AN: (For those who have read my other stories.) Good news. My semester in college is done. Now it's only work and family stopping me. I have more time on my hands.

But I'm still hitting stumps in how to continue my other two stories without making them sound like an idiot wrote them.

But I pledge and promise to finish them.

In the meantime. Here's another story from the inner workings of my mind involving the greatest science fiction franchise since Star Wars.

The year is 2548. Humanity is fighting for its very existence against a religious alien empire known as the Covenant in the Human-Covenant War.

They are losing.

With the Inner Colonies falling, humans from all over flock to recruitment. But to equip these soldiers, humanity needs more war machines than ever, and to make them, they need two things. Resources and power. Both are plentiful.

Were anyway.

The UNSC has full time labs and factories on inner colonies and even outer colonies that were untouched by the Covenant racing to create new weapons from Covenant tech. But most of these facilities have power plants that are not the solar or geothermal plants one would expect.

These are matter-antimatter power reactors.

Humanity needed every resource it could get its hands on to power them or make weapons. But one planet offers the highest yield of a resource known as unobtanium. This resource was the answer to the energy issues with the reactors. The planet's name is Pandora, in the Alpha Centauri system. It was among one of the first planets humanity found. Of course it wasn't until 2515 that humanity started its expeditions. Being at least 4 light years away from Earth. It is Humanity's second most secret prize. Without the unobtanium from the planet, humans would fail to fuel reactors and create new weaponry.

And learned it was not alone in the universe.

They discovered the Na'vi on the planet. And an uneasy peace has existed for at least a near decade.

But there is a downside. This planet is not overseen by the UNSC. For the military is committing all its manpower to the war. Leaving the planet in the just as well armed, but less diplomatic, Resources Development Administration and its private army to oversee the planet. The relations with the Na'vi continue to sour, especially after 2 years since the first conflict with the RDA and the Tipani clan ended in the RDA gaining more dominance and hatred from the Na'vi. The aggression peaks, and RDA leaders agree that there may be only one way to ensure the Na'vi don't revolt again, without resorting to violence.

RDA Administrative Headquarters. Earth 2548.

"These reports are NOT what I want to see!" The head of the RDA council said. Voicing the opinion of every other official present. Relations with the Na'vi are beginning to sour yet again.

"I am well aware of this sir, and let me tell you that I am doing everything I can about it! It's Grace and her little pet project that are failing!" Yelled Parker Selfridge. The man on TV who was overseeing the RDA's progress on Pandora.

It was another Tipani conflict just waiting to happen. More wasted materials and lives in a n operation for survival. As if humanity didn't have enough enemies already. The Na'vi clans were once again spurring in opposition. No violence. Just arrow potshots at the Hell Trucks carrying mined unobtanium back to Hell's Gate. But it's happened before, and it eventually escalated into a full blown war.

"We need a solution to this problem and we need it now! We need the Avatar program to convince the Na'vi to move so we can mine the unobtanium!" The head said. "That's the whole reason we developed the program in the first place.

"I know! But if you want the unobtanium then time is what I need-"

"WE DON'T HAVE TIME! While you and your cohorts are playing safari in that jungle, thousands if not millions of humans are dying at the hand of the alien juggernaut that threatens EVERYTHING! This isn't about money, power, or gain. It's about survival! Nothing more!" It was the truth. The Covenant showed no signs of stopping and continued to push into Human space. Despite a rise in human victory and better MAC guns to counter the Covenant fleets. World after world continued to fall. "If we don't get those power plants, that happen to be supplying DOZENS of vital labs and factories creating weapons, the resources they need, then we're one step closer to losing this war."

Parker looked down with frustration in his pace and made a few steps away from the monitor, as if he was in deep thought. "Well. I know the incoming grunt may help. But… I had another idea."

"Let's hear it."

"Our grunts are good. But they're only human. What we need is a REAL warrior to show the Na'vi just how serious we are. They may be tall, but they know our power. We need to show more to convince them another war is NOT a good idea. Now from what I understand, we have such a soldier. Serving on the front lines in every theater, killing thousands of Covenant?" He asked in a 'you know what I'm talking about way.'

"You don't mean…" The head began.


It wasn't a secret that humanity had such warriors. The Spartans. Wherever they went, morale was boosted no matter how bad the situation. The Spartans were easily worth whole battalions of marines, and even Covenant soldiers. Time and time again they proved it.

"Impossible. It would work but Spartans are needed on the front lines. Not on guard duty on a backwater planet!"

"What choice do we have?" Parker inquired, "If we don't, we're stuck. What else are we gonna do? Huh? Riddle me that."

The head of the council sat and thought while those at the same table watched with interest.

The old man's expression turned to frustration, then worry, fear. Finally, to what seemed like defeat.

"I'll… make the call. But I can't guarantee anything."


(This is before the Mark V armor, meaning before the first Halo game.)

'Has it really been 23 years since then?' The soldier asked himself as he looked out at the setting sun. 'It feels like a lifetime ago.' This soldier was different from others. All he knows if how to fight, how to destroy, how to kill. And here he was for some R&R on Reach.

This was where Spartans are born.

He was the best, as he was told, of the bunch. He along with his Spartan brothers and sisters have seen combat across the galaxy against the menace that is the Covenant. Victory after victory, only to turn into a space defeat. He often wondered why they didn't just go up into the ships and plant a nuke, only to remember what happened last time.

Samuel. The first Spartan to die.

He did so willingly, being wounded and arming the weapon while the others escaped, but it left a pain in each and every one of them. They knew only three kinds of people. Enemies, allies, and each other. Their bond was thicker than blood and stronger than the very armor they wear. Spartans were the best. But they weren't invincible.

In the meantime, the Covenant were reducing the number of worlds they had. If this kept up, it would only be a matter of time before Earth was found.

Earth. The crown jewel of the 'Human Empire.' It was a small empire now.

'This is unhealthy to think about.'

The Spartan took an ancient coin from one of the pouches on his belt. 21st century ancient. It had an eagle with arrows and olive branches in its claws. He tossed it in the air and said tails. Catching it, he opened his hand to find it was indeed tails. The eagle side. He smiled.

'I win. I always win."

"Hey John."

The Spartan turned to face another. Fred-104. His second in command. "Fred, what is it?"

"Sorry to bother you sir. But we're being called to the briefing room. Something's got the higher ups all jittery." John felt his heart skip a beat. He was about to be sent back to the front lines, he could feel it. Back where he belonged. Where he could do something that actually helped.

Upon reaching the briefing room, John and Fred found the other member of Blue team waiting. Kelly-087, the fastest Spartan. And Linda-058, a major deadeye sniper. At the other end of the briefing table was the current CO, a commander Nicholas. "117, 104, glad you could make it. We have a situation spurring. A unique situation at that." He said, pulling up a planet in hologram form on the table.

"What colony is this sir?" John asked, not recognizing the planet.

"It's not a colony. It's a goldmine." Nicholas said.

"I'm sorry sir?" John asked confused.

"Ever heard of Pandora?"

The Spartans nodded. They heard about it on the news. It was not only one of Humanity's most carefully guarded secrets, it was where they first found alien life. Unfortunately, the Spartans were only familiar sometime after its discovery and eventual established human bases. They were however, aware of the natives. Some species called the Na'vi.

"Tensions are building again. I'm sure you remember the last time this happened." They knew this too. The Tipani Conflict as it was dubbed. A whole clan was almost wiped out, before a signal specialist managed to take control of the planet as they say. John didn't know whether such things were possible, but that's not what was bugging him.

Pandora was deep in Human territory, where Covenant presence was nonexistent. So why was his team being briefed about this? John had a bad feeling in his gut, so he decided to get answers. "Permission to speak freely sir?"

"Granted 117."

"Why are you telling us this?"

"The council of the Resource Development Administration has contacted us. They… well… they want some Spartans to go to Pandora to mitigate possible uprisings."


John couldn't believe what he heard. "Wait wait wait. We're being reduced to some private soldiers now?" Fred asked angrily.

"Now I didn't say that. I'm just saying you'll be experiencing a change of duty for a few months."

"A few months? Sir. With all due respect, the Covenant are not stopping, and we need every available soldier on the front lines to hold them back. I don't see how sending us to Pandora is going to help us in any way. Our venture with the IMC was one thing, but this is a whole different matter altogether." John said.

"I agree. But if you think about it, resources are at stake. Unobtanium being the biggest. I'm sure you know what that's all about. No unobtanium means fewer plants running that power factories and labs. And so the cycle goes." Unfortunately the commander was right. If Pandora fell into chaos again, there would be no telling what would happen. If there was no unobtanium. The results would be catastrophic.

"Sir, what should we expect to face?" Kelly asked.

"Hopefully only wildlife. In that case you're free to fire. As for the natives, your RoE are strict, don't attack unless attacked." No one else spoke. "If there are no more questions. You'll be departing first thing tomorrow. Be ready."

"Yes sir."

As the commander left, the Spartans sighed in disgust. "Guard duty, what the fuck." Fred said. John couldn't blame him, Spartans were soldiers, not guards. But once they start a mission, they finish it. And John knew that this mission had a deep meaning.

"Let's go pack Blue Team." He said.

"B-but sir. I mean, why us?" Fred asked.

"I'm not sure Fred, maybe it's our record, or maybe we're the closest, or maybe they just really like us. Either way, we're going to be ready. Pack your things." John ordered.

John walked away and back to the spot looking at the sunset, it was darker now though. He mused over the mission. Both a blessing and a curse. He was ensuring Humanity would still be in a fighting stance, but he was unable to utilize his skillsets. He began to think about the other Spartans. How they were holding up, what they were doing, where they were.

"Someday. I don't know when. But someday we'll all be reunited and await the call to serve once this war ends… I wonder if the RDA's private soldiers are as good as the IMC's." John said.

But first. Pandora.

AN: First chapters are usually the hardest for me to do. In my defense it's 10:21 and I'm tired. I'll work to improve as best as I can. It's not easy being a writer.

PS: The Tipani clan are from the game. For the Xbox and the PlayStation.

Codex: Some details are canon, others are fan made.

United Nations Space Command: At the dawn of the 21st Century, humanity began to look deeper into space with their observatories and spaceships. As time passed, humanity began to come more and more together despite the wars and terror. Yet, the fear of the unknown, as well as an irregular cycle of technological advancements and an inability to evolve beyond the barriers of self-imposed borders and cultural differences prevented humans from reaching a truly productive and universally beneficial exploration of space.

By 2160, overpopulation and unrest led to war between two political movements, the Koslovics and the Friedens. The Koslovics longed for the Soviet days of state control over industry. They operated in orbital facilities and outer colonies, seeking to eliminate corporate and capitalist influences.

The Friedens were neo-fascists. Backed by corporate interests, and created in reaction to the Koslovics, they attacked the UN Colonial Advisors in their first act of rebellion near the Jovian moons. Triggering three months of war. When the war came to Earth in 2162, the Rainforest Wars in South America began, leading to the literature A Soldier's Tale: Rainforest Wars. Which is still a classic centuries later.

As time passed and more wars erupted, humanity realized that a unified government was needed. By 2490, Humanity claimed over 800 worlds, centers of industry, tourism, all kinds of worlds. The UNSC soon became a growing power as time went and Humans became more or less united.

Now the UNSC is fighting the Covenant in a war for survival. Survival of Humanity.

The Covenant: The Covenant, dating back to times older than Earth civilizations, is a religious alien conglomerate empire whose faith is based upon the Forerunners, aliens who ruled the galaxy when other species lived in caves. The Covenant believe the Forerunners to be gods, and that they left the galaxy on the 'Great Journey' to attain the status. The Covenant follow in the Forerunner's footsteps to godhood. Finding all the relics they can while incorporating other species into the empire. Two species hold the top rungs of the society. The San'Shyuum, and the Sangheili. The San'Shyuum are the religious and political leaders, like the Pope and bishops. They are the top leaders in Covenant society. The Sangheili are the military leaders, commanding other species on the battlefield with great skill and cunning.

When the Covenant came across Humanity, contact was at first tense but calm, until an Unggoy, the lowest in the Covenant ladder, attacked a soldier. As the incident became known, the Covenant soon believed Humans to be an affront to the Forerunners, and began a holy war to wipe humanity off the face of the galaxy.

Resources Development Administration: The RDA is the largest single non-governmental organization in human space. Its power is rivaled only by the UNSC militarily, and they have big pulls in politics. With monopoly rights over items shipped from worlds they oversee. The rights were granted by the United Earth Government, with the conditions of not being allowed to own Weapons of Mass Destruction and limiting space power (The RDA fleet can only have transport ships and a restricted number of bombardment ships.)

The expeditions to Pandora didn't begin until 2515 despite having the ability to do so earlier. They reasoned, 'Let's see what else is out there first. The gamble paid off because when they finally went to Pandora, they encountered the hostile wildlife. Going to Pandora first would have urged other expeditions to not occur.

One war has occurred between the RDA and Na'vi already, and now another war seems likely.

Security Operations: SecOps is the RDA's private army, made up of former rebels, pirates, and even UNSC marines. They all joined for opportunities, benefits, or for a better job. The force is easily comparable to the UNSC, but smaller, given the UNSC's wider spread over worlds.

Pandora: With a volatile atmosphere and dangerous fauna and flora, Pandora the fifth moon of the gas giant Polyphemus in Alpha Centauri. Pandora is the planet where Humanity's cash resource, unobtanium, is in its most abundant. Otherwise Humanity would go nowhere near this unforgiving environment. The unobtanium fuels reactors that power facilities vital to the war effort. Solar panels, geothermal energy, hydroelectricity provide power, but not enough. Matter-antimatter provides HUGE amounts of energy.

The environment is unbelievably hostile, everything seems to want you dead. If it wasn't for the war and the resources, Humanity would just go elsewhere.

Na'vi: The inhabitants of Pandora, the Na'vi are tall, bipedal humanoid aliens with blue skin and yellow eyes whose technology is equivalent to Humanity's Stone Age. They were the first aliens Humans encountered in space. They have a connection to the planet and its environment like that of the Native Americans. The human presence on their home is seen as disruptive to Eywa, their goddess, and it is not uncommon for tensions to rise. Already one war had waged, and was won by Humans, but even now, another threatens to break out.