One final thanks to Fabulous Fran, the beta, for all her hard work on yet another completed fic. And also, a huge hug to Judyblue and 2browneyes for all their comments along the way.

**Of course I added words after Fran had it!

Roughly 5 years later …

As Edward and Emmett escort King Carlisle and Queen Esme's carriage toward the Policia castle, a lone rider storming their way attracts his attention. His guard immediately rises, and with a motion to Emmett to stay behind, he urges Guardian ahead to meet him.

Before they get too close, Edward can tell that it is his squire, Ben, now Angela's husband, who is speeding toward him. His chest clenches.


He whips Guardian into a frenzy, racing toward the oncoming horse faster than he has ever moved. By the time they are close, he is already calling, "Is it Bella. Is she all right?"

Ben pulls his horse to a stop and nods as Edward does the same. "It is the babe, My Lord, it is coming!"

"Stay behind with the carriage," Edward demands as he races off, spurring Guardian.

The trip is not a very long one, for he can see the castle in the distance... yet it seems to take forever. His heart is thundering inside his chest as he worries over what he will find when he arrives. They knew her time was almost upon them, but weeks were expected, and this trip has only taken the morning.

As Guardian's hoofbeats pound against the hard ground, Edward remembers this same frantic journey only twice since their arrival in Policia. The first was only months into their stay while Edward had gone into the countryside to settle a longstanding land dispute where King Charles had pitted the owners against each other. The story was legend in Policia and Edward's first opportunity to prove his worth to the people.

He succeeded in his mission, both parties pleased with the final agreement, but by the time his meeting was over, word of a protest at the castle gates had spread. He rode hard and fast, his fear mounting with each moment, but he should have known, the Queen of Policia had the situation in hand by the time he had arrived.

On the final occasion, he was only in the village when trumpets sounded from the guard tower, signaling an intruder. His heart raced as he rode the short distance to the castle gates. This time, he was thankful to find his queen in hiding and begged her to remain there as he searched for the offender. Interestingly enough, it was a knight from Charles' old guard, one who had taken part in the attack of Olympia, there to plead with the queen for forgiveness. He now is a man whom Edward commands and someone he has come to respect as a loyal knight.

Once the guards spot Edward heading their way, they open the gates and he rushes through, straight into the courtyard. Jumping off Guardian and leaving him with the closest servant, he races inside and up toward the royal chambers.

It is Angela who is pacing outside the doors. "Is she okay?" he asks frantically as he swiftly strides down the hall in her direction.

She sighs in relief at the sight of him but puts up her hands. "She is progressing swiftly. Lady Hale is with her now."

He snorts. "Now, Angela, you know better than to attempt these tactics; I will not be kept from my wife." He steps past her and straight through the door.

Customs be damned.

The groans coming from their bed call to him as he hurries to her side. "Bella, are you all right?" he asks as he drops to the floor at her bedside.

She smiles and brushes her hand down his cheek. "It is a bit uncomfortable but worth it. Are our visitors here?"

"Not quite yet, they are close, though," Edward replies, kissing the back of her hand. "Emmett and Ben are escorting them now."

"You left to race back here?" she asks incredulously, grimacing in pain. "Did you check on Anthony?"

Edward's ears pinken. "I am sorry, love, but I rushed straight to your side."

She attempts a small giggle, but it turns into a groan. "I am fine. Now go check on our son. I will send for you when it is closer to time."

Edward is reluctant to leave her side, but he also understands her need for him to reassure their son. Anthony is barely two, and his mother dotes on him constantly. It would be a rare occasion for the boy to go a whole afternoon without her attention.

He grasps her cheek tenderly. "I will leave your side, but only for our son. Send for me if anything happens. I shall not miss the birth of my child." He leans up and kisses her forehead as she bears down in pain.

His eyes cut to Rose, who, with her own small bump, sits quietly on the other side of the bed. He points and says, "Make sure she is taken care of."

As Angela reenters the chambers, Edward heads off to his son's nursery. The auburn-haired boy toddles toward him as soon as he sees his father, and Edward swoops him up into his arms, cuddling him to his chest. Afterward, he places him down and follows as Anthony leads him toward a series of wooden blocks. Edward begins to build a miniature version of the castle, and Anthony takes it upon himself to destroy it. The two laugh and play until Carlisle seeks him out upon his arrival.

Edward stands when he hears the chuckle behind him. "You have made it. I apologize for racing away. I trust your journey was comfortable?"

The two children standing at Carlisle's legs peers at Edward shyly. "Our trip was fine, Edward." Carlisle waves his concern away. "The boys were hoping to play with Anthony, and I believe your wife is ready for you to join her."

Edward's eyes widen slightly, and he hurries to accommodate the four-year-old twins, Christopher and Caleb. "Right," he says and turns to their nursemaid. "Please keep an eye on the king's children as well. Someone will relieve you once the babe is born."

The nursemaid curtsies. "Yes, Your Highness."

If Edward were not so flustered, he would have reminded the maiden that such a formal title is not necessary in these circumstances, but at this moment, he is turning in circles unsure what to do next.

Carlisle steps forth and stops the nervous Edward with a soothing grip to his arm. "I will stay with the boys. Angela and the midwife are already with Isabella. Rose and Emmett have taken Lauren to the garden for a stroll so that Esme can join them. Go and be the strength your wife needs."

Edward relaxes and embraces his former king. "Thank you, Carlisle. We will catch up soon." He rushes out the room and down the few doors that separate the royal chambers the nursery.

As soon as he enters, the midwife snaps, "Wash before you approach."

This causes Edward's jaw to clench, but he quickly does as is commanded so he can hurry to his Bella's side. "My love," he says softly as he perches on the edge of the bed. "I am here."

Though she is sweaty and tired, Bella is pleased that her husband refuses to be locked from the room as is the custom. She takes his hand with what she hopes is a smile. "Husband," she breathes through short, choppy breaths. "I love you."

The afternoon carries on with his wife's pain, but in the end, it is the cries of their new babe that cleanse away the bad. The couple is passed a tiny bundle soon after Bella's final push. Edward's smile is magnified as he watches his wife pull the blanket back to check the sex.

"It is a girl," Bella says, looking to her husband.

"A princess," he replies, rewrapping the blanket around the babe. "And her name?"

It only takes Bella a moment to respond. "Elizabeth Renee Masen."

If Edward's smile could grow any further, it would; but it cannot, for he is already grinning from ear to ear. "Princess Elizabeth. Perfect," he replies, nuzzling his wife's sweaty neck.

"My Lord, you must take the babe while I attend to the rather unpleasant aspects of birth," the midwife says as she brings clean water and fresh linens to the bed. "You will be called back in when that has been completed."

Edward kisses Bella, and he and Elizabeth exit into the hall, only to find everyone loitering outside the door. Carlisle is there with the three boys, one of whom toddles toward his father, while Esme holds their own princess, Lauren. Rose and Emmett stand further down the hall in a light embrace, Emmett's large hand covering her stomach.

When they notice Edward and Elizabeth, everyone moves closer. "We have a princess," he announces with more pride than he has ever displayed, except for the last time his wife bore them a child. "Princess Elizabeth Renee Masen."

Everyone moves in to congratulate Edward and get their first look at the babe, but it is Emmett who breaks the silence. "She is very wrinkly," he says with a laugh.

Rosalie rolls her eyes. "She is beautiful."

As the couple start their own quiet conversation debating the cuteness of the new princess, Edward turns to Carlisle and asks, ""How is Alice? I am sorry they could not make the trip."

Carlisle sighs. "She is still progressing normally, though being bedridden and forced to miss the arrival of your new babe is the last thing she wished."

Esme breaks in. "It is worth it, though, and she knows this. They have lost too much already, but she has assured us this babe will live."

Hearing that, Edward's confidence grows. Alice has warned them with both of her previous pregnancies that they may not be viable, and both times she was right.

He nods. "Then it shall live."

Just then, the door opens, and the midwife appears. "You may all enter, but do not keep her long. A good rest is what is needed after the trying afternoon. The babe should nurse as soon as the visit is over."

When Edward reenters their chambers, his wife is propped up in bed, freshened and smiling. Anthony races past his father, heading straight for his mother. By the time Edward catches him, he is jumping beside the bed, attempting to climb on.

Edward chuckles and passes Elizabeth to her waiting mother and reaches for their son. "You will have to stay calm so you can meet your sister," he admonishes before lifting him to his lap.

Once the family settles, Bella focuses on the gathering in her room.

Her protectors.

Her allies.

Her family.

Because of the love and respect between two powerful Olympian men, and one overeager aunt, she was granted a reprieve. She was allowed to love a man other than the one her father gave her to so freely. Though they were his sworn enemies, the people of Olympia embraced her and lifted her, allowing her to become what she is today.

Queen of Policia.

Finding the right ending was hard, so I hope this is enough. Thank you to everyone for reading along, and I will definitely reply to everyone!

ICYMI: My book Wanted Dead or Alive by Faye Byrd is on Amazon if anyone's interested, and please remember, if you've already nabbed it, reviews are love. Any rating you deem it worthy of!

Operation will post again next week. I haven't gotten as much done as I'd hoped but plan to remedy that now that TB is done.

Thank you for reading my story :)