Hello everyone and thanks for reading so far here is part 2 of this story! Happy Valentine's day and enjoy the supa fluffy and smutty MikaYuu mpreg! Also alot of plot holes are fixed up I feel like and we finally learn what happened to Mitsu~ Only warning is my terrible spelling skills and smutt.

"I'm glad your here actually." Yuu said staring into the dead evil gleam of the red eyed vampire, "Cos I always wanted to ask you face to face."

The slender lean adult vampire gave a toothy grin as he sassy walked his way into the house, with malicious criminal intent no doubt. Yet here the human was awaiting his entry. Yuu the human wanted answers, as he sat on Mika's bed. Well knowing his boyfriend was long gone, leaving himself open for an attack.

Ferid slid his way next to Yuuirichou his long feet hanging off the soft mattress bed side, as he rest back. His long black nails, cupped Yuu's face as he snarled out, "Ask me, what child?"

The raven haired teen looked at Ferid his face somber, grieving the loss of his loved ones and not the least bit statistic, "Why did you kill my family?"

Ferid only chuckled lightly, "Why do you care? Your still alive aren't ya?"

"I DON'T CARE IF I AM PREGNANT! I'D GIVE IT ALL AWAY IF IT WAS TO SAVE MY FAMILY!" Yuu tearfully turned away quickly from the bloodsucker burrowing his face in his hands realizing what he just admitted out loud, to FERID THE KING OF ULTIMATE EVIL!

Ferid looked wired up with a new plan at those words, even as it was such short notice everything would still fall into play, EVEN BETTER THAN EXPECTED.

"oh so, Mika finally knocked you up? Huh?" The vampire poked Yuu's belly and laughed cruelly, "You stupid kids, aren't you a bit YOUNG to be having a kid of your own?"

"Shut up! Don't TOUCH ME!" Yuu darted away from him, "I asked you a question! Why did you kill my family, YOU MONSTER!"

"Which family? Mika is still alive isn't he? That is... If you even still consider Mika as a part of it."

"The Demon Imperial Army and The Hyakuya Orphanage."

"Any answer I give, would sound like an excuse." Ferid looked Yuu dead in his eyes, his voice not wavering as it rang out clearly filling the room, "There is nothing I can do or say to justify how wrong it was to murder everyone you cared about. All I can say is, I did it because... I didn't even care."

Yuu sighed and closed his eyes. He could accept this answer, if this was the truth. He was prepared to let the topic go, until the silver haired bloodsucker said with a sly grin, "However, if I told you. Someone ordered me to murder them. To rid you of your happiness both times. Would that change things?"

Yuu's eyes brows turned angry as his whole demeanor changed to mode violent and avenge-ful, he growled at the Nobel launching himself fill force at him.

"TELL ME! TELL ME!" Yuu thundered as he clawed, "Who ORDERED YOU! WHO IS DOING THIS!?"

Ferid didn't even answer he was too busy laughing as he grabbed the shorter male pinning him to the bed as he started to wrap him up in the cover, "Oh boy. No, wonder Mika loves you so much."

"Let me GO! LET ME GO!" Yuu thrashed and screamed his throat going raw, "You pussy! Tell me who gave you the clear, to ruin my life!"

"You should be quiet, now. Or at least stop this weak ass attempt to stop me. Honestly, a spider could do better." Ferid scoffed, "and aren't pregnant woman supposed to be super careful while carrying their child?"


"You scream so loud and high pitched, like one. I can hardly tell the difference."

"I'll rip that grin right off your face! I'll crush you with a lawn mower!"

"Kind hard to do that tied up, isn't it Mika's bitch?"


"You like, Mika's pregnant princess better?"

"Don't you call me anything! Stay away from MY Mika, stay away from me, and!" Yuu put a protective hand over his stomach, "STAY AWAY FAR FROM OUR CHILD NOW AND AFTER IT'S BORN!"

"I wouldn't wanna get near your freak child anyway. A vampire and a human kid, ever being normal is impossible. If I were you, I would just get an abortion." Ferid rolled his wrist and allowed his words to sink in as Yuu's face became pale and less full hearted on his precision for answers.

Yuu felt his heart flutter as he glared at the bloodsucker,

"I...would never... Kill Mika's child. Especially since it's growing INSIDE ME. It's my choice. I have the power."

"Ah, but didn't you just say..." Ferid smirked his silky silver hair bouncing on his back lightly, "You would 'give it all away if it means saving your family?'"

Yuu knew his mouth had run dry as long as his luck and time, he looked around desperately for something to bash Ferid upside his noggin.

"What's wrong, you okay?" Ferid teased with zero compassion in his voice, not evening trying to sound sorry or a hint of hurt, "Is it your head? Is it spinning with regret? Remorse? Fear?"

"Hate... My ever lasting HATE FOR YOU!" Yuu spat out shooting the howling mind blowing battle taking place inside his brain. But it only managed to build up more perplexity.

"How special, you really magnify me into glory princess." Ferid did a little bow, "Fills me with such delight to know how much you care about my downfall. Ah, I mean... You did spend, your whole life plotting revenge on us bloodsuckers." The man gave a heartless snort, "Who would have thought... You'd give birth to one."

"My KID IS NOT A MONSTER!" Yuu yelled feeling the burn of the sheets tear into his skin as he snapped harshly jerking his body to lash out at the Noble, "My kids is Not gonna be a cunt-dick meat head like you!"

"Even YOUR insults are less menacing." Ferid yawned uninterested, "Loosing everything, I guess CAN REALLY BREAK A PERSON."

'Then came the laughter... The relentless, barbaric, bloodthirsty, inhuman, laughter. The sound of pure wickedness and rotten to the core. The sound I oath, the sound I despise, the sound I wanna slice his throat to.' Yuu's vibrant emerald eyes blinked open, awaking him from the terroristic nightmare. Even this his mind whirled reflecting on the memory, from when Mika murdered Ferid.

He hated it, he hated how someone, could be dead. Long gone and probably rotting away under ground, yet... How their words can come back just to mimic and mock you. To fill you with fear and haunt you like a ghost. To swam around buzzing in your head, then to pop into random dreams just to drag you into the underworld right with them. The thought is heart retching, just like the sound of rain banging on your window seal.

Yuuirichou sat up breathing heavily, tho his white baggy pajamas was not drenched in sweat, or he had (thankfully) not pissed himself this time. (He blamed the first 10 hundred times on the fact he was pregnant and holding water had become very hard for him. When Yuu had to go, HE HAD TO GO, there was no way around it.) His short black tangled hair rested on his shoulders, which heaved up and down rapidly.

He rubbed his eyes, wiping away the sleep as he shuffled out the cover, from away from him. 'its way too hot to be doing this' he decided. Yuu began to regain his sight as he focused on the objects around him. He was in the new bed him and Mika shared, which immediately made him wonder.

"M-Mika?" Yuu croaked out throaty and raspy from just waking up, his morning breath filled the air. The sound of talking from outside the establishment could be heard, along with foot steps, other noise and chatter. There was a single window in the medium sized bedroom that beamed in artificial street lamp light from the outside. It barely lit the room, but Yuu noticed there was no reply from his boyfriend. Nor did he feel Mika beside him in the bed. Yuu was well aware that the vampire didn't need sleep, yet he had grown to like feeling the others presence before dozing off. It gave the younger teen a sense of security almost?

"Mika?" Yuu called out once more his tone still a little gruff as he groaned, "Mika! I had a nightmare... I-I want chicken nuggets and chocolate."

He awaited his brave prince's reply for a few minutes, much to his dismay it never came. Yuu sighed and face palmed, 'Where the hell is that boy?' He slid himself out of bed slowly, his toes and feet taking their sweet time before they breached the floor. 'It's getting pretty hard to see my feet anyway.' Yuu thought as he looked at now rather larger baby bump, placing a hand on top of it as he stretched.

Any one who looked at Yuuirichou now could think

A)Damn, son that's a fat ass kid

B)Poor thing, kids are getting so bold in their fashion statements these days.

C)Holy fucking shit! That boy's a pregnant slut.

Unfortunately, Yuu wasn't very fond of anyone thinking this about him. So he tried his best to wear as baggy clothes as possible. It was about near impossible to cover up his and Mika's 'Lil miracle' now. Yuu was 4 months pregnant, and he looked kinda bigger than that?

Yuu almost went into a Lil frenzy with himself once, worrying about what if he would be giving birth to twins or triplets or some shit. He really didn't think Mika would know how to deal with this without having another panic attack or flipping out. He had decided against informing the blond about the prediction just for that main reason. If Yuu was carrying more than one kid inside his oven, him and Mika would just have be surprised when more than one pops out, DAMN IT!

It was too much effort to slick his hair back and try to look presentable, Yuu decided. Besides he couldn't anyway, Mika didn't have any mirrors in his house due to the whole vampire thing. Not being able to see your reflection was a bitch, cos it prevented Yuu from getting the chance to look at a mirror in 2 months! It was almost like there was no mirrors in the whole FUCKING VAMPIRE CITY!

'Food.' Yuu's brain commanded to him, as he zombie walked to the kitchen. Still (attempting) keeping an eye for Mika as he dragged his weight through the house. Yuu wasn't sure about any other pregnant person, but give him morning sickness any day compared to what he was facing now, random dizziness, indigestion, back aches, heartburn... You name it, Yuu swore he went through it.

The cold icy refreshing air from the fridge danced across his skin, as he opened it up to pleasure his eyes with the variety array of food, Mika had provided for him. Thankfully, Mika had learned just buying a 20 piece McNugget from McDonald's wouldn't fill Yuu up any more. Try buying 100 of the 20 piece Mcnugget and you might actually get close. Key word, MIGHT. The rainbow of colors dance from fast food to fruits and deserts. A show for Yuu's green needy eyes to wander in... If he had time...

He reached into the frigid ice land and pulled out a half eaten container of chocolate icing, to sustain himself. It might not be chocolate-chocolate, but it was close enough. While closing the metal metallic refrigerator door the handle hit a clanging and a sticky note fell off.

~It read, 'Hey, Yuu-chan! Sorry, I can't make it, to be with you, when you wake up. I know it's valentines day but I was called late last night, to go on guard duty. I love you, I promise to make it up to you later! Its gonna be just you and me, all night. ;) Your forever lover, Mika.'~

'All night? Well hot damn!' Yuu thought rereading it. He wondered how they would hit it off now that he was pregnant.. Ahh. He was sure, Mika would find a way. Mika would always FIND A WAY to get IN Yuu's ass. That and in the same sense, the vampire also found multiple ways to look or glance at it, when opportunity knocked. Not like Yuu had any problem with this... In fact he didn't mind Mika being "a little shit" cos he had to deal with even worst with Shinoa before.

'I'll do something for Mika this time... I'll give him a nice present. Give him whatever he desires tonight.' Yuu schemed dirty of how to seduce his dark, blood loving of a boyfriend. He had to surpass Mika and his dramatic smut plots, he always beat him to the punch if doing.

Yet now he was being mind boggled at what stunt Mika would pull this valentines day, he had to take so many into consideration. For example, Last year it had been bondage. Sweet, sweet MikaYuu bondage. The two of them had been stuck together by sugary treats like candy cane hand cuffs, minty floss wrapping their legs, and now and later candies put in their chest, held by vanilla frosting. Yuu couldn't remember a time where, Mika's nipples tasted so good. Like a confetti cupcake flavored pop tart was the best how to describe it. The rhythm of them moving even a single inch would rub their throbbing dicks together. How big Mika's penis grew to the point it seemed it would bust out the floss wrap all on it's own accord. It was large, leaking, red and radiating heat, like the sun. It felt so good jerking off against it. Grinding his wood onto Mika's brick wall of an erection. The wonderful sounds Mika would make mewling each time he cummed, his sweaty blond locks covering up his glowing red eyes. Yuu especially loved the way, Mika purred his name out in a down right sinful sexy tone. The bondage sabotage had been set up by Krul, to very much shock. Mika had no idea himself, they had just both woken up wrapped up together. They had to eat their way out, to Yuu it was the greatest and most biggest achievement him and Mika had ever done. I mean did you know how hard it was for them to stop touching each other and just eat the candy to get free?

"Fuck...you..." Yuu mumbled as he narrowed his eyes at the note, reaching to the ground had become a hassle for him. He could barely even touch his toes now, so he was not about to struggle picking up that tiny piece of paper. It could rot and decay on that floor for all he cared right now.

He shuffled to the cabinet and pulled out a clean spoon, afterwards he plopped down on the sofa to sulk with himself. The raven stirred his icing before taking steady constant bites. 'I wish Mika was here, he would comfort me... Tell me everything was alright... That I wasn't wrong for saying it.' Yuu sucked on his spoon being sure to get all of the dark chocolate goodness explosions to go off on his taste buds. As he dug the metal back in the plastic cup, 'I wonder how Mika would taste covered in chocolate...'

The younger teen groaned it was gonna be another long boring day, he would spend alone. 'Well, I'm not completely alone.' Yuu glanced down at his bloated belly. There was a kid in there, another living thing... That he was currently carrying for now and the rest of these up coming 5 months. 'But of course the baby growing in me was just another thing Mika had left behind to do his stupid job as well.'

"Hey, so.. I'm gonna talk to you. So I don't seem insane if I talk to myself." Yuu said rubbing his stomach, "I personally feel like your dad is an ass hole. Don't get me wrong I love him for the ass butt he is. Yet he always leaves when I need him."

Yuuirichou didn't have to wait for a response knowing none would come he simply continued his rant, "I mean, you don't know him... Well maybe you do, I doubt it. He really loves you. He loves me too." A small smile started to form at the thoughts that came in his brain, "Ya know, even tho he's gone. He does it cos he's saving up money for us. So we can run away and live comfortably. Just you, me, and him. Mika's a big sweetheart... No matter how hard he acts."

Then there was an unexpected little squirm, Yuu felt inside him. The teen awkwardly cringed, it felt like something...Was moving...Or trying to move inside him? There was a rapid kick and it pressed out against Yuu's skin. That's when the pregnant teen freaked out.

Yuuirichou yelped and he felt like jumping out his skin, "WHAT THE FUCK? WHAT THE FUCK? WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK!?" he launched himself up off the couch and couldn't stop shaking. It felt nasty, it felt abnormal, it felt WRONG.

At first, Yuu took in consideration the fact it might just be the baby kicking. But this... This felt different, like there was more than one. Then it hit him like a wreaking ball that his and Mika's kid could be a 10 feet freak of nature. He let out a choked whimper in desperation to calm his trembling body down, could that crusty ass bloodsucker be right? 'Is our kid some genetically fucked up creature?'

The green eyed teen shook his head his bottom lip still trembling as he declared, "Nothing that damn monster said was true." Yuu made a determined motion as he set down the icing. He then remembered what Mika said, something about Krul being able to explain things. Well that was it! He'd go visit her, and ask about what...ever...This...Was? She was queen of the vampires right? She had to know what was going on, with him. (Yuu was totally NOT doing this just to prove/confirm to himself that he was perfectly normal and not becoming schizophrenic)

"Alright, little one. We're about to take a trip." Yuu said walking over to the closet as he reached in pulling out one of his boyfriend's vampire hoodie cape and putting it on him, "To find out a little bit more about you...Or well about whatever?"

There was no sun in the underground, the street were only lit by the willing lamps filled with power. The streets were usually damp, for god only knows why! Cos it never rains down here either. Perhaps it was a simply mystery, Yuu had not yet mastered after returning to this unholy place. There was no wind to run through his black mangled hair, when he walked. Or any element at all, it was confounding how vampires even got electricity down here. How bothersome and too my effort it would take to wonder of things as such. His boot heels clicked on the ground as the hood he had covered his face allowing him to slip in as any normal regular bloodsucker. He hated it... He really despised having to pretend to be one of them.

Who would want to be a monster like that anyway? Vampires were so weird, why were they proud to abuse people and take their lives? What did they possibly gain from keeping young human kids in captivity? 'Blood. Blood they want blood. It's almost like. It's all they think about.' Yuu thought with disgust. He sincerely hoped they could leave here soon. This place reminded him of His and Mika's dead family. The Hyakuya kids and him used to play on these very streets. It was almost hard for him to straighten up and walk right when the happy memories, of tag, hide and go seek, and cops and robbers filled his brain. They used to be so happy... Playing games all day and giving up their blood for survival.

Was it foolish? Or was it pure child innocents? The kids didn't know any better, there was no awareness of the world that laid outside. Yet Mika and Yuu had took a chance. A chance that made them killers. At the young age of 12, they had led their own family basically on a suicide mission. How could Yuu ever forget that he was the only one what escaped alive? How could Yuu ever forget their terrified heart dropping faces? How could Yuu walk past their old favorite play block without saying 'good bye'? It twisted the teenager with revolt for his own luck. It made him a selfish bastard by the the fact he didn't even drag Mika out away with him. In fact, Yuuirichou didn't just resent the vampires for killing his family, he resented himself.

So the black haired teen laid low as he strolled on, blowing back the horrid flashbacks from his mind. It was a pitiful thing to do, to revolt against the truth, to turn his head on the past. But if he didn't push on...he might end up just like Mika. He might be just like the blond, lost in his own world, each day reliving the struggle of life. Mika loved to live in the past, he was glued to dwelling on things back then, to make sure he didn't loose precious things he had now. Yuu on the other hand considered it foolish, WELL HE USED TO. The massacre of his new family seemed to be smashing the glass kingdom, Yuu had ruled.

Everyone has their one way of taking and managing their sanity. For Yuu it was a glass castle. A very fragile structure glass is, it was the perfect selection for Yuuirichou. At a young age he had learned not to hang on to anyone or anything. Therefore his hope and trust were thin, not to block people and not to protect them, To let things happen. To let the world take it's way, Not to say he wouldn't help his friends, if they were in danger. But to say how glass breaks easily and it takes intense heat to weld it back together. Like Mika, Yuu barely formed bonds unless he felt you were trust worthy. It took plenty of effort to wield together that glass, it took much less...(in fact barely) an effort to shatter it.

The smells of the city was usually a stale heavy must. It can ram shack your senses in a heart beat and took a lot of getting used to. Yuu was well aware of how much Mika hated for him to go out alone on the streets. But this was an emergency... Well, something he considered an emergency! Which was a pretty big deal. The green eyed teen knew where the castle was, his lovely boyfriend had pointed it out to him many times during their lovely moonlight walks together. Their walks together was the only rare thing, Yuu would admit he enjoyed while being down here. Mika would be hold his hand firmly and rant about the adventures he had at the work that day. The blond would whisper in his short raven haired boyfriends ear every time he saw a strong noble vampire, "Bloodsucker alert, no bloodsucking back." Then he would nip Yuu's tender delicate skin on his neck and take a quick sip of his blood. Pulling away before he could make the wound a bloody red calamity. Yuu at first found this little game they shared annoying, but Mika kept constantly harassing the peach flesh. Making his veins less tense when a single or both of Mika's large incisors bit into him sucking the juicy addictive substance. Also each time the older boy would find a new spot to mark as his territory during his 'pampering his princess treatment', which completely wrecked Yuu who would complain about the 'treatment' not really being a 'treatment' at all. Because it left his neck and shoulder bruised red with love bites and deep scars. Mikaela would only laugh and say he'll use his, 'smooching his princess treatment next'. Yuuirichou decided he liked the second one better and looked forward to when he would have his gentle strong vampire Mika back.

"Yeah, I heard they took her captive. That fiery blond was nothing but trouble. Why turn her anyway? Now I'm stuck on guard duty for the little brat. I'm doing it for Lord Crowley. Only tho." A vampire guard complained to another right as Yuu walked past.

"Wasn't she a Part of some human, Army? Demon imperial right?" Another voice asked the guard.

Yuu felt his legs betray him. Every bone in his body told, no... WARNED him not to pause in his tracks. But the teen did, his breath and whole entire being hitched on the word, 'Demon imperial army.' He knew he shouldn't, he knew he should be a good boy and keep on walking. Letting a chance like this... Learning about someone from the army... 'Someone from my family.' A whisper came from the back of his mind. His body felt bound to the spot he had froze in, like someone had turned up the gravity on earth, times a billion. His bones would move an inch, no matter how much his brain spat bloody orders to the muscles and nerves, all where voided to hear the rest of the vampire guards conversation.

"That's the one. They have a whole file on her. Its ridiculous, keeping a bitch like her alive."

"Ah! Krul grown soft, she'll save anyone now and days she thinks has information."

The vampire guard chuckled as she brushed her bangs back and began to walk over to close the heavy iron door starting up the truck, it was a large vehicle made for transporting in mates, "It figures. The higher ups never know what's going on down here. I figure I just have to escort her alive, until they do questioning. They probably think she killed Lord Ferid."

'Oh my god! People know!' Yuu panicked at the mention of the word 'Ferid' his black hair whipped around to look at the two vampires. They didn't seem to pay him any mind. Which was a good thing, Yuuirichou figured he had to find out more about what was going down. Hide... Yeah... He'll hide in, in.. The back of the inmate truck?

Hell! It sounded like good fucking idea to him. The black haired boy casually hopped in the back of the prison truck. The long metal bars were surprisingly not locked yet, and it was too dark even with the light from the outside to see deep inside this new transportation. Things looked pretty shady, why was there a truck with no prisoners? Didn't the man say he was guarding someone from the dem-

"I smell a human!" A putrid voice voice hissed out like a snake. As a shadow danced off the dark walls a silhouette that seemed very much like a hungry wolf sniffing the air, "There is a human in here."

The sound was roughly grouchy, whatever this thing was it seemed to be clawing at something. It banged the side of the vehicle snarling, "HEY I SAID THERE'S A HUMAN IN HERE!"

Yuuirichou ran farther in the darkness to hide as he heard The woman vampire from outside come round back and yell, "Shut up you filthy old hag! There ain't nothin!" Next the ear bleeding sound of large huge metal bars clicking into place and a truck starting up along with slamming rang out.

"Shit." The raven cussed as all the light was taken away from his vision, and he realized he was trapped inside a jail on wheels with a crazy lunatic bloodsucker. 'Double shit, this was not the plan.'

"I know, your still in here human. I can smell you." This time now that he was more closer to the source, Yuu heard a more feminine accent to the tone.

"Yeah, I'm in here. What do you want?" Yuu responded, he figured if he was trapped with someone for only MikaYuu God knows how long, he might as well try to be friendly with this creep.


The answer was so simple, really Yuu should have SAW this coming.

"Why do you want, my blood? Haven't you sucked the life out of billions of other kids?"

"No..." The raspy voice squeaked out a bit dryly, "I... I haven't tasted human blood yet. I was just turned 2 months ago..."

This caught him in a net like a helpless fish. This was a prisoner from the D.I.A? That was captured two months ago? The same time that...

"You got a name?" Yuu asked testing the water before he started making wrong assumptions.

"Why do you care?" A more deep throated to be shot back, filling Yuu with fear at the sudden mood change the vampire displayed, "I...I..just want your blood." The creature sniffles,"Please, it hurts...The pain hurts."

Yuu recalled When Mika was like this, in his weak desperate state needing blood. Mika had the nerve to reject his help 3 times before finally agreeing, but this vampire, this vampire right here. He wasn't even sure it used to be Human from the way it was sounding. The thing sounded like it wanted to change like it wanted to become a full blooded monster.

"You're gonna give up your chances of being able to return to humanity, just cos a Lil thirst pain?" Yuu narrowed his eyes in the complete darkness, "My boyfriend went 4 years without drinking human blood, and you can't eve go two months? Aren't you apart of the demon moon company!? Where's your pride!"

"You're a strong willed live stalk aren't you?"

"I'm not live stalk. I'm a soldier. My squad was blow to bits."

"Ha, interesting. So was mine... But if I can become a vampire I'll right the wrongful death of my girlfriend." A new determine side started to break through the cloudy mist illusion as the prisoner spoke up, "Then I'll get revenge for my family! I'll slaughter Mikaela and all the other no good bloodsuckers with him!"

"MIKA! HOLD UP YOU CRAZY BITCH!" Yuu yelled into the dark like a mad man, out raged this stranger was trash talking his man, "WHAT THE FUCK DID MY MIKA EVER DO TO YOU?"

"Mika?" A lowly husky moderate vocal strung out, "how do you know to call him that? And why did you say, my... My Mika..."

There was a over looming silence that settled over the two as they both sat in the dark. One of them was chained up in shackles, that could be heard banging against the floor of the truck each time they hit a bump. They rattled like the inside of Yuu's brain right now mingling to put all this shit together. The back of the truck was warm and barely humid, yet the young teen was still popping bullets under his arm pits like crazy. The blond haired vampire that was once mer inches away from him, smelling the others anxiety, she leaned forward as far as her shackles would allow, trying to reach out and touch him, even tho the metallic spiky hand cuffs dug into her skin deeply leaving red cuts and burned her flesh by the friction rubbing together, it made no difference to her. She felt like she knew this boy, she had sensed a friendly familiar presence with him ever since he entered the car.

Yuu heard the vamp moving ever so closer to him, but strangely he didn't move away. He just stared at her, unchanging expression of arduousness painted on his face. He felt the girl breathing heavily against him, stretching out to met him. Yuuirchou's green eyes met her lady figure outline with shadows, she was as mysterious like phantoms in the dark. Neither of them spoke for a long while, both collecting their ideas on each other.

The steady growing chain of soundless shuffling and panting was broke by the woman, who had finally built up enough courage to ask, "You regard to Mika like you know him. Do you know Mikaela Hyakuya, human?"

Now Yuu wasn't gonna be an idiot and go bananas on the girl screaming, 'HELL YEAH, I KNOW MIKA THAT'S MY FUCKING BOYFRIEND AND FUTURE HUSBAND, YA BITCH! SO MOVE ASIDE BOI!' That would surely lead to disaster. No, Yuu would hold his smart mouth tongue for the time being.

"You can say, I know Mika. He's a close friend of mine."

"Mika? Having friends?" The girl snorted and laughed cruelty, her twin pony hair hair bounced up and down, she flashed the human a creepy smile amidst the surrounding atmosphere, "Nada. Nada. You got it all WRONG HUMAN." She pressed her forehead harshly against Yuu's her purple eyes almost glowing in the night, "Mikaela Hyakuya has NO FRIENDS. Only enemies. He'll BETRAY you. He'll stab you right in the back once you think he's a good guy."

Yuu thought his skull might be cracking from all the force the vampire was pressing against him, her words were swallowing him up whole. Mika would never betray him! Mika loves him, and... Plus Mika did have a friend...HIM, DAMN IT! HE WAS MIKA'S FRIEND AND LOVER! That counted for something in his life.

"He'll discard you, quicker than you can throw away trash." The girl continued her tone and eyes becoming more threatening and lethal at each syllable. Yuu felt like he should turn away escape from her min illusion while the getting was good, but the temptation was too much his eyes were focused engaged with her lip movement.

"You SHOULD RUN FROM HIM." The woman warned, "He's a mother fucking monster. A heartless brute, rumor has it, not only did he manage to kill Shinoa squad but he let his boyfriend die too."

That's when Yuu knew he blew his cover, his glass castle shattered to pieces, along with all his sanity at the moment. He jerked himself away from the vampire, she let put a weak huffing sigh as she saw the teens outline in the ink turn shaky like jello during an earth quake stumble backwards. Yuu breathed out in an barely audible gasp panting and muttering words to himself like a lunatic on a psychotic rampage. The black haired male couldn't prevent it from happening, he couldn't stop bridges burning down from the sneaky demons in his heart, "Mika...Mika said I... I-I was dead. Meeee? D..dead?" He ran his finger frantically through his hair as he gave a sobering insane laugh as he leaned back smashing his spine into the painful cold metal, "What? What are you...you trying to say? Mikaela, WANTS ME DEAD?"

The vampire scrunched her eye brows up as she said intimidatingly, "Yes, he wants everyone dead. You can't trust nobody or you'll end up lonely. Just like me. No one will want you," she slipped out a reckless sarcastic unrecognizable sound, "No one WILL CARE."

Yuuirichou became delusional with chills and to easy the pain he threw himself into a fit of crazed crackles, his body shook violently as he cried out, "Lonely! I ain't lonely! I'm... I'm I have...I HAD FRIENDS! I.. I HAD A FAMILY... I..I.." The teen reached out and harshly jerked the fanged girls pony tails up pulling her hair to relieve his own state as he stared her head in her eyes, wide forest green clashing with grape purple, "You're just lying to me! I don't listen to no vampire! I never have and never will! MIKA WOULDN'T DARE BETRAY ME! HE LOVES ME, HE LOVES ME VERY MUCH! I'M GONNA BIRTH HIM A CHILD, AND WE'RE GONNA RUN AWAY AND LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER!"

"Please, fairy tales are FULL OF SHIT!" The girl hissed back him vigorously, "There can't ever be happiness in a corrupted hell of a world like this!"

Then a bust ball blast of blinding energy hit the two arguing teens as the truck ran under a tunnel, a bunch of high lit florescent lights shined in the back of the vehicle beaming through the bars. At first the glow was shocking and it fried Yuu's vision to get used to the newly established artificial sun. Being a vampire the girls sight changed instantly and her expression became awestruck as she saw the tall handsome attractive young peach perfect skined 16 year old teen she once called her family, "Yuuirichou?" The blond mumbled faintly.

Yuu blinked a whole boatload of times each time he opened his eyes they got shot by over powering high beams, 'Ack! Fucking sensitive human pupils!' It took a good minute for his eyes to dilate to the presence of such bold lighting and when he did, he thought he had laid sight on a horror show. 'This couldn't be... It couldn't be right... She? her?' He looked up and down her filthy dirt stained body. Her once gorgeous milky soft skin had morphed to be rough and jagged, her yes had faded dull more blacker shade of purple almost maroon. Instead of wearing her army uniform she was dressed in a white vampire attire, her once sweet dark blond yellow hair was more brownish. Then her mortified face expression seemed almost lifeless, if Yuu hadn't just talked to her before, he would have assumed her to be a crash course dummy than a real live living thing.

"Mitsuba." Yuu echoed after the freshly turned vampire, his inhuman crackling fading away like morning dew; he walked over to her cupping the shorter girls face addressing her prominently sharp, "Tell me, who did this to you. Who beat you into this helpless state?"

Mitsuba stared at him motionlessly her face expression turning rigid and a cocky cold hearted smirk grazed her lips, "So you are, Yuuirichou."

The teen nodded in response, his eyes flickering to meet his long lost friend's, "Yes, and your Mitsuba."

If you were expecting a happy hug or reunion celebration maybe even a tinge of excitement from the other, sorry, but there was none. Because there was nothing left anyone for them to be happy about. Mitsuba was now a vampire, suffering down the same terrible strings of fate Mika had fell thru, being forced to become one. Yuu should have been happy to see his family, but right now his spinning mind was blurry with burning hate for the girl talking shit about his Mika. There was nothing left for them here, they just simply held each others eyes captive.

Mitsuba frowned at him, "You know who did this to me. Your damn bloodsuckers."

"They're not mine. I only own one of them and that's Mika."

"He started it. It's all his fault. If he wouldn't have came that day, I wouldn't be like this! Shinoa..." Mitsuba closed her eyes filling with sorrow for her dead family, "Yoichi... kimizuki... Everyone.. HE LET THEM DIE!" The tear drops bursted from her eyes as they blossomed open, the water his the air quickly fading away into nothingness... Just like their dead family, "IT'S ALL HIS FAULT! ALL HIS FAULT! DAMN, MIKAELA HYAKUYA FAULT! HE FUCKING DID THIS...HE DID IT..." She made a destructive hysterical move toward Yuuirichou If the teenage boy didn't move back in time, the berserk bloodsucker would have broke his neck, "he did it all for YOU! HE DID IT FOR YOUR UNGRATEFUL SORRY ASS!"

Passively Yuu backed away, watching the ungoverned Mitsuba rage onwards, she thrashed around her shackles and chains cresting a loud ruckus. The demoniac lady yelled at the confused teen, "YOU... I..I.." She grabbed the breast where her heart was, shaking her head in a mad fit, "I...WAS...AH..HAHAHAA! HA! So, so...so so overjoyed. I... I was... DELIGHTED WHEN YOU DIED! I WAS FUCKING ECSTATIC!" Bellowing and pointing at him,the wet tears never stopped rolling down her red puffy rage filled face, "I knew if- IF you were dead, Mika would never be happy. I. HATE HIM SO MUCH IT BURNS! I DON'T WANT TO SEE HIS TWISTED SICK SMILE EVER AGAIN! I WANNA KNOCK HIS LIGHTS OUT! I WANT TO CLAW HIS EYES OUT WITH MY BARE HANDS! I WANT TO RIP EVERY HAIR OFF HIS BODY AND SEE HIM SUFFER INCH BY INCH! I WANT MIKAELA HYAKUYA DEAD AND THE SOURCE OF HIS HAPPINESS TOO!"

Yuu compassionately at his family, his eyes dejected and dispirited. Her words felt like someone had sawed his heart out put in on a table and butchered it. The teen sniffles just looking at the fragmentalize Mitsuba, taking in how pessimistic she seemed, how much bitterness vibes unleashed cos of her sour attitude. This wasn't Mika's fault, was it? He had no control over this? It surely wasn't Yuu's fault, he would trade his life to revive his family any day! There was no fault! It was just freaking fate!

"Oh! Shut up, Mitsuba you crazy nut! You don't anything. You were knocked out, DEAD EVEN! MIKA SAVED YOU! JUST LIKE HE DID ME!" Yuu bashed her words, trying to bring some clarity to his own well being, "You don't know, Mika at all! So don't fucking refer to him as if you do, it's down right putrid!"

"You know I'm bout tired of you, saying. People don't don't know who people are." Those spiritless purple eyes turned ghastly, "I known enough, Yuu. I known enough to make my opinion."

Yuu didn't answer, he refused to conversant with a unholy saint like her. He crossed his arms above his balloon like belly and turned his head.

"Love. Love for a bloodsucker?" Her long bony wrinkled finger remained pointed in the pregnant males direction, "You think, Mika loves you? Mika has no feelings, he has no emotions. All he is... Is greed." Mitsuba clicked her tongue her dark heart ruling over her words, "He'll get tired of you soon. Heh, he probably already is, he's not with you right now."

"Mika's at work!" Yuu fired back taking the defense for his pride. He wasn't just gonna let this spunky yellow haired woman crush and trash talk their love like that, "HE'S OFF EARNING MONEY SO WE CAN RUN AWAY TOGETHER!"

"Run away? Tell me, how much of a baka are you?" Mitsuba chuckled deeply as she wiped her tears, "Mika is never gonna run away with you, Yuuirichou. Mika LIED TO YOU."

"No!" Yuu piped up, "Mika would never lie to me! We are! We are gonna run away!"

"He gonna keep you here, he's gonna turn you into a vampire just like him." Mitsuba growled out, her hair bouncing as she cocked her head to the side spurting out the words like spit fire, "JUST LIKE HE MADE ME BECOME ONE! HE'LL TURN YOU OVER TO THE VAMPIRE QUEEN! THEN YOU'LL SEE! THEN YOU GET THE UNHAPPINESS YOU DESERVE!"

"Mika is not evil! He would do such a thing!" Yuu cried trying not to break down in sobs, he shut his eyes tightly and put his hands over his ears as he screamed, "MIKA WOULD NEVER WRONG ME!"

"Soon, you'll learn...his true nature. One!" She raised her pointer finger up in the air declaring loudly, "ONE LITTLE SLIP UP, YUUIRICHOU HYAKUYA! YOU'LL LEARN, WHEN THAT BLOND BLOODTHIRSTY BASTARDS BLOWS HIS STASH! YOU'LL SEE THE UGLY BEAST LYING AWAKE INSIDE."

"Mika is beautiful! Too precious for this world!" Yuu glazed his eyes over at the ring Mika had given him not too long ago. The golden and diamond jewelry had been on his ring finger, ever since the day Mika promised to marry him. Mika PROMISED. Mika wouldn't ever hurt him... Mika..loved him. Loves enough to put a ring on him. Yuu knew that much, which was all the info he needed.

"I don't care if you hate me! But no one...NO ONE TALKS ABOUT MY MAN." Yuu made an angry fist as his teeth grinded together, "DON'T YOU SHIT ON HIM."

"Why? What you gonna do? Hit me? Is Yuu growing up, or did Mika just teach him to hate his family?"

"I'm not gonna touch you. Your like a sister to me, Mitsuba." Yuu said sighing even tho he understood her malicious taunt, "I just wanna help you. I'm sorry..."

"You should be!" Mitsuba screeched louder, "YOU SHOULD BE!"

They had bickered for so long going back and forth both as equally stressed as the other. The tunnel had been so well stretched and the light was glistening on both their faces for what seemed like hours. Neither of them happened to notice when the prison transportation truck came to a complete and utter stop. The eery never racking sound of breaks and the clatter of feet on pavement along with a very obnoxious declaration, "Look here. There really was a human!" Horn gazed at Yuu her face hazy and her glossy red eyed illuminated, "What are you doing in here live stalk?"

This made Yuu growl in annoyance. He absolutely hated being called 'live stalk' what what he look like to these people? A frigging duck? No, he was a person! A God damn extremely pregnant man and a hormonal unstable teen. Also not to mention how pissed off he was already! But this... This was too much, he felt a penetration of insanity take a stab at him. His mind was on war mood claiming, 'They can't call you that! Mika would say if he was here they're not worthy to address you at all...Look at their revolting faces, their stomach-churning bloody dark red eyes, your not gonna let them trash you like that. But it's not just talking about you, I mean if your pregnant all insults to you are also insulting the fresh being inside you. So they're bashing your child, they're saying the Lil one will be nothing more than pitiful live stalk, saying he won't amount to anything...' Yuu was sure zero things in this world set him off more than when people talked about his family. The black haired teen rooted a battle cry into the air preparing his strike only to be pinned down by Mitusba.

"Yuu! If you wanna help me! Break my chains..." Mitsuba suddenly said out loud, using her cuffed up hands to grip onto him, "SET ME FREE! Give me.. The power... The power I need."

"Hey! Calm down. What are you doing?!" Horn began to press in keys to unlocked the back bars trapping Yuu and Mitsuba.

"What are you waiting for!?" The dusty haired girl declared yanking Yuu down to eye level with her sharply, "Give me, your blood Yuuirichou!" She opened her mouth savagely her fangs jagged and spit was stringing down from her roof of her mouth to her tongue. She looked like a predatorial animal finally about to eat a good meal. Mitsuba's teeth looked like claws as she unhinged her powerful choppers from her jaw.

Yuu screamed like a coward all that boldness and determination disappeared in an instant, in replacement a new feeling of trauma. It was like having arachnophobia and seeing a spider all up in your face. The heavy reality of the situation jack slapped him, harshly leaving an indent of a red blazing in his brain. His own family was trying to kill him, his own family wanted to... No, was forcing him to give up his blood. This wasn't right! Mika was nothing like this when it came to first drinking human blood. Mitsuba wasn't thirsty she...she.. Just wanted to get power. To kill...She was a cold blooded premeditated murder. She was gonna Kill Mika if he gave her the power. Hell, she was gonna kill him right now if he didn't run!

Without a second thought Yuu lurked back breaking free of Mitsuba's deathly strong grip, he instead met her face with a sucker punch to her purple eyes. The young teenage girl stumbled banging her side as she yelped in pain, removing her hands from on Yuu and screeching at him infuriated, "YOU SAID YOU WOULD HELP ME! ME, your family, your LOVING SISTER!"

Yuu shook his head, his fist burning with a throbbing muscle from colliding with Mitsuba's skull, "I can't... I just can't!" He bite his lip as he realized what he had just done to her. He'd hit a girl, a very special girl, a girl that he once considered a member of his Harlem.

"You lied... Mika made you into a liar!"

"No, no he didn't... He didn't do anything to me. I..I can't..Help you.." He lowered his offensive fighting stance and he echoed, "I can't help you like this... I won't give you my blood."

Mitsuba didn't care about the rampaging pain shooting through her bones she was roughly distraught her face showed that at Yuu took notice. "I thought you would do anything for family." The girl said gruffly her shoulders heaving up and down, "I thought you were all about helping family."

"I still am. But Mika is apart of my family just like you are, and you won't hurt him. You won't touch him."

"Standing up for your little vampire boyfriend, huh? I see how it is, guess I'm under him now! But I BET YOU NEVER HIT HIM OR STOPPED HIM FROM TURNING INTO A FULL VAMPIRE!"

"Mika was gonna die, he had to! He needed my blood. You don't need my blood, you want it for revenge."


Yuu put a hand over his protectively stomach his face contorting in misery. The word family had so many meanings to him. Kind a funny huh? As a young boy he thought he had no need for family and silly things like love. Life really could change in a mater of seconds. Once he was an innocent child with not a care for a family in the world he only had hate and resentment in his heart for the word. That was, until he met the love and sunshine of his life Mika. Mika had changed him, raised him up, erased all the sorrow and ungodly ties to the word 'Family' and rewrote the word over in his head, giving a whole entirely new definition. Redefining the way, Yuu would live his life and see the word forever. Mika was like a holy savoir of a saint to Yuu. Without the blond who knows where the black haired male would be? Certainly not here, or probably never finding love at all. He might have lived his life forever as live stalk for those damn bloodsuckers.

Yuuirichou cared deeply for Mitsuba, he was glad to see her, to know she was alive. But he had to take other things into mind now, he couldn't just be reckless and beat her to a bloody pulp. (Not that he would want to but...) The teen had to remember his pregnancy and remain calm. He rubbed his baby bump and glanced at her softly, his green eyes being washed up in purple. Even tho the sudden atmosphere had changed the girl wasn't backing down even as Yuu told her, "Mika and I are starting a new part of our family. I don't wanna band you from seeing your nephew. If you do come near me or Mika again I won't hesitate to, or I won't hesitate to let Mika kill you. I would do it myself." Yuu flexed his toned arms, "cos personally I feel any bastard who treats their family like shit should be torn to shreds with my bare hands. But I can't do that, cos I'm expecting right at the moment and I would never put my child's life in danger over some ignorant person like you."

Mitsuba shook her head sourly, "Your talking just like him. Talking just like your crazy bloodsucking boyfriend! Why don't you help me, don't you see? I WANT TO BECOME A MONSTER!" The vampire girl was about the jump on Yuu once more if Horn hadn't stepped in the way, tightening Mitsuba's chains and slapping her harshly, "GET A GRIP!"

Mitsuba jolted from the ambush attack sorrow filled Cry's left her bleeding cracked open lips she howled, "I just wanna be a monster! Let me be a full blooded bloodsucker!" She looked like she belonged on American Horror story from the beatings and blood all over her. The white clothes were fading away the color changing to dirty gray. Horn didn't stop beating her thought it was for Yuu watching real life torture, to see one vampire abuse the other it was down right sinful. He didn't intervene he simply watched feeling the same pain as Mitsuba did and he treated it like his own.

"I'm so sorry." Yuu buried his face in his hands as he watched helplessly, "Sorry Mitsuba, I can't do it! I can't create another monster again... Please forgive me. Forgive my selfish ways." He felt a few wet tears slide down his face as he wept, "If I did make you one I wouldn't be happy."

Mitsuba looked him dead in his eyes and let out a twisted malicious laugh,"Happy? You don't deserve to be happy Yuuirichou!" Even with the sudden kick harshly to her face from Horn, the delusional girl didn't stop her deadline motion, the blood she coughed up from her mouth splattered all on Yuu's shirt. Her wide maroon eyes dilated and her body shook absorbing the beating, "Dead! Life was so good for me, when you were!" Her fangs flashed as her messy clumpy hair got pulled by Horn.

"Stop talking Here! Don't hold conversation with him damn it." Horn scalped the prisoned girl, almost ripping the hair from her head, "I SAID SHUT UP!"

The sound of footsteps and shouting as other guards ran in for back up. After hearing the vicious bickering of the two teens. The armed guards pulled their weapons. While Mitsuba looked up at Yuu tearfully, her vibrant vibes were all disengaged to oblivion, along with her last hope of getting Yuuirichou to help. Horn began to unhook the girl noticing how beaten she was in this state. Yuu wanted to exit to escape now that the path to freedom was clear, yet he lingered around wondering what would come next. Only to find a strong pair of hands touch him.

"Back off me!" Yuu lashed out on the guards trying to drag him away.

"Handle that one with care, he belongs to Mikaela." Chest said as she walks up pointing at Yuu, "Mika would be upset if his pregnant princess suffered a miscarriage wouldn't he?"

"Shut up!" Yuu tried to pull away as more elite guards and a fleet of white emerged from the building they had pulled up in front of. They surrounded the only way from leaving and stuffed Yuu and Mitsuba in making sure they didn't run away. The black haired boy was far from fond with this, he stormed loudly as he snatched a knife from the vampire's belt and stabbed him with it declaring, "AND DON'T YOU TOUCH ME IF YOUR NAME IS NOT MIKA!"

The vampire didn't die but he did fall immediately to the ground grasping the wound as it leaked out. Yuu then noticed that this was a weak spot of those damn bloodsuckers. When more tried to run up on him, he quickly jabbed them right in the gut with the sharp pointy knife. He rolled on the concrete his black locks swaying in the wind as he did so and slicing a vampires's ankle clean off. A whole boatload pounced on him in an angry riot, but he calmly maneuvered out the way, slicing through their immortal skin with the weapon. "Damn you!" Yuu howled as he took down another vampire, "Just leave my family alone!" Too bad for him, they healed fast and since the knife wasn't cursed it didn't kill them.

"Mame, Queen Krul has be contacted, we have code yellow. Code yellow to NOT Harm the human." A vampire said to Horn as she uncaged Mitsuba.

The yellow haired girl sneered at Yuu soon as the bonds were broken setting her free, she pushed away from her capturer and charged toward the pregnant teen using the last bit of her energy vampire strength and all as she thundered, "All your fault! all your fault..." She rushed toward Yuu so was being overwhelmed by other bloodsucker in a mass crowd.

"Hey! We have order to guard her for Crowely!" Chest boomed, "Don't touch the prisoner."

"Don't worry..." Crowley walked in cheerfully as usual he patted Chest's head, "Everyone will be K.I.A in a few seconds anyway..." He gazed at the crowd, "huh? What's up with that?"

"Mika's princess causing a scene." Horn crossed her arms under her large breast, "Krul wants him under wraps."

"Oh. Easy." The powerful noble slashed his sword and all the vampires surrounding Yuu flew into the air, including Mitsuba who went flipping twirling in the wind. Her body flapping violently, knocking the tears out her ducts.

Yuu watched saucer eyed and awestruck as she blew away her hair sloppily flying in different directions but it didn't stop her from begging him, "Please, why don't you go back from being dead?"

Yuu mouth hung agape wanting to respond but feeling restricted, like someone banded the answer from his tongue by holding it down with an extra tight seat belt. The words sunk in, Why didn't he just die? All his friends were dead anyway... He closed his eyes swallowing dryly he was urged to shout back, 'Because I have Mika! And Mika has me! I wouldn't take the life from the innocent angel growing in me either. I have a heart, I don't crumble under pressure like you!' But the teen knew if he screamed it, if he made that declaration to the sky... It would be a lie. A straight up untruth... He didn't want to build that reputation, what example would it set for their child? So he kept his lips sewed up and hung his head in shame.

Crowley strolled over and lifted the human to the air, "You done having your fun, yet?"

Yuuirichou didn't get a chance to answer cos Crowely was already walking away with him holding the teen high above the ground. The black haired boy squirmed under contract, "Put me DOWN! I wanna go!"

"Nope our lovely queen request your audience." Crowley chuckled lightly, "So hang in there."

Yuu pouted as he hanged in the air, the strength vampire's had weren't fair! It wasn't fair at all. He was like a small puppy being takes away from his friends, no matter how much he kicked to inch to freedom it never came. He was forced to be man handled all the way to there desired destination. To the large spooky place of the vampire queen. It wasn't really spooky but it it looked like it, it had vines crawling all over the bricks on the outside, The color turned warm gray, as even the trees and grass around the castle stayed dead. There were no animals underground but Yuu was sure if there was tho, They wouldn't dare go near this death trap either.

He wasn't all upset about the free ride tho, Crowley was taking him to his originally planned destination. There he could ask Krul about the kid... Maybe even see how it's growing in there. Yuu swore he was gonna gonna kill himself if had harmed Mika's child in any way. He would probably lock himself in his room and unleash a waterfall of tears. He couldn't disappoint Mika, Mika had done so much for him. 'The least I can do in return is this.' Yuu huffed to himself. If Mika wanted more kids after this he would give it to him, too. He would bare and carry as many children as his Mika allowed him to.

"If the universe is willing after all this shit crashing down on us." Yuu mumbled under his breath as they entered the larger ancient castle.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS 5 FOOT PREGNANT BITCH TOOK OUT MY BEST VAMPIRE GUARDS!" The pink haired queen raged her legs crossed at she sat in her thrown chair looking so high and mighty.

"Well, he put up quite a fight." Crowley smiled chuckling as he held Yuu up by his collar, "I didn't know if you wanted him dead or alive."

Yuu snarled at him, kicking his feet and arms stretching trying to reach the Noble to knock his mother fucking lights out,"You might have stopped me, But I called Mika! He's on his way to kick yo sorry ass." OK, yeah. Yuu knew that was a lie. But using his bad ass vampire boyfriend as a threat was all he could do right now, cut him some slack!

"Ah, the Blondy?" Horn said unamused, "Isn't he busy right now?"

"Mika would let the world disintegrate to save me!" Yuu fired back boldly. Man, the lies he was telling today was sinking in him deep. Maybe... Maybe Mitsuba was right?

"Again! I ask the question," Krul clapped her hands together, snickering darkly, "cos obviously you didn't hear me the first time. HOW THE HELL? DID THIS SMART MOUTH BRAT TAKE OUT SOME OF OUR GREATEST SOLDIERS! SINGLE HANDEDLY!"

Only silence filled the thrown room and Yuu smirked, "Cos I'm Yuuirichou Hyakuya. Isn't that enough?"

Krul rolled her red eyes and waved her hand as if blowing the comment right off, "No, your a helpless human. Who looks like they're 7 months pregnant."

"I'M NOT THAT FAT!" Yuu screeched wrapping his arms around his stomach, "I.. I'm not even..." He shot dagger at her his green eyes growing icy, "HOW DARE YOU TALK ABOUT MY BODY LIKE THAT! YOUR NOT IN MY PANTS!"

"Ew, no." The pink haired vampire shook her head, "that sounds wrong. I don't ever wanna know you like that."

"Good, Mika wouldn't let you anyway."

Krul tapped her chin, "Mika.. Mika darling... How has he been? I haven't heard from him in a while, and I can see why now. He probably had his hands full taking care of a burden like you."

"I'm NOT A BURDEN! Mika loves me! He likes spending time with me more than he ever could with your ugly ass, YA WITCH!"

"what did you just call me?"


Krul took in some deep breaths and she signaled for Crowely to drop Yuu and exit along with his side hoes. The raven teen was set placidly on the soft rug as the other 3 noble's left. The door was shut with a loud 'clang' making the stare down between the two of Mika's lovers commence. Silence never lasted long with them in the same room together, but before Yuu could speak the queen rang out, "I spared your life a countless number of times. I do it all for Mika in hope to make him happy and live a joyful life. Why do you keep trying your luck, Yuuirichou?"

Yuu pouted and he stomped his feet, "I... I didn't wanna. I just was coming to see you, but.. I got side tracked and, I just... I.." He blinked quickly holding down his wave of emotions, "I had go see my family... But now all of them. Are..." Clutching his heart and shaking his head, "They're either dead or want me dead."

The girl didn't respond but instead let the unease waver in Yuu's voice pass before she said, "Are YOU happy, Yuuirichou?"

"I... I really don't know anymore." Yuu looked down at the red long rug as his boots torn into the carpet, "But if I am, I would feel guilty and not wanna be. Mitsuba was right, I... I don't deserve any of this."

Krul had to use all the vampire strength in her body not go slap the crap out the young boy, "What the hell do you mean?"

"Everything. I came with a plan now.. I..."

"If you keep crying over crap it solves nothing. I'm no therapist, so I'm not gonna listen to your problems, but I'd say you got all depressed cos of her."

"It WASN'T HER! It... It was, the truth. Not even on valentines day, I can't... I can't be.." Yuu sighed sadly, pushing some of his hair behind his ear, "Who am I kidding...? I'm no hero. I can't even produce, Mika, the normal son he wants." his throat ran dry at those words and he almost broke out in tears as he repeated, "I can't produce... Mika, the normal son he wants."

The black haired boy buried his face in his hands as he started crying, "I'm a failure of a mother, I'm a failure of a husband. I can't birth a normal child for Mika, FOR MY MIKA!"

The woman sitting down stared at the teen puzzled by his obscure behavior, "I feel like the more you're in here, the wilder shit gets." She patted her lap, "Come here, Yuu."

The human boy walked over and lowered himself to sit on the vampire girl's lap as he sobbed, "I bet if I was a... If I was a..."

"If you were what?" Krul rubbed his back sweetly, "Mika-kun loves you no matter who you are. Or what you can do."

"Even if I give birth to a mutated freak of nature for him?" Yuu asked clinging to Krul hopefully.

"Now your scaring me." Krul looked at him solemnly, "Talk to me, Yuuirichou. What happened?"

"I... I think the baby can move and kick now...And..It did something weird. Like a bunch of limp pressing against me at once. I.. I got scared. I wanted to see you, Mika said...He said... You could help us out." Yuu swallowed nervously blushing at the blunt confession. He felt like a knot was in his stomach. How could he have dropped so low? Crying in front of Bloodsuckers, begging for their knowledge... It was sick to him. Just disgusting! Now he was sitting her lap... Her warm, nice, relaxing, lap... and...This, this was shameful. If his friends were alive, they never let him live it down.

'But they're not alive, they're dead and it all your fault.' A voice rang out in Yuu's mind. The black haired boy whimpered in humiliation, as he sunk his face in her cluster of pink hair on her head, "Please, Krul. I just wanna be good for Mika, he's all I have left."

The weight of Yuuirichou was not a problem for the queen, for all vampire have super strength after all. It was almost shocking how submissive Yuu was being toward her, almost like a desperate young kitty wanting milk from it's mother. 'Could it be just because the human needed a hug right now? Cos of what happened with that girl? Her name...what was it? Mitsuba? Did she break Yuu?' The pink haired short girl stroked Yuu's back as she whispered gently, "Hush, now human. That's just the hormones talking." She tilted Yuu's head to met her own. "Look now, I know Mikaela has an undying love for you. He dedicated his whole life to you. Did he not?"

"Y-Yes.." Yuu blabbered out still messy and a Lil heart broken, "But I can't provide Mika with a normal son. Cos I'm not normal. The army fucked up my DNA. It's even worst cos Mika's a vampire. Our kid is..."

Krul covered his mouth with her thumb, "Your kids are perfectly normal. There is nothing wrong with them."

"But... 10 legs?"

Krul shook her head, "Maybe this is my fault. I guess I should have given Mika more on the topic. But I never really considered... You and him would hit it off so early." The vampire smiled at Yuu, "You don't need to be afraid. In fact Mika will be more than over joyed to learn of the litter your gonna give birth to."

"Litter!" Yuu jumped up mortified, "OH SHIT, I GAVE MIKA MUTANT DOG CHILDREN! He'll never even bare to look at my ugly mug now!"

"Jesus FUCKING Christ! NO, YOU DID NOT! When did even say anything about dogs?"

"You said litter."


"Dogs are born in litters."

Krul again had to reframe from slapping the crap outta Yuu. She took deep breaths, 'Just remember, humans are slow innocent unknowing live stalk, complete cows. You can do this girl, explain to Yuu, why he's a stupid cow that should be honored to be giving birth to a strong blooded litter from Mika.' The queen forced a twisted smile on her face which almost looked contemptuous.

"Yuuirichou, DARLING, you don't understand. Vampires... Well the reason they don't reproduce often is because it's common for litters to be born." The short girl said breaking it down for him, "Once there was an abundance of vampire litters which can rang from giving birth 4 to 20 vampires at one time. All these vampires soon ran into over population, and since we Are immortal; problems with food and land came up. I mean tho vampire pregnancy are rare now I cos most of us are selfish and unwilling to open up. But there is still times like this." She pointed at Yuu's stomach, "That still come up. So there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Your simply going on being 17 weeks along and the tiny little vampires inside you are simply trying out their new formed limps."

Yuu didn't answer and looked at her with a deer in the headlights look. Krul snapped her claws in his face, "Aoi! Aoi! Wake up, I know humans don't process information that slow!"

The teen blinked at her, feeling a little confused, "But... 10 legs..?"


Yuu puckered his lips trying to make his best sour face, "So you expect me to believe, I'm giving birth to more than one kid. I mean cos, YOU DO KNOW HOW RIDICULOUS THIS SOUNDS RIGHT!? You are aware I'm a boy, correct?"

"You have penis?"

"I swear to...That better just be really good convincing sarcasm!"

Krul shrugged carelessly, her pink hair resting in her shoulders, along with her powerful looks, she really did look like some goth goddess. It made Yuu question, why the fuck did he wanna see this bloodsucking manic anyway? Oh yeah, cos Mika said to come to her for words of wisdom and help... 'Mika must have just finished jerkin off when I asked this, cos this bitch right here is nothing but more of a pain in my ass than when he goes in dry.' Yuu marinated in those ideas before he formed them into a come back sentence.

"Look, Yuu I'll be honest the fact your a boy and pregnant really goes beyond my power or vast knowledge. Currently you are a living fucking miracle, achieving what no one thought was possible. I mean a love between a vampire and human? Then a bond strong enough to create Lil ones. That's kinda makes you happy, huh?" Krul stated firmly trying to raise his hopes, "Of course that means, there is no treatment for you. And if something goes wrong no one will know what to do."

Yuu cocked his head to the side as he sat down on the rug and tugged at the carpet, "I mean... I don't really care. I don't care if I'm a freak. But I do care if the child I'm birthing for Mika is."

"You're not a freak. It was probably just a flaw of nature."

"WHAT THE BLOODY..." Yuu pulled up a clump full of string from the shaggy rug as he hollared, "DID YOU JUST CALL MY KID A FLAW OF NATURE?! Your a FLAW of nature! that's why you got red ugly eyes!"

"Mika has red eyes too."

"Handsome dazzling mind blowing red eyes!"

"Gosh... Here we go again, main topic just flew out the window!"


"I didn't request a judge on my fashion sense."

"And I didn't request to be pregnant at 16! Yet here we are!" Yuu threw his arms in the air for extra overemphasizes as he stood up.

Krul huffed tapping her long nails on the arm rest of her throne room chair, "Yes, here you are. Having Mika's children. Back at the same place you guys were raised up at as children, It's cutely ironic almost."

"There is nothing cute or joyful about living here." Yuu spat out, "and stop saying children...It's child."

"I told the truth in my words, ain't it? Vampire litters, remember?" The queen pointed out, "Didn't Mika's vampire seed impregnate you?"

'Yes unfortunately...' Yuu pouted to himself. He really didn't consider this whole being pregnant thing so bad, if you take out all the pain and back aches, random stomach cramps he was having. The black haired teen found it worth it, to see Mika's fanged smiles each time his boyfriend would rant at all the amazing fun adventures the 3 of them would go on. Or how the blond would ramble on how cute their son was gonna be, which would soon end with maybe light feathery kisses on Yuu's swollen stomach.

"Why should I trust you?" Yuuirichou muttered, "You could be lying about me having more than one kid, just to scare me."

"Why would i wanna do that? Look here, I didn't kill you, for one. Killing vampires is against the law. You should be on death row by now."

Yuu shivered at the thought of being executed, but the thought of dying while being pregnant and ending the possibility of the many lives inside him. Got him even more mixed up. His mind was really working hard today. So Yuu made a mental note to take a quick nap when he got back to Mika's house.

The black haired boy growled out, "Prove it to me then!"

"What? Do you wanna be hanged?"

"Not that, the fact I'm giving birth to twins."

"Honey from the way you look, I can assure you there is more than 2 kids in there."

"Are you trying to say, I'm some freak having multiple pregnancies at once!?"

"What do you think having twins is?"

Yuuirichou felt himself growing desperate, he turned to Krul and played the defenseless sad maiden card, "I'm pregnant. GOD! CUT ME SOME SLACK AND HELP ME! If Mika is disappointed in me, I don't know what I'll do."

Krul groaned, "Alright...Alright... Don't let your water break over there. You just wanna see the babies inside you, correct? OK, we can get you an ultrasound and you can count, your damn kids."

Yuu shifted in his standing position, "We can?"

"I'm queen of the vampires." Krul said indulging in her tittle, "I've started wars and brought empire's to their knees. I can definitely get you an ultrasound."

"But don't I need a doctor's appointment?" Yuu asked curiously, his bright green eyes flashing into her red haze, "A doctor to...Check on the kids."

"Why the hell would THERE BE DOCTORS HERE!? VAMPIRE DON'T GET SICK YOU, CRAZY FOOL!" Krul lashed out on him flashing her pearly white fangs.

"WELL! YOU SAID IT!" Yuu stomped, "You said it."

"I NEVER said doctor, CAN YOU NOT HEAR?"

"Probably another side effect of this pregnancy."

"Yuuirichou. Go sit down and take your shirt off." Krul sounded like a mother lecturing her kid for getting a bad grade, "I'm gonna go get the equipment. While you sit and reconsider your life choices."

Yuu looked at the woman blankly as she stood up and left the throne room. He considered running off and making a break for it. But he knew wouldn't get far. Plus he needed to prove a Lil somethin'-somethin. Just to make sure, just to 'check.' Yuu didn't trust no bloodsuckers words unless they were Mika's and even his sometimes where faulty.

The teen took a seat right next to the larger big one Krul usually sat in. He leaned back against the soft plush pillows. It felt good on his back, after carrying around all this new extra baby weight. He wondered how ladies did this, especially ones who had kids twice. Yuu wasn't even half way through the process and he was ready to throw in the towel.

The thrown room was one of the more well lit places in the palace, the queen lived in. Yuu had explored all the other areas and let him be clear, no other room was filled with such good vibes. (Don't get him wrong this room was still dark as fuck!) But the others seem dark(er?) are eery, intimating almost. Not as friendly or welcoming? Maybe he was using the wrong word description. But the wide tall room was a eye shocker. In comparison to the nice place Mika and him lived in, this was a penthouse. Yes, just one single room was a penthouses, It was THAT spectacular. Yuu's eyes danced all over the walls and the designs marveling at the little details, until Krul arrived back to meet him.

"Didn't I say take your shirt off?" The lady said clicking her tongue in disapproval.

"Mika wouldn't like me stripping for a slut like you."

Krul expression held firm not a flicker of joy from the sly joke the male pulled taunted her one bit. She only repeated, "Pull your shirt off." This time Yuu did so, removing his pajama top and Mika's hoodie tossing it to the floor carelessly.

Once The heap of clothing was stacked on top of each other. Krul whistled and a few vampires came in wheeling this machine with them. "This, is called an ultrasound machine, Yuu. Before you can ask any question or say anything stupid. I just want you to know that we're using it to..."

Yuu cut her off, "See the babies, I remember we just talked about this."

"Well, you can be slow sometimes. I was making sure you understand." Krul squeezed a generous amount of gel on her gloved hands she was about to rub it on Yuu's belly.

"WHOA! WHOA! HOLD THE FUCK UP, WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? LUBE!" Yuu screeched backing up into the chair inching away from her, "I TOLD YOU! I DON'T FUCK WITH BITCHES! I AM A BITCH!"

"YUUIRICHOU HYAKUYA!" Krul shouted clearly flustered with blush on her face for Yuu suggesting such filthy things, "I just told you. What we were doing."

"Yeah and fingering me, to find out how big Mika's cock is. WAS NOT ON THE PLAN OF ACTION!"

"Good God! Your mind needs bleach." Krul grabbed Yuu's wrist and pulled him back in the seat, to prevent him from escaping. "I'm gonna put this gel all over your stomach so we can see my future grandchildren OK?"

"What do you mean, Your future grandchil-aahh!" Yuu let out a mini gasp at the cold cool substance being rubbed on his bare peach skin. It felt gooey and runny all at the same time. The gel was definitely kept in a really freezing closet, it made the teen shiver at the alien touch and feel. The ghostly hands of the female vampire that pranced around over his round belly, spreading the liquid. It only took about a minute, but to Yuu it felt like hours...anyone that was not Mika and touching him felt so abnormal.

"Alright now watch the screen." Krul told Yuu as she nodes to the other vampires to plug in and start the machine. The queen vampire lifted a small transducer to the male's stomach and waits.

"This is a Sonar?" Yuu mumbled as Krul showed it to him she kept tapping the screen. The boy cringed in confusion the picture on the computer was all dark with barely any light, it NO COLOR, black and white, the picture looked disgusting the background was sickening, in the center of the circle was 6 round, objects which kinda looked like tennis ball sized people? Little people? They seemed human... They had tiny arms, legs, body and head.

Yuu found his face getting mortified the more he looked at it, it was antagonistic what he did as result for being freaked out he screeched, "WHAT DA BLOODY FUCK IS THAT A PICTURE OF! GET THAT SHIT AWAY FROM ME!" He slapped the probe from his abdomen down.

"That's the inside of the womb formed in your belly!" Krul exclaimed in shock, "And THAT'S YOU AND MIKA'S GOSH DAMN CHILDREN! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU FLIPPING OUT ABOUT?!"




"Yuu, are you freaking out or something?"

Yuu's face distorted in pure edgy skittishness and his tone was very neurotic as he chuckled out, "Why? Would I possibly be... Be...be freaking out?" He trembled with each lie out his mouth, cos to be real The boy never felt so scared in his life. It was more scarier than when you find out you have a big exam you haven't been studying for and the professor says it's tomorrow, in a book you didn't even know you had to have for that class. '6... Fucking 6... I'm carrying 6 different individual lives inside of me.' Yuu cringed at the thought of how the hell Mika and him were gonna raise 6 kids without loosing their goddamn mind! No, fuck that..Yuu was freaking out over how the hell he was gonna tell Mika about this. The fact he was only 4 months along only pained him more, he was gonna bigger, in fact a lot bigger.

Man, Yuu needed to eat! He always got this strong urge to eat when he stressed, ever since he became pregnant. 'I WANT FOOD, I WANT TV, I WANT KISSES AND SNUGGLE TIME WITH MIKA!' Yuuirichou's brain whined out begging for affection.

"You are freaking out aren't you...?" Krul asked raising an eye brow.

"I mean.. I..I don't, even... PFF, What's a womb?" Yuu asked perplexed trying to change the subject.

Krul face palmed, "It's... it's what the babies are being grown in." She explained reach to pick up the probe again she pressed it to Yuu's stomach, "See?"

Yuu wrinkled his face and squinted at the blurry picture, as Krul moved the transducer all around on his skin for him to see once more, "I don't see my babies!" The raven whined, "I can barely make out their bodies!"

"Yes, you do. There." Krul pointed at the 'Lil Mika's and Yuu's' on the screen.


"No! You smart ass! Each tiny body is one child."

"So, we're not just having A baby, we're having 6? Just to make sure this mysterious pregnancy hasn't affected my already terrible math skills, EVEN WORST."



"Yes! Finally! You understand." Krul clapped, "congratulations. Are you happy now? You see your kids aren't mutants. They're normal vampire or human children."

"That's why..." Yuu stared at the screen trying to put his words together, "I...I've...been eating Mika outta house and home. I'm eating for 7 people." He looked at the queen nervously, "I'm not gonna start craving blood or anything right?"

"How am I supposed to know? There hasn't been a vampire born in 600 thousand years." Krul said throwing her hands in the air, "We were gonna get rid of all this ultrasound equipment anyway, you made in the knick of time."

Yuu chewed his lip and mumbled, "Is there a way for me to show, Mika. I think if I, show him. He'll...He'll... Won't be so-ummm." Strangely the teen felt his mouth go numb, he wondered why he couldn't form correct sentences. 'Is it cos, I'm scared? Scared of Mika having another panic attack again? Scared of Mika over reacting to this news?'

The pink haired vampire didn't ask any questions, she just gave a slight smile, "of course. I'll take some pictures for you... I mean if you don't want this, they're are ways to remove t-"

"No one touches my children. I don't care cos there are 6 or if there was forty-eight thousand six fucking hundred! They're in here, Then they're in here!" Yuu affirmed squinting his green electric eyes at her, "So I'm keeping them! ALL OF THEM, DAMN IT! They're living things, they feel, they grow, they eat, they hear, now apparently they CAN MOVE!" The human rampaged on his black hair bouncing up and down furiously like the pounding of his heart, "Mika wanted a child. Good, cos now gets one plus some more! He'll be happy! we'll be happy! With our sons and daughters or whatever... We'll be in love and happy together as a family far far away from this madness!"

The vampire didn't quite comprehend why the moody flip-flopping teen got so mad, she was only providing him with friendly advice. Feeling it was only fair for the human to know all his choices. Krul just shrugged and allowed the young male to carry on thinking out loud in his monologue. Beside it kept him distracted, giving her more time to observe the mystery of Yuu's surprised unplanned pregnancy.

The morning was long past when Yuu finally left the palace. He gave this deepest "thanks" to Krul and told her he'd be sure to let Mika know she asked about him. The raven haired teen was now well dressed back in his clothing and was strolling his way on the street to Mika's and his shared dwelling. He wondered if his lovely blond boyfriend was even home yet. 'Probably not, he's probably forgot and lost track of time.' His mind told him as he walked. Yuu shook his head and tried to rid himself of Mika ever betraying him in anyway. This was his boyfriend. He should have his up most loving trust. Especially on a day like today, on valentines day.

Yuuirichou had single handedly came up with an excellent way to tell Mikaabout the many unexpected miracles in his stomach. Clutching a small file folder that read, 'Hyakuya' he grinned to himself. It would be not only the perfect surprise gift for Mikaela, but it was a sweet way to explain this madness.

His steady stride was soon interrupted by a sharp familiar thunder into the air, "NONE SHALL PASS."

The cry came from his right, a few steps up the street heading in another direction along with a very annoyed, "B-b..bbut. Why?" That voice sounded like a child's around 6 or 5 maybe.

This grabbed Yuu's attention, he knew all too well how vampire would bully and boss around the kids forces into enslavement here. He unconsciously drifted toward the sounds as the chatter continued, "I'm sorry. No live stalk is allowed during feeding hours."

"My.. My sister.."

Yuu walked in on the scene sooner than expected as he was able to make out the figure of a little boy pleading with a vampire, for entry...Into the to

Interrogation center?

"Please, !" The kid cried out tugging on the man's cape, "My big sissy is in there!"

It didn't take long for Yuu to realize who the guard was, the tall slender handsome blond was far taller than the little kid trying to get him to move. His red eyes seemed to be in bitter cold pain as he pushed the Lil kid away with gentle, "Now, hush. You don't want to get in trouble for fussing do you?"

The blond kneeled down to the child's height and seemed to whisper something in his ear. The kid's eyes went wide and he asked, "really?"

The vampire nodded and handed the young boy a lollipop, "yep. She'll be out before you know it. She wanted to tell me to give you this, if you eat it. You'll be brave, and you won't ever cry."


"Never ever."

The boy smiled and unwrapped the candy putting it in his mouth as he ran off, "Tell her, thank you. And I...I love her."

Mika waved him good bye as he returned the warm smile.

Yuu watched in awe, who knew Mika was so great with kids? Last time he checked, Mika hated humans. He waited till the small live stalk child had far scurried away, before he kept walking up the street again, leaving the building crevice he was hiding in.


The red eyed blond snapped into reality as he mumbled, "Yuu-chan..."

Yuu laughed, "Yes, yes!" He ran the remaining distance between him and Mika just to grab his hands, "Oh, Mika! I have such a hilarious story to te-"

Mikaela looked at him wide eyed and shook his head, "Yuu-chan shouldn't be here. You, you need to go back."

Yuu cocked his head to the side, "Why? If I do will I get a lollipop, like that boy?"

Mika blinked trying to read any clues from Yuu, "How long ha-?"

"Yep, I've been out for a while now! I just got here tho. I heard your voice, what you did with that kid was so cute! Like oh my god Mika king of hate is playing nice with little kids."

"Are you mocking me?"

"I prefer the term, 'freely expression of opinion through imitation.'"

Mika rolled his eyes, "Go home, Yuu. My shift is almost up in a few minutes I'll meet you there."

"No way! You better walk me home."

"You walked here by yourself perfectly fine!"

"Yeah, so what? Maybe I want my big strong Mika-kun to swish me away in my wildest fantasy!" Yuu said playfully hugging the older teen, "I want Mika. I want Mika. I want Mika."

"Yuu-chan! Stop that, you sound like a 3 year old!" Mika teased closing his eyes as Yuu began to lick behind his ear, "aaahhh...Y-Yuu! Not at work! I'm.. I'm working."

"Really? Are you Mika?" Yuu's hot breath dashed against Mika's sensitive skin briefly each time he spoke, "Cos it looks to me, your playing candy man to me..."

"And you know where my favorite candy is?" Yuuirichou's hands had wandered far south, They were pawing with the growing erection in Mika's pants. Using his fingers to trace the length up and down.

"Yuu-chan!" Mika moaned out silently, trying to push his clingy boyfriend away, "We're in public! Have some dignity."

"I know how difficult it is for you Mika, to focused on work while having to deal with a raging full on hard in your boxers." Yuu seductively smirked, nudging his face in the blonds neck, "which is why, you should come home and let mami take care of it. I'll suck you dry all night. We could even being our Valentine day activities early. If you want, can put a bow on my ass and make it your present. I know much your addicted to my dick constricting, cum encasing heat."

Mika threw his head back and howled like wolf. Damn when did Yuu become such a kinky boy? More importantly where did he learn to speak like that? Maybe Yuu was picking some bad influences being around those humans. But it was enough to make the vampire's body ache with desire to cuddle and ravish his sweet lovely princess. It was all he ever thought about all day anyway, getting back to his Yuu-chan. To soothe his natural nerves and make love to Yuu over and over again, mark his neck with dark hickeys and taste that mouth watering blood. Oh how he wanted to enter Yuu, squeeze Yuu, wrap his arms around Yuu.

A knot was forming in his gut, warning him he probably shouldn't leave his post, just to indulge himself in Yuu-chan. But what did Mika care? he roughly lifted Yuu off his feet. Carrying him bridal style while he started planting love marks on Yuu's delectable crunchy flesh. The smell of his sweetheart's blood filled his nose and empowered his veins. Holding Yuu so close always did this to him, he was trying to keep his composure on the walk back to the house. It was taking illegal amounts of self control, Mika didn't even know he possessed! from not stopping a rutting his Yuu-chan right there in the streets. He would love to do it, to tell the world Yuu was his. But he wasn't big on showing the world his princess's lovely heavenly body. Some sights were ment for his and his eyes alone.

Yuu wasn't making anything any easier for the older teen, he was constantly smooching his lips and all over his jaw line, sneaking up and whispering such dirty words in Mika's ear. Those dangerous hands of his toying at the hem of Mika's pants. As if threatening to unzip the flap and show the world, what a big ride he'd be getting on today. His green eyes were burning with hard core lust for his Mika and wanted nothing more than to push him and touch him till they both had their satisfaction. Yet he was ever so greatful no one paid them any mind while they walked. Or else Yuu knew he would have died right in Mika's arms, going on with life would be too much embarrassment.

Mikaela had stubbled in the house, with Yuuirichou clinging tightly to him, their bodies were completely pressed together, only thing prohibiting their touches were the clothes on their backs. The front door went down with a kick and Mika carried Yuu inside like a drunk man, almost falling over as Yuu continued sucking on his ear hungrily. Taking total control of the situation and whispering commands to his boyfriend, "Careful Mika, watch your step. Mmm, you should try those moves in the bed. There's a loose nail beside here, I stepped on it once... It's sharp, just like your penis."

If Mikaela was letting his more vampire animalistic instincts take over, like they were begging him to, Yuu wouldn't have made it this far without being fuck to death. He wanted nothing more than to enter up in Yuuirichou's round firm nice ass. To fondle with it and squeeze the cheeks, watching his own dick slide in and out of his princess. He wanted to hear Yuu scream his name to the heavens so everyone would know who he belonged to. He longed to feel all of Yuuirichou every wonderful attractive inch of him. Nothing would go unnoted or unglazed, his tongue would roam freely over the smooth skin.

It hurt so much, just walking in their shared bed room. All his mating instincts where arising, the urge to mark all over Yuu's body like a tattoo of hickeys. The smell coming from in between his princess's legs only turned him on more. It felt like he had a boulder in his pants, it was getting harder and harder to move or breath. In this broke state Yuu had reduced him to, he was nothing but a horny sexual tension mess waiting to explode. The blond moaned and kissed Yuu's drooling mouth in an open airy kiss, the younger teens tongue hang out his mouth, spit and all leaking out.

"Yuu-chan. We haven't even started yet and you look so wrecked. I love it, So fuckable and cute. Let me see more." Mika mewed in delight as Yuu's scent was engulfing him. He didn't want to set the boy down on their bed. He just wanted to hold him close keep him close to him. Close to the one he loved, keep him here, with him, His home. People did always say home in where the heart is...and for Mika that was unmistakably with his Yuu-chan he adored so much.

Mika felt Yuu nipping at his ear lobe teething with it recklessly with his sharp canines. The black haired teen teased playing along, "Mm, nf...how do you plan to do that?"

"I'll eat you to death." Mika growled his red eyes flashing as the light from outside shined in the door making his expression more clear for his princess to see as he traced over it. Mikaela grinded his teeth resisting the away he wanted to man handle Yuu and toss him onto the bed bind him down with his nice fat ass in the air and fuck him senseless. He was holding on to a slim grip of his humanity as he came to teems with how Yuu was still pregnant and rough sex might not be the best right now. But both of them were so sexually deprived right now they couldn't keep themselves.

"Your GONNA WHAT?!" Yuuirichou practically screamed when Mikaela laid him gently on the bed comforter, and he torn off Yuu's shirt while hissing and clawing at his pants. Yuu was sure using the words, 'I'm gonna eat you to death' was not a good choose for a vampire to use on his human boyfriend. Or using the words, 'I'm gonna suck you to death' either. Both sounded savage almost horrific. Just imaging Mika sucking him dry or eating him alive, gave Yuu a very bad hard on. Which was fucking scary, cos the fact he would let Mika do it. He would allow the vampire to drink from him without any hesitation. It was his fault Mika was like this after all, who was he to deny the blond his nutrients to survive?

"Whoa.. Mika! W8.. We..Ahhh!" Yuu couldn't put up much of a protest as the vampire rubbed against him, nudging his sweet spot and sending sparks all over his body. Mika was like a wild forest fire to Yuu'd bones once it started it was hard to put out.

"Hush... Yuu, let me taste you. Let me reclaim my property." Mika's eyes flickered all over Yuu's bare chest as he took his nails and traced all down from his neck to his waist line.

"NFF...Mika!" Yuu said a silent prayer this wouldn't get out of control as he closed his green orbs from his boyfriend, gasping at the air now touching his exposed member to the greedy vamp.

Mika marveled at how, Yuu's cock was twitching with life. Even as he was pressed up against the mattress and him, Yuu still seemed to have the up most reliability in Mika. This boosted the vampire's ego and moral as he kindly cupped, Yuu's face, "Look at me, Yuu-chan. I wanna see your beautiful eyes. I wanna see ALL of your glorious body tonight."

Yuu only closed his eyes tighter as he bucked his hips against Mika, wanting more touch from the blond. His boyfriend's hands shouldn't be on his face! They should be roaming around his skin, making insanely addictive contact. Mika's loving embracing hands soon left his princess face but the touching didn't continue, which made Yuu open one eye curiously only to be met with the most heart stopping sight on the planet.

Mika saw Yuu had cracks an eye to wonder what was going on, he kissed his princess's forehead and winked at him. As he shifted their position weight still hovering above Yuu, but Mika placed the black a haired teen in between his legs. So therefore Yuu had no choose but to look straight up from below as Mika started to strip off his shirt. The blond watched Yuu lick his lips as he lifted his shirt off ever so slowly to reveal his perfect bod to his boyfriend. Mika laid his toned chest, bulging quads, and 6 pack abs all on display. Just for Yuu who watched in awe, opening both his green eyes wide as saucers as Mika rolled his muscular arms and shoulders. Yuu felt like he was glued to Mika, as the blond panted lightly running his finger through his messy blond hair. It was so hot, damn! how was the world not combustion into flames?!

"Do you like what you see, sweetheart?" Mika taunted rolling his hips bucking his large clothed cock all in Yuu's face underneath him, "Mm, cos there is a lot more where that came from."

'I need oxygen! Good lord someone hand me an oxygen tank!' Yuu panicked as he sat under Mika watching his every move swift like the wind as he engaged in a Lil dance with his hips. Yuu let out a slight hitch of breath as Mika's red eyes looked at him kindly tilting his head up adding a bit of base in his voice, "I ask you a question. Answer me, Yuuirichou."

Yuu opened his mouth partly as he stuttered out, "Y-yess... Yes I do. I-I l..loveee. Love it." He blinked rapidly taking in the white jeans that hung over him and the ball sack that seemed to be begging to be set free form the prison of pants. The soft red eyes that were covered by a messy fit of blond hair as they shone through, turning him on even more, the snark look on Mika's face, with his fangs hanging out gleaming in the light.

"Baby, show me how much you love it." Mika said huskily as he towered over Yuu, leaning in his ear the hot breath tickling the skin, "Show me, how much you want this dick."

'Someone give this man a Grammy...' Yuu rolled his eyes to the back of his head in pure bliss, as Mika rubbed his black hair with his large hand, tugging on the strings making Yuu moan lowly. Mika knew just how to move Yuu to get the right sounds. Playing Yuu was like a video game controller. If you mash the buttons (nipples) right, you win the game (get to taste his delicious salty cum).

Yuu moaned loudly, how was he so lucky to get married to a sexy god like Mikaela? Yuuirichou was basically putty in the the vampire's hands, the human grinded his own member on Mika's leg pleasuring himself. Shooting tingles of joy as he rubbed relentlessly on them, he asked, "How would you like me to do that?"

Mika smiled into the kiss he placed the skin between Yuu's ear and neck, "You how to do it, mommy. Just like I taught you."

"Mmm, alright... mMMm,Yeh..." The younger boy stopped jacking himself off and he used his hands to reach up for the zipper on Mika's pants. He didn't have to look hard, for his eyes spotted the older teen's V line leading right down to the big boss. It was magnifying how the blond's pants hang directly on his dick, your eyes just was weeping to see the large prize.

Yuu's slender fingers hanged onto the zipper of Mika's pants, he began to unzip the track. As soon as he began, he noticed a curly blond hair poking out, his eyes went wide and face gets extremely hot. "Nii-san..." Yuu asked shyly in an adorable tone trying to shake the awkwardness in his voice, as his face was now painted in blush as more blond hair broke into the open musty smelling room.

"Yes, Yuu-chan?" Mika smirked knowing what his younger brother was gonna question, "Is there a problem?"

Yuu wanted to hide his face in the pillows behind him, he knew he was really red as a cherry at this point. He adverted Mika's steady gaze and turned his flushed cheeks away. "I... I just never pictured y-you.. In..as.. A commando guy."

Mika chuckled smiling widely, "I didn't have any clean boxers today is all." He used his hands to make Yuu face him again, "But if I always get this type of reaction out of you, I'd do it more often. Only for, my Yuu-chan."

Yuuirichou playfully kicked Mika's leg, "Hey! Don't do it if its uncomfortable!"

"It's not really, but it did hurt when you started turning me on. I thought I might die in these skinny jeans."

"Mika." Yuu scolded playfully, "You should know better than to try and keep your large boner in your pants around me."

"Why do you think, I'm trying to get you to take it out!?" Mika groaned as he humped the air telling Yuu how he longed for freedom. The green eyed teen giggled and he finished the job, letting Mika's zipper down. As he peeled off the pair of pants, the blond helped him, kicking the jeans to his ankles and soon to the floor along with Yuu's clothes.

The two stared at each other for a while, kissing the other softly and marking their mates skin. They could stare in each others eyes forever. The fire from the crimson red mingling in a emerald green gem creating its own special kind of passion. Just looking at each other and enjoying their presence was a precious time like this. After all the two had been through they were finally together.

'And happy?' Yuu still couldn't put the two together, was it more of a needy dirty long for Mika he had. It was blissful, pleasurable, and it filled him up (in more ways than one).

The blond breathing over him as he cooed, "Yuu-chan. Yuu-chan is so cute... Yuu-chan."

Yuu reached up, he looked so cute like a baby wanting to desperately touch his mommy. Mika looked down at him as Yuu's big shimmering green eyes were begging to touch his vampire boy friend. Mika nodded in approval, leaning down so Yuu could careless his skin. The light shone in the window and it made them both look like angels in love from the glossy reflection. Mika nibbled on Yuu's sensitive nipples and watched the young teen curl up closer to him and moan in response. As Yuu's hands palmed Mika's dick, pulling on it.

"Do you wanna try something, Yuu?" Mika questioned as he lustfully gazed at him, "Cos you know, how much I want you right? You know how much I wanna love and cherish you."

"Mika..." The human arched his back as his index finger glazed over his boyfriend's slick slit, "I..love you too. I... I wanna be so good for you. I...want to make you feel good."

"You always make me feel good Yuu-chan. Your the best boyfriend in the whole entire world." The blond said praising his little brother, "Which is why I know you can do this."

"I'll do anything for you, Mika-kun." Yuu panted out with his swollen pink lips dripping lightly with saliva, his head pressed firmly against the sheets as his black hair was being tangled.

Mika lightly smiled at him as he slid in for a peck on Yuu's cheek. Those lovely bashful green emeralds closed on contact as soft red bloody lips met crisp fluffy skin. It tempted the blond so he lightly kissed, his princess's eye loss while they shut. They fluttered up and down, long lashes quivering for what would come next. Only to be met with a lick of a slimy muscle across his forehead.

"I wanna thigh Fuck you, Yuu-chan." The vampire declared as he rubbed his boyfriend's pink rose bud nipples in a circular relaxing motion, "Is that alright? I know it's not the same as me being inside you, but... I promise you. I'll make you feel my same tender love and care."

Yuuirchou was very confused, he had never heard of this, 'Thigh fuck' before. The younger male looked at Mikaela and said in an almost sarcastic mocking tone, "What the fuck?"

Mika didn't answer but he did switch their position, flipping Yuu to being on top of him, the blond mumbled, "We should do it this way...so...I don't accidentally crush the kid."

"Wa- wait Mika, I'm still..." Yuu pleaded as he groaned deeply, feeling that thick, hot erection, sliding between his ass cheeks, "oh god."

"Don't worry, sweetheart. I'm not putting it, in there. I just need to get into position." Mika grabbed Yuu's wide thick hips and he squeezed the meaty flesh, as he felt Yuu hitch his breath, the teen kissed a pulsing vein on his princess's neck. Tracing his fangs over the untouched skin he roamed it up and down Yuu's neck. As usually most of the skin was covered in dark possessive hickeys, lots of loving bit marks, but mostly Mika's fang holes was permanently pierced. It made the bloodsucker have a sense of dark pride. The pride of completely dominating and owning someone. It was far from being humane, but since when did that matter to him?

Yuu scrunched his eyebrows, he was about to ask Mika what he meant when he suddenly felt something hot and hard slide in the space between his thighs. Mika whispered to some words to him, but the black haired boy couldn't make it out, still too fascinated at the strange new sensation. The older teen steadying his breathing calmly wrapped his arms around younger ones's waist as he snapped his hips to his princess's, his erection trapped between Yuu's plump large thighs.

Yuu moaned loudly at the action, his cries filling the room as Mika started fucking his thighs, feeling his boyfriend's hips slamming against his ass. He looked down his body curiously to see Mika's erection lewdly sliding between his thighs and creating delicious friction with Yuu's balls and hard cock, spreading pre-come all over them.

'This is fucking hot.' Was the only thing Yuuirichou's mind could manage to configure as the vampire his thrust sped up, hugging his Yuu-chan closer. Yuu only closed his thighs tighter making the older male shiver as his dick grew larger thanks to the silkiness of Yuu's well lotion skin, promoting him on. Yet it was the same notion of being in Yuu's warm delicate ass. It all felt so good.

"Yuu-chan, are you having fun?" The blond grinded his hips against the raven as he controlled the human, still leading him on jerking down Yuu's hips on his hot thick leaking cock. It pulsed in between Yuuirichou's handsome cake filled thighs. The sticky hot tip of Mikaela's cock pressing into the base of his princess's ball sack. Their erections shared rare indulging contact with each other, where both boy's would moan out helplessly.

Yuu ran his fingers through the blond's hair, panting vigorously, as he tried to meet his vampire's thrust, "So...So...Much.." The young boy shuttered at the burning wet feeling forming from Mika's inconstant in and out rotation of smashing their bodies together, "so much.. Fu-uun. Gi..give it to me, more. Give me faster Mika!"

"You little greedy green goblin." Mika said moaning on Yuu's neck, as he rocked his hips faster, building up a coiling knot from lust desire, his boner pressed Yuu's thighs apart each time a little bit more forceful than the first. Yuuirichou couldn't stop himself from throwing his head back and shouting, "MIKA!" Into the air. They we're both sure the whole block knew that they were fucking now. But neither of them had the strength to tell the other to quite down.

The emerald eyes teen knew the end was near for him, he was weeping at how pathetic this was. Really, thigh fucking? How could thigh fucking break him down so quickly? How could Mika keep up such good speed like that? How was any of this even possible? God almighty, Yuu had lost his mind. Everything jumped from topic to topic, his senses of touch, sound, and smell all being launched out of his control. Mika was like a race car about to win a grand cup, there was no fucking stopping him.

The blonds red eyes ate up all the bliss from the younger boy using it to go harder as he thigh fucked his princess. Just amazing how long Yuu was holding on, he knew the human had his limits tho, so the vampire commanded his boyfriend huskily, "Touch yourself, for me baby."

"I... I... I can't!" Yuu choked out as tears stung his eyes, he wanted so badly to release it was ridiculous. only hearing slightly of Mika's order, "I...CAN'T!"

"Yes, you can doll face." Mika coached as he didn't even slow down to give Yuu instructions, "Put your hands on your penis for me." His princess shakily complied, placing both his nervous hands over his rampaging hot dog.

Mika watched his every movement until Seeing Yuu had done so, then the vampire said, "Good boy, Yuu-chan. Now stroke yourself, do it gently like you know I would."

Yuu let out a choking sob as he numbly closed his eyes, his body was wrecked and tired. His face was sweaty and he was panting for breath struggling to even makes sounds as Mika's dick pounded him. He swallowed rolling/relaxing against his boyfriend's well sculpted body made for 2, as he (painfully) stroked himself. His cluttered black hair affecting his vision as he did so, but he swore he watched his cock leak out his seed in loose stringy spurts on his own hand. Each little jerking gesture more milky substance came out, it was a sad sight to watch. So sad.

Mikaela figured, Yuuirichou needed a little push to jump off the edge so he whispered in his ear words of the up most appraisals to his boyfriend. As he kissed Yuu's tear stained face, "I said slowly, Yuu-chan."

"It hurts, Mika. It hurts too much..." Yuu pumped his hands faster, "I...I can't go slow."

"Slow it down for me." Mikaela mumbled picking up his thrust and snapping his hips more violently, causing Yuu to drool unconsciously, "I want us, to cum together on my dick Yuu-chan."

Just like that, Yuu let go of his cock. If Mika wanted them to cum on his time then so be it, he would. No matter how much his midsection wanted to explode. He was too loyal to Mika to screw it up. Yuu had to have self control he had to maintain himself. But if Mika had been going on Yuu's cock being entertainment he sure was right. Yuu was jack himself off for Mika any day, any place, any time. Hell, if Mika randomly walked up to him in the middle of a Disney world theme park, in front of a huge crowd of people, and said in that drop dead sexy ass voice, 'Touch yourself, for me baby.' Yuu could assure you, his pants would be dropped to the ground in zero point eight seconds.

"Hang in there...Y..yuu-chaAAAHH!" Mika squirted his cum all inside Yuu's thighs, His own climax had been closer than the teen had originally planned. But the now sticky tart object spilling into him, made Yuu yelp and follow suit. The black haired boy cummed right as Mika was still rubbing his dick all up on/in between Yuu's meaty thighs. His green eyes dilating with excitement as the intense wave of pleasure shot through him. His member swayed in the air like an elephant trunk emptying it's contents on both him and Mika.

The room smelled heavily of sex and the scents of both males. For a long time both boys sat there in the clammy snuggled intimate close position. Nor did they dare speak as if it might break the peacefulness of having the other near. True they were both a mess and rocked up from their love making. However all declarations of affection had already been made earlier before. Yuu was smiling as Mika rolled over beside him groggily, he stretched his muscles before he used his arms to latch around Yuu-chan's chest. The vampire observed how Yuu's eyes had became less tearful and dreary and now they were sparkling like diamonds in the sun.

"Yuuirchou, your so damn fine." Mika muttered out loud subconsciously as his red eyes lowered themselves to his princess's neck, the older teen held back marking the already tainted flesh, "I'm so damn glad your mine."

Yuu hummed as he felt Mika nuzzle his neck reassuringly. 'How strange tho... Mika hasn't bit my neck in days. He always just does this instead of biting it.' Yuu frowned at the thought, when Mika drank from him. It was so pleasurable, not displeasing or hurtful at all. He often wondered why Mika had stopped one day and not having an answer really bugged him. Yet he wasn't just about to go out on a limb and ask Mika, 'So babe about my blood, is it not good enough for you anymore? Is it salty just like me? Who else, blood have you been sucking huh? You think you can find a better gold mind, THAN THIS RIGHT HERE!?' No, cos if he did that, Mika would learn how jealous Yuu is over him. Yuuirchou wanted to keep that connection with him and Mika. The connection of him being the first person Mika ever drank human blood from and... To be honest, Yuu wanted to be the ONLY PERSON, Mika ever was able to drink blood from. Was it selfish? Yes, very. And also very heartless of him. But what did Yuu care? Mika was his boyfriend and Yuu felt like it was duty to take care of Mikaela. Mika had done so much for him after all. The vampire put his life on the line numerous amounts of time just to save his princess.

'But the stupid bastards like Ferid have to come around.' Yuu shook his head from the bitter thought which reminded him of all the events from this morning. 'Mitsuba... She had said Mika had other plans for me... Said Mika wanted to turn me into a vampire...' Yuu fills with fear on the subject, on the other hand he was much to modest to bring it up. Bringing up how he met, Mitsuba wouldn't be a good thing to talk about either. Yuuirichou considered, well at least he could tell Mika that he went to visit Krul and found more out about the kid(s).

"Mika." Yuu tugged on a loose string of blond hair sticking up on his boyfriend's head.

The vampire smiled, a single fang hanging out his mouth, as he gazed down at his loving pregnant princess in his arms, "Yes."

"Do...You..." Yuu blushed a bit, "remember how you said you didn't know how vampire babies were made."

Mika nodded, "I have no clue..." Then his expression became frightful and panicked fearing the worst, "ARE YOU AND THE KID ALRIGHT, YUU-CHAN!? Did something happen? Did I DO SOMETHING?! I.. I'LL CALL KRUL RIGHT NOW AN-" the teen shot out of bed and on his feet ready for action.

"Calm down, Mika. Gosh are you always gonna overreach when I bring up our growing offspring?" Yuu rolled his eyes, (He wouldn't come clear about it, but when Mika lost his marbles over suck simple stuff, Yuu found it hilariously cute.) He placed a had on his bulging stomach and continued, "Nothing, Is wrong with us. So sit and listen."

Mika searched Yuu for any sign of faulty information before he sat down by the bed side gazing up at Yuu's god like body. His fangs throbbed at the site, 'This is bad...' Mika's mind told him. The blond brushed off the wanting feeling and turned his head from his boyfriend, not wanting to accidentally pounce on him and drain him dry.

Unfortunately, Yuu didn't see Mika's actions this way. The black haired teen instead of explaining his and Mika's litter situation, tilted his head confused to copy Mika's eyes out the window, "Huh? What's out there you're looking at."


"You turned away from me..." Yuu's expression drooped as he said, "You looked away."

"I don't know what your talking about, Yuu-chan."

"You say that but your still not looking at me tho." Yuu said with tiny hint of sadness in his voice. It stung Mika's heart hearing the next words out Yuu's mouth, "I mean, if you just stopped by for a quick high and then you want to go. I completely understand. No one wants to deal with a pregnant moody teenager."

The raven turned over to a different side of the bed and pulled the soiled cover over his head. Mikaela let out a small shocked gasp, it disturbed him that Yuu thought like that. Yuu was not some pregnant moody teenager, he was his princess carrying his child. He loved Yuu with every fucking bone in his body and would die serving Yuu's orders till his last breath! But Yuuirichou comes out of nowhere saying shit like this? Mika hadn't meant Yuu any harm from turning his head, he didn't mean to down grade his lover in anyway.

"Yuu-chan, I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what? Not being able to stand the sight of my out of shape body? Well damn it! Not everyone could look as good as you MIKA! NOT EVERYONE IS BORN BLOND AND BEAUTIFUL." Yuu spat out hatefully, "and it's your fault for why I'm like this! I'm having your children and you can't even appreciate me! YOU DRAG ME HERE, YOUR ALWAYS BUSY WITH WORK! FORCE ME TO LIVE LIKE YOU, LIVE HERE IN THIS HELL HOLE! I HATE... I HATE IT HERE!" The teen yelled as his jaw trembled he gasp his hair pulling it frustratedly, "I FUCKING HATE IT HERE MIKA!"

"Your not out of shape, Yuu-chan. That's just baby weight." Mika swallowed nervously, "okay, if you hate it here. Fine, Fine. I can find us another place in vampire city to live."

"I don't wanna!" Yuu said letting out a sad sob, "I don't wanna find another place, I SAID I HATE IT HERE!"

"I know, that's why I said... Oh." Mikaela looked at Yuuirichou compassionately his red eyes finally beginning to catch on, "You don't want to live Vampire city..."

Yuu nodded his face still buried in his hands, "I.. Hate it. Everywhere I go. I see, I.. I feel like I'm being haunted by memories I wanted to forget."

"So you want to forget? Is that it..." Mika narrowed his eyes at Yuu distastefully, "or do you just wanna look and check to see if your pitiful humanity still stands?"

There was no answer from Yuu. Truthful he didn't know. He was taking information from Mitsuba. The same woman that had attempted to kill him and brain wash him that Mika was a bad person. Was he wrong for listening to her? She had once been his friend, family and close Allie. But now she wanted nothing more to do with him. She was convinced that by having being engage to a vampire and carrying his babies, Yuuirichou had sold his soul to the devil himself and needed to be stopped. Yuu didn't know an answer, he maybe perhaps would never know.

This was all it took for Mikaela to lash out in his boyfriend, "ARE YOU SEROUS, YUU-CHAN?! YOU WANT ME TO GIVE THIS ALL UP SO YOU CAN GO LOOK FOR SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T EXIST! THE DEMON MOON COMPANY IS LONG GONE! JUST LIKE THE REST OF YOUR DEAD DIRTY ROTTEN BASTARD ARMY OF THE SHINOA SQUAD!" Mikaela stood up and stomped his feet throwing a tantrum like he was 5 years old and someone had broke his new toy, "Well you're not FUCKING LEAVING ME! YOU'RE NOT FUCKING EVER LEAVING ME! Your MINE! I WON'T LET ANYONE ELSE HAVE YOU! If they want you, THEY HAVE TO PRY YOU FROM MY COLD DEAD ASHES of my body!"

That was all it took for Yuuirichou to unleash a water fountain of tears, he didn't mean to piss Mika off. Now his boyfriend was made at him. He didn't even do anything! He said nothing at all! Why was Mika being so bitchy with him?

The hot tears washed Yuu's face as he weeped, his whole body shaking violently as Mika glared at him with his glowing red eyes, "I said. I'm not letting my princess leave me. So I honestly don't know why your crying." The vampire leaned over to embrace Yuu and rubbed his tears away, "You should be happy. I will love you forever. We can raise the kid. We'll be the perfect family."

"There is nothing perfect about an delusional delirious person like you!" Yuu cried out, "Your so selfish, Mika-kun! And you obviously don't know me, if you think I'm happy here."

"I do know you! I've basically known you all my life it feels like!"

"You don't know I think about me! Then you fucking reference my dead homies..." Yuu's somber cloudy green eyes finally met Mika's storming red ones as he yelled, "Mitsuba was so right about you! In fact everyone, they were all right! I was A FOOL FOR STANDING UP FOR YOU! what Ferid said is the truth. You really... You... You are a monster. Just like him, a heartless bloodsucking monster." Yuu regretted all that soon as it left his mouth. He brushed his finger over his lips which felt tainted and sour. He felt bad really bad, half of him still couldn't believe he unleashed such harsh words to his Mika. He compared him to...'Oh my god. What have I done?' Yuu panicked as he harshly pushed away from Mika and sunk his face in a pillow weakly sobbing into the fluffy lightness, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry...I'm so sorry. Your not a monster...I'm so stupid!"

Mikaela gasped at the vicious ferocious way Yuuirichou threw those words at him, each was like a fire cracker to his soul burning his heart even more dark and demonic. Even Mika could deny it no longer especially now that Yuu saw it. It was there, it was inside him, it was eating at him gnawing in his last strings of sanity. If your wondering what it was... It was Mika's love for Yuu.

A heavy sound of his princess balling his eyes out filled both of mika's ear drums but, The vampire didn't give a shit. He just rage cussed looking up at the ceiling. 'Yuu would get over it, hell learn to fucking accept fate soon enough! Then he'd be happy. He'd be on his knees begging for me again!'

"Mitsuba?" The blond repeated the familiar name the he growled at Yuu, "how'd you find out she's still alive?"

"Lalalala!" Yuu screamed in the pillows case covering his ears, "I'm not talking till you, become nicer to me! Not till I get my big strong sweetheart Mikaela back!"


"What did I say about yelling at me? I hate it when PEOPLE YELL AT ME!"



Mika grew silent at knowing that was a fact and sighed, "Just answer me."

"No, I said my sorry. You insulted me, you STILL DIDN'T SAY SORRY! I'm mad at you. You're in trouble here." Yuu pointed at Mika flipping back around to face the vamp as he said defensively, "How long did you plan on lying to me?"

"What? I wouldn't ever lie, to Yuu-chan!"

"You did lie to me. You told me all my family was dead, Mitsuba is alive. You lied to me, Mika. You knew she was alive, but you...you..." The younger teen's glossy green eyes blazed with sorrow, "Why? Why, Mika. All I want to know it why you did it."

Mikaela crossed his arms, "She is your enemy now, Yuu. She hates me, so she hates you too. I was trying to protect your feelings."

"Protect them from what? Do you know how happy I was to find out a member of the Shinoa squad as still alive! I didn't care If she was a vampire!"

"She wants to kill us."

"Maybe she wouldn't have to pretend to be so heartless, if some certain bloodsuckers didn't murdered her girlfriend and then her into a vampire ALL IN THE SAME DAY!"

"Our family got murdered by bloodsuckers! Our family was torn apart!" Mika made a frustrated fist, "I was turned into a bloodsucker... I.. I became this monster on that same day under the same circumstances! You don't see me lashing out with pure hate towards the world."

"COS YOU HAVE ME, MIKA!" Yuu yelled at the top of his lungs, "You knew I was STILL ALIVE. YOU had INSPIRATION to live."

Mikaela twisted his face in disgust as Yuu told him, "Mitsuba has no one. Mitsuba didn't have anyone to live for. She doesn't believe the grass is greener on the other side. Cos, you.. You murdered Shinoa. The only person Mitsu ever loved." Yuu's voice grew and cracked low at his last few words, hoping the teen caught the words, cos they were hard heartbreaking words to repeat.

"I.. I didn't... Murder her. You saw me, Yuu! Those damn ugly bloodsucking mon-" Mika paused in the middle of his description and laughed lightly to himself, raising a hand up to the light handing from the wall, he watched how his pale skin seemed to reflect the beams, "Who am I kidding? I did kill her didn't I? Cos I am just an ugly bloodsucking monster. You said it yourself..."

Yuu looked at him bitterly and corrected, "MY UGLY BLOODSUCKING MONSTER."

Mika used his last little bit of strength to kneel down against the wall and sunk his face into his hands tiredly, "I... I don't deserve to be with you, Yuu-chan." He let a low whimper of pure depression, "And each day. I wake up afraid your gonna leave me, that your not gonna be happy with him, cos...I always use you for blood and I'm nasty. I'm always reeking of the smell of vampire from me. I hate the smell...it just reminds me of what I really am." His voice cracked, "I sometimes feel insecure when I'm next to you, cos I can't see my reflection and I don't wanna go out ratchet and jacked up making you look bad. I shower you with my affection but I always feel like it's not enough..."

Yuu looked mystified his face was in all out blown awe. 'Mika didn't just say, what he think he did, did he?' Mika had confessed to him? An explanation of why he was so clingy and wanted to keep Yuu all to himself. Mika did think he was enough for him? Mika didn't know what a true precious angel he was? Mika had been putting up such a strong front all this time, Yuu would have never guessed... Well sure his blond lover was alien to his own skin and sometimes underestimated his own power. But for Mika just to point out blank break down in a corner getting all emo and having a pity party with himself. For Yuu it was unheard of, if anything Yuuirichou felt like he was not good enough for Mikaela!

"I'm not enough for Yuu-chan, to be happy with. Yuu-chan wants his Shinoa Squad back, but I killed them!" Mika groaned in his palms frustratedly, "I killed them, cos I hated them. They were using Yuu-chan, and I couldn't handle that. I wanted Yuu-chan all to myself."

Yuuirichou really didn't need Mika to go into another panic attack like he had before. From the way Mika was going right now, freaking out and rocking back and forth in a corner. He didn't need to deal with a freaked out vampire. Plus it was valentines day, he wanted to make Mika feel loved. He wanted Mika to know how much he cared about him. How much he loved Mika. Upsetting the vampire had been a mistake, one he had selfishly made and was now a causality of. Yuuirichou should have known better than to listen to those who talked trash about his Mikaela. People would always have hate for no good reason, deep unwritten, yet out spoken plans to bring down another person. People...People are strange! They can say one thing and mean another...The stuff they do makes no sense. Yuu wonders if the reality of the situation is 'Did someone knock their brains out of their heads?'

The black haired boy curried off the bed and crawled over to Mikaela, he grabbed the folder he had gotten from Krul off the bed side drawer as he made his way over. The human cautioned himself as he reached out, not wanting to frighten or trigger any symptoms of an upcoming panic attack from his boyfriend. Yuu paused in the middle of washing Mika in his touch. What did Mika really need right now? Was it him? Or was Mika just so far long gone he would see Yuu as nothing more than a filthy human? It was like a mini Civil war broke out in the pregnant teens mind, he wanted to comfort Mika, yet if he did would it bring down the blonds tough guy image and ego? Yuu was sure he was the only person to Mika cry every since they were kids. Mika was never one to show emotions to anyone but Yuu. The older teen usually was a radiation wave of pure loathe to the so called 'human abominations.' It almost scared Yuu, he wondered what Mika would see him as, his lover or a dirty lowlife human?

"Mika..." Yuu croaked out dryly, his position still reaching out to him, his face reading nothing but dejected fear, with his eye brows arched upwards and a lost twinkle in his emerald green eyes. The vampire looked up at him sadly and took the human's hand in his own larger one's interweaving their fingers. Mikaela sweetly kissed Yuuirichou's small soft delicate skin, "Yuu-chan, I'm sorry. I just lose myself sometimes."

Yuuirichou blushed at the action, but didn't pull his hand away. Mikaela's juicy lips sucked gently on his flesh, licking over his peach knuckles smoothly with his slick tongue muscle. The blond was careful minding how sharp his fangs were and avoiding an unpleasant contact. As he brought his princess's hand closer to his mouth, he planted multiple kisses with each word, "Don't cry, sweetheart. Don't cry cos of me." Mika raised his vision line up with Yuu's as he whispered, "This has nothing to do with you. This is personal. Myself and I, got some straightin' out to do. I'm only sorry, that my actions hurt you, Yuu-chan. I never wanted to hurt your feelings, Yuuirichou. You know I would do anything for you, anything you want me to do, I'll do it."

Yuu figured his face was red as Mika's beautiful glossy crimson eyes at this point. He felt hot and his heart was fluttering like mad. How warm, passionate and sincere his boyfriend looked was enough enough melt a glacier in the Arctic ocean. Cos it was definitely melting Yuu's heart. The green eyes boy allowed Mika's red rubies to draw him in. The human soon found himself laying in the vampire's lap. Mika was rocking him back and forth, cradling Yuu like a baby in his arms. Both their hands were still interlocked as Mikaela leaned in kissing Yuuirichou's nose, his hot wet mouth smooching the silky flesh.

"Does Yuu-chan forgive me? Can he find it in his purely innocent soul to forgive such a heartless creature like me?"

"Mikaela." Yuu used his free hand to daintily stroke the vampire's cheek, his green fields of grass burning up in brownish-orange bloody flames, as their eyes met once more clashing boldly, "I don't have to forgive you, You did nothing wrong. There's nothing wrong with being a little jealous."

"But my...my jealousy ruined, Yuu-chan's life." Mika squeezed Yuu's hand giving him a weak half attempted frown, "I don't think I could live with myself, if I was the cause of your unhappiness."

"I'm not unhappy." Yuuirichou mummers as shifted up kissing Mikaela's cheek, "I am never unhappy when I'm with you. You complete me, Mika. So don't you forget that. Your my other half. I sometimes wonder how I even managed to live everyday I did without you. The thought of us ever being separated makes me sick." Yuu waved his hand in the air chuckling, "And not just because I'm pregnant! But because Mikaela Hyakuya completes me."

Mika was sure he never had heard such gorgeous sounding little truths cross Yuu's mouth. It sounded like lovely MikaYuu lil angels singing the gospel, causing The vampire's heart to jump out his firm rock hard chest it thumped so loud, he was sure Yuu could hear it even with human's poor senses. He greedily slammed his lips onto Yuu's violently, Yuu soon met his tasty gleeful twirling rythm and moved his lips in unison to Mika's, parting his lips slightly to give his boyfriend more space to deepen the kiss. The vamp accepted his princess invitation and slipped his muscle in the explored claimed territory that rightfully was his.

He used his hand to yank Yuu's head in a upward position, by pulling that matted black hair back, leaving Yuuirichou's mouth wide open as his lips swelled up getting plump from his vampire lovers vicious lip meetings. There were no sparks, just a little fire burning brightly in both of their hearts, they both did their part winning each other's hearts. Their lips crashing ment more than words ever could at the moment. To Mikaela and Yuuirichou each time they kissed it reaffirmed their promises to each other. It reaffirmed their trust and never ending love. It was not just a make up kiss or a cheap peck on the lips or something you can pick up any day. Thought they kissed often, it wasn't like a thing you could get from a bubble gum machine, None of them used words like 'treats' to describe their deep love making on each other's lips. It was simply blissful, sloppy, wet, wild, and there was nothing clean or tidy about it. One thing was sure tho each time Mika kissed Yuu or Yuu kissed Mika, such unexplained emotions were shared that words cannot say. It was an unspoken connect to the other.

Mika had never felt this when he had been kissed by Krul. The heart light fluttering feeling wasn't there. It was a distorted anger was all he felt mixed with straight up disgust. He always felt so bad that he wasn't Yuu-chan's first kiss. The first time Yuu had kissed Mika was when he became a full blooded vampire. At first Mika was scared that it had been the venom in his fangs making Yuu fell pleasure that lurked the human in to press his lips so slightly. He thought he was the luckiest vampire in the world when Yuu pulled away blushing in a mumbling uncertain mess of if his feelings were returned. Yuu feelings of love toward Mika would and always would be returned. Even from beyond his grave Mika would love Yuu. His heart remained to his princess, and just incase the rings on both their fingers weren't enough to prove that. Mika would keep saying it. Again, again, and again, until Yuu understood, until Yuu felt loved, until Yuu was tenderly cared for and pampered with the highest of high.

"I, vampire Mikaela Hyakuya, will always serve and protect my princess, Yuuirichou Hyakuya." Mika spoke pulling back as his lips were mer centimeters against Yuu's they brushed lightly, "He is the day to my night, the chocolate syrup on my ice cream, the bun to my hot dog, and the kind loving other half of my heart God forgot to include. and If anything shall happen and my princess shall fall over and die, I his brave vampire knight shall surely follow."

The pregnant teen was blushing madly at the blond, he whimpered at the lost of lustful contact on his lip. Yuu urged Mika to stop talking and start making out with him again. His black hair messing with his vision cos it was one half being pulled back by his controlling boyfriend while the rest of it was covering his face. Mika thought it was too damn cute, the way Yuu's lips were wet and glittery parted open slightly barely panting as his body heaved up and down tiredly, how on the other hand his green orbs were hazy shining with delight begging for Mika to take him.

Becoming impatient Yuuirichou rechained their lips. Mika leaned back relaxing his hold on Yuu and allowing his little brother to gain some control of the kiss. The younger teen grinned sneakily as when Mika let his gaurd down, to run his tongue over the sharp end points of his boyfriend's fangs. They were large and mammoth usually hanging out his mouth. Mika was like a gun slinger, but his guns hanged in his mouth not by his side. The pearly white fangs were sharper than knifes and more pointy and far more deadly than any sword or bullet could ever be. Yuu strangely found himself attracted to Mika because of this. The fangs seemed to make the blond male even more attractive, they looked good on him, fitting almost. Of course Yuu thought every part of Mika was just perfect, but his fangs. Good Lord! Yuu had never known how much he needed to see Mika with fangs until he got them. There was the fact he was a vampire complication, tho, that...that was not fire.

"Bite me hard, Mikaela." Yuu whispered huskily into Mika's ear, nipping on it lightly, "Let me feel you, become one with you." The black haired teen leaned his neck back exposing the fresh blood pulsing veins to the vampire, "I want our blood to intermingle fuse together and give you the power you need. I will always give my Mika, the power he needs."

Mika snapped his jaws up and down licking his lips marveling at Yuuirichou's tan skin. The smell of his blood went straight to Mika's pants. He wanted Yuu too, He wanted Yuu so badly...His fangs had been throbbing earlier and now his sweet loving princess was giving him an open invitation. Now, ain't nothing wrong with sucking your boyfriend's blood especially if he gave you the green light. Yet Mikaela couldn't shake the fact of how WRONG it was. Especially now since Yuu was pregnant. He didn't want to feel like the big bad wolf stealing from poor innocent adorable Lil piggies.

"Yuu-chan..." Mika asked quietly in more of a soft gently whisper not trying to upset of deny his boyfriend of anything, "Are you sure you want me... I mean it's alright? I don't wanna feel like I'm stealing from... You and the kid."

"No, no it's fine Mika." Yuu smiled easing off the seduction a bit as he pulled away giving his vampire boyfriend a tender look, "Honestly, when you take Lil snips and bites here and there I don't feel a thing."

"The kid?"

"They'll be fine too! They're inside me, which means if I'm fine, they're fine. I wouldn't promote anything to hurt our children Mika, you should know that."

Mika's red eyes flickered, rerunning the words over in his mind with confusion. 'They...Yuu-chan said they. And the he said children... CHILDREN!' The blond exposed his fangs as he spoke out, "Yuu-chan. Ummm...Elaborate on the sudden spontaneous flow of you now using plural pronouns."

The black haired pregnant teens face light up like a firework, it was like he was beaming with joy. Loosing all interest in Mikaela sucking his blood. The green eyed males pupils sparkled as he grabbed the older teen's hand and pressed it on his stomach.

"Say something, Mika! Say anything." Yuu commanded with a smug grin on his face.

"Huh? I've been talking all this time."

"To your kids Mika! To your kids, your their father talk to them!"

"I thought you said it can't hear yet."

"They, Mika. Plural pronouns."

"Yuu-chan! Just tell me!"

"No! It takes away from the effect if you don't feel it!"

Mika let out a huff of hot air getting easily frustrated, "If you're just gonna tease me, please stop." The blond pulled away and stood up shaking his head, "Too much...Too much I have to worry about already."

Yuu whimpered as he looked at Mika's tone bare back turning away from him to get dressed. Stupid Baka Mika was leaving him again, then he had the nerve to tell Yuu he was being stressful. If anyone should be complaining about stress it should be Yuu, he was the damn pregant man with freaking raging teenage and pregnancy hormones, it was like a double blast. The lighted happy expression on Yuu's face slowly darkened becoming shallow, his tone turning more bitter than the delightful excitement before, "Why do you always TURN YOUR BACK ON ME? You tell me you'll never leave me, you'll always love me! Then you pull this shit!"

Mikaela paused in the middle of putting his pants back on and his red eyes turned deep crimson with rage. He fumbled with his button and zip as he growled out trying to contain his anger, he didn't even look at Yuuirichou as he shot back with the same cold tone, "After all this, How do you still have the audacity to say THAT SHIT?"

Yuu looked down at the floor, trying to gather his courage to say something back. His eye brows tensed up along with the rest of his face muscles until they formed a complete scowl. The human stood up and decided to put his clothes on too. He didn't care about the sticky feeling in between his legs, he was just once more upset at the blond's reject for his out stretch of love. What was making Mika so rude anyway? All day he had been so flip-flop! First he was happy about being with Yuu, then he as crying about it, next he the as happy again, and now he's ticked off again. 'WHAT THE ACTUALLY FUCK?! It's Valentines day even if that bastard is unhappy would it kill him to fucking fake it for my sake!?' Yuu thought selfishly as he pulled his shirt over his head.

'Gotta get Yuu-Chan new clothes.' Mika said taking a mental note as he watched his princess getting dressed; His eyes making note of all the right sizes trying to configurate the right size. The vampire wasn't trying to be pushy or over do his tight bonds with Yuu. Simply it was more of the fact he spent so much time worrying over his pregnant boyfriend, Mika would be able to carry on if he let him get hurt. So he always preplanned a head of time, he preplanned for everything.

Unfortunately he didn't preplan what they would do if someone knocked on their door and to his very much misfortune that exsact thing happened in that moment. The rattling sound of knuckled banging against the wooden door of the house filled the air. An uneasy haze of green eyes met red with confusion. Mika mouth out the words in a light whisper, "Hide."

Yuu flipped his shit... Literally, he yelled, "YOU WANT ME TO FREAKING HIDE!? WTF?! HIDE FROM WHAT? NOT LIKE YOU CARE ANYWAY!"

"Yuu-chan.." The vampire's eyes pleaded, "for the sake of our family..."

"Hell no! In fact who is it? Someone you don't want me to see, huh?!" The piped up younger teen raged as he put on his last article of clothing, "Well I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna answer it!"

"Yuuirichou!" Mikaela reached out to stop him, but damn did those leggings not only make Yuu's plump round ass cheeks look fatter than it already were but instead of having jeans, they were light and easier to manage and move in. The pregnant teen got to the front door and opened it triumphantly, his black hair edged back as he put an arm around his stomach giving the vampires at the the door a sour look, "What the hell do you want?"

Lacus and Rene both grimaced at the smell emitting from the house, it was an mixture of both the teens scent intermingled together.

"Ew, did you and Mika hit it off recently or something?" Rene asked nervously, "cos if we walked in on a bad time..."

"Just shut up! what do you want was the damn question!" Yuu snapped back rather annoyed these two bloodsuckers were here.

Mika creeped up behind Yuu and wrapped his arms around his waist, glaring at the two vampires warningly. Lacus only snorted in response, "they must have been, they're being all clingy to each other."

"I'm not clingy! Mika's the clingy one!" Yuu pouted as the blond frowned at him, "I don't try to be."

"We'll you are! And you suck at hiding it!" Yuu ranted on, "I mean look at you right now, all huggy!"

Mika growled lowly, "so are you saying you don't like MY hugs?"


Lacus chuckled at Yuu storming on Mika and he cracked a joke, "Looks like those pregnancy hormones are kicking in."

"Mika...I'm gonna kill him." Yuu hissed hatefully as he made a tight fist.

"Don't, Yuu." The blond narrowed his eyes, "that's MY JOB."

Lacus threw his hands up in the air like he was under arrest and decided to plea the 5th, "We come in peace! We just thought you wanted to know..." His red eyes darkened at Mika, "the army is being led by Crowely. Is on there way here as we speak."

Something gleamed in the teen's eye but he quickly dissembled it before Yuu could notice. The older one cleared his throat roughly, his blond hair wavered in the air, his mind sizing up possible ideas. "Right here... Now?"

"Snitch is what happened, a little twin pony tailed blond girl gave a hint " Rene said shaking his head, "They just got done, trying to find us. We're gonna turn ourselves in and buy you both some time."

Mika turned his head to Yuu, who said loudly, "Don't look at me, baka! I didn't tell her anything! She hates us, only natural to suspect the ones you hate."

The purple haired vampire raised an eye brow, "You had contact with the new born vampire before hand?"

Yuu looked up to him awkwardly, "yeah but... I don't.. I didn't tell her anything, important." The black haired boy chewed his upper lip mumbling to himself lowly, "I wouldn't tell her anything... That would put Mika in danger."

"He's only suspect. But if they found out about Lord Ferid death was an evil intent done by their own kind..." Rene reflected on his words as he said, putting his hand in his pocket giving a slight gangster lean on the door post, "vampire already don't trust or care about each other very much. It wouldn't be unoddly normal to find a vampire killed by another. But a powerful noble like Ferid... It's a pretty big deal."

Mika sighed deeply, "I was prepared for this, but just not so soon." He rested his head on top of Yuu's, his chin digging into the shorter male's skull. Yuu crossed his arms over his enlarged belly, sticking his lips out in a whiny state, he looked like a 3 year old toddler about the though a hissy fit that would make all hell break loose.

"So what? A few bloodsucker come. We kill them." Yuuirichou said as if it was the most logical explanation, "I've seen Mika fight an army of 100 men he can take out no problem."

"Humans are much weaker than vampires." Rene said in a matter of fact tone, "For every human he can kill picture on ⅛ of that."

"I'll be helping him." Yuu exclaimed, "We can surely slice them in half break right through!"

"Your not fighting." Mika said shooting down that idea, "Your not... And neither am I." He gazed down with his red eyes misting inspecting of there was another other opinions till it came up negative, "I'll do like I said. Take responsibility for Ferid's death."

Yuu thought someone haf sliced his heart in half he became frantic and shouted loudly, "BUT MIKA I'M PREGNANT! IM PREGNANT! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME, I NEED YOU! I'M CARRING YOUR CHILDREN!" To throw in words for extra back up he restated again rather wildly, "MUST I REMIND YOU THIS IS YOUR FAULT, THAT I'M PREGNANT!"

'So Yuu is just gonna yell at Mika that he's pregnant to try and get him to stay...' Lacus thought as he stared at the arguing couple shouting back and forth, 'Why doesn't Yuu just chain Mika to the bed or something?'

"Yuu-chan, I know that." Mika said gently trying to calm the fired up raven down, "But..."

"But nothing! You have little responsibilitys to take care of and worry about now!" Yuuirichou harshly jerked Mika's hand over his baby bump, "So don't you dare leave us!" His green emerald gave a slight smile in the fire pit of red blood shot eyes, "We tried it your way Mika, we tried living here with you. So now, run away with me!"

"Run away...?" The blond mumbled closing his eyes, "That might work."

"Yeah! Yeah!" Yuu urged on, "We'll run away together. Go somewhere, Ya know! You, me and kids!"

Rene monotone turned almost deadly as his gaze struck harder, "Well, whatever your gonna do. Make up your mind fast."

Mika was never one to worry about anyone other than, his Yuu-chan. However for some odd reason the thought of Lacus and Rene throwing in the towel for the team, made his skin crawl and completely mortified him. The dark shallow underground light of the gallows made shadows crossed the blonds face as he seemed to be locked in thought. Answers, to work for one solution is what Mikaela needed. Yuu smiled weakly up at his boyfriend and gave a silent heart melting plead, "Please, Mika-kun. Please."

Closing his red crimson eyes, Mika sighed. The young vampire teen wasn't born by the river, but just like the river, he felt like all he had ever done when he was with Yuu was run. Yuu was his princess, by his side, now and forever. He had brought Yuu here to protect him, now he was far away from those miserable revolting humans. No one could use him here, no one was down here to hurt him, no one was here to break his heart. Mika had finally for once in his life felt like he'd formed the perfect bubble around Yuuirichou. If they left, it be like popping the perfectly round bubble, Mikaela had given his all and worked his hardest to create.

"What about that safety house, you were working on? All that time in guard duty?" Lacus questioned raising an eye brow, "Is it done yet?"

"Almost.." Mika mumbled, "It's livable. Not all the finish and touches, completed. So I wouldn't want to put Yuu-chan in that situ-"

"Safety house, huh?" Yuu smirked playfully, "Well if you built it, I see no problem living in it half way done. We have to get out of here anyway, the longer we wait the more we put the little ones in danger." The shorter black haired human leaned up and pressed a tiny kiss on the older male's cheek, enjoying to sight of how the blond's face grew light pink from the P.D.A. Yuu then proceeded to turn and re-enter the house, "I'm gonna gather up a few things before we go, M'kay?"

Mika didn't put up much of an argument, just a low rumble from his throat as he let Yuu walk away. Once we was sure the human couldn't hear the rest of the discussion, Those red eyes the vampire had dilated his slits growing slim as intimated his seniors, "Alright, Lacus, Rene. Start talking, The full version now."

It didn't take long for Yuu to pack up, the young pregnant teen thought quickly gathering pairs of clothes for him and Mika, tooth brushes, hair combs, and good sweet smelling soap he adored when his boyfriend wore. It all fit perfectly in one bag, a book bag which Yuuirichou was now wearing on his back, as he walked hand and hand with Mika down the dim streets. Lacus and Rene had their back perusing behind, but not too close to look suspect of being with them. Mikaela honestly feared his own upcoming down fall wouldn't effect his princess too much. Their was this fruit fly that seemed to be buzzing around in his mind, it was telling him to turn back. Not to put Yuu-chan and their growing family in danger. Bringing Yuu back to 'that' place, the pernicious place where it all began 4 years ago...mer The fact was slowly killing, Mikaela. Each step the hesitant blond took, seemed shorter than the next, each breath he breathed out was more quickening, each time Yuu squeezed his hand, Mika Went out his way to squeeze back harder.

Shimmering green emeralds wandered in uncharted Red ruby territory. But there was something missing that Yuuirichou caught onto, those red eyes he found so endearing became dull, clouded, and gray. The human understood how his vampire boyfriend felt, he knew what he feared the most.

"Mika..." Yuu echoed his voice bouncing in the silence and even though his tone was bare and lifeless, he still earned the attention of Mika. Who looked at him, flashing a cheesy smile mumbling, "Yes, princess?"

"You don't have to worry." The black haired teen tired to explain as his green eyes faced the earth tenderly, "I know what your fretting over, and Don't... please? For me? Don't keep thinking like that. It makes me... ancy. Me being ancy isn't good for the kids and..." Yuu's voice trailed off as he went wide eyed looking at the familiar sight.

The tall huge mansion that once belong to the dead noble stood in front of them. The over grown vegetation, and vines curled around the window frames, giving the old house an morbidity that was undescribable. In his own doubt, Yuu found his own nails digging in Mika's fingers.

"Here..." Lacus said coming in between them, breaking the inspection of the outter view of the house.

"I know... I-I just..." Mika inhaled sharply as the rustic looming smell of the damp soggy underground filled his nose, "Kinda..."

Rene beat him to the punch saying, "Your traumatized it might be another trap."

"Hehe, something like that." Mika said gruffly, "It's just so many, bad vibes I get from this place...each time I see it..." Shaking his head, the blond unleashed a wave of gold to splash across his face, washing away the emotion in his words as Mika cleared his throat; restarting, "Yuu-chan, stay here. In case this is a trap, I don't want you or the kid getting hurt."

Yuuirichou nodded; frowned lightly at the feeling of Mikaela pulling away from him. Their interlocked fingers withdrawing away, as the vampire kissed Yuu's forehead lightly, "I love you."

Yuu was stiffening a sob. You could say it was more of his maternal side coming through, but Yuu really wanted to do his best to help Mika too. He was strong liability, just as well as any vampire, In fact he had even out matched a few this morning.

'If only I...' Interrupting Yuu's train of throught there were light gental squirms and movement from the Lil one's inside him. The black haired teen pressed his hand protectively over his stomach trying to smooth them, despite the fact the way they were reacting together in sync, like they were all trying to say "goodbye and good luck daddy," to Mika as he walked away.

Yuu chewed his bottom lip steadily blinking back tears that swelled up in eye balls, as his breath hitches and unsteady body shook causing his stomach to tighten up and coil with butterfly kicks. Oh how he yearns to tell them its gonna be OK! How he yearns to muscle up a smile, but his limbs grown limp and dull. How he yearns to form sorta a light hearted response, how he wants to leave and say it's 'alright, your papa's got this' But lies, such lies and uneasiness didn't fit in this situation right. Instead he feels himself slowly turning to stone mortified, Mika couldn't leave him-This wouldn't be a final goodbye. All their memories every day they spent here in the underground trapped, simplu just helpless children. There was no superman, no batman, no wonder woman to save them. Being here there was always the truth, there was somewhere they wanted to be. They wanted to be free...and today...they finally would be...

Yuu gulped down his tears and pushed his heart felt emotions aside, "MIKAELA!" The pregnant teen yelled tearfully as the droplets hit the ground like rain, splashing creating a puddle as he cried upon seeing his red eyed vampire boyfriend turn around to met him with an equally broken and sad expression. Those red eyes glittered with fright, regret and down right anger, all filled Mika to the brim of his edges driving him up the wall and once meeting Yuu's glance he thought maybe his waterfall of tears might explode.

Yuu gave Mika a monotonous look as he said with every bit of bitter sweetness and firmless he could muster; buffing out his chest, clutching a tight fist to his side and making sure Mika noticed the way he still had one hand protecting their growing family, the tears didn't seem to stop tho as he screams, "MY LAST ORDER, FOR YOU MIKA..." the young teens voice cracked as he thunders his fist now pointing at the blond, "IS TO NOT DIE! YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? DYING WOULD RESULT IN MY UP MOST DISAPPOINTMENT AND IT WOULD BE A FAILURE OF YOUR DUTY TO PROTECT ME!"

Mika was cut short for words when he felt his face heat up as his and my Yuu's eyes shared a fiery dance his des hot flames clashing in green fields.. Fields filled with emptiness. Nothing but miles and miles of grass not a flower or bug in site. There was dryness in the vampires mouth and his thirst was high, but the best he can do is let out a grunt of approvel. There was nothing more to his response no emotion of affection, no hugs, no running back to cuddle him, no smile, no emotion at all. Such a tone blank as a white piece of paper, or when your in class and your teacher randomly walks by and picks up the book and your phone you were playing on behind it. So dull and expressionless, it was at the same time sad and sweet, mixed with determination to wrong a shameful stolen right. As the vampire turned his wave of golden blond hair shimmering in the light as the blessed angels from the heaven seemed to kiss Mika on the head as a form of luck.

Yuu didn't even force a smile as his boyfriend walked in followed by the two bloodsuckers, Lacus and Rene. Who said absolutely nothing about what had just taken place. The two older vampires didn't have to they understood the silent pack of love Mika and Yuu had toward each other. Sometimes you have to be broken in order for you to learn and stand back up, this had been regular for Mika and Yuu. But this time one bold ruby eyed teen out spoken the strings of fate. He made it sure that their time didn't belong to them and that it was his and Yuu's for the taking. Mika would claim his and Yuu's life back, by pursuing this dream, he would unbind the boundary that had been dropped so long ago breaking the ties and cutting the Mariette strings from their and the kids life's. Soon the world would see who the true victor is, one who test the water or the other who's cruel and revenge stricken over all rotten to the core.

The ghostly walls were large and the room was wide and certainly not empty as the multiple clicking of heels could be heard for miles away, along with the adrinoline for the unknown. The flutter of hearts and pumping of blood the scene of other vampires arose. The nerves racking silence was broken-smashed in-shattered like a wrecking ball taking down a wall as the sounds of cruel mocking clapping filled the air.

"I always knew, it was you. I saw it in your eyes..." Crowely said as he sat right up out the large chair in the center rising his clothes slowly stretches into place making him look larger than he really was as his red eyes burned with feverish rage, "Mikaela Hyakuya. What a name. A name for such a rebel, such a vigorous tick, such a TRAITOR."

Several other vampire blocking the exit took a step forward, drawing their weapons and pointing their blades at the blond who expression held grim. Fangs poked out his mouth as he stiffed a disappointed not shocked frown, "I knew you would be here. I figured you monsters had no feelings, no emotions. Yet, you care about Ferid. And your calling me a traitor? I never agreed to help you creatures due to my free will...no...not free...I have never been free." Mika said firmly as his face twisted dark and hateful, "I've always been chained to your side and trapped by you ugly bloodsuckers."

"If that's how you feel, then I can't help you." Crowely responds narrowing his eyes, "We've done nothing to you, Mika. Why can't you just be happy with Yuu and live in peace? The word on the street is your princess is pregnant." The red and black haired vampire smirked in satisfaction knowing he got Mika on the ropes, "A litter too. How nice would it be to just settle down and start a family here? If some of them are vampires you wouldn't have to worry about blood, we have plenty here, you wouldn't have to drink from Yuu ever again. The human children could grow up away from the livestalk, I'm sure your 'moma Krul' would be happy go take care of all that."

Mika cracked his neck muscles to the side as he stretched saying lowly, "You know just as good as I do, Why I can't do that... If you trail me, I won't lie. I refuse to. The point is, I did it."

Horn clapped her hands together maliciously as she smiled to Crowely, "Well I'd call that a confession wouldn't you?"

Crowely didn't bend so easily his face held greed and lust from the deepness of his darkening soul, "No. I want you to say it." The progenitor hissed as he stamped his foot echoing the sounds off the wall, "I SAID SAY IT! SAY YOU KILLED MY BOYFRIEND! SAY IT...AND BE LOUD SO I CAN WIPE YOUR COCKY ANNOYING HIDEOUS FACE OFF THIS PLANET!"

"Alright." Mika said clearing his throat even as Lacus tugged on his shirt warning him to to speak up, but the rebel blond disregarded the warning yelling at the top of his lungs, "THAT'S RIGHT! EVERYONE LOOK AT ME, ADMIRE ME! STARE IN MY MONSTROUS DEADLY RED EYES! THIS IS THE FACE OF A MURDER AND THE FUTURE FACE OF YOUR KILLER!" A bright spark lit in those red orbs as Mika withdrew his sword from his side, "MY NAME IS MIKEALA HYAKUYA, SLAYER OF FERID BATHORY AND MANY OTHER VAMPIRES. I HAVE ORDERS FROM MY PRINCESS TO DESTROY YOU." Filling his sword up with blood and letting it suck up every firy will of anger he smirked like a coward making his last statement, "SO SAY YOUR PRAYS TO YOUR GOD AND IF YOU BELIEVE IT FATE MAY THE RED BOWS NOT BE CUT. I'VE HOPE YOU'VE SAID YOUR FINAL GOODBYES COS YOUR ALL GONNA DIE TONIGHT."

It was like a declaration of war as Rene and Lacus backed Mika up pulling out their own swords and raising them. The crowd and angery mob of vampires cussed and spat at them awaiting for Crowely to say his last piece. The only words out the progenitor mouth was, "Kill them all."

That short fragment caused all hell to let loose, battle cry and screeching filled the building as the army charged points first at them. As their blade glittered in blood and they launched themselves, stabbing wounds and cuts blaring through with sounds of hatred ringing in everyone's ears. Crowely yelled, "TAKE WHICH YOU WANT SAVE MIKA FOR ME!" Over the bloody slaughtering Mika, Rene and Lacus began to dish out.

"Aoi, lover boi." Rene shouted, "Go take on the big boss! We got them!"

Mika raised an eyebrow at them, true they were not being overwhelmed and taking your eyes off the battle for even a second would result instant death. Yet this was his battle, his fight, everyone should be coming after him, not focusing on Rene and Lacus.

Chest sliced her blade to meet Mik's own as she gave a cheesy half hearted smile, "I'm sorry... Did you or did you not here, Lord Crowley's open invitation to battle?"

Mika pressed against the clash firmly as sparks flew as if a test of will as the blond countered, "WHAT IF I REFUSE?"

The thundering sound was like a storm and felt like an earth quake shaking the ground, the rumbling the bloody crying out roars mercilessly breaking flesh and skin as body parts flew. Hair dashed past around in a blur vampire speed was the key here, who was the most determined for their life, who refuses to die. On the battle field all moves and actions were in fair game, even as Lacus dropped kick another bastard soldier his engery was fading. There was a lot and too many to take on, even tho the battle had just gotten started stamina was fading for them. Most vampires were used to quick easy victories, but when facing your same race on your same level it can be noxious.

"Hmm, cos you know if you kill Lord Crowely." Chest repeated as her boobies bounced, "IF YOU KILL HIM, THIS BATTLE IS YOURS."

"I won't leave my slaves foolishly fighting by my side." Mika told her as he pushed her to the ground angrily, "I don't care much of the fact their bloodsuckers. But I guess it's important to remember they were human once too."

Chest's body shook with disgust as she waited for her minor injuries to heal glaring up at the blond, "Baka, new born. Your still too young to understand."

Flipping the upcoming enemy over on their back faster than a speeding bullet and knocking out the other two Rene was on a roll prepared to be buttered up as he kicked the asses of many. They didn't turn to dust but they certainly took a beating getting torn to shred like being trapped in a shredder. Bones, muscles, and eyes balls glued to his old white now blood soaked shirt as the black haired vampire became the terminator, taking out everyone and anything in his path. His save and grace Lacus had him playing a bodyguard on offense, like he was a goal keeper in hockey treating every vampire that was not his lovable snuggy bunny Rene to the curb. There was not much words to be said on the battle field there was one thought in everyone's mind, "I don't wanna die, so your gonna have too. Body getting heavier, and steps getting slower, I told you once I'm the only one that matters."

The waves just kept pouring in tho, no matter how hard the 3 fought slicing and dicing their way through more crept in surrounding them sorta acting like a cage. This was slowly pissing the blond off as he realized they were trying to separate them, "DAMN, YOU CROWLEY! WHAT THE HELL?"

The older man only chuckled with an evil gleam in his eyes, "If you want this go be over face me, Mika." Crowely teased him playfully saying the teen's name like how Ferid used to do just to crawl under his skin even more. It seemed to have worked cos the blond jumped at him, blond hair blowing gracefully as his arm swung in for a left hook, which the other male shook a few steps back blocking as his demented look only grew, "I knew you come to me."

The teen didn't answer but he growled baring his fangs go show his domaince as he barked, "STAY OUT MY WAY!" He swished his sword fervidly to meet the progenitor's unexpected movements.

Young and not as experienced as the older man, Mikaela was the undeclared underdog of the battle. Even with his dashing handsome charms and quick draw of his movements Crowely was able to mimic him, not having to make an decent effort to fight back. A slight punch was thrown here and there just to knock the younger boy off balance, seeing him stumble back and wipe the blood from his mouth. The delicious malicious smile on Crowely's face which looked like the devil's as he toyed with Mika. He acted like fighting the blond was child's play for him...and it was, the Lil game they seemed to play was called knock your socks off. Who ever fell and didn't get up was the winner.

Nails torn in flesh as the older male grabbed the teenagers neck, ramming him into the wall declaring, "Guess I'll end this quickly...Since the trail starts at 9." Mika's viens were crushed along with his wind pipe as he was being strangled alive, he kicked like a toddler who just lost his toy.

"I really wish your princess luck with being a single mother." Crowley yawned happily, "ya know, I almost thought you'd put up more of a fight, giving off a speech like that." He raised Mika high off the ground waving him in the air like a prize, "But just as I thought, all bark and no bite."

'Bite...bite...' Mika suddenly started thinking as he stared at the hand full of juicy crisp blood, 'BITE.' His mind commanded him to do. The fight would be his...Mika would give his all, this wouldn't be his last fight. It couldn't be, he had a family waiting for him. He had a pregnant boyfriend awaiting his signal to come in here and escape. Life's were depending on him.

Even tho his mind said, 'Bite him.' Mika was tempted to protest how disgusting and nasty that would taste, but his mind responded with, 'ya just gotta.'

Therefore Mikaela went with it, he kicked this time, but aimed a Lil too high a ended up power kicking Crowely's ball sack. The male screamed flying back and coiling up around his baby maker, dropping Mika in the process which might have been his biggest mistake. The blond might have just been knocked senseless but that wasn't gonna stop him, he grabbed Crowley's large shoulder blades and slung him to the ground. Rapidly he bounced on his ankles trying to make sure they were broken for the Time being before he planned to suck Crowely dry.

Mikaela swung his body over the old man and sat down on his stomach pressing down harshly using all his weight to keep him on the cracked up broken title floor. The young vampire unhinged his jaws and opened his mouth widely as spit drizzled down his fangs as he sunk them into the progenitor's skin. This was it, this was the...was...the...stuff? 'Wait' Mika's mind says feeling his body tense at the strange miss-flavoured substance rolling down his dry throat. 'WHAT IS THIS?' The blood tasted terribly too sweet and sourly filled like watermelon and pecan ice cream combined. It was revolting, it tasted nothing like his precious Yuu-chan's blood. The blond's body almost made him spit it right back up, but he shut it and suck the damn blood even if it was hellishly disgusting. It was the only taste of blood he'd had in a while and he needed to be at full power in order for him and Yuu to exscape.

The older vampire was loosing all of his strength faster than a rocket can take off, he shook hostile trying to ditch Mika and his clingy fangs. Crowely was prepared to fight tooth and nail but not anymore, his vision was getting blurry and his head was spinning. Could this be it? Was this child really gonna suck him dry? With each heart aching stroke and sips nipping at the skin it seemed clear of the other's true intensions. Crowely was gonna make sure that didn't happen as he noticed his secret weapon crawling through the roof. He whistled for her and like a pet comes to their owner the shadow got into position. Noticing her prey was busy feeding on his meal she launched into action.

The yellow haired girl screeched as she jumped down her axe in hand as her newly fromed vampire strength kicking in, "DIE ALREADY, YOU BITCH!"

"Damn it, watch your back Miaaacccckkk-" Lacus gasped as he got jabbed in the gut by Horn who clicked her tongue, as he torn even depper into him as the hot liquids gushed out.

"Keep your eyes on your OWN PREY VARMINT." Horn wrinkled her face in disapproval, as her sword was snuggly tighten piercing the male.

"LACUS!" Rene gasped seeing his precious partner start coughing up his insides.

Twitching and processing all the action and intense violence around him Mika quickly dodges out the way of Mitsuba and her deadly cursed gear. Bashing away tearing his fangs out of Crowely's skin, he banged the man's skull onto the ground harshly trying to at least give him a concussion.

'Shit with her being a half vampire she can still touch and withstand bows form that.' The vampire thought bitterly as he watched Crowely cover his bleeding skull as the crisom liquid sank through the cracks of his finger the grown man laid tremebling on the ground laughing.

The braided haired progenitor cackles as his body shook relentlessly he puffed out, "I won't die, here! Not now...NOT TO A WEAK DICKLESS COW HOE LIKE YOU!"

He was right, Crowely wasn't gonna die to Mika. In fact he was gonna die to the same back up he helped break out of prison. The rebellious teenager girl hand her hands on hips as her lips puckered out, her dark demener mashed up with her tall high heels, as they stomped over to Crowley's weak state. Her head hung up and shades over her purple maroon eyes grinding her teeth together the world didn't silence when she walked and nothing cried out to her to stop, simply she stood over the older vampire.

"Your weakness disgust me." She spat her spit which seemed like acid, cos the vampire flinched and hissed madly his red eyes twitching as his broken jaw managed to mouth words that looked like, 'How dare you mock me child?' As his hand barely lifted off the ground it was slowly falling apart the red scars dug deep.

Looking at the flick of Mitsuba's heel she crushed it, his wrist, his bones and all. With the task of twisting her ankles the flask curled up to reveal the blood stream swarming with life and trying to quickly heal it self, yet to no avail. Mitsuba's mouth became a deep glump as she told him firmly, "Pathetic. Your services are no longer needed, you will die now." Her right leg got in position as he slung it at full speed, hitting Crowely's head like it was light as a soccer ball, the skull went soaring in the air like bird over them all.

Chest gasped her face grief stricken as she watched her beloved disembodied head fly over her dark purple hair; her jaw slacked widely agape tilting her gaze to follow the path it was flying in. "Lord Crowley..." She spoke lowly in a low whisper as if her words might upset the universe.

"Tch..." Mika slid back on his boot skidding across the floor, folding his arms over his chest glaring at the former human, "You...why didn't you stay dead?"

"WHY DID YOU KILL MY GIRLFRIEND?!" Mitsuba snapped back with equal coldness in her tone, but she didn't second guess her estimate of making a blind sided view as she started an onslaught of attacks with her gaint Axe recklessly swinging down at anything and everything that moved.

"Fuck..." Mika cussed as he jumped away barely missing her attack once more, this girl was way more dangerous than Crowely it seemed like...if he even got sliced his attention away for even a second...the sweaty panting brain wrecked belong swore he might be dead meat. It didn't help the fact the vampires were now following order from the one who killed their leader.

"ANSWER ME!" The wicked nonsteroid woman yelled, "I KNOW IT WAS YOU! YOU...YOU TOOK MY FAMILY AWAY! YOU LED THEM TO YHEIR DEATH WITHOUT ANY HESITATION!" Her sword knocked down pillars as the building started to shake as dust and rocks fell from the roof, "so that's THE SAME WAY I SHALL KILL YOU!"

Mika bounced from the rocks like boulders that dropped crushing any unlucky vampires that awaited their arrival. Rene was too busy assisting with Lacus trying to lend his best friends a hand, as he shook off the bloodsucker jumping on his back and leaching onto him like mooches. The clattering and spine busting sounds that would demolish your ear drums, rang out and the smoke clouded your vision.

'Yuu-chan!' Was the only thought on Mika's mind, he had to make sure Yuu was a safe distance away. He had to make sure, Yuu and the kid was fine. He had to...GO OUTSIDE AND CHECK ON YUU RIGHT NOW! Even with his wounds gushing open spilling out viral fluids the blond stumbled along running, his speed was slow decreasing while the mad woman pursuing him was full recharged. It took seconds for Mitsuba to catch up to him her face painted smug and demonic as she barked, "WHY ARE YOU RUNNING AWAY FROM ME? ARENT I ONE OF YOUR PRINCESS FRIENDS YOU HATE SO MUCH?! I JUST WANT TO PL~AAA~Y!"

"Stay away from me! You crazy lady!" Mika boomed punching her to the side effortlessly, "My sweetheart needs me!"

Mitsuba shot back recoiling with pain as she slumped against the wall flaming with rage, she popped right back up like popcorn in a microwave cos she certainly was hot and heated like one. "Arrggg! You won't escape me, Mikaeala Hyakuya!" The pony tail girl yelped charging at him at full throttle.

"Yuu! Yuu!" Mika shouted as he made his way to the door, to see the black haired teen was already in the process of exploring the inside of this destructive mess.

Yuuirichou wobbled around a bit off balance due to the shaking of the earth and the added weight due to his very large baby bump. However the peach skinned male was able to meet the injured vampire half way without getting a single scratch on him or the kids. The pregnant boy's face was horrified as he watched the zombie that string resembled his boyfriend move toward him, reaching his hand out compassionately he mumbled, "Oh...Mika..."

"Yuu...Yuu-chan." A weak smile worked it's way on Mikaela's face like a sneaky ninja as he stretched out his scars and torn up hands to Yuu as well, welcoming the loving they were gonna share. Soon Mika would smoother Yuu in kisses and the human would make cute whimpering sounds and lick his cute pink tongue on the vampires lips, were they would make out in the middle of the war zone. Mouth to mouth, tongue to tongue, face meshed against face. The fantasy in the frozen happy zone they both seemed to be locked in, kepting going on for what they thought was eternity. Both caught up in the moment not wanting to loose the others dreamy gaze and let them go.

It all came crashing down as the young vampire dashed in for the steal, her yellow hair blowing rapidily in the air seizing the opportunity for a one shot piercing to Mika's heart. Seeing the careless way too joyful blond so exposed and open, made Mitsuba's heart leap with surprise, "I WANNA SEE YOU CRY!" Were her words as she dove the sharp pointy spear part of her Axe right through the beating pulsing muscle.

Yuu's green eyes became the size of truck tires, dilating with horror as the blood from Mika's wound splash upon his face. Strands of his husband's blood scattered on his clothing, for a short second of holding his breath he watched Mika try to counter strike, only to have his arm ripped clean off by Mitsuba. All 3 of the teen's were panting and sweating nervously, they shook unnaturally all trying to comprehend what had just happened.

"Haha! I did it!" Mitsuba said her voice going high and crazy as she vibrated, with her arm out and spear point right through the rapid beating heart, "I DID IT! I FINALLY HAVE HAD REVENGE!" The redness trickled down the spear point and rolled on the black main spine of the weapon as she was preparing to activate the curse she screamed, "SEE YOU IN HELL MIKAELA!"

Beads of tears flowed down Yuu's face once he realized how similar this new situation was compared to their old one they had last time when they were kids. Mika was gonna die again...His Mika! His Mika was still alive and barely breathing, or making any movements at all, he just stood there like a statue with a blank dull null minded derp expression on his face. Yuu's eyes didn't want to believe what he was seeing, he didn't want to believe he had just watched another member of his family die, he didn't want to believe Mika was bleeding out. He didn't want to...he couldn't bring himself to...for the children's sake-For the Lil ones inside, him-They needed him, they depended solely on him. Yuuirichou had to be strong... He had to, move forward he wouldn't be a coward and run away like he did 8 years ago, he would... SAVE MIKAELA.

Roughly the younger pregnant male reached out and pulled his husband away from the demon weapon that was slowly activating, tugging harshly on Mika's hand the vampire unwillingly staggered toward and fell to the ground in a heap. Fragile wavering red eyes seemed to flicker on and off as he panted with his bottom lip hanging open, his bloody knocked out of place teeth bleed right through as leaked down from his jaw to his clothes, while the many scratches on his face remained trying to heal and seal up quickly, but there was just too much to be repaired in so little time. It seemed the end was drawing near for the blond bloodsucker even then when he looked at his Yuuirichou, Mikaela managed to give a weak smile. It wasn't a happy smile, it was a somber one, a slick one, a nervous one, a ghostly one, one that read he was unsure of the future not knowing what would come next, but as long as he was with his Yuu-chan he'd be fine.

"Mika..." Yuu mummers while the dam full of tears shower on his face, with a concerned yet still awestruck beyond belief expression as he reached for his boyfriend's body, pulling the older vampire's head into his lap. Well, not really a lap, due to his large belly it was more of just barely the cat can lay in this sitting space. So mostly he sat Mika's heavily gasping struggling for breath body up in a similar position he used when they were only 12 year old kids trying to leave. Only this time Mika's back and head laid mostly on Yuu's stomach. Surrounding Mika's ears and drowning out the sound around them, was the steady beat of their MikaYuu growing family hearts. The blond closed his eyes and listened to the melody it was so beautiful yet pitiful at the same time.

'Was this really it? Is the last thing I'm gonna remember seeing and hearing is Yuu's crying tearful face and the sound of my unborn family that I wasn't able to protect? Am I really that much of a failure? Yuu... Yuu ordered me not to die...I..I can't die...' Mikaela thought twitching and shaking in Yuu's arms as his wounds seemed to burn deeper in his flesh that was peeling off, 'the heart beats... So young and helpless...Yuu...Yuu-chan is pregnant and helpless... What kind of father am I? What kind of monster am I? Who am I? If I can't stand up right now and protect my family. The same family I always wanted... Are you saying now that I have what I want even after all these years, I still can't protect it?'

"Mika, Mika...I'm sorry." Yuu said hugging the vampire tightly, "I shouldn't have left you alone... I should've stayed with you. I..."

Mitsuba laughed coldly at their pity party her dark shades rolling off her eyes to reveal a newly formed shade of red, "Awe, how special does The vampire's pregnant princess miss his hero?" She bend her fingers and showed off her gleaming fangs as she inched toward them.

The raven became more defensive as he scooted away from her, "You! You..." The human stared to see Mitsuba full recharged with red eyes and he let out another wave of shock as those red stars sparked frightfully poking his ego, "Mitsuba...your a Mon...Mon...YOUR A MONSTER!" Yuu screamed with his jaw trembling, "why? Why did you? WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF!?"

"The answer is simple..." A creepy smirk grew on the female's face as she rolled her tongue, "to get even, he killed my family. I needed the power to shut him up. No thanks to you of course, you rejected my plead for human blood."

"Cos I didn't want you like this!"


"Did you think about, Mika's? Did you! You HURT HIM, YOU HURT MY Kōfuku!"

"Screw, Mika and SCREW YOU TOO! WHO NEEDS YOU!?"

Yuu expression softened as he offered, "Mitsuba we're supposed to be family..."


Yuu broke down as he cried, that was it...that was official, Mitsuba really didn't care about him anymore. She saw him as no more than an obstacles in her way. Something she had to crush and eliminate, he was a threat to humanity. Yuuirichiou really had lost his family this time, Mikaela was barely alive and Mitsuba had just disowned him. The shimmering clear blue tears swelled like diamonds as they fell, his flushed rosy pink cheeks as his hands held tightly to his husband.

"WAKE UP, MIKA!" Rene yelled over the crowd of bloodsuckers, "What kind of sissy dies in their boyfriend's arms?" He slashed his sword angerily as he threatened, "WE DIDN'T COME ALL THIS WAY AND FIGHT FOR THIS LONG JUST TO SEE YOUR DEATH BED!"

Lacus threw up a wave of blood on a fighter vampire's shoes as he said, "Yeah..NFF..suck it up."

"DAMN IT!" Mitsuba hissed outraged by Yuu's courageous actions, "You made me miss, Yuu! What the fuck? Why couldn't you just be a good pregnant teen and sit down until I GET TO RIP YOUR HEART OUT!"

Chest growled at Mitsuba, "How dare you! Mika was lord Crowley's prey." She turned her blade on her comrade in the fight as she roared, "KILLING HIM YOU SHALL PAY DEARLY!"

Horn nodded in agreement as both girls cornered her, "Time to pay." Letting their swords suck double the recommend amount of blood as the lunged at her full throttle.

Yuu shook his head at all the violence and insanity surrounding him, it was loco manic, sicking, he needed to get them out of here! Mika needed a safe place to drink blood and recover but there was none here, plus the building was steady collapsing in on them with the rate these battles were going it was only a matter of time before they get crushed like ants. Yuu sure as hell didn't want that to happen.

"Come on, Mika..." Yuu prayed as he tried his best to lift the heavy vampire teen up and drag him to freedom land, the above ground, their safe haven, "Help me...try to lend a hand here."

It was pointless probably to ask the unmoved blond and beg for help, but what more could Yuu do? Vampire's were naturally heavy and the baby weight Yuu was carrying in his stomach ment he had to drag 8 people including himself. Stumbling a bit then barely crawling they seemed to be making it even with the dust storm and loud banging of metal that hung tightly in the atmosphere. It seemed almost impossible and it was a hell of a good thing Yuu was trained to be in the demon imperial Army cos those survival skills sure were helping him now.

"Mika...stay with me..." Yuu coached the older male caressing his gently cheek, every now and then just to check for any signs of life, "I need you remember? I...need you..the kids need you... They need their father.." A few tears rolled out on those words as he repeated, "Your a father Mika. You have to live on, live for them, live for me. I ordered you NOT TO DIE! SO YOU CAN'T NOT HERE, NOT NOW! We're supposed to die together..."

"Oh don't worry!" Mitsuba quickly jumped over the twin swords at her she then tried to miss Horn's but took a slight piercing to the side, "I'LL MAKE SURE THE STUPID NO GOOD HYAKUYA NAME RETIRES TO THE EARLY GRAVE IT DESERVES!" She chocked out as the drops of blood flew out.

"Tch.." Horn mumbled, "Dont you ever shut up, you flea?"

"Y...yuu...Yuu-chan?" Licking his dry bottom lip almost seducingly the blond managed to force himself up, pushing away in a snap like motion and getting on his own buckling knees, Mika struggled to stand, but did so boldly as he demanded, "Tell me, who said that?"

Frightfully looking with a face filled of more bone tensing regret than terror, Yuu's green eyes drift upwards. Hot air balloon slow speed green rose to meet a shocking cold ruby red eyes. Blond curls cupped his dirty face those vibrant daggers of red stabbing violently attacking green as he muttered, "Yuu-chan, Who insulted our family?"

Yuu mouth ran dry meeting Mika's deadly orbs demanding answers; he stood like a model as the dust surrounded him, slowly arising to block his enraged face as he seemed to be bubbling off energy ready to fight like tank and blow something up like mistle launcher. The black haired teen hesitantly pointed at Mitsuba saying breathlessly, "Her...she, she did it."

Mika waisted no time receiving his dislodged arm from amist the destruction and reattaching it, the flesh slide back into place covering the busted bone, while Mika grit his teeth together, "NO ONE TRASH TALKS MY BABIES." Refilling his swords with blood he dashed at Mitsuba followed soon by Rene, Lacus, Chest and Horn.

The short yellow haired full blooded vampire found herself overwhelmed at the 4 separate blades coming from each different directions, there was no way to run and no where to hide. It was like playing Modern Warfare Call of Duty and become surrounded by juggernauts and tanks however the only weapon you have to defend yourself is a pistol. It was a loose, no come back ultimate death situation. The girl screamed with her face getting flustered to match her ferocious emotions, there was no disappear or jump over their heads, not even a bomb to throw in order to scatter them. It was just a count down a vigorous calling of death from the other side echoing, 'Hello, it's me.' Mitsuba knew it had been a long time coming her toll was long last due, yet to be forced in like this to be stabbed by the same one's she onced looked down upon.

"Wait...wait!" Mitsuba begged as a final last attempt for her life screaming at the top of her lungs roughly, "Don't, hurt me..." Her hands went up ib the air as a sign of peace as her loose stands of hair covered her tearful eyes, "You wouldn't WANT TO HURT ME...I-I JUST WANT TO HELP!?" She pleaded only to have her mercy showing be ignored and to be replied with needles into her.

At least that's what it felt like, millions of little needles being injected and stabbed in you at once. This was the wrenching toes curling hollaring pain she felt with each swords piercing her body slowly breaking the skin as blood flew. Try to resist the attacks were futile so not even blocking she stood there and took it, her red eyes desperate with a dark grin plastered on her face making sure everyone saw her pearly white sharp canine teeth on display. The dangerous 4 blades shoot through her like a gun in half than a split second with each end entering and exiting in a different manor, it was the only things supporting the dead limp body.

Scowling at each other the vampires pulled away watching Mitsuba's body drop dead causing all their red eyes shared the sane expression of satisfaction seeing her bite the dust. Yet bloodsuckers never seem to stay on good terms with each other for good. Immediately they became crossed at the fact of why the hell they had teamed up to kill such a weakly new born vampire like that in the first place.

"She was mine! I wanted to be the avenger!" Chest barked at them stamping her foot.

"You would've lost, even to a noon like her." Rene challenged raising his sword to the purple haired woman who snapped back pointing hers at his, "Your gonna regret those words."

"Not if he's right." Chest laughed lightly as her chest jiggled her dress was painted red yet her demon like calm behavior seemed mind boggling so Lacus took the opportunity up.

The male placed a hand on his hip and asked, "So are you saying you could last another round?"

Horn glared at Lacus and nodded her head, "If it's to bring wanted law breakers like you in so be it."

Then the combat began against them, not like it ever stopped tho. Plenty of battles hand been taking place around them while they were only focused on one. Mikaela however didn't jump back in, he made his way to Yuu and picked his princess up bridal style telling him, "We're leaving now, I don't use to get blocked out by the after shock of this building falling down."

Yuuirichou didn't give a direct reply he knew he should feel numb about it, he should feel any emotions for that witch's death but deep down inside he...he still saw Mitsuba as his family. Carelessly he had allowed someone else he cared about to die, no...he WATCHED THEM DIE. Both times by Mika's cold blooded hands... He didn't want to be mad, but he didn't want to not be sad either. There was simply no words like a mouth drug was placed in him. So he did the only obvious thing he could and put all his grief and anxious reactions put the window and he turned to Mika. The tall gorgeous blond that held him in his arms making a quick escape from the battle field.

The cold wind bit harshly at the raven haired teen's skin even as he was locked in the warm embrace of his powerful vampire boyfriend. The blond was shoving his princess even more toward his body trying to shield him from the new climate change as they dashed out from the exit of vampire city.

Yet even dispite all the confusion, Yuu was only worried about one person, his bloody clothes torn up family, "Mika..." He whispered nuzzling the blond's neck tenderly, "You don't have to run, your hurt slow down."

Mika grit his teeth, grinding them together harsh, "No! Yuu-chan is my main priority!" His nails dug more into the fabric of Yuu's clothes, as he tensed up breathing heavily more blood leaking out of his body onto the snow. The white fluffy substance covered the ground in a nice chilly blanket, and it lightened the vampire's foot steps as he glided on the ice. His huffing staggered breath turned to smoke due to the freezing atmosphere, the younger boy kissed his neck lovingly, "You need blood. I'm more than happy to help you."

"I'll live..." Was Mika's bitter reply as his red eyes seemed to glow into the darkness, all his senses were being kicked into over drive to make sure they weren't being tracked or followed. Mikaela would give anything to protect his family, even if he was practically bleeding to death. His wounds could wait, he had to get Yuu to the safe house. 'Their safe house.' The snow covered trees didn't block the path he was taking, he knew how to get there, he knew how to get back.

"Just hang in there Yuuirichou. I'll get you and the kid to safety soon."

Yuu closed his eyes and sighed, melting like chocolate in the sun into Mika's rough possessive grip. The green eyed teen couldn't figure out why Mika was saying that. Yuu wasn't sure if Mika had said the to reassure him? Or to reassure himself? Even for that matter, was Mika even still in his right mind frame at all? Yuu's vampire knight seemed to loose a big chunk of his marbles if he goes with blood for long enough. Mika was Yuu's... He was Yuu's responsibly to take care of. So why was the vampire still denying his help even in the insanity state?

"No. Now, Mika. You need to feed, now." Yuuirichou restates firmly feeling how frail Mika was becoming with each step. Even though there was a gental beating of his heart, that empowered the older teen, Yuu-chan was the main one guiding him, the reason why he kept pushing.

"But...Yuu..." Mikaela then hitched his breath as he started shaking, trying not to cough up blood all over his beloved. He hacked violently throwing himself into a fit as he turned his head away. Even if he had been running at top speed, maybe he wouldn't make it before he ran out of time. Mika let out a slight whimper, 'why did I decided to build the house so far? How many more miles to go? One, two, three, even? Hopefully not twenty-five.'

"Oo-oh, Mika?" Yuuirichou let out a loose sob feeling helpless that he might witness Mika's death while being carried in his arms.

The blond didn't answer, a reply would only use up the little shreds of energy he made left. Mikaela simply kissed his princess's head lovingly as he trudged on in the heavy pool of snow. Having been walked this same route a boatload of times, the vampire looked for land marks or any sign they were getting close. He didn't get one, but got an even bigger shock to himself. The house, the Lil small shack Mika had hand built, chopping down the trees with his own hand was right there. Blinking rapidly just to make sure, Mika shuffled through the snow kicking it up in the air.

Reaching the front porch, his large feet pressed up on the steps up made a low squeaking sound, he brushed his pale hands over the knob. Mika read the initials on them and felt a wave of relief wash over him, 'M and Y' is what it said. A smoke cloud of his cold breath hit the atmosphere with relief, "This is it, we're home Yuu."

"Home?" Yuu repeated looking at the snow covered brown porch. It had small steps leading up the wooden chestnut colored door; watching Mika unlock the door and stumble inside. The human stared at their new living space, it wasn't huge but the Lil shack sure did give off a cozy feeling. There was barely any furniture inside, just a small table and two chairs in and area that looked like the kitchen, A small love seat in the living room. The cabin was very open and flowed without having to go by any walls. It almost looked like one you'd go camping in, but minus the half kitchen. The bed room part seemed to be in the back of the house, with a king sized bed pushed up against the wall. Far from a dream luxury home, yet closer and more friendly near Yuu's heart than any other object could dream. Mika had made this for them...and that ment much more than any commercial house.

It was taking a toll on Yuu's spirits, he had selfishly thought Mika went to work to get away from him. But in reality all that time on guard duty he'd been sneaking off to build this. Smiling as the vampire set, him princess back on his feet. Yuuirichou's boots hit the soft rug padding Mikaela had placed on the floor. It grip was plush and airy similar to gliding over clouds. The young teen had to admit, it felt nice to his feet, especially due to all this extra baby weight he was carrying. Caught up in his own dreams and fantasy over the house, Yuuirichou totally forgot about his boyfriend's condition, until he saw the older boy gravelling over in pain.

Mikaela was clutching his sides as tears stung his eyes, blood was pouring out of him like water does on a faucet; staining his nice white shirt. Soaking it in the crimson hot substance, spilling over as he coughed/gasped, wheezing just to get air. The red eyed male groaned in over whelming agony, reaching out to hold onto a wall for balance, tumbling all over like a drunk as he did so.

"Mika!" Yuu cried as he caught the taller boy, using one of Mika's arms and wrapping it around his neck, Yuu helped the vampire limp over to the bed. Mikaela's raggety wrecked blond locks clouded over his drained tired red eyes, random strings blocking his hideous broke state from the world. The raven kept calling out, "Mika...Mika...Mika!" Like his own personal silent chant, that if he said another word at the moment his poor knave might die on him.

Yuuirichou gently set Mikaela on the soft bed, laying him down to stop the older teen from bleeding out. The young teen crawled on top, and pressing both his own tan skin colored hands over as many wounds as possible to stop the blood. The vampire winced into the sound muffling pillows; flinching, closing his eyes, shameful of his weakness as his princess applied pressure.

"I know...it hurts." Yuu mumbled shaking his head as the warm liquid coated his fingers, leaking in between the cracks and down his arm, "Sorry, but if you drink my blood while your still bleeding, it does no good. They stabbed you like 5 times."

Mika let out a slight, "ahh..." With his lips parted and head facing upwards toward the ceiling, when Yuu slipped off the bloody white shirt off him, exposing his fresh cut open scars to the chilly air. 'SHIT DID IT BURN!' You can just image placing your hand over an open flame, and touching the fire directly. The smell of burn flesh and your nervous system numbing was not even the bare minimum pain Mikaela was facing.

The older boy fought hard against tears as he saw the dread fill his sweetheart's face. The black haired teen's expression as he stared at Mika became on of concern, he swallowed; his green eyes looked watery as his lip trembled out a sad cry, "Mika...Wh-y...do you always do this, to yourself?" He mumbled tracing the many bullet holes and swords slashes on his boyfriend's body.

The other one didn't answer, turning his head and sighing heavily. Yuu shook his head, black spiky matted stands bouncing as those green eyes sung out their own depressing anthem, "Open up."

Unwillingly Mika's mouth slacked loose at the sight of Yuu unbuttoning his shirt collar and titling his head over to expose the thick vein pulsing flesh. The vampire grint his teeth hastily, his body knew what time it was, his mind also remembered that special pose Yuu always did, when it was time. Mikaela was sure if his body wasn't in so much overwhelming pain struggling to stay alive, all of his senses would be kicked up a notch.

"Yuu..." Mika said hoarsely as his throat was dry and pernicious fangs throbbed, "Come closer..."

Yuu moved in lowering his neck down a few inches, only to have Mika repeat, "Closer..."

Now the young raven haired male hovered face to face with the blond who whispered, "Even, closer..."

Once again the human listened to the vampire. Yuu lowered himself completely on top of Mika, both their bodies pressed together like a sandwich, as Yuu buried his face in Mika's shoulder. The vampire felt his sanity leave his mind with the sniff of pregnant Yuu's mangled scents with his hit. This was not a new thing for him, but ever since Yuu had gotten pregnant he smelt amazing, each day Mika would wake up, taking a breath of his Yuu-chan was like smelling cinnamon buns while they're cooking in the oven. The way the light delicate cinnamon smell wraps around you, implants it's icing creamy taste on your tongue, makes your mind run wild with glee.

"Yuu-chan, I'm sorry..." Mikaela whimpered as he struck fast like lightning even before the young human could think of a reply. Sharp, pointy knife like fangs dug deep in Yuuirichou's neck, sucking harshly out the juice inside, acting like a staw. Mika drank rushed this time, tugging on the flow of blood in the viens to come to him, as he lapped around the area on Yuu's neck with his tongue. The black haired teen managed a ghostly gasp, holding onto his boyfriend, like a baby does their mother, pulling on blond loose hair.

The fanged teen tensed up feeling his strength returning to him. Every busted or broken bone was clicking back into place, and all those open cuts were repairing themselves. New skin formed over in it's place and the leaking blood came to a hault, with every gulp of hot tantalizing blood Mika forced down his throat. The wet watery protein filled AB blood his princess possessed filled him up from within. Slowly while still sipping on Yuu like he was fine wine, Mika sat up chancing their position, to straddling the young boy. Moaning lewdly Yuu wrapped his legs around Mika's waist mesmerized at the calming sensation of how great it was to have Mika feed off him again.

The blond's fang locked into his neck, nipping at his skin, teasing the bruised flesh with his tongue. It was endearing and too hot, Yuu was feeling his pants grow tighter the more Mika rocked against him; building sweet friction for both their dicks. Massaging on one another, even through the fabric of their clothes, the two erections mangled. The little game they played each time blood drinking was involved, the game ran around the lines of, who would get turned on the most first. Frankly, right now both boys seemed to be loosing as, Mika removed his long blood stained fangs from Yuu's neck and instead meshed both their faces together in a sloppy laid back kiss.

"Mika..." Yuu spoke disconnectimg the kiss, "Do you feel better now?"

"Much better, sweetheart." Mika replied back, giving a slight smile, "I just..." What Mika really wanted to say, was that he just hated When Yuu saw him like that. He hated when Yuu watched him cry. He hated to show many signs of weakness around his princess. Mika was the older one after all, it was his job to protect his pregnant mate. A job that Mika had to admit he failed at being good over time. It bugged him, constantly having to depend on Yuu just for food. It bothered him, that one day Yuu might not be here to feed him. A vampire life span far out weighted a humans, Mikaela didn't have much time left with his princess. He could live for centuries, it personally gave him chills to know each day he spent with Yuuirichou could be the human's last. It was a harsh fact that he looked down on, one he more than often found himself pushing away.

"You just what?" Yuu questioned sweetly like always fanning over his big brother as he kissed the vampire's jaw, "I liked it. I always say, I have and I always will!"

Mika blushed (his Yuu-chan was just too cute sometimes) waving his hand carelessly in the air, "Well the house and junk... It's not done."

"But I love it!" Yuuirchou vivaciously chirped out grinning, "I can't believe you, did this all by hand! That's incredible, you're incredible!"

Mikaela moved his hands to Yuuirichou's waist giving a playful squeeze as he hummed, "Far from it princess...far from it." He removed the lighter teen from off his lap and reached for the book bag to pull out a new fresh clean shirt Yuu had brought for him, sliding the cotten fabric over his head, he said, "Your the one's that's always prepared."

"Haha! Haha, maybe some part of me is motherly after all!" Yuu laughed looking out the window his eyes twickling and reflecting the stars as he gazed at the black night sky, it was all so much different in the house Mika had built. It felt warm, welcoming, and relaxing...but being around Mika always did this to him. Washed away his fears of life and pain from the outside world replaced with nothing but solitude. Those green orbs shone as it washed a bright star dash across the sky, "Hey, Mika It's a shooting star." He pointed out the window and closed his eyes.

Mika raised his eyes brow at his boyfriend suspiciously finishing putting on his shirt as he followed the gorgeous green eyes out the window seal to stare, "You still make wishes Yuu-chan?"

"Well, duh! Wishes come true."

"Really? Like the wish for chicken nuggets To take over the world?"

Yuuirichou's eyes blossomed open and he giggled, "No, I mean some wishes." He reached out for Mika's hand and gave it a little squeeze of love, "I have you back don't I? Plus well I'm pregnant. So that's a good thing." Yuu laughed looking out the window his eyes twickling and reflecting the stars as he gazed at the black night sky, it was all so much different in the house Mika had built. It felt warm, welcoming, and relaxing...but being around Mika always did this to him. Washed away his fears of life and pain from the outside world replaced with nothing but solitude. Those green orbs shone as it washed a bright star dash across the sky, "Hey, Mika It's a shooting star." He pointed out the window and closed his eyes.

Mika raised his eyes brow at his boyfriend suspiciously finishing putting on his shirt as he followed the gorgeous green eyes out the window seal to stare, "You still make wishes Yuu-chan?"

"Well, duh! Wishes come true."

"Really? Like the wish for chicken nuggets To take over the world?"

Yuuirichou's eyes blossomed open and he giggled, "No, I mean some wishes." He reached out for Mika's hand and gave it a little squeeze of love, "I have you back don't I? Plus well I'm pregnant. So that's kinda a special thing."

Mikaela who rarely ever blushed gave his princess a look of enlightenment, a small kiss was planted on Yuu's forehead as he leaned over him, wrapping his arms around the young male's neck sweetly, "yeah, but What should I wish for? The same thing you did?"

Yuu shook his head, "how should I know? Wish for what you wanna. Vampires CAN make make wishes right?"

"Im not really sure..." Mika sighed shaking his head, "But if i could, I would wish, I could go back in time. Stop our family from dying. I would fix the mistake I made, I wouldn't become a murdering blood thirsty monster."

The teen closed his eyes letting the words sink in, he still found it amzing all the hate Mika manged to keep in his heart, how the older boy never seemed to let anything go. Yuu often wondered why the blond clung to it so dearly, Mikaela acted like his pain is what pushed him forward. The suffering he went through was almost like what inspired him not to let that happen to the one he loved. Yuu understood the rough lessons Mika had to go through single handly, but the black haired teen was here now and he just wanted to pleasure Mikaela and make him happy. There was not a more beautiful sight to Yuu then his vampire boyfriend's smiling face, "listen to me Mika, what happened all those years ago... It wasn't ur fault."

"Yes it was, I led you guys to disaster!" The older boy alienated away from Yuu taking a few steps back as he sulked with himself, "I was the reason my own family got killed." I was too eager and I didn't... Consider... I..." Mika closed his red eyes blinking back tears that stung at him like Lil bees, he rubs tongue over the blood stained fangs sticking out his mouth with disgust. 'This was Yuu's blood. His family's blood.' The thought was sicking as well as the fact he had tooken it needingly.

There wasnt a day that went by that Mika didnt reflect and think back on the regret full day, where he misguided his family. The blond knew that day he would come to justice, having too good for too long in a hellish world like this didn't exist. There was robinhood no one gave to the poor stealing from the rich. The only thing that dominated here was power, lust, and greed. You had to be abnormal to survive, you had to play dirty.

"All those years ago, we were all so naive to the truth. I fell victim to my own ignorant bliss that I refused to accept the truth." The ash haired blond couldn't even meet the humans pleading look to drop the subject, he only continued on with hints of a choked sob in his tone, "I deserve to be this immortal monster, I deserve to suffer in this hell forever."

Yuu looks compassionately at Mika who was mumbling some more stuff under his breath, that the human didnt have strong enough ears for to make out. But if there was one thing Yuu was sure on, it was keeping his promises, so what if Mika couldnt be human any more? Who cared if he had to drink blood for the rest of his life? Sure, Mika was clingy and had his moments like these where he wasnt sure where he belonged in the world and he would ramble out nonsense. Once again, Yuu decided to make something clear to him, "I said, I'll fix This...I would fix you. And I will! Look Mika, if you want the Hyakuya orphanage kids back. I'll give it to you!"

Mika pushes a string of his blond hair back and smiles weakly at his princess, "Yuu-chan...Yuu-chan is so silly. he should know, that's not possible. I'm happy right now, at the thought of him having my child. I would be happy wi-"

Yuu gets stressed and cuts Mika off harshly as he stood up out the chair, the wooden thing fell back onto the hard wood floor with a clatter. While Yuuirichou raged, "How can you lie and say your happy to me like that!? I see your face, your not invisible and im not blind. I'M SERIOUS MIKA! If you want Our family back, I'll give you kids! I'm going to birth u all 6 of our dead family back into existence!" The teen put a hand on his baby bump, "I'll have as many children as you allow me to carry!"

Mika growled lowly, "I thought, I told you, I don't need pity." You did nothin wrong, I brought this upon myself! I DID! ME!"

"I'm not pitying you!" Yuu barked back as his green eyes met flaming red ones, "I'm telling the truth, Not just cos I feel bad for you." The teen pointed at the vampire demandingly as he screamed, "BUT BECAUSE YOUR GONNA BECOME A FATHER!"

Red eyes melted down a bit as Mika nodded, giving Yuu permission to go on with his rant, "Your...gonna be a dad. I don't want, I..." Yuu thought about his next words carefully considering if he should take back the old remark, "This is gonna sound selfish... But you saved me. You saved us. Mika, you saved your family... You are gonna keep saving your family! I won't allow you to walk away and talk bad on yourself like this! If you feel like your a murder and you wrongfully stole life's, well then you should be glad you can also wrongfully recreate life's."

Yuu grabbed the file folder out the book bag, and handed it to Mika, the black haired teen looked up at the vamp urging him to open up and read it.

The blond read the words, 'Hyakuya' on the front and looked at Yuu quizzically. The human just yawned and nudged him, "Come on...you know you want to... but ah, to prevent another, 'incident' you should probably sit down first."

"Why? What's in here a heart attack in a picture." Mika asked as he followed the pregnant teen to sit on the sofa. As they both sunk in on the old brown couch, Yuu yawned once more opening his mouth widely as his tongue flickered in his mouth, his jaw dropping down as he then rubbed his eyes tiredly. Taking care of the Lil one's growing inside him was a lot of work on his body especially cos he was a guy; it had been a crazy day, it felt good to run away with Mika and now he was finally getting a chance to unwind resting his head on the vampire's shoulder, his short spiky black hair tickling the red eyes male's neck. Mika felt his heart leap at the action, he found it cute how Yuu would voluntary snuggle cuddle up with him.

"No, it's your valentines day gift baka." Yuu snorted out playfully, "I guess not really your gift, you helped create them. But I'm carrying them, so I'm doing the most work."

Mika gave an uneasy looks of consern as he rubbed Yuu's soft hair, "Yuu-chan is pregnant. He shouldn't be working at all." The blond reached over and opened the folder in his hands, there was plenty of photos inside. Which made the vampire's face twist in confusion as he gazed at the black and white photographs.

"Metaphorically speaking, that be a picture of the inside of my oven." Yuu explained to him, as he looked at the photos for himself, "The print came well, and I thought it would be a nice surprise for you. I was trying to tell you this earlier but you never listened to me an-"

"What am I even supposed to be looking at?" Mika flipped through the pictures seeing if he missed an important detail, "Do you know?"

"To hell if I do. It's supposed to be my baby chamber, I think that's what Krul called it."

"No, no...I know that. I mean.."

"You mean?"

"The blurry little round dots? Or umm..."

Yuu felt his heart drop, he had been rooting for the fact Mika might catch and get all excited smiley and cheesy on him. Typical Mika screwing up the moment, he thought to himself. The vampire sensed his princess disappointment and tried to quickly correct himself, "But umm, they're beautiful blobs?"

"Hmm!" Yuuirichou made a pouting sound as he turned his head from Mika's neck as he snatch the pictures from the other teen, "Family!"



"I don't get."

"GOSH DARN IT MIKA!" The pregnant boy was almost crumpling up the picture he was pointing at it so hard as he waved it in his boyfriend's face, the images flashing all in the fanged teen's vision, "THIS IS YOUR FAMILY! Growing in me! Right NOW!"

Lightning flashed in Mika's eyes as the red struck running over the paper viciously scanning it mentality as he murmurs, "My family... Growing in, my princess..."

"Yes! Yes!" Yuu said cheerfully trying to promote more of a less deadpan reaction from the boy, "And count it! Did you could them?!"

"6..." Mika swallowed his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he took a finger and traced on of the round out lines of a child, "6 little kids... The same amount of children at...the, Hyak-." The ruby red eyes started to fill with tears, letting out a strained chuckle, (that sounded like a cat being strangled by a dog). For once Mika was glad Yuu made him sit down cos his body and mind went numb, his cheeks flustered as the thought roamed his head, 'another chance... The universe is give me another chance.'

A wave of glossy glittering tears fell from the older boy's face, during his mid laugh, a wide smile plastered on his face. The vampire felt a 9,000 pound weight just get lifted off his heart he didn't even know had been there all this time. It was like being in prison for 105 years and finally being set free, seeing the light for the first time again since you were 8. Mika's blond locks and milky white skin seemed to beam with pride; he pulled Yuu into his lap and began kissing him mercilessly all over, on any spot of skin he could press his pink full lips on.

"Mi-iikkaaa!" Yuu whined playfully flitching at every slobbery kiss placed on him, his green eyes also shinning brightly like his other half's.

"I love you. I love you. I love my Yuu-chan so much!" Mika sobbed out as the wet tears ran down his face, pressing his and Yuu's bodies close together, meshing their lips together in an open mouth kiss. "You never fail to amaze me."

"What are you talking about?" Yuu smiled as he cupped Mika's face, pressing their forehead's together, leaning in for another juicy mouth watery kiss melting into the blonds soft lip touches as he breathed against them, "We did this, Me and you. The vampire and his pregnant princess." Yuu smiled shyly at the last words, for he rarely referenced himself as being such a pretty feminine role roll. But he was about to become a 'mother' (even tho no way in hell was ever gonna let the kids call him that) he figured it wouldn't be that bad for now.

"Yuu-chan is gonna rebirth our family." Mikaela cried more joyful tears as his expression held, he reached for the older teen's hand, sinking it up into his own, mumbling, "The whole Hyakuya orphanage..."

"That's the plan...They probably won't look like them, but...We can always rename our kids in their honor."

"I won't fuck up this time...! I'm gonna be such a good father!"

"You didn't fuck up the first time. Baka! Somethings are just out of your control."

Mikaela shook his head and looked at Yuuirichou firmly, "Not this time. This time I will HAVE EVERYTHING UNDER COTROL." The blond pressed his free hand over Yuu's rounded stomach, rubbing in tenderly, as his voice turned even more deadly, "I won't let anyone HURT OR KILL YUU-CHAN OR THE KIDS. NOT MY FAMILY. I WILL DEFEND THEM TO MY VERY LAST BREATH, OVER MY BLOODY BUISED UP BODY, THE STUPID BASTARDS WILL HAVE TO CLAW MY LOVELY FROM MY COLD DEAD GASP."

"You can't die! Don't talk like that, Mika! You have plenty of stuff to live for."

"I also have plenty of stuff worth fighting for, Yuu-chan. Defending My family is a noble deed."

The other teen couldn't argue with that, family was very important to the both of them. The mer thought of children soon flooding the house and their laughs and giggles was heart warming. Picturing their smiles the ones with gaps in their teeth, to when their adult teeth grow in. The grins and cuddling up along with story books and watching TV by the fireplace. This was it, this was their chance. There chance to restart, almost doing a full 360° in rewind.

Slowly the dedication Mikaela had with such a strong urge to defend his family almost made Yuu get the feels and want to cry with him. Yuuirichou kissed Mikaela's cheek as he clung to the older teen, the human wasn't even sure how to express his intense for the vampire at this point. The blond rocked the raven in his lap back and forth, it almost looked like a chessy fairytale picture moment or like those love scenes on television.

"Akane and the others... All of them.." Mika put his face in Yuu's hair in hailing the honey butter milk scent soap he used, "They'll be ours again. We'll be a real family again, live a normal life."

Yuu's green eyes sparkled reflecting the light of the moon as he smiled flashing his perfect pearly white teeth, he titled his head to the side and gave an award winning grin, "Just like you always wanted, Mika."

"Yes, princess." The blond echoed drawn off in awestruck tone, that sounds more like a kid who didn't study for the EOCT and still passes with a record breaking score. His fingers began to massage the large baby bump on his princess's stomach; Proceeding to press up softly on the bloated flesh as he leaned in and kissed it lovingly. "Just like I always wanted... I finally... Yuu-chan is..." Mika let out a row of tears.

"Awe, don't be sun a cry baby about it!" Yuu teased, "You're supposed to be happy!" Yet seeing Mika so joyful like this made Yuu wanna break out in a pity party too. Mika was the only one Yuu would do such things like this for. Mika was the only one he would go all out for just to see him smile. Mika was the reason why he even went forward with this pregnancy. Mika... Mika was the inspiration for everything Yuu did now it almost seemed. Mika was the reason Yuu still breathed easily.

Then came a pleasant burst of life from Yuu's stomach, the Lil ones squirmed around inside, tiny hands and feet moving. Mika jumped back fearfully removing his hand looking up in a plea, asking Yuu, 'What did I do wrong this time?'

Yuu struggled not to burst out in a fit of giggles when he got a glance of Mika's mortified expression from the children's sudden movements. "No, no. It's alright, Mika it's fine. They just started moving today, so don't expect too much."

"Today?" Mikaela mumbled as he looked at Yuu's pregnant tummy, "Often?"

"This is only the third time, it happened but..." Yuuirichou grinned endearingly at his vampire boyfriend, "They know your voice, Mika." He took the older boy's hand and pressed it on his stomach, making the teen's heart flutter as more wee kicks hit against his hand, "They know your their father. Each time I talk about you, or they hear you, it's almost like they understand. Like, they made the connection that we're all one big family."

The vampire curiously looked up at his princess, "really? Ar-are you sure? I mean... I thought they, umm... couldn't hear yet..."

"Yup, I'm sure they can! They're real smart, just like you."

"I'm not that smart."

"Yes, you are!"

"Yuu-chan is the genius."

"No way! I'm sure you have a higher G.P.A. than me!"

"I...don't even know what..." Mika bit his lips feeling a bit lost, "What is this, G.P.A. you speak of?"

"Oh..oh!" Yuu wanted to slap himself for not catching himself before hand of making the mistake and forgetting that, Mika didn't go to school for the past 8 years of his life. The last thing he wanted to do was make Mika feel dumb. "It's a huma-Just never mind it. School is stupid."

The blond didn't pressure the raven to keep talking, so Yuu was greatful for that Lil miracle. Sighing heavily, Yuu leaned further back in the chair, as Mika seemed to have more focus on their new growing family inside him.

"I can't wait, to see them all again..." Mika mumbled kissing Yuu's belly button lightly, "I can't wait to see their smiling faces."

"Only 5 more months, Mika-kun!" Yuu giggled patting his sides, "That's not too long."

Mika gave Yuu a faded smile and nodded in agreement; 5 months wasn't too long, beside all good things come to those who wait. Yuuirichou locked ring fingers with Mikaela as he smiled at his lover. Both felt such enlightenment they fet like they could get through anything as long as they had each other. They did and Mika would alway make sure of that, he was in love with Yuu and Yuu was in return in love with Mika. Call it the red strings of fate for bringing the two together or call it the trails of God by the vicious winds they spent time having to live without the other. The two were like one in same, connected in more ways than one. Wasnt just pure love that had created the blessed gifts in Yuu`s belly, it wasnt just Mika and Yuu making love or having sex. This was a greater force one of equivalent exchange.

"Hey Mika!" Yuu said suddenly as inspiration struck him, "Lets take a picture. It will look great on the wall!"

"A picture? But Yuu-chan I'm a vamp-" Mika felt his lips get covered by Yuu`s finger as he hushed him.

"No, your my loving husband who kid's I'm excited to be having. Plus, this will be our first real family photo!" The cheeky raven grinned excitedly as he took Mika's hand and patted his enlarged stomach, "The gangs all here, huh?!"

The blond felt tears build up in his eyes as his face twisted in a somber state, watching his Yuu drag him up and stand by the window. The ouside had a beautiful view of the night beginning to shine through the horizon; the wave of snow glowing to match the patch on the trees and bushes. The waterfall in the back made a lovely icicle display like stained glass enhancing the mage view.

Feeling like th ugly duckling and out of place, Mikaela began to beg, "Please Yuu! I don't want to ruin the photo...dont wanna crush your dr-."

"Cant you see it? Cant you imagine it, Mika?" Yuu smiled brightly, "I plan to do a time line! Each year a time line of us...as a family! Each picture goes up on the wall! This one, the first one is going above the fireplace!"

The vampire teen felt his eye brows get buddled up as he realised what Yuu was talking about. He wanted to take pictures to watch them grow up...Yuu and the kids...they were gonna grow up...they were gonna always keep getting older. Mika felt his heart skip several beats as he came to the conclusion, everyone around him was getting older. Each day Yuu was changing, Yuu's body was changing, the kids inside him were growing, each day they grew a little more. All of them, they...they were gonna grow old without him.

Yuu was grinning sweetly as he grabbed the camera and hurried to get back in position in front of the window. Locking both his and Mika's hands together making sure their rings that read, 'Mika's and Yuu's' clearly on display. Both stood beside each other and Yuu held the shutter out in front of them like he was taking a selfie.

Acting all mothery he slicked Mika's hair back making him look presentable, "I want this picture to be perfect, Mika to make sure we are able to remember all these wonderful memories. I want to be real, heh...for kids so they can see where they came from." Yuu placed Mika's free hand over his baby belly and warmly gazed up at the taller teen, "You look so beautiful when you smile Mika. I want the kid's to see that. I want their kid's kid's to see that. A picture last FOREVER ya know?"

Mikaela was holding back a flood of tears in those red eyes he kept pushing them back due to each second a happy second Yuuirichou's face lit up sparking with pride. Yuuirichou was such a proud mother, he was the type of pregnant person who wanted to show off his baby bum and children the world. The younger teen was practically glowing with his belly on display along with his pearly white teeth. Mikaela didn't want to destroy this movement, he didn't want to tell Yuu the real reason he didn't want to take a picture.

"3, 2, 1! Smile for me, Smile for us, Smile for the camera, Mika!"

The flash only lasted a few seconds Yuu pressed the button once with a wide grin on his face and his hair falling perfectly eyes glittering with motherly love and excitement as he was squeezing Mika's larger hand with his own. The lovely rings in the image mirrored the flash right back with illuminated off Mika's pearly white fangs. The tall blond still had one of his hands on Yuu's belly feeling the little one's kick lovingly like they REALLY DID UNDERSTAND THIS WAS SUCH A BIG DEAL. It was all too much and Mika couldn't hold it over, his face was a torn up sad wrecked like it just got hit by the feels train, as a single tear rolled down his cheek; his red eyes shook with regret. He looked very much like a sad abandoned puppy, even tho he tried to force a smile on his face not wanting to disappoint his Yuu-chan. Anyone could clearly see Mika's sweeping tear as it roled down during the whole entire flash, his body didn't shake there was no more tears that followed, only one.

The symbol of his loneliness, sure he had Yuu and he had his family. But he wasn't in the same line of time as them... Long ago he had given up that apart of him, drifting away. The more he thought about it, the more vivid it became, 5 months was nothing to him...if anything, Yuu was the one who should think 5 months is too long.

Once the flash was over Mikaela closed his eyes and quickly pulled Yuuirichou into a tight hug, making the younger male gasp, "Mika? Is something wrong?"

The vampires whimpered and sniffled rubbing his face in the patch of black hair, "Yuu-chan, I was serious about what I said earlier. When I said if you died, I would die with you. I will, I am...Even if...I have to..NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES!"

"I believe you...just, what makes you speak of death at a time like this?" Yuu said very confused at Mika's sudden out burst, "I'm planning not to die anytime soon, If you were wondering."

"Haha..." The vampire held his pregnant princess in his arms tightly as he whispered in his ear, "I know sweetheart, I just love you and our family too much to every let go."

Which was the truth of what Mika ment from the deepest parts of his heart, and watching Yuu's smile become even brighter was the only blessed assurance that he needed that Yuu felt the same about him to. It was kinda weird in a since how someone could randomly walk into your life and suddenly mean the world to you. In truth maybe Mika and Yuu were a little thankful for what the vampire's put them through when they were younger. If it wasn't for all the hell coming and returning back they never probably would have been as close as they are now. Maybe there is a purpose in life for everything even if it is the slightest disappointment or greatest good of your life. You know if you would have asked Mika and Yuu 8 years ago where they saw themselves in the future their answers probably wouldn't have been, 'Eagerly awaiting to be the parents of their dead family.' But life just be like that sometimes and you have to learn to cope with what happened and let nature take its course, or you could be a rebel and fight the opposition. Either way you go, you'll end up sticking to code. Mika and Yuu were bound together, it was lovely chemical reaction that made something beautiful. A vampire and his pregnant princess there really was no better love than that.

Thank you for reading this long chapter! Yes, if your wondering im gonna do a pun ending each chapter with the title of this book just like i did the first time. Im sorry they are so long... oh but I forgot to thank you FABULOUS Accounts and guest for reviewing! I was so excited at all the follows and favorites on this book! I honesty didn't think it was that good but you all realy made me smile! I read the comments about Yuu giving birth so you guys realy wanna read that, so next chapter I promise will have Yuu and Mika being fluffy gay babies and givie birth to MikaYuu children of the Hyakuya orphanage reborn.

Fu~Fuu I don't think the kid of the Hyakuya orphanage have any 'official' names from what I looked up. I know there are 6 of them so the proper name for Yuu's pregnancy is sextuplets. So if you have any name recommendations fo these precious kids leave a review plz. So I can configure a good list of names I'm going to need 3 boys and 2 girls not counting Akane cos she has a name. Also leave a description of what you think they should look like if that's not too much trouble. I figure they need to be a good combination of both Mika and Yuu. Yes, proper credit will be given to to you for your idea.

Love you guys and huge thanks again! Leave a review to help me improve my writing and drop those names! Follow, favorite and share! Have awesome day. Xoxo~Mel❤