Hello my fellow Authors and Readers of FanFiction; The Storymaster1000 here and with a special treat. First off I know that I should be working on the next chapter to Mother of a Phantom; and yes I have been in fact It should hopefully (Holidays and Christmas providing) should be done and out next week. However this is something I worked on the sidelines and I wanted to share it with people as today seems appropriate; like usual I'll talk and explain more in the outro; but I figured this would be a nice thing to share with; also I do not own the rights to Danny Phantom or Star Wars; I know big shocker but we have to say that at the beginning of every new story, so without further ado; that crossover I mentioned I was thinking of doing...

















Danny Phantom crashed into the ground; creating a crater in the floating rock as he was blown out of the air. As he started to pick himself up he looked up to see his attacker lunging at him. Just like they say how one see's there life flash before their eyes before death; Danny viewed his entire life up to this moment. This had happened to him only once before; except the first time; he didn't exactly die. Danny Fenton was the son of Jack and Maddie Fenton; two of the world's leading ghost hunters and experts. He didn't have a popular life; always being made fun of due to his parents crazy ideas and only having two friends. But they were the best friends he could ever have. One day; when he was fourteen; he came home to see his parents building a very strange machine. His parents were building what they called a Ghost Portal; which they hoped would allow them to travel into The Ghost Zone; another dimension where Ghosts dwell. However when they tried it; the machine failed.

Danny later brought his two best friends; Sam Manson and Tucker Foley over to see the machine. Somehow; his friend Sam managed to convince him to take a look in the portal. That was when his life changed. While in the portal he had accidentally found a second "on" button; courtesy of his Dad. Before he or his friends could do anything the portal blazed to life with him still inside it. Danny had seen his life flash before his eyes then. When the portal turned on Danny was electrocuted and doused in large amounts of Ectoplasm; the substance that all ghosts and The Ghost Zone are made of. But instead of killing him the Ectoplasm bonded with his very DNA; turning him into a half-human, half-ghost hybrid called a Halfa. When he walked out of the portal his raven black hair had turned a snowy white; his icy blue eyes a glowing neon green the colors of his hazmat suit were reversed.

He and his friends later discovered that being a halfa gave him the powers of a ghost. He could turn invisible; intangible and fly; plus he getting more powers and becoming more powerful every day. Unfortunately the portal also let other ghosts able to leave the Ghost Zone and come to his hometown of Amity Park. Danny decided to use his powers to protect his town and everybody in it as the hero Danny Phantom. It was not an easy life; having a human life and a ghost life; fighting many ghosts daily and other things. He had fought many things over the years from monsters made of meat; to overgrown weeds; tyrants and Ghost Kings; even himself in a future where he turned evil.

Now Danny was in the Ghost Zone fighting against Skulker; the Ghost Zone's self proclaimed greatest hunter who has been obsessed with hunting him and taking his pelt as a trophy because he is a Halfa. Danny didn't usually come into The Ghost Zone unless he had to. In fact he was on his way to visit his mentor Clockwork, the Ghost of Time about something; but then he was attacked by Skulker. Usually Danny would just be annoyed by Skulker; but for some reason Skulker was playing for keeps today as he had upgraded his arsenal and was coming at him with everything he had. Danny managed to dodge as Skulker stabbed the ground where Danny had just been. Danny then delivered a powerful kick; sending Skulker flying and breaking off the wrist blades that Skulker had; still embedded into the ground.

"Seriously Skulker; when are you going to give it up; how many times are we going to go through the same routine?" Danny asked in annoyance as he fired a ghost ray at Skulker.

"Until your pelt is resting beside my bed." Skulker said as he dodged the beam.

"That's still gross."

Skulker raised his hand and a cannon popped out; upon firing it Danny saw a green glowing net coming towards him. Danny rolled out of the way and charged at Skulker; managing to deliver a blow to his gut before elbowing him in the face followed by a follow up punch. Danny then quickly put both of his fists together and delivered an uppercut to Skulker; sending the mechanical ghost hunter flying backwards. Skulker landed on the ground and his mechanical head rolled off; its metal wires still connected to its body through. Skulker's skull like faceplate opened up to reveal the real Skulker who was no more than 2 inches tall. The small green blob kept flipping switches; pushing buttons and turning knobs trying to keep his battle suit operational to catch his prey. But all that worked were some weapons; which were practically useless if the suit couldn't move.

"Now if we're done here there are other things for me to do today."

"I'll get you next time whelp; you're pelt will be at the side of my bed one of these days!" the small blob of a hunter yelled.

"I highly doubt that."

Danny was about to take off and continue to make his way to Clockwork's Tower when a sudden flash of green caught his eyes. Danny turned in the direction to see a Ghost Portal open up a few feet beside him. One of the most common dangers in The Ghost Zone; aside from the ghosts of course were ghost portals. Why because they were unpredictable; sometimes portals had patterns and opened in the same place for the same amount of time. But for the most part they appeared at random. What made them even more dangerous was that they could appear anywhere at any time and stay open for who knows how long; and you never know what's on the other side. Danny raised his hands; ready to blast any threat that walked out. But after half a minute of waiting and nothing emerging from the swirling green mass, Danny gave up.

Skulker looked at his prey with hatred. Two years he'd been hunting the Halfa and each time it ended with defeat and failure. If only is suit was working again he could take him out now while he was distracted. In anger he smashed his controls; causing his suit to jerk; moving one of his suits robotic limbs aimed at the Halfa. Skulker smirked; he had one chance to attack while the Halfa was distracted. Skulker pressed the appropriate button and a green beam shot out of his suit's limb. Danny just now heard the sound of the attack; the humming and swirling of the portal prevented his enhanced hearing to hear the danger in time. He turned around just in time to see the beam hit him square in the chest. Danny was sent flying back; and into the portal; which abruptly closed behind him. Skulker roared in anger; he wanted Phantom on the ground; injured and bleeding; not in the portal. Now Phantom could be anywhere, anyplace or anytime; even a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.

Meanwhile; somewhere on the other side of the same portal; a group or people were hiding from their pursuers; they were a group of Rebels. They were a strange group but they had become something like a family in their fight against the Galactic Empire. There was Kanan; their leader who was a former Jedi Padawan who had survived Order 66 that killed most of if not all the other Jedi. The Jedi were the peacekeepers of the galaxy; who used the light side of the Force and fought for the Republic during The Clone Wars. There was Hera Syndulla; the Twi'lek pilot and Captain of their ship The Ghost and was the mother figure of the group. There was also Garazeb Orrelios or simply "Zeb"; a former Lasat honor guard who survived the genocide of his people at the hands of the Empire. Sabine Wren; the Mandalorian explosive artist of the team who never spoke much of her past but loved to mess with the Empire. She enjoys adding an artistic flare to the crew's missions whenever she can. C1-10P or "Chopper" was the team's astrodroid; who loved to mess with the team; especially Zeb and their latest addition; Ezra Bridger. Ezra was a fifteen year old force sensitive that Kanan had taken as a Padawan; who had lived on the streets for years after the Empire took his parents away.

Right now they were hiding in Ezra's old home; evading the Empire after a mission they went on fell apart. They were going to extract an Imperial defector; the Minister of Lothal Maketh Tua who wanted to defect. But it had been a set up and the Minister was killed; the Rebels taking the blame for her murder. Now they had to get off of Lothal and meet back up with the fleet that made up the rest of the Rebellion they were part of. They were just going over the plan when Kanan sensed something. He sensed something in the Force; a great disturbance. It was so strong that Kanan forced himself to sit before he fell down. He quickly looked over to see Ezra was also affected by it. Ezra, while strong with the force was not as attuned or trained with it as much as he was so for him to sense it as well meant it was something important. The rest of his group noticed them and grew concerned. While they didn't all understand the Force or Jedi ways as Kanan kept explaining to them they knew it was important.

"Kanan; did you feel that?" Ezra asked.

"Yes; there was a great disturbance in the force; something is wrong."

"What is it?"

"I don't know; but it's going to have to wait; right now we need to get off Lothal; we'll find out later once we're safe."

Danny opened his eyes to see the black star filled night sky. His body ached and he slowly got up; his head was spinning and he was just starting to regain his senses. The last thing he remembered was fighting Skulker; then being hit by an attack and being sent through a portal. Danny quickly looked around; he was in some kind of field; the grass was yellow and tall. Danny knew about portals from Clockwork; he could be anywhere; and it was useless to stay here and expect the portal to open again. The best course of action he could do now was get information. He should find out where he was; when it was and if there was anyone who could help him. But he had to be careful; if he was in the past he didn't want to jeopardize the future. But then Danny figured if that was the case Clockwork would have come for him by now. It was Clockwork's job to keep the time stream stable and flowing; if there was any problem he would take care of it. Danny looked around; he saw a city in the distance; tall grey buildings; and there were strange triangular things hanging over the sky. They looked like they were out of science fiction; like spaceships. Danny wondered if he was in the future; but the city was probably the best place to get answers; so he started to make his way towards it.

When he got to the city he found it strange. First of all the city was empty; there was nobody around. It was like the entire city was deserted; which made no sense for a city of this size. Something else Danny was noticing was a strange feeling. Ever since he got to this weird place he felt something different about himself and his surroundings. It was like he could feel things; he couldn't explain it; maybe it was just a side effect of the portal. It also had been a while since he slept or ate something. While he could go longer without either more than the average human could; he was still half human and needed them. Maybe before he got answers he should find something to eat and then a place to rest; it was night; maybe he should rest and get answers in the morning. Then the thought occurred to Danny, it was night. Maybe that was the reason nobody was around because they were all asleep. It was possible but even in a city this big the idea that everyone in the city being asleep at the same time was doubtful.

"Hey you stop!" a voice behind him said.

Danny turned around to see a group of men approach him. They were wearing some kind of white armor and helmet; and carried some kind of weapon in their hands; it looked like a gun. Danny then remembered he was still in his Phantom form; it would be unwise to change back now in front of these people. He didn't know who they are; maybe they could help him; maybe they were trouble. Danny was thinking the second one because something was telling him he should run. Danny stood his ground as the men ran up to him; they had their weapons raised on him; ready to fire should he try anything.

"You what are you doing out; the city's in lockdown and curfew is in effect." One of the men said; he had decorations and a red pad on his shoulder; which probably meant he was the leader.

"Oh sorry; I didn't know; I'm not from around here; in fact I don't even were here is, I'm a little lost; I don't want any trouble." Danny said; he figured he would give this a try; truthally he really didn't know where he was or what was going on. But if these people were the military or police maybe they could help.

"Well for someone who doesn't want it; you sure found a lot of it; let's see your identification."

"Identification?" Danny asked; he had a bad feeling about this.

"Show us your identification now."

"Well can't say I tried."

Danny; knowing there was going to be trouble; phased through the ground and disappeared from sight as the troops fired their weapons. Blue halo's were coming out of the weapons. Some of the men got hit by a teammate's fire and fell to the ground; stunned but alive. Danny then reappeared a few seconds later and took off running; the remaining men spotted him and called for backup. Danny hated this already; he just wanted to know where he was and what was going on and now he was in trouble with the locals. After a few seconds of running he could see and hear red beams starting to shoot past him. Danny looked to see that the men were shooting at him; their weapons were firing some kind of energy or light; thankfully they were all horrible shots.

Danny had no idea where he was even going; he just kept running. He supposed he could turn invisible or fly away and escape these men easily. But then they would know that he could do that and if he ever ran into them again they would be ready for him. Right now they thought he was just some guy, nothing more; and he would like to keep it that way. So he continued to run through the streets and alleyways; trying to shake the men off his tail. But he knew he would eventually have to fight off the few who did actually manage to catch up to him. Suddenly Danny felt a sting on his shoulder and it caused him to trip to the ground. Danny quickly recovered and looked to see that one of the men had finally managed to hit him. Danny could see the men chasing him stop for a bit. Danny wondered if he would have been able to see a face of shock and surprise if they didn't have those helmets on; they probably weren't expecting him to shrug it off.

Danny figured that he was supposed to be dead or seriously wounded right now; but the blast that hit him was no different from a normal ghost ray. Ghost Rays were something he got hit with constantly if not daily. Danny however continued to run and was impressed that these men were managing to keep track of him. Thanks to his ghost powers Danny could run faster and longer than the average human; they made him more athletic. Danny looked ahead to see two pathways; he was about to take the one on the left; but quickly changed to the one of the right when the left one filled with more of the white armored men. Danny then saw that he had been chased into a dead end; clever; they thought to corner him off. The end of this alleyway was a metal wall and a door which was no doubt locked.

Danny looked behind him to see the men still chasing and shooting at him. Danny sighed; he already kind of showed them his intangibility; plus unless they had the key to the door with them he would lose them here. Danny put an extra boost into his run and sprinted to the door. For a second he could feel satisfaction and delight in the men chasing him. They must have thought they had him caught. Danny didn't know how he was able to feel that but he couldn't dwell on it at the moment. He lunged towards the wall and to the men's surprise; he passed right through it as if it wasn't even there. Danny came to a stop on the other side; he was in a big building and there were a few crates ahead of him. He was about to walk away when he heard the sound of metal moving. Danny turned around just in time to see the men open the door and barge in.

Danny sighed; not the escape he was hoping for; but there weren't that many men who had managed to keep up with him. Besides if all they could do was sting him slightly with their weapons he could take them out easy. Danny made the first move and lunged towards them. They barely had time to react as Danny started to beat them all down. He was a whirlwind of flips, kicks, punches and head butts as one by one the men started to fall to the ground. These men were human; which, while not the normal type of foes he faced; were easier to deal with. The only thing Danny needed to pay attention to was not killing them; because with his powers he could do that easily. However Danny didn't know if he should feel guilty or bad for beating all these people up. They probably were just doing their jobs; but something within him told him that they deserved it; so he kept on beating them.

Danny; having taken care of the last of the armored men; turned his attention back to what was ahead of him. He could now see that he was now in some kind of hanger or landing platform. There was a strange white ship at the end; giant metal things with legs lined up against the walls and crates filled with who knows what everywhere. But it was the people in the room that caught his attention. They were all staring at him; probably because they never saw anything like him before. In the middle of the room were three beings; a teen or boy in an orange jumpsuit and a man in yellow with green armor. They were holding what looked like glowing blue swords. However it was the other man near them who caught his attention. The figure was in black; and wore a mask that looked like a skull or insect head; and a strange sound was coming from him; like hissing or breathing. He also held a glowing stick; but the difference was his was red. Danny felt uneasy; he couldn't explain it but he felt like evil was pouring out of the man. Danny's instincts were telling him to stay away from him; he was dangerous.

Before Danny could do anything though another red beam shot by him and he looked to see more armored troops coming towards him firing their weapons. Danny was getting tired of these guys; their weapons might not hurt him that much but they still stung. Danny decided to focus on them instead of the people in the hanger. He didn't want any more trouble than he was already in; and he did not want to mess with that black figure. He took off towards the approaching troops; only managing to be hit a few times; just shrugging them off like an annoyance. When he was close enough he pounced at the men; and started to beat them all down with his fists.

The Rebels and the figure in black watched the scene unfold before them; their own little fight briefly forgotten or on hold. The Rebels were trying to escape in the shuttle behind them when they were confronted by the black figure. Ezra and Kanan were holding him off to the best of their abilities while Sabine and Zeb took care of the troops accompanied by the black figure; while Hera and Chopper got the ship ready. Then out of nowhere this strange teen shows up with Stormtroopers on his tail and he manages to take them all down with his fists. Now he was shrugging off blaster fire like it was nothing as he took down another squad of Stormtroopers. On top of that the teen just looked weird; it was like he was glowing and he had snow white hair and green eyes that burned like green fire. Kanan knew this distraction was the best time to run away from their attacker; but he somehow could not move himself as he was fascinated by what he was seeing. Something in the Force was telling him to pay attention.

Danny grabbed two of the armored men by the heads and smashed them against each other. The blow was so strong that the helmets shattered and their wearers were knocked out instantly. He then dodged a swing from another man before kicking him in the stomach; wrapping his head around his neck; and flinging him over his shoulder and sending him flying to a pile of crates. Danny then stood up; it looked like he had taken them all out again. He was about to walk away when he felt something hit his head. He recoiled and held his head as he felt a stinging pain. He then turned around to see one man start to get back up; his weapon pointed at Danny. The man was shooting him at close range; even someone with really bad aim could hit him at this distance. Danny was now annoyed; but he had enough when the man shot again and it hit him in the face. Danny raised his hand and fired a ghost ray at the man; sending him to the ground; a weird sound escaping from the man's lungs. Danny didn't know if it was a scream or a yelp.

The Rebels and the black figure could not believe what they had just seen. This teen had been shot in the head twice by a blaster at close range and not only survived; but repaid the trooper in kind by firing a green beam from his hands. The black figure; while intrigued with the boy had other things to do and he was not going to let this boy distract him. He lifted his hand and Danny suddenly felt like something had grabbed him. He fell to the ground and started to fly backwards at a fast rate. Danny felt like something was pulling him; like an invisible force. Danny soon found himself flying towards the black figure. He then came to a stop and landed on the ground before him. Danny started to pick himself up when he saw the man or monster; Danny didn't know which one raised his glowing sword thing. Danny acted fast and raised his hands as the black figure swung it's blade at him.

What happened next stunned everybody; they expected a body to fall to the ground; another victim to the Sith Lord's blade. Kanan and Ezra even looked away knowing that even with their Jedi quick reflexes there was nothing they could do. However when they didn't hear the thump of a body hitting the ground they looked back; and what they saw shocked them. The figure in black even seemed taken aback although it was hard to tell since his true face was concealed. The teen in front of them; managed to stop the swing; by grabbing the blade. His white gloved hands were wrapped against the red blade and were wrestling with the figure for dominance. Danny then moved his arms to the side so that the swing was forced downwards. He then let go as the figure slashed the ground beneath them; leaving a hot orange cut in the floor. Danny knowing that the figure would try to attack again; acted quickly and clenched his hand into a glowing fist. His hand was surrounded by Ectoplasm and glowing with green fire. He then swung and delivered an uppercut to the figure; sending his masked head snapping back. Danny then raised his other hand and fired a ghost ray at him; again and again before putting more power and energy into the last one and sending the figure flying back into a pile of crates.

The Rebels were frozen in their places; the teen in front of them just beat down their attacker and somehow managed to touch a lightsaber blade. Danny took the time to quickly look at his hands; which started to hurt. He looked at the cut the black figure's blade made in the ground. Danny assumed that the glowing blades were like lasers and could cut through anything. Yet all it managed to do to him was give him a cut on his hands and a little burn. The wound was so small it would be healed by tomorrow. But the black figure who was probably attacking these people seemed to be gone. He turned around to leave; but was stopped when he heard a sound behind him.

Danny turned around to see the black figure arise from the crates; ready to fight again. Danny sighed; it seemed like he would have to fight this guy; at least these people he was attacking could now get away. Danny looked at the figure as he raised his blade in preparation to strike again. Well if it's a sword fight the figure wanted; then it was a sword fight he was going to get. Danny raised his hand and used his powers to create an Ectoplasmic blade. It was a power he had learned to do recently; Vlad had done it before. Within seconds a long green, glowing blade was in his hands; blazing with energy like a blade of green fire. Danny somehow felt the surprise in the people surrounding him. He still didn't get how he could feel people's emotions now; maybe it was a new power or ability developing. Danny stopped thinking about it and kept his attention on the figure in black; before making the first move and lunging at him.

Kanan; finally getting a hold of himself grabbed Ezra and started to make their way towards the shuttle. He didn't know what was going on or who or what that teen was; but right now the figure in black was distracted enough that they could escape. Suddenly the familiar sound of blaster fire filled his ears and he turned around to see more Stormtroopers heading towards him. He and Ezra raised their lightsabers to deflect the shots while Zeb and Sabine fired their weapons. Danny meanwhile was locked in combat with the figure; deflecting each other's attacks. While Danny was good with a blade; or at least that's what Vlad admitted to him at one time; he was not going to win against the black figure who obviously had more experience and training. Every so often he would get an opening and slice Danny; leaving a small cut but nothing more then a flesh wound that would be gone the next day. Danny felt worse the more time he stood around the figure. It was like he could sense the evil; the hate and anger this black figure had; and he didn't know how. Out of the corner of his eye he could see more of the white armored men coming in and they were now fighting the group of people. Something told Danny that it was important for these people to get away; but he didn't know how or why. He could see the men and boy deflecting the beams back at the armored men with their laser blade things and behind them a girl in colorful armor and a...what Danny could only describe as a cat-ape mix were shooting back with similar weapons.

Danny was distracted long enough for the black figure to raise his hand again; but this time not to strike. He raised his hand and shoved it forward; Danny then felt himself flying backwards; like an invisible force had pushed him; just like before. Danny came crashing down near the man and boy; who stepped back to avoid being landed on. Danny started to pick himself up; he noticed the armored girl throwing things onto the legs of the giant metal things. He didn't know what they were. The black figure then appeared in front of him again; more of the armored men behind him. They were going to surround them and capture them. Danny looked around; there was only one thing he could do. He stood his ground and sucked in a deep breath; he then opened his mouth and unleashed his ghostly wail.

The group of people behind him covered their ears at the sound of his powerful attack; so did the men in white armor. Seconds later floor panels in front of him started to uproot and fly into the air; crates were sent flying; along with the armored men as the wail started to push back and obliterate everything in its way; all except one. The black figure seemed to be standing his ground. His hands in the air; yet somehow managing to block out the wail. Only taking a few slides back instead of being sent flying. Danny couldn't keep his wail up for much longer; being his most powerful attack it was also his most power draining. But then something happened; an explosion filled the air and Danny could see out of the corner of his eye the devices the girl in armor threw explode. The giant metal walker things lost footing and came crashing down; right on top of the black figure.

Danny finished his Ghostly wail; leaving him with enough power to retain his ghost form and some of his powers. He sometimes hated using his Ghostly Wail because he always felt extremely tired after it. But he kept his attention to where black figure once stood; the area before him was completely destroyed and now he was probably nothing but guts and splatter under that metal walker thing. Danny didn't mean or wanted to kill him; he had never killed before. He didn't know that the armored girl had set explosives on the legs of that thing and that it would fall right on him. Although he should have had an idea; what else could they have been? But there was nothing he could do now; the black figure was dead and these people were safe; it was time for him to leave. He looked briefly at the people behind him. He could see the man looking at him; observing him like he was an animal in its natural habitat. While the boy at his side looked relived and amazed.

Danny gave a little nod before he stood back up from his hunched position. He prepared to take off when a metallic creak filled the air; it came from behind him. Danny turned around and watched with disbelief as the giant metal walker thing started to rise from the ground. Through the blazing fires that surrounded it Danny could see the black figure underneath; his hand outstretched. The black figure hadn't been harmed by the walker at all; and now he was just shrugging it off him; lifting it like it was nothing. Danny looked to see the two guys that had been fighting the man before; watch with disbelief as well.

"If that doesn't kill him what will?" the boy asked; terror in his voice.

"Not us RUN!" the older man responded.

Danny had to agree with them. This black figure; despite not being a ghost was powerful. Danny had to admit; he was even a bit challenging for him. So if he was having a little trouble stopping this powerful masked man; then this group of people wouldn't be a match for him either. It would be best for them to run and fight another day. It seemed they were doing just that too; as the black figure stood back up and reignited his red sword of light the ship the group was trying to get to started to lift off. They were just waiting for the two guys to reach them. It looked like they were going to get away; Danny figured he might as well use this opportunity to disappear as well. He was starting to get tired and he wanted to take care of his wounds. He also didn't want to have to fight the black figure again so soon if he didn't have too.

Danny was about to take off when his enhanced hearing picked up a concerning sound; it was the sound of a female grunting in pain. Danny turned around just in time to see the girl in armor get blasted by her own shots. She had fired her guns at the black figure in hopes of slowing him down. But the black figure just reflected them off his laser sword and sent them back at her. She got hit in the breastplate and helmet; the force of impact sent her tumbling to the ground and started to roll off the ramp of the rising ship. The two guys who had jumped onto the ramp turned around with shocked faces as they tried to grab the girl. But they weren't fast enough and the girl had fallen off the ship and landed on the cold metal ground.

Danny watched; the ship the group was in continued to rise; about to take off; they didn't have time to go back and get their friend. The black figure was also getting closer; the strange hissing sound and hum of his red blade filled the air as he approached the armored girl. Danny looked; and knew what was going to happen. They were either going to come back to save their friend; risking capture or death; or they were going to leave her behind. Danny could still feel the aches of his muscles and the familiar sense of fatigue set over him; then there was his power drain from his Ghostly Wail attack. But he knew he had to help them; it's what he did; he helped people and something was telling him that these people were special. Danny looked at the girl who was just starting to get up; then at the figure who was approaching; then Danny acted.

Danny lunged towards the girl; the black figure must have somehow sensed he was coming because he swung his weapon towards Danny as he approached. Danny simply dodged the swing; leaping into the air and raised his hands; firing a powerful ghost-ray at the figure. The black figure was sent flying back a few feet and tried to recover so he could make another attack. Danny reached the girl; who was just starting to get up; Danny reached out to help her up. From what Danny could tell she seemed to be alright; just a little shaken. Her armor took the brunt of the damage; leaving two scorch marks on her breastplate and helmet. She was lucky; the mark on her helmet was just above what Danny could only guess was a visor. If it were a few inches lower it probably would have gone through it and into her eye. The girl turned her head to Danny and recoiled a bit in surprise; not expecting to see the strange teen helping her. However her attention soon returned to the black figure as he recovered and started to walk towards them; more white armored men running up behind him.

"Impressive...most impressive; the Force is strong with you boy; but even you are no match for the power of the Dark Side; now surrender or be destroyed; there is no escape." The figure said in a deep voice.

Danny watched as the white armored men started to surround them; he could see the girl reaching for her weapons out of the corner of his eye. They were surrounded; the black figure was right; there was no way out; or at least no way out for a normal person; Danny was far from normal. Acting quickly he grabbed the girl and picked her up bridal style. The girl started to protest; but before she; the armored men or the black figure could do anything; Danny shot up into the air like a rocket. The girl stopped protesting and instead wrapped her arms around his neck; clinging like her life depended on it; trying to adapt and stay calm. Danny looked up to see the shuttle; which was still taking off. He got closer and closer and right before he was going to hit it; he turned himself and the girl in his arms intangible.

Meanwhile on the shuttle; The Rebels; minus Sabine were arguing over what they should do about their missing teammate. Hera was tending to Kanan's injuries while Zeb and Ezra were trying to get Chopper to turn the ship around. Kanan's thoughts were conflicting in his head of what they should do. Sabine was a part of the team; a part of their family; there was no way they were going to leave her behind for The Empire. But at the same time going back for her now was too dangerous. The area would be swarming with Stormtroopers and there would still be that Sith Lord waiting for them. Kanan hated it but there was nothing they could do for Sabine right now. At best they could regroup with Ashoka and the rest of the fleet and plan a rescue mission. He looked at Hera; she could tell right away what he was thinking and although she hated it; she would have to agree. Kanan was about to get up and inform the rest of the team about his difficult decision when he felt the Force speak out to him again. He saw Ezra stiffen out of the corner of his eye and knew that he felt it too.

Suddenly two blue and translucent objects appeared in the middle of the ship. It was like they passed through the solid underbelly of the ship. Kanan and Hera jumped back in surprise and Zeb and Ezra got in a battle stance; not knowing what had happened. Suddenly color started to come back to the objects to reveal a familiar multi-colored Mandalorian in the arms of the black and white teen that appeared earlier. The teen gently lowered his arms so the girl could stand on the ship; while he collapsed to the ground in exhaustion behind her. Danny was tired and exhausted and just not feeling strong enough to stand anymore. Sabine looked around; trying to make sense of everything that was happening. She hated not knowing what was going on and being kept out of the loop. Just a few seconds ago she was back on Lothal; being surrounded by The Empire. Then she was flying through the air and now she was back with the team. It took a few seconds for the Rebels to register what was going on; but as soon as Hera realized Sabine was on the ship she ran up to the girl; remembering that she had been injured. While also trying to ignore the fact that she suddenly appeared on the ship; she was here now and that's all that mattered at the moment.

"Sabine how are you feeling?" Hera asked; her voice mixed with surprise and concern.

"I'll live...but what is going on around here and who...or what is he?" the girl said pointing to Danny.

The girl; or Sabine as Danny now knew her to be called; removed her helmet from her head. The first thing Danny noticed was the multi-colored and dyed hair. It was a dark shade of blue with orange streaks at the end. It reminded Danny of a fire blazing in the dead of night. Danny tried to pick himself up but he could feel his wounds starting to take it's toll. He's been in this situation before; soon he'll lose consciousness for a few hours while his body heals itself at an advanced rate. He could feel his muscles stiffen and ectoplasm leaking from his cuts made by the strange blade wielded by that black figure. It also didn't help that he used his Ghostly Wail; while he had gotten more control over it and could now do it without automatically reverting back to human form it still drained most of his energy. The rest of the group started to surround him; and Danny was suddenly flooded by a strange feeling. He felt confusion, wonder, fear and concern coming from the others. Ever since he got to this strange place he's been feeling differently and he didn't like it. It was different, new and confusing. He then saw the man slowly approach him; Danny assumed he was the leader of this group.

"Thank you." He simply said.

Danny almost let out a smile. Even being a hero back in Amity Park he would sometimes get a thank you from a citizen he saved. While he didn't require it or any reward for doing his job; doing what he's supposed to do it was always still nice when someone acknowledges it. Danny knew any second he was going to lose consciousness and revert back to his human form. He just hoped his instincts and these new feelings were right and that these people were good. Because he would be in their hands for the next few hours till he regained consciousness.

Then it happened; he blacked out; he collapsed to the ground of the shuttle and lay on the ground like he was asleep. The Rebels were caught off guard and wondered what was going on and whether they should get the teen that helped them medical aid. Suddenly the room was bathed in a blue light and two rings formed around the teen's waist. The beams glowed like a lightsaber; they then traveled over the teen. The Rebels were taken aback by the light and covered their eyes. Seconds after the light vanished they opened their eyes. They did not expect to see what was in front of them; the teen still lay in front of them; but now he had a different appearance. His hair was now raven black instead of a snowy white. His clothes changed into a white T-shirt and blue jeans; red and white sneakers and the glowing green liquid that was oozing out of him was replaced with regular crimson blood. But they could see the teen's chest slowly rising up and down, he was alive and breathing. The Rebels looked on still trying to make sense of what was all going on. Hera, being the mother figure of the team was the first to act.

"Ezra; see if there is a med kit on the ship; Zeb make sure the Empire can't track us; Chopper set a course for the fleet." She said as she started to examine the teen's wounds.

"The fleet; you sure we should be bringing this kid to the fleet; can we trust him?" Zeb said before walking away to do his assigned task.

"The fleet has better medical units and supplies then us; plus I sense confusion in him; he probably doesn't even know where he is or what's going on." Kanan said.

"We don't even know what's going on; who is he?" Sabine said.

"I don't know but I sense the Force is strong with him; I've never sensed anything this powerful before."

"Plus he did save us from that...monster Kanan what was he; another Inquisitor?" Ezra said as he returned with a med kit.

"No...That was something worse." Kanan replied grimly.


"A Sith Lord, the ancient enemy of the Jedi."

"How do we fight him?"

"Fight him; Ezra; without this boy's help we would have been lucky to have survived."

"Then that settles it; we'll make for orbit so we can jump away; we'll just need to figure out a way past the blockade the Empire has probably set up by now." Hera said.

"It's not like we can fight; this ship is slow and doesn't have weapons or shields; I think we'll have to smuggle ourselves of Lothal for a change." Sabine said before leaving the room.

Kanan just turned his attention back to the teen lying on the floor of the shuttle. If it hadn't been for him they might have had a harder time getting away; or might not have at all. But Kanan was more interested in finding out what exactly this teen was. Kanan had been too many places in the galaxy over the years and had seen many things. But never before has he ever seen anything able shrug of blaster fire like an annoyance; touch the blade of a lightsaber with little consequence or able to do half the things he's seen this kid do. He also sensed the force within him; he was strong with it. He had also helped them; the least they could do was return the favor. They will take him to the fleet and patch him up; but then Kanan wanted to talk with him; maybe Ahsoka would want to too.

Well there you go; I honestly did not mean for this chapter to be so long. Also I hope you like it; this was a moments thing that I wanted to write; like I first did when I posted Daughter of a Phantom. And like Daughter of a Phantom; I enjoyed writing this and I would love to continue it; however I will only do it if I have enough support and it's liked well enough. And if I do continue to write this then there are two things I have to say; first; my main story Mother of a Phantom must take priority; I want to get that done; this is something I can do on the side when I want to take a little break from writing just about Danny Phantom. Also since this is a moment's thing if I am to continue the story then I'm going to need some help as I don't have a plan; so if you want it continued please tell me in the review what you would like or be interested in seeing. Also please let me know if there is anything in this chapter I can fix or better explain; like I said this was a moments thing that I wanted to share. I will also address some concerns that some of you might have; if I continue this story I will not make Danny Overpowered and better then the entire team of Rebels; each of the Rebels have their own strengths and weaknesses and they all work great as a team; I'm not going to side line them because I hate it when people do crossovers and they favor one character more then the others so to set your fears aside if I continue this I won't overpower Danny or favor him; if anything I like Star Wars more then Danny Phantom; I know it's hard to believe looking at my stories but I found writing for him easier then others; but anyways I don't know if I'll continue this; I probably will; especially if you all like it; so please if you like this and would like to see in continued please favorite and follow; and please everybody review; let me know what you think of it so far and what you would like to see until next time...

The Stroymaster1000.