Those That Only See yesterday, and Those that look too tomorrow

Draugu pov

This time we chose to recount the day's invents telepathically while Yang and Yatsuhashi had their injuries looked after, as Glynda was constantly 'breathing down our necks' so to say. Knowing her she figured that we would somehow find ourselves in some sort of trouble, if only she knew... When we were done, I started to explain my new abilities. Ruby wanted a demonstration of what she called 'spirit blades', my aura made tangible, but I refused do to the fact that it's extremely tiring I lied, I just didn't want to attract more attention then I already have.

"Please, please, please, please, pretty please with a cherry on top? I just want to see it once." Ruby annoyingly continued to ask as she gave me the puppy eyes, in an attempt to make me give in.

"I told you Ruby it's too exhausting to use for no apparent reason. Besides I would only needlessly put everyone else on edge, more so then they already are at the moment." Both points were true just not the real reasons why. At that moment Glynda showed up, having gathered all of the expedition members to make an announcement, interrupting the conversation.

"Everyone in light of the resent attack of the unknown Type of Ursi, it has been decided that the search is now too dangerous to continue. We will begin to evacuate back to Vale immediately. Also teams RWBY and CFVY you are to catch the next Bullhead back to Vale with the Grimm you found, just so you know General Ironwood is not yet aware of him but will be shortly. Be prepared to be greeted by a small army. You have enough time to get what little belongings you brought and grab a bite to eat before then."

"Great I get the painless beating later, actually if I look at it as a massage then it doesn't sound so bad." I complained as the others ate, causing them to laugh.

"You call a small army trying to kill you a massage?" Velvet voiced uncertainly, obviously scared of me or too unconfident to speak up more.

"No Velvet, I'm just being optimistic in your armies capabilities, I doubt that it would even register as that. Hopefully Ozpin can do something so it doesn't drag on too long."

"I don't care how badass you think you are you wont come out of that unharmed." Coco interrupted throwing the gauntlet down.

"Alright Coco your on, if I can withstand Ironwood's assault without trying to protect myself you will buy me as much clothing as I need to be able to properly live amongst your society. And if I can't?"

"You teach us how to use your spirit blades. I'd like too have more weapons at our disposal in case we end up fighting more of those 'Titans' again." And with that Coco finished the wager.

"Draugu why did you make that bet? If you wanted something to wear we could have gotten it for you, you know that right?" Blake asked as we got in the Bullhead.

"I wanted to make a friend for myself instead of by association. Coco probably wanted to judge me for herself, well didn't you Coco?" I asked a little louder knowing that she was listening in.

"For someone that knows very little of human interaction your fairly perspective. But yes I took this as a chance to get to know you better, well primarily to learn how to use the spirit blades." Coco replied confident. Half laughing I replied that as long as she payed up it was all good.

"Coco are you positive we can trust him, look at him he looks like death itself." Velvet asked timidly. Yup definitely scared of me.

"Velvet stop shying away and and look into his eyes do those look like the eyes of any Grimm you've ever seen before, besides if he wanted to harm us why use an elaborate plan when those Titans almost had us, or that he boasts about how much stronger he is then us. I'm just trying to find out if I like the guy or not."

For the duration of the flight we exchanged pleasantries, at one point Velvet finally mustered the courage to make small talk with me, at another I noticed that Yatsuhashi's aura was helping his broken arm to heal and it gave me an idea. Using my own aura to stimulate and reinforce his own I was able to speed his recovery, so that his arm was healed in minutes. Yang jumped at the chance to have her fractured wrist healed as well. Muttering under her breath how it was very likely my face that fractured it in the first place. Yatsuhashi and Fox may as well been ghost for the amount of conversation they held although I did note Yatsuhashi's protective nature especially towards Velvet, the two of them may be dating or at the very least interested in one another.

Location: Beacon

As we arrived I peered out the window and all I could say is that Ironwood realy loves his military bravado, and that subtle manipulation was a concept so foreign to him that it may as well be nonexistent.

A force consisting of a good ten thousand strong was waiting for me, Two thousand soldiers, three thousand Atlesian Paladins and five thousand Atlesian Knights. "What that's it, only ten thousand! Haha! Coco get ready to pay up! Oh dang! Is that team JNPR down there by any chance?" I asked pointing to what looked liked a squadron of hunters in training, at the head of the squadron was what looked like team JNPR.

"Ya that's them why? Ohhhh, ya this would make for a really awkward first impression. Kinda like how I met you Ruby." Weiss replied with a slight smirk on her face.

"Weiss you know I didn't mean to blow up in your face." Ruby objected, she to had a slight smirk.

Puzzled by the exchange I did not notice our landing until a voice from a loudspeaker interrupted my thoughts."Teams RWBY and CFVY please exit the Bullhead immediately and proceed towards your classmates, as for the the so called sentient Grimm vacate the bullhead immediately or we shall open fire."

The man holding the loudspeaker was General Ironwood. I immediately took a disliking to him, from what I could tell so far was that he saw a show of superior military might as a solution to all his problems and that he only looked towards yesterday instead of today or what could be. Allowing the others to go first before getting off, I prepared myself for what was to come. As soon as I got off our transport took off heading off to help evacuate the search teams. "Quite the welcoming committee you have here General, I see why your in charge of the Atlesian army." Some of the more frightened soldiers let a few rounds fly as I spoke, to which I completely ignored. "And to what honour do I owe this grand of an escort. It hardly seams appropriate to give such extravagance to one such as myself, I am a creature of Grimm after all if I were not different then my kin we would be locked in battle right now." I arrogantly voiced my disdain towards the reception I have thus far received. I also had to make it clear that I could not be intimidated by a show of force.

"Alright men open fire. Show this abomination the gates of hell!" And with that I was showered in bullets. To my disappointment it didn't even closely register as a massage, so instead I made a chair of mud and sat down waiting for Ironwood to give up or his army to run out of ammunition. It was frustrating because I had to constantly reconstruct my chair, even more so was that Ironwood's forces were divided into three rotations resulting in a constant shower of projectiles, one on standby, one resupplying and the last one hopelessly trying to kill me. After five minutes Ironwood called for a ceasefire, when he saw that I was completely unharmed and merely taking it easy he ordered the hunter squadron to try.

"Ruby I know you consider this Grimm a friend but you don't appear to be worried at all, why?" I heard Jaune asked uncertain of what the right thing to do was.

"Don't worry about it Jaune follow The Generals orders, besides you can't hurt Draugu anyway so there's no need to hold back." Ruby replied giggling as she looked at me, leaving Jaune all the more confused. "Just think of it as a greeting, so far all of his introductions involved weapons and is a tradition by now.

"I heard that Ruby!" I shouted before team CRDL tried to prove themselves superior to the other teams by taking the lead.

After something like twenty minutes team CRDL finally gave up exhausted, most gave up after the first round of failed all out attacks realizing how futile the task was, much to Ironwood's dismay. "Is that all? Can we end this farce so I can be on my way? Or do I sit here and take another volley, I can assure you that it will only be a wast of time considering I have made absolutely no attempt to shield or protect myself thus far let alone try to retaliate." My taunt/insults left Ironwood speechless and I took his silence as a sign that he had nothing else to throw at me. "RWBY, CFVY let's go we wasted enough time here! JNPR you can tag along as well seeing as your eventually going to get involved anyway." I barked feeling a wave of extreme aggression wash over me, as I started walking towards what I assumed was Beacon academy.

Weiss pov

"What was that? Why are you so angry all of a sudden?" Yang asked worried about Draugu's sudden mood swing something we all seamed to be worried about.

"Sorry that was the first time that's happened, but I've never been surrounded by so many before as well, unlike other Grimm that feed on negative emotions I on the other hand allow the energy to channel through me so that I may loosely understand what happened to create it in the first place, it would appear that I'm much more sensitive now and can read the memories of the land. This is normally how I track large packs of Grimm. But never did I experience anything so intense before and it was all directed towards me, to be honest it was overwhelming." Draugu answered after taking a series of deep breaths.

"Well now you know you'll need to get your emotions under control when your around people. But before you do anything else introduce yourself." I bluntly stated in a way that said 'were are your manners'.

"Ohh ya, sorry! My name is Draugu Dragobaine pleased to meet you Jaune, Pyrrha, Nora and Ren. Wait do we need to explain everything to them or can I just show them my memories? It'd be much faster that way." Draugu sounded tired of repeating the story of how Ruby kinda adopted him as her new pet and everything that happened since, not that I blame him.

"Umm share your memories, how exactly does that work?" Jaune asked.

"Well Jaune I'm a telepath, and as long as your comfortable with having me inside your head for a few minutes, you and your team could experience the day's events through my point of view. You will not become me merely see and hear what I have."

"Wait you can do that? Then why didn't do that for us?" Velvet asked shyly.

"You were far too exhausted, the process pushes your brains to their limits requiring a great deal of energy. Passing out during the process can have dire consequences, plus I need to be touching you for a strong enough link."

"Dire consequences?! And you expect them to just go with it? Just like that you don't tell them what, you just leave it vague." Taking some of the day's frustration out on him, I gave him a good ear thrashing. "So what else are you not telling them? That they may not be able to distinguish their own memories from yours?"

"Don't worry there's no danger to anyone, and if they do become tired from the transfer I will be able to stop anytime." Draugu retorted, and started to grin. "I never thought the Ice Queen would need to chill out!" Everyone started laughing in their hands. I on the other hand had had it with Draugu calling me the Ice Queen, deciding to make real on my earlier threat I drew Myrtenaster and started my attacks.

Unfortunately Draugu is far to fast for me to hit, so all that happened was that I created a series of icebergs as Draugu darted around laughing until I actually trapped him in one. "Haha this gives a new meaning to giving someone the cold shoulder. Well I guess that's enough fun and games for one day then." The ice then shattered as he shook himself.

"Just once I would like to get back at you, just you wait!"

I stated as I stormed off only to hear Ruby whisper. "You let her catch you, didn't you?"

And have Draugu reply with. "Ya I may have pushed my luck on that one, and I think she knows I let myself to get caught on purpose. I may need to stay on my toes around her, there's no telling how far she's willing to go to try and get one on me." As we headed to Prof Ozpin's office.

I knocked on the door before entering, and was answered by 'come in'. Prof. Ozpin's office was as usual open and spartan. I always did wonder about the meaning of the numerous gears and cogs that Prof. Ozpin used to decorated this room with. Granted they're part of the clock, but the layout uses them in a more decorative fashion then practical.

"I'm telling you Oz that thing is beyond dangerous. We need to destroy it, the sooner the better." Prof. Ozpin was talking to Ironwood via his scroll. Most likely about the fiasco earlier.

"James you didn't even give the poor lad time to explain or show any signs that he means us no harm before you opened fire, further more your actions were futile he sat on a chair and waited it out as though it were nothing. Honestly your lucky he didn't retaliate, from Glyndas report he saved the expedition team from those titanic Ursai by himself save for the few that teams RWBY and CFVY killed. Doesn't that show himself as a potential ally and not as a foe?" Replied Prof. Ozpin to Ironwood's deathly threats.

"Regardless Oz. I'm appealing to the counsel to have him dealt with, and nothing you say can sway me on this point, he is dangerous why can't you see that! Good bye." With that Ironwood hung up.

"I'm sorry for my companions action earlier, although I wish you would've handled the situation a little better. On a side note you look much different then when last we spoke is this a result of your victory against the Hive or due to a self discovery?" Typical of Prof. Ozpin somehow able put two and two together and formulate a very accurate assumption no mater how far fetched.

"The later, and sorry it would appear that I'm very susceptible to negative emotions particularly those directed towards me. So Ozy why'd you call us here? Glynda told us to come to Vale but din't say why or who wanted to see us so urgently, we assumed that it was you." Replied Draugu using a comfortable tone that spoke of familiarity, which completely annoyed me.

"Funny I was about to ask you what was so important that we needed to speak in person." Uncharacteristically the professor openly showed that he was concerned.

"Wait you didn't call us here?! Then who did?" Echoed Ruby and Coco slightly surprised and concerned.

"Well why don't we give our report on today's events now that we are here." Blake cut in as we started to ponder on what was going on. "We might get some ideas on what's going on if we recall the days events."

"Good idea! Draugu can give us the 'update' at the same time. Although I don't like the sound of having memories injected into my brain." Jaune complained but looked as though he was also curious of Draugu and what he could do.

"There's nothing to fear Jaune it will be like watching a play. What about you three? Up for it? Unless your all in I'm not going to bother." Draugu replied trying to put Jaune's mind at ease, tho I did note a slight pause and a momentary bafflement when he made the comparison, almost as though he didn't know what a play was.

"A play? ohh me me me! I want to see the play!" Nora energetically and loudly gave her ok grabbing Ren as tho saying that he to would participate regardless of his choice in the mater.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a first hand account." Pyrrha admitted.

Giving our report on our expedition findings was limited to the day's events. Just as we finished so did Draugu and his telepathic story time. Leaving Jaune confounded and dizzy, Ren exhausted, Pyrrha was in a state of awe with her mouth wide open and Nora was well...Nora. "Ruby how is it that you and your team somehow get involved in anything interesting, no scratch that, how is it that your team is always at the forefront of every major event since your arrival at Beacon?" Asked Ren surprising me with the out of character question.

"For the same reason I invited Ruby to the academy Ren, for most fate is a term to give name the many twists and turns taken in life, but for those like Ruby fate is a road one must walk straight and true with no detours, shortcuts or deviations. To many are the coincidences to pass them off as such, Ruby destiny has much in store for you still." Poetically answered Professor Ozpin in a way that hid the fact that he wasn't telling us all there is or all that he knows. But what frustrated me was that he singled Ruby out, I knew that he has been giving us special treatment in regards to our 'extracurricular' activities, but now I think that that special treatment is given to Ruby and then to us by association.

A/N: Alright finally got to post this chapter. Season 3 has given me much to chew on as well as confirmed some of my suspicions. I'm going to wait before finishing this story as I would like to tie it in with season 3 as much as possible. I do however have an idea now that I know Nora's semblance.

Please leave a review; criticize, praise or throw some ideas my way. All of it is helpful. Also point out type-o's or incorrect facts I will fix them shortly.