Kiku's legs couldn't carry him fast enough. He rushed through back allies, taking the path Roseanne told him about to get to the castle. Even when he'd managed to reach the gates, it felt like years had passed as he worked his way though to the dungeon. He was crouched in a dark corner, watching as the guard on duty sat lazily at his desk. Soon he got up and stretched. He glanced around.

"Huh? The keys are missing…" He scratched his head, "…Maybe I left them in our quarters…" He left. and Kiku slipped in.


"Kiku!" There was a moment of brilliance as relief swept over both of them, though urgency and concern filled the air as well.

"Arthur I'm here to get you out."

"Kiku how- Get out of here- Wait… You have the keys?"

"It's a long story, I'll tell you about it on the way to… The old port?"

"The ol-" There was a pause. It could have been Kiku's imagination, but he swore he saw Arthur wipe a tear from his eye. "Mom…"

"Yes, she'll meet us there." Kiku said.

Once out, Arthur took a sword that was displayed on the wall and they left. Though they took side streets and improve routs, they still ended up hearing the sounds of some soldiers not far behind.

Kiku could see the ocean ahead of them, he wondered what was going on.

"Arthur, Kiku! Over here!" They saw Roseanne waving to them, "Come on! I've got a boat waiting for us!"

"They're trying to escape!" A soldier yelled. "Don't let them get away."

Arthur and Kiku ran up to Roseanne.

"Which boat?" Arthur asked.

"That one." Roseanne pointed to a small ship. "A friend of mine is taking us out."

"Alright, I'll meet you on board."

"What!" Roseanne and Kiku said at the same time.

"If we just try to take off, they're going to catch up to us. I'll hold this group off, knock them out or something so we have time to escape."

"Let me help you!" Kiku said.

"No Kiku!" Arthur turned to him. "Let me do this, I'm the one who needs to protect you."

"This is absurd!" Kiku insisted.

"This is what's right. Mother, take him." Roseanne looked hurt, but nodded, grabbing Kiku and taking him on board.

The fight was even more brutal from the ship's point of view. One second Arthur would seem fine, then he'd turn and Kiku would see a large gash. Another moment would see him nearing his end, then Arthur would slash through one of the guards like paper. The small gasps escaping Roseanne made Kiku aware this was no easier on her.

"He'll be alright." Kiku whispered, trying to assure both of them.

Arthur had five down, three to go. Things were looking up when Kiku saw a group of men running down the port. A group of soldiers, fully armed. Arthur saw this too, as he pushed the three guards back and ran towards the boat.

"This is getting out of hand!" He called as he raced towards them, "They're going to take over at this rate, I'm going to cut the line!"

"You're what!" Both Kiku and his mother yelled.

"I'm cutting the line, then I'll hold them off. Hopefully long enough for you to reach international waters, get help and get home!"

Kiku closed his eyes and shook his head. "No!"

"Kiku, take care of my mother." Arthur whispered as he cut the first of the rope.


"I love you."


Kiku's eyes closed. The only sound came from his heart. A rapid beating, a thump in the background. He opened his eyes again and saw the soldiers yelling, and Roseanne crying out, but herd nothing. His eyes focused on Arthur, shrinking with distance. Colors seemed to blur from so far away, but Kiku couldn't peel his eyes away.

One of the soldiers swung, red reaching for the air as blood spilled from Arthur's body. One more sound. A splash, Arthur's body falling into the water.

Then everything went black.


Three days went by.

Kiku's head hurt. He could feel his heart pulsating through it. Opening his eyes was painful. The light burned into his skull.

"…Kiku…" A familiar voice whispered to him. Slowly he turned his head to see Roseanne sitting at his bed side. She was the last person he wanted to see. She was the physical embodiment of his life's tragic end. It's not that he hated her. She'd tried to help. It was pointless though, all of it was pointless.

A few hours after he'd awoke, Kiku was sitting up in his bed, listening to one of the house officials explain.

"Kiku, with the tragic death of your father, you are now appointed ruler of Japan. I've herd of your journey to England, Roseanne has explained everything. We are making preparations to handle possible invaders, and I've prepared everything for her to move in to a house in the village just outside our walls-"

He went on with official things in a cold hearted manner Kiku felt familiar with. Roseanne would be staying here? No matter, she too would be dead soon anyway.

Just like all the rest.