Hello everybody my name is Trevyler and welcome back to Like Father, Like Daughter. I'm really sorry that I haven't updated this in so long. It was really hard without having the movie to watch and pull stuff from, but recently I got a copy of the movie and watched it again. My Star Wars inspiration has been somewhat renewed by that. At least enough to get you guys a chapter out now. I will say that there is a time skip of a few months between this chapter and the last. I just wanted to hopefully get to the better part of the story faster by cutting a few things out that were a bit boring and pointless. Enjoy!


Rey focused on the objects surrounding her in the area of her private quarters. There was a few books, some clothes, and her comm link. As of late, she'd been unable to complete the simple task of moving objects with the force. A task that she'd been easily able to complete a few months ago. Her relationship with the elder Skywalker had been causing a disturbance to her emotions and thoughts.

The items started to slowly shake as she tried to best to manipulate them to her will. Just as they rose from their positions, someone knocked on the door. They all fell to the floor as quick as they'd left it. The young woman groaned and cursed whoever was disturbing her. It was of course the man that had been causing her so much trouble since his return.

Luke simply bowed his head, "May I speak with you?" he asked politely.

She stood aside and let him enter before shutting the door behind him, "Of course Master Skywalker." she responded formally.

The Jedi raised his eyebrow, "Something is bothering you. I don't even need the Force to understand that. Please tell me if it has something to do with me." he told her.

Rey didn't like how easily she could be read by the man, but she had to be honest with him, "After so long of being independent and having to rely on whatever skills I had to acquire even basic things and being left by my family, having you return after all this time has been causing mixed emotions for me." admitted.

He frowned, "I am sorry that I didn't return sooner, but I couldn't risk them finding you through me. Especially since there was a chance Kylo Ren knew of your existence. Now that he knows, it is key that train you to be able to battle him when he's at his full strength. It could be the difference between life and death not only for you, but for everyone." he replied grimly.

She sighed and brought her hands to her face as she sat down, "This is so much pressure. Too much. I don't know what to do." she spoke more to herself than Luke.

Luke stood with a thoughtful look for a few moments, "I understand what you're going through. I myself was going through the same thing nearly 40 years ago. I lived in a world where the Jedi were long since destroyed except for a select few. They taught me what they knew. Obi Wan Kenobi was my first master and the same man who trained my father. Master Yoda was the oldest and wisest Jedi. Even at 900 years old he could do more than I could ever have imagined doing. Sadly, they both passed away long ago." he said with a slight frown.

Rey didn't respond as he looked like he had more to say. She let him gather his thoughts from times long gone and possibly things he didn't want to remember.

Once his thoughts were collected, he continued, "I also understand having your father appear to you is unsettling and confusing. Especially considering strange circumstances. My father was quite possibly the most hated man in the galaxy. He put my sister and I through a lot. It pains me to know that Ben sees the hollow shell of his grandfather's former self as a sign of strength. My father may have been Darth Vader, but he atoned for his actions and died like he was born as Anakin Skywalker." he said proudly.

Rey held back a gasp, "Then it is possible to return from darkness?" she asked.

He smiled, "Indeed it is, bu it's almost impossible without true resolve and a reason to reach for the light once more. Most are likely to succumb to darkness, but remember this. The Force is strong in my family. It was strong with my father, it's strong with me, it's strong with you, and even Leia. You have potential to become strong, but you will never truly be strong unless your heart is in the right place." he told me.

She smiled slightly at him, "Thank you. That helped quite a bit. Was that all you needed to speak about?" she questioned.

Luke stood, "I would like to show you something important. It requires a week to complete the task. I was wondering if and when you'd like to go." he replied.

She thought it over. She really did need whatever training she could get. This would be a very good opportunity. It would be a week away from everyone once again but the progress would hopefully be worth it.

She nodded, "I accept your invitation. When do we leave?" she responded.

He stood by the door, "We leave tomorrow after breakfast. May the Force be with you." he said with a nod.

She bowed slightly, "May the Force be with you." she replied.

He exited the room. She was left in silence once again. The phrase was foreign to her, but she liked the feeling it gave her to say it.

She thought she'd try the exercise she was working on once more before finding something else to do.

And that's a wrap. Now I will say that this chapter has been done for a while now, but I could never just leave it this way. So after months of wanting to add more I left it short anyway because I couldn't think of anything else to do here. I'm really sorry to the 15,000 people who read this and especially to those that have followed and been waiting. I'm hoping to get into the better part of the story done soon so that this'll be more entertaining. Have a great night everybody and I'll see you next time.
