Hi guys! This is my first story so please be kind to me haha. This is a concept that I've seen for a long time, so I wanted to try it out. Hope you like it :)

Summary: Natsu has been ignoring Lucy ever since Lisanna came back. So what happens when Team Natsu want to take Lisanna on a few missions, without Lucy? She goes to the dragons to unlock her powers that's what.


The guild hall was bustling and lively like usual, people were laughing and starting fights. Cana was drinking barrels of beer at a time,while a poor drunk Freed was trying to keep up with her.

The doors burst open, and the guilds favourite blonde entered. A bright and sunny look on her face as she walked up to the bar and took a seat in her favourite spot.

"Lu-chan! You're here, I read the last chapter of your novel," Levy flushed, placing a small hand on her forehead, " Dear Mavis was it amazing!" The bluenette grinned holding the stack of papers to her chest.

Lucy felt the blood rush to her face, "L-Levy-chan, you don't possibly mean that." She poked her two fingers together.

Levy giggled at the bashful look on her face, "I certainly loved Garen! I mean, long jet black hair. Studs all over, and over 6'2! He's a dreamboat."Levy sighed drool rolling down her chin.

In the distance Gajeel flushed bright red as Lily patted his back, sipping his kiwi juice. Jet and Droy hugged themselves as they sobbed quietly.

Lucy sweatdropped at the two, "Riiight."

The two girls chatted happily at the bar as Mira handed them their drinks, smiling at her two little sister figures.

The day was passing already, and soon it was already noon.

The doors burst open once again, this time the figures of Team Natsu and Lisanna entered the guild.

Lucy felt a pang in her heart.

Natsu had been spending a lot more with Lisanna, and to be completely honest it hurt. Natsu put a hand over Lisanna shoulder, pulling her towards him.

Suddenly he got up and headed toward her, a huge smile on his face.

"LUCE! Hey Lucy, would you mind staying home for a few days. I wanna take a few missions with Lisanna, this could kinda give you so more time to 're a little weak, so you can get stronger so you don't have to depend on us."He said with a smile.

Lucy felt the tears build in her eyes, she nodded quietly. Her bangs covering her eyes, she side stepped him a begun running toward the door.

Lucy kept on running until she made it to the forest, grabbing her necklace and ripping it off. She panted slightly before throwing it to the floor, grabbing her key she swiped it through the air, "Gate of the dragon; Draco!"

The ring that the necklace had created started to glow as the dragon appeared. She opened her eyes, the dragon placing his chin on her head lazily.

"What do ya want, brat?" Draco said cheekily as he rubbed his cheek against hers. Taking sniffs of her hair, "You should keep this shampoo. Smells great, mate."

Lucy rolled her eyes, laughing at his childish demeanor. The tall man had dark blue, almost black hair that went to his shoulders. His soft pink lips were pulled into a smile that lead to his strong jaw. His golden eyes glowed in the dark as he took the girl in.

Lucy blushed, "Draco, can you please call Igneel and the others. I think it's about time that I unleashed my powers, and showed them who's boss."

Draco nodded, the air thickening as the portal opened. Three dragons stepped out, smiling brightly.

Grandeeney wasted no time grabbing Lucy up in a tight bone crushing hug, soon followed up by Metalicana and Igneel.

They all stood there hugging before Draco swore and hugged them too.

"So Luce, what did ya call out for?"Igneel grinned looking at his Queen.

Lucy twiddled her thumbs, "Guys I want you to unlock my powers. I feel weak with this body, it's just sooo...easy to tire out."She pouted looking at the four.

The man scowled at her, he knew that wasn't the only reason. Lucy was his Queen, and he always kept an eye on her. This reminded him of the time when a young Lucy came rushing in begging to be a regular human because of a young human girl. So he knew exactly why this sudden change came from, it came from his idiot son.

"Alright." Igneel held the hands of Metalicana, Grandeeney and Draco. The light becoming blinding, they all stood around the 17 year old. The light glowed golden as Lucy's hair started to raise all around her, becoming longer and lightly coloured in pastels around the edges. Her eyelashes grew thicker as soon as her brown eyes turned a bright blue. Her short skirt was replaced by a white knee length dress.

Lucy breathed a sigh of relief, her blue eyes turning that chocolate brown colour once more. She walked around, stretching her limbs, rolling her shoulders and neck.

She looked at Draco and smiled, "Mate, I'm back." Draco burst out into a grin, spinning her around.

"Lushii." He purred, stroking her long hair.

Igneel and the others watched as the two Dragons interacted with each other, a huge smile placed on their faces.

Igneel looked up at the sky in sadness, Natsu had truly messed up this time.


Natsu never knew that Lisanna was this annoying when she was younger. He felt his stomach turn once again when train took another bump.

Lisanna had totally messed up the mission, she was only supposed to do a simple job. She only had to look after the freaking berries, instead she clung onto him like a baby monkey. So not only did the berries get stolen, they also got their butt whooped and on top of that, they didn't get paid.

Lucy could have easily done this job, she would have been able to help them in battle while doing it too. Another plus with Lucy was that she knew how to treat wounds, something Lisanna had no idea how to do. Now they were all heading home, angry, tired and full of untreated cuts and bruises.

Erza had her eyes closed in agitation, Gray was grumbling and Natsu was just plain pissed. Lisanna was still hanging unto him, calling him 'Natsu-kun' the whole ride.

All in all a pretty sucky mission.

And Natsu wanted to do was go home and sleep in Lucy's bed.

So uh, how did I do? I know the chapter is a little short, but I wanted the first chapter to be a prologue of sorts. BTW, who do you want Lucy to end up with? Natsu or Draco? And yes, Draco did say mate. No it doesn't mean friend ;).