are you for real?" She asks.

I nod, "Doc said I might start showing more very soon. And we'll since this little thing is already here I'm sure soon might be tomorrow." I say, pushing my shirt to my tiny baby bump once we're inside the empty bathroom.

"Oh my god, two babies." Lissa says still staring.

"Identical too." I say and there she goes again with the hand waving thing.

"I can't believe you..." She starts but gets cut off when the bathroom door opens. Camille walks in with a stupid smirk on her stupid freaking face.

"Go on, finish your statement, Vasilisa." Camille says.

"Fuck off, Camille." Lissa says.

She has a terrible stupid laugh. "Okay, let me finish it. I can't believe you have an STD, your dying, your dropping out to become a full time whore, your pregnant. So, which is it?" I mentally cringe at the last one but I keep it off my face.

"It's none of your damn business what's going on with me, so just fuck off." I tell her. Lissa has moved in between us.

"I don't care but all of those are about to be spread around the school before the day is over." She says turning and leaving with stupid grin on her stupid ugly face.

We head back into class and I know that stupid bitch has already started shit as some of the kids start whispering and watching me. Adrian looks smug and I feel like I want to puke, I think I know what she's told him.

When the bell rings I stay sitting in my seat, Lissa tells me bye but I barely hear her. All I can think about is how big of a bitch Camille is and how bad I want to hit her. Adrian slides into the chair in front of me.

"So, I heard something's about you." He says with a smirk that I use to find so sexy. What the hell was I thinking?

"What?" I ask with no interest.

"Well the first thing I heard, I know isn't from me, that you might have a STD. If that's true, well we can blame the guy you slept with." He says. Out of the corner of my eye I see Dimitri hesitating like he heard Adrian which I wouldn't be surprised, he's a loud mouth. "If that's not the case, the second rumor is that your pregnant. I do claim that if you are. So what is it, Rose, STD or pregnancy?"

"How about neither and you tell your damn whore to keep my name out of her mouth." I tell him, pissed that the bitch stated shit so quickly.

"She said you'd be mad because one of them would be true, so which is it?" Adrian asks. "I can't believe you'd be stupid enough to catch an STD."

"Your fucking stupid." I tell him.

"So you have an STD?" He asks.

My pencil snaps in two. "I don't have an STD." I tell him.

He smiles, "Your pregnant... With my baby." He says.

"I am not." I say, folding my arms.

Adrian laughs, "Unfortunately, I believe you but only about the part about it not being mine." He says his hand reaches out and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "But baby it could be mine and nobody will tell you shit. I can protect you and our baby."

I slap his hand away, "Even if I were pregnant, I'll never be yours again, I'd rather raise the baby by myself."

"Adrian." Dimitri says, "That's not your seat."

Adrian stands up, "The offers good till you start showing." He says waking out of the room.

I look up at Dimitri who turns away from me and walks out to the hall. When class begins he avoids all eye contact with me.


"What do you hope they are?" Lissa asks. "Since they're identical you'll either have boys or girls."

I shrug, "Does it matter? As long as they're healthy?" I ask.

"What are you going to do about Camille and Adrian?" She asks.

"What can I do, it's not like I can hide it, I'm getting bigger by the days." I tell her.

Mia and Abby come into my bedroom, I didn't even know they were here.

"There are rumors going around about you at school, I think Adrian is the one spreading it around." Abby says.

Mia's eyes are wide, screaming at me to understand what's about to be said, Mia is actually pretty good at keeping secrets. I sigh, "Alright, let's hear it." I tell Abby.

"Everyone is saying your pregnant with Adrian's baby." Abby rushes out of her. "Please tell me its not true, he's been such a ass lately."

"Adrian is an ass." I tell her. "But he's not the father."

Abby's jaw drops. "Not the... Father, so you mean you are pregnant?!" I nod, "Wait why does it seem like I'm the only one shocked by this?"

"Lissa and Mia already knew but now it's confirmed... Twins." I tell her and this is where Mia reacts. I pull my shirt back and show them my baby bump. "Look guys, I want this kept quite as long as possible."

They both nod in understatement. Not much else is said and then my dad walks in. "Rose, we're going out to dinner, are you ready?" He asks. "Oh, I didn't know you had company."

"We were just leaving." Abby says, "Bye Rose, see you on Monday."

"Bye." I tell them.

After they leave my dad looks over at Lissa and I. "Lissa, join us?"

She looks over at me and I nod, "I'd love to Mr. Mazur."

"You okay kid? You look kind of down?" My dad asks.

I shake my head, "I'm fine." I tell him.

"If anybody is giving you hell at school I expect you to either kick ass or tell me and I'll kick ass." He says making me smile.

"I know dad, I'm okay though, let's just go, I'm starving." I tell him.

We head into a nice restaurant just the three of us like normal and get our normal booth.

"What are you getting this time Rose?" My dad smirks at me, there are times I get the normal chicken dinner plate then there are times like this where I use the menu for something else.

"A cheese burger with cheese fries and a chocolate shake." I tell the waiter when he comes by, Lissa and my dad laughing at me.

Half way through my burger I freeze. Ms. Ozera walks into the place followed by Dimitri. Is he on a date? Oh god I don't feel good.

"Um, excuse me." I say standing up and heading for the front doors, I need air, I feel like a can't breathe. This is stupid, it's not like we could really be together, right? Right?!

He has a right to date who ever he wants, it's not like I've even told him what was going on. And like I said it's not like we could really be together, our situation is forbidden.

"Rose?" I hear behind me. Please no. "Are you alright?"

I turn and find him much closer than I thought he'd be. "Are you crying?" He asks voice concerned.

I wipe something wet off of my face, ugh he's right. "No." I lie. "I'm fine, what do you want?"

"I just, I saw Lissa and she pointed to the door. I wanted to see you... To make sure your okay." He says.

"Don't worry about me, just go back to your date." I say and turn to get away. I'm walking home, I'll text Lissa in a few.

"Wait, where are you going?" He asks catching my arm.

"Home, okay." I tell him.

He let's me go. "Let me give you a ride."

"Your on a date." I tell him.

He shakes his head, "I don't care. It won't take long." He turns and heads to dodge charger. He opens the passenger side door and waits. "Please, Roza." Hearing him call me that makes me walk forward. After I climb in and he shuts the door he rushes to the driver side. I give him directions to my house and soon we're parked across the street.

"Can we talk?" Dimitri asks.

I bite my bottom lip and I can see him trying to control his breathing. "Inside, I kind of could use the bathroom." I tell him. He seems hesitant but gets out of the car after me. I lead him up the drive way and unlock the door. Once inside I head for the stairs and surprisingly he follows without being told.

I toss my keys on my nightstand. "Um, just give me a minute." I tell him.

When I come back out he's looking at a picture of Lissa and I two Halloween's ago when we decided to dress as fairies.

"So, you wanted to talk?" I ask him hoping up on my dresser next to him.

He nods. "I don't like Tasha."

"Okay?" I say confused.

"Well, I mean, I like her and she's nice but I can't..." He hesitates.

"You can't what?" I ask.

He looks at me, his eyes sad. "I can't get you out of my mind and my sister keeps insisting that we talk cause maybe that would help but I don't know."

I sigh, "How can I help?" I ask him. I can't help but notice how he's stepping closer, how he leans against the dresser and his hand is an inch away from my leg.

"I don't know if you can." He says. "It's not like you can change you and even if you could I wouldn't ask, I like you the way you are too much." I've noticed how he's inched closer, how his warm large hand is now barely touching my leg.

"You like me?" I ask.

He nods, somehow he's gotten closer, he's between my legs now and his hand is resting on my leg and the other behind me, holding him up. "I like you more than I should." He says.

"Maybe... It's cause you were...in a bad situation before and what we had was really good." I say as my breathing becomes labored since he's so close.

"Maybe, but it wasn't really good..." He hesitates.

"It wasn't?" I ask.

He shakes his head, "It was fan-fucking-tastic, Roza." He says brushing the side of my leg. "The best I'd ever had."

My hands drift up to his chest, playing with the button on his shirt. "What now?" I ask him.

Suddenly his lips are on mine and oh how I missed his lips. I didn't know I missed them but I did. He lifts me up off of the dresser and over to my bed where he lays me down. Since today I'd worn leggings and a lose long top it was easy to pull my boots off and for Dimitri to pull my leggings down. I can't believe he hasn't noticed my baby bump but before he can start trying to get my top off I unbutton his pants and yank them down, pulling him on top of me. He doesn't question why we both still have out shirts on and I'm extremely okay with that. As soon as he pushes into me I let out a loud moan. "Oh fuck." Slips out of my mouth, I needed this, I needed him. He pulls back only to push in again and again and again. My head board slams into the wall, my moans fill the room along with his grunts. His lips latch onto my shoulder where it meets my neck and bites down making my orgasm come that much faster and at the same time I feel him tighten and then warmth filling me up, one spurt, two, three... Before Dimitri just collapses on me I push him to the side and curl up next to him. He pulls me close as we both try to catch our breathes.

"I really missed you." He tells me.

"I missed you too." I reply.

He tightens his grip on me, "I haven't been...with anyone since...you know?"

"I know, neither have I." I tell him.

"Good, I've been afraid that maybe you've moved on since what we had was a one night thing." He says.

"I haven't." I tell him.

He leans over and kisses me, like really kisses me. The kind of kiss that makes your heart flutter, one that makes you think, could this really be something more? I really hope it could be.

I can feel him getting hard on my leg again when I hear a door slam and my dad call out, "Rose?!"

"Oh shit!" I say as Dimitri and I spring apart. He grabs his pants and boxers from around his ankles, yanking them up. I follow suit, yanking my pants up and slipping my boots back on. I watch as Dimitri rushes to the window and opens it. He turns back around and smiles at me, "I feel like a kid again." He pulls me close and kisses me again, making me moan lightly.

"Rose?!" Oh god it's closer.

"I'll see you soon." He says climbing out the window. "Bye."

"Bye." I whisper back. I close the window and rush over to the mirror. Thank God I don't look to fucked. I straighten my shirt and rush to the door just as my dad reaches the landing.

"Oh thank..." My dad says clutching his chest, Lissa right behind him. "When we couldn't find you and you didn't answer your phone I started worrying."

"I'm sorry, I really didn't feel very good and I saw Mason and he offered me a ride, I was going to text you and let you know but I forgot because of how bad I was feeling." I explain, hoping he'll just go with it.

He sighs, "Next time tell me and I'll take you home." He says. "Look, Nathan called and something's come up, you two will be alright here alone?"

I nod, "Yes sir, and I'm sorry for scaring you."

"Alright, I'll be back later." He says walking back down the stairs. Lissa rushes over to me and I pull her into my room.

"What the hell happened?!" She asks excitedly.

Before I can answer there's a tap at my window.