I know it was a little bit between postings and I am sorry! I am going to update a MLP one-shot later today hopefully as well. I went on vacation and didn't have a moment to sit down and write anything, it was truly sad. However I now have it done. I know it is a little short but I hope it makes up for the time!

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail... Which saddens me

Chapter 3: The Things That Change

Levy landed in front of the gates to heaven. "Hey, I am here to see head angel Jellal," Levy told the gatekeeper. The gatekeeper looked her up and down and realized that her wings were a faint grey so she had to be an Anti-Angel.

"Sorry ma'am, I can't let you in. You are an Anti-Angel," the gatekeeper pointed out. If it wasn't for the fact that she could be with Gajeel she would regret ever becoming an Anti-Angel in the first place. Every time she wanted to see her dad it seemed like no one wanted to let her in.

"You don't get it, I am his daughter. I have urgent news to tell him," Levy told him sternly. The gatekeeper didn't see to believe her in the slightest.

"Head angel Jellal would never let his daughter join the Anti-Angels. You must be lying, like all you creatures do. Now get lost," he snarled. Angels were supposed to be nice but it seemed they considered Anti-Angels were just a half step from a demon so they didn't have to treat them well. .

"I am not lying! I am an angel in my own right!" Levy argued. She wished something could be done to improve the treatment of Anti-Angels, but as soon as she found out what she would be all over that. The gatekeeper was about to retort again when Jellal walked up.

"What seems to be the problem?" Jellal asked the gatekeeper seriously. Even though Jellal's own daughter was an Anti-Angel he still didn't treat them much better, he didn't even look or speak to Levy.

"Well this Anti-Angel is trying to convince me to let her in because she says she is your daughter. However I know you would never allow your daughter to become one of them," the gatekeeper explained to Jellal.

"Actually, I did let my daughter become an Anti-Angel," Jellal told the gatekeeper. Levy couldn't help but laugh at the face the gatekeeper made upon hearing the truth. When Jellal finally looked to see who was at the gate his eyes lit up. "Levy!" Jellal said happily letting her in.

"Told you," Levy spit at the gatekeeper. Being too stunned to say anything the gatekeeper just stared as Levy walked away with one of the best head angels they had.

"What brings you here? Normally I get a one in every two months visit and that always seemed to be with Gajeel. Why are you alone? I saw you just last week with him so surely it isn't time for another visit. Not that I don't love you visiting! It just isn't your normal," Jellal asked confused.

"Well, I would love to say I just wanted to see you more, but I am afraid I would be lying. There has been a big problem pop up," Levy told him sadly.

"What, Gajeel not treating you right?" Jellal asked seriously. Levy rolled her eyes, Jellal was constantly concerned Gajeel was going to someday turn against her.

"No, we are doing just fine dad. It's Lucy, suddenly she can see us," Levy said worriedly. "I don't know how and she has no idea what an Anti-Human or angel was, we had to explain it to her. I left her with Gajeel, which may have been a bad idea, but I didn't know what else to do. What is going on?" Levy asked her dad scared. Never before had she heard of someone just all the sudden being able to see all of them.

"I know you probably had never heard of this happening before, however it is not totally uncommon. It use to happen once in a great while, but all the sudden it has been happening a lot. Even to totally normal people with no connection to anything paranormal. In fact the sudden uprising in the number of sudden occurrences in people being able to see was right after your death," Jellal told her.

"My death? What would that have to do with it?" Levy asked confused. Sure he death had been a big deal to her mother, father, and of course Gajeel, but she was just a simple Earth Angel at the time, it couldn't have amounted to that much. "Could it be because I killed Cana?" Levy asked, that was the only thing she could think of.

"Maybe, I mean she was a greater demon, but even then… Nothing lines up. No one can figure out what all is going on," Jellal said, extremely confused. "It just worries me because you are on Earth. The ones most likely to be affected by whatever is going on seems to be Anti-Angels because of how close you all are to the problem," Jellal explained.

"Dad, I think you forget who your daughter is sometimes. Over the last year Gajeel and I have killed the most demons as a duo. I am pretty sure we are infamous in the demon world for our hunting skills. I think we can handle this," Levy told him, trying to reassure him that she wasn't going to die anytime soon. Still, even Levy couldn't dismiss that what was going on was strange.

"I know you two can handle this, but we have never seen something like this before. We do not know what is coming," Jellal told her, still worried.

"I am sure there is something documented about something like this. We could go to the library and check to be sure," Levy offered. Despite the fact that this would mean that Gajeel would have to spend more time with Lucy she figured that they would manage. Surely Lucy and him can find something to agree on, Levy thought hopefully.

"That could be a good idea, but I think some of the other head angels have already done that. I doubt we can find something that they didn't already catch," Jellal said, sighing in defeat. Even though her dad may want to give up at the simplest things, Levy had learned that you just couldn't, no matter what.

"Come on dad, we can do this! Don't give up so easily. Neither of us have checked and a lot of people tend to look over things," Levy pointed out. When she was alive her, Lucy, and Erza often would find things that other people looked over, making their projects the best.

"Fine, fine, we can go," Jellal gave in to her request. They then took off to the library, Levy a little faster than her dad. While her dad wasn't really invested in the epidemic that was happening, Levy was. After all, it was messing with her best friends head, even if she didn't want to admit it. Seeing your dead best friend was enough to make anyone go crazy.

"If we find a way to cure Lucy, do you think you could wipe her memories of seeing me again? In the end I think it may do more harm than good if she continues to remember," Levy said softly to her father when they arrived.

"Well, I am able to. However I think we should cross that bridge when and if we come to it. First let's focus on finding out what is going on," Jellal said. Levy nodded in agreement, she probably should worry about the aftermath later anyway. In the end she should enjoy what little time she may have left with Lucy again. Even if she made Lucy forget, she never wanted to forget the extra time with her she got.

The pair looked through most of the books in the angelic library. Most were unhelpful, others just stated how people became Anti-Humans, which was not how Lucy became able to see them. There were some angel bedtime stories that was pretty cute, but other than those there weren't many other things that were even interesting. Most were extremely boring to her and her father wasn't having any better luck. Close to the end when they thought all hope was lost Levy found a very old book. The book was leather bound and extremely old.

"Hey dad, I think I found something," Levy called to her father. Her father walked over to see the old book. "You know this book?' Levy asked.

"Yeah, it is a book on prophecies that are supposed to come to pass," Jellal stated, though he didn't sound like he truly believed that was what the book was.

"Are you telling me you are an angel who doesn't believe in prophecies?" Levy asked seriously, "I mean come on, your entire being here is kind of like a prophecy in itself."

"Well a lot of things in there are true and have came to pass, but the first one in there no one believes," Jellal explained. Intrigued by that Levy opened up to the first page. It read about something called an Archangel that ruled over all the head angels.

"Wait, dad, one of the signs of the Archangel's coming is that mortals will start to see demons and angels. More and more mortals will be able to see as the time gets closer and closer. Maybe the fact that Lucy can see is because she is one of the mortals that was chosen to be able to see since the time is getting closer. Perhaps the Archangel is coming," Levy pointed out.

"Levy, I am sure that is not real. There has got to be something else going on," Jellal said, dismissing Levy's claims.

"Well I don't see you coming up with any better ideas. Plus this would explain why you guys haven't seen anything like this before!" Levy argued. Times like this Jellal could only smile, Levy was just as feisty as her mother.

"Well, I guess that could be. How about we just call it a day and get lunch? I know you must be dying to get back to Gajeel and Lucy anyway," Jellal said with a smile. Levy couldn't exactly deny that she didn't want to get back to Gajeel and Lucy as soon as possible. Sighing she agreed, though she did want to figure out why Lucy could see them, she needed to get back.

Restaurants in heaven were always the best, it was one of the few things she regretted about becoming an Anti-Angel. However the reward for becoming on, Gajeel, was much better than anything heaven could offer her. The place they went was Jellal's favorite, it was a small restaurant that was based all around chicken. It tasted the freshest when it came to meat and was just too good to be true sometimes. Jellal ordered him some fried chicken while Levy ordered her favorite, chicken noodle soup.

"It's still not as good as mom's," Levy mused as she ate her soup. Cecilia was a wonderful cook and Levy always told her she should become a chef.

"Glad to hear she is still a good chef. How is your mother?" Jellal asked curiously. Despite the separation of the two Levy knew her parents were still madly in love with each other. It was cute to watch as they asked her about the other, since she was the only one that could see both a report back to the others.

"She is doing pretty good, she likes Gajeel. Despite the fact that the two fight she does approve of him for me. Every now and then she will invite Lucy and Erza over so she can feed them properly, as she says, but she makes sure I am out with Gajeel or something. She was sad when I moved out but Gajeel and I visit often so it's okay. She misses you, I know she does, even though she doesn't admit to it," Levy told her father.

"What about Gajeel and you? He still treating you right?" Jellal asked Levy seriously. Even though Levy and Gajeel were proven to be soulmates Jellal still worried since Gajeel was known not to be the most friendliest of people.

"Yes, he is. Currently he is trying to win over Lucy. I left them with mom. Lucy isn't too happy about Gajeel and doesn't believe the whole soulmate thing," Levy said sighing. Making her believe they were meant to be was going to be hard for both of them. However she wanted Lucy to be okay with Gajeel while she still could see them. It would just make things easier for everyone.

"Well it is kinda hard to believe at first. I mean, now I see it, but that is after an entire year of watching you two enteract. Eventually she will come around," Jellal tried to reassure her.

"Hopefully she does before she loses the ability to see us," Levy sighed. When Lucy couldn't see her anymore Levy knew she would be crushed, but she also knew it was for the best. "How are things here?"

"Pretty usual, nothing out of the ordinary besides that some mortals suddenly can see us. I should be able to come visit you and your mother soon as well," Jellal informed Levy. Levy grinned, she loved it when her dad visited her and her mom.

"Well I look forward to that," Levy said and then finished her soup. "I probably should get going," Levy told her father. While she didn't want to say goodbye to Jellal she also really wanted to see Gajeel and Lucy.

"FIne, I understand. Promise me to be careful. We don't know what is going on and Anti-Angels are the most likely to be affected by whatever is happening," Jellal told Levy as she pulled her into a hug. Levy hugged back, wishing she had had a father growing up.

"I will dad, don't worry," Levy promised him. However despite her words she felt just as uneasy about everything as her father. Once she left heaven she flew down to her mother's house. Something bigger is happening, I know that, but what? Levy wondered.

Hope you all enjoyed that! Please review as always!

What all is going on? Will Lucy be happy about Levy's plan to make her not see them? What is happening to Eraza now anyway? Find out all that and more as you read on! Next chapter: Chapter 4: Change of Heart