Credit: The Saiyan Language belongs to MegaKat, any words used here can be found in the Saiyan Language Dictionary-Glossary.

Words used in this chapter:

Ve'ho: Prince


Vegebulluv: Thank you so much for your kind words, I always love hearing from you! And I especially love Vegeta/Raditz interactions and seeing where they lead~

MTXIII: Thank you again for always commenting~ And yes, I agree with wanting to slap Vegeta across the face, he deserves it! XD

DBZFan: Please do not leave a comment in my review section promoting someone else's work. It's extremely rude.

Vegeta and Raditz left medical together and practically sprinted toward the training halls. On the way there, the two laughed and joked about who would win like the old days.

Once at the entrance, they walked in and headed toward the lockers to put their valuables away. The two set their scouters and tablets within the cabinet then headed back out to hit the mats.

The training area seemed oddly quiet, but neither seemed to mind it much. When Raditz looked over at Vegeta he recognized the face he made; the Prince wanted a fight.

Without hesitation, they both faced each other and then bowed. Each one settled into their preferred stances and began to eye the other. There was silence between them as they concentrated.

Suddenly, Vegeta launched forward and sent a barrage of kicks and punches at Raditz. The adolescent dodged and blocked to the best of his ability, and he quickly noticed that it was much easier now.

Both began to smile as Raditz returned fire with his own attacks, attempting to hit Vegeta. As they fought, Raditz noticed the difference in his speed, reflexes, power, and stamina. "Huh, there really must be something to this zenkai thing after all."

Without notice, Vegeta backed up and grinned at his fellow Saiyan. "Are you ready to really begin now? I want to see just how fast you really are!"

Raditz glared at him before he nodded and launched himself at the Prince. "Let's try this!"

They began to really fight, but Raditz could tell that Vegeta wasn't giving it his all yet. "You don't have to hold back, Ve'ho."

"Huh, really? All right, but you asked for it!" Vegeta took to the air. "Come at me!"

Just as Raditz moved to attack, Vegeta lobbed a ki ball at him and then another, followed up with even more. The adolescent threw his arms over his face and began to block the blows. As the blasts struck him, he slid back a few feet and remained there, smoking.

"My turn!" Raditz placed his wrists together, began to gather ki, then took a long and slow inhale before pushing his hands forward to release the ki ball. His attack was large, fast, and more powerful than either of them expected. In fact, it was so unexpected that it engulfed Vegeta and slammed him back against the wall, cracking his armor.

The only thing that Raditz could hear in his head was his father's voice. "What do you do when someone attacks you? Hit 'em in the face, boy!" So, that's exactly what he did.

Raditz stood there staring at his hands in amazement and disbelief. 'Wow, that came from me?'

"Nice, but can you back it up?" Vegeta lifted back up into the air and began to bob and weave while lobbing ki blasts at Raditz. The attacks came in quick and powerful.

Raditz wasn't fast enough and one slammed into his back as he attempted to dodge it. The blast enveloped and surrounded him in yellow heat that made him cringe. He knelt down, huffed, and eyed his Prince. "Wh-what kind of attack was that?"

"Hmph, it's a new one I picked up at the match I went to." Vegeta smirked.

"Unbelievable, you learned that from seeing it once?"

"Yup!" Vegeta felt proud of his accomplishment.

"How the hell?" Raditz stood back up and shook off the blow.

Vegeta thought for a moment before he spoke up. "Dunno. When I watch others fight, I can just… feel what they do in my body, like how the ki would flow, and I can imagine doing it. Than, I execute the attack." He shrugged.

"Oh… Well, enough talk, more sparring!" Raditz grinned and launched himself at the Prince once again.

After a long while the two finally stopped, but only after Vegeta wiped the floor with Raditz. They both noticed the change in Raditz, he was faster, stronger, and could fight for a lot longer than he used to be able to.

"Let's get showered before we head for food." Vegeta set off toward the bathhouse and locker room.

A sudden fear ripped through Raditz as he thought back to the event with Trictic. The bathing area was where he collapsed, that hallway with the generator was where he was attacked. He froze; a cold sweat began to pour down his forehead.

Just as Vegeta reached the entrance, he turned around to see Raditz standing completely still and looking like a statue. "Hey, it's going to be all right, I won't leave your side. Besides, I think you might be able to take the coward soon enough. That is, if you keep training like that!"

A smile spread across the adolescent's features and he ran after Vegeta feeling much better than he had previously. "Thanks, you really think so?"

"Yeah, but let's cut the chit chat, I like showering in silence." Vegeta flicked his tail to indicate his slight annoyance.

It wasn't long before they exited the locker room, completely dressed and bellies rumbling. Vegeta looked up at Raditz and smirked. "Now, to the Shack! I'm starving."

"Oh yeah, I was thinking about that, Ve'ho. Why don't we just order food for delivery and go out later, when Nappa is back?" Raditz fiddled with his hair while they walked down the long corridor towards the trams.

"What? No fair! I want to go out now!" Vegeta stopped walking and slammed his foot to the ground to protest the suggestion. "Besides, Nappa has left us to hang all day, not contacting us once. Why should he get to go out with us?"

Raditz chewed his bottom lip as he considered the Prince's point. "Well, we do go to the Shack all three of us every year and besides, you're huge on tradition. This is an important tradition, it's your birthday, Ve'ho. Not to mention, wouldn't it be more comfortable to eat at home? Nice hot noodles, the gravity on, screen blaring. Sounds pretty nice to me!" He looked over his shoulder at Vegeta and hoped he would fall for his ruse.

The small Saiyan thought about it for a long while before he stomped his foot once again, folded his arms over his chest, and finally 'tsked' as he followed along. "Fine, you're right. Don't get used to that. Just make sure you call immediately! I want that food to meet us there."

Raditz gave him a nod before he tapped his scouter to call the Shack. A moment later, Amaranth's voice sounded over the device.

"Hello, you've reached the Galactic Noodle Shack, where noodles are our specialty. How can I help you?"

"Hey, Amaranth! It's Raditz." He grinned from ear to ear when he heard her voice.

Vegeta rolled his eyes and gagged playfully at the adolescent's sudden mood change.

"Oh, hi Raditz. What's up? Are you calling to reserve your spot?" She shifted her communication device so that she could pour a glass of water for a customer.

Raditz cleared his throat, possibly to make himself sound a bit more adult. "Um, no. Actually I was wondering if you might be willing to make a delivery. I know you guys don't normally do that, but I would tip you really well! And besides…" Raditz put his hand over his mouth and leaned away from Vegeta… "It's Ve'ho's birthday and I kinda forgot, help bail my ass out?"

There was a moment of silence before she hummed slightly, contemplating his request. "Let me speak to Teff about it before I promise anything. So long as he clears it, I'll do it. Hold tight for a moment." She set the comm down before walking away to speak with her husband.

Raditz nodded, as if she could see him, and then began to hum as he walked. Vegeta eyed him, waiting to hear the news. The Prince was actually excited about the prospect of eating and watching screen at the same time.

After another moment of waiting, Amaranth picked back up and fumbled with the device. "Raditz? Hey, Teff said it's all right, but you have to have a minimum for it and pay delivery on top of a tip. As long as all of that is all right with you, we're good!"

Raditz grinned when he heard her agree to deliver. "Great! And you know we'll beat any minimum you have anyways, hah." Without hesitation, he began to order their lunch as they loaded onto a tram.

Vegeta listened in and added items that Raditz forgot. The youth was eager to get home and eat; he had started to feel ill from the lack of food. "Don't you dare forget my dumplings…"

It wasn't long before they were off the tram and headed for home. Both Raditz and Vegeta talked as they walked down the corridor. The young Prince badgered his subject about his relationship with Zarbon and it put the older of the two on edge.

"Look we've been having a good time, Vegeta. Can't we just keep doing that? Oh… I think I heard the lift bell. I bet that's Amaranth. Just in time." Raditz looked down the hall at Amaranth and waved.

The curvy, light blue female walked down the hall toward the two Saiyans, her hands full of food for them. She smiled at Raditz, than opened her mouth to scream and dropped the bags of food.

Raditz looked at the woman and began to lower his arm just as he was jerked backwards by his hair. He yelped and flung both his hands back to get free from the hold; just as he did, he was flung forward and watched his Prince stumble into their apartment. "Help! It's Tric-"

Trictic gripped the adolescent's mouth and yanked him down so that he could get a better angle at his throat. The reptilian male hissed in Raditz' ear before lifting his clawed hand up to slash his exposed throat.

Amaranth began to panic, but just as Trictic went to end Raditz' life, she grabbed a soup container and opened it. Without hesitation, she flung the extremely spicy broth at the serpentine male and screamed as she did so.

The soup attack took Trictic by surprise; the hot liquid flooded his eyes and nose, making him release his prey. He stumbled back and cupped his face with his hands as he wailed in agony.

Raditz fell to the ground and crawled away before he remembered what Vegeta had told him earlier after their spar. He gathered up all the courage he had and turned back toward his attacker. Without a second thought, he collected a great ki ball in between his hands, then released it directly at Trictic.

Everything happened so fast, yet felt like it took a million years at the same time. Raditz heard screaming in his ear, an explosion, shrieking beside him, and his own heart pounding.

Suddenly, Vegeta burst out of the apartment and it was over. Trictic took off down the hall, followed by the Prince.

Raditz sat still for a moment, attempting to take in everything that had transpired. His attention was quickly directed toward a shaking Amaranth. "Oh, oh my Gods, are you all right?"

The unsteady female nodded her head before she sagged to the floor with a sigh of relief. "I-I really thought I was about to watch you die, Raditz. What happened? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, that was Trictic, he's been chasing me for a while now. He attacked me not long ago, guess he decided that he wanted to finish the job. Oh Amaranth, you saved my life!" Raditz stood and rushed to her side. The Saiyan lifted her up into a hug and squeezed her in thanks.

Still shaken, she barely returned the gesture before he set her back down onto her feet. "It's not a problem, I just acted as quickly as possible, that's all."

"Are you all right? Why don't you come in and sit down?" Raditz helped pick up the bags of food and led her into the apartment. Once inside, they both sat on the couch.

"Raditz, how are you not freaking out? I am and I wasn't even the one who was attacked!" She shuddered then rubbed her arms to rid them of the goosebumps that had gathered.

Sudden realization slapped him in the face when she asked her question. "Huh, I don't know why I'm not… Odd." Raditz sighed then lightly patted Amaranth on the shoulder.

The two sat in silence, with the exception of the constant explosions that they heard in the distance.

"Heh, sounds like Vegeta is really giving him a run for his credit, eh?" Raditz smiled at her, in an attempt to calm her down.

"I'm really glad that you're okay, Raditz. I truly thought you were a goner there…" Amaranth smiled at him.

Just then Nappa's voice boomed over Raditz' scouter. "Ve'ho, Raditz, come in! What the hell is going on?"

The adolescent blinked a few times before he tapped his scouter to respond. "Nappa, tell me you're on your way back, Vegeta went after Trictic."

Suddenly, his scouter screeched with Vegeta's foul language. Raditz grunted then removed the device and tossed it on the table. "Ugh, I can't stand it when he screams into the scouter like that!"

Amaranth smiled at him nervously, as if attempting to make him feel better. "Do you think he'll be all right? He's so young…"

"Heh, don't let him hear you say that, but yeah, he'll be perfectly fine up against Trictic. Vegeta is way stronger than that coward." He didn't look at her while he spoke.

Suddenly, Vegeta came stomping into the flat, fists clenched and teeth gritted. "That fucking coward, he got away! I can't believe he slipped me again! I swear the next time I run into him I'm going to-" Vegeta stopped himself when he noticed Amaranth. The young Prince's cheeks turned a slight pink and he cleared his throat. "Oh, Amaranth…"

Raditz rolled his eyes but stood to greet Vegeta. Just as he did so, Nappa came barreling into the apartment, coated in sweat. "What the hell happened?"

"Oh, Nappa! I'm so glad you're back." Raditz sighed and walked up to his guardian.

Nappa sighed and clapped Raditz' shoulder. "You're okay. You're both okay, thank the Gods. What in the hell happened to the door?" Nappa rubbed his Mohawk as he looked back over his shoulder at the entrance.

"Vegeta happened…" Raditz looked slightly annoyed, but thought back to that moment and gulped. "Although, if he hadn't, I would be dead."

"Well, you two are far more important than some door! Anyone hurt?" Nappa glanced over at Amaranth, who looked extremely out of place.

Raditz shook his head. "Nope, Amaranth showed up in the nick of time! Threw spicy soup in his face, which made him release me. I got a really good blast off at him too!" The adolescent looked proud. Suddenly he realized that they hadn't captured Trictic, and he began to panic. "Oh Gods, Nappa! What are we gunna do now? He's still out there, he's going to just keep coming until I'm dead, I just know it!"

Vegeta chimed in and folded his arms across his chest. "Not if I have anything to say about it! No one attacks my subjects and gets away with it. Trust me, he won't catch me off guard like that ever again. I got him real good, Nappa, but he still slithered off… The coward."

"Ah shit. He's gunna go to ground now… I'll let Zarbon know." Nappa typed away on his tablet.

Suddenly there was silence, before Amaranth cleared her throat and stood from her spot on the couch. "Well, um, maybe I should get going?"

Raditz whipped his head around to look at her, before he became anxious once again. "Wait, maybe-maybe you shouldn't go back alone? I mean, you did attack Trictic, you could be a target now."

The light blue female went pale at the realization that she may be in danger. "Oh, I hadn't thought of that… Maybe I should call Teff to let him know what's happened."

"You do that. Hey, Nappa-" Raditz was cut off.

"Ah, shit, Amaranth. Let us walk you back, it's the least we can do." Nappa set his pad down and looked over at the female.

Raditz huffed a bit before he folded his arms over his chest. "I was just about to say that…"

Amaranth nodded and smiled. "Hey, might as well, you're all together now!"

Vegeta grinned. "I better be getting some damn dinner out of this, my lunch was ruined and I never had a breakfast. I'm ready to die over here!"

"All right, all right. Let's get going then." Nappa looked at the door and sighed, glad that they had a backup.

The group headed out, all of them discussing what had happened and what would happen next.