Please Read:

I do not own Kuroko no Basuke or any of the characters from the show! Also in later chapters there may be some dark themes, you have been warned!

Kuroko POV

It seemed just like a normal day, it was a couple of weeks after our team had won the winter cup and the GOM finally had turned back into their old selves. However, I know we can't go back to that time we've all grown and changed as people and have our own teams to lookout for but this doesn't stop us from hanging out on weekends as we were doing today. Even after all of the pain and hurt they put me though back then I still can't seem to hate or to leave them… but I know one day soon I'm going to have to leave because I'm a liar, I'm not the innocent phantom they think me to be.

Today was my birthday and the GOM and Kagami had decided that they were going to take me out to celebrate, to be honest I don't like birthdays because when I was younger I never had anyone to celebrate with…

"Kuroko, hey Earth to Kuroko!" I snap out of my daydreaming to see Kagami staring down at me with an extremely pissed off expression.

"Where you even listening to anything I was saying?!" He half screamed by the side of my face which really made me uncomfortable being that his face was only a couple of millimetres away from mine and I could literally feel the air move when he spoke or rather screamed. I felt so tempted just to do one of my famous ignite passes to his face, but instead I took a deep breath though my nose and put on my usual poker face and just replied with a simple "Nope."

"What did you just say?!" He screamed again and this time grabbed the collar of my shirt so that I had to stretch onto my tiptoes. Okay now he is really annoying me, Kagami and me have been the light and shadow duo of the Seirin basketball team for a long time now and I would class him as a really close friend but sometimes he really is a Bakagami.

I wasn't having the nicest of days due to waking up with a throbbing migraine probably caused by all the stress from the previous day and Kagami really wasn't helping. I felt myself going a bit dizzy and needed him to let go and due to my head being a bit fuzzy I let my façade drop for a split second which was huge mistake on my part and replied with a creepy smirk "Put me the fuck down Taiga or I'll have to punish you." With wide eyes and jaw agape he just stared at me in utter shock. Oh shit what have I done things are really not going my way this week…

Authors Note:

Okay this was very short, however, I just wanted to put the first little bit of the story out to see how it goes! If all goes well the next character will be out soon and will be longer I swear! Please give me any feedback it will be appreciated, hope you enjoyed!