The Seven Deadly Weapons of the Sin

''Fuck you''Mask or demon talking
''Dang''human's speech or thoughts
''Rasengan'' JUTSU'S name

Chapter 0 : Prologue

''Tou-san,Kaa-san,look .''came the voice of a small girl who is about 7 seven year old. The girl's name is Naruko Uzumaki Namikaze, daughter of the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki who is also known as the Red Death. Anyway back to the subject, the young girl is about 3 and a half feet tall. The girl has her mother's red hair which reached up to her waist and she has her father's blue eye. The girl was currently wearing a black shirt and a blue shorts.

The girl is now standing while smiling as wide as her mouth would allow. The girl had her right arm outstretched as a small tornado is spinning at the center of her hand palm. Her father bent down in front of her, grinned, and then patted her on her head while saying ''Good job,honey. You're going to be the greatest kunoichi might be even better than your mother.''Her mother walk toward to the two with a smile.

''I couldn't agree with you more Minato. She will make an amazing kunoichi.'' Naruko's mother said while beaming at her daughter. The girl grinned and locked both of her parents into a tight hug. Her parents happily returned the hug before they started to tickle her, which cause the red-headed girl to burst into a fit of giggles.

If anyone was to stumble upon this scene, they would see a beautiful moment between a mother, a father and their daughter. Sadly, the only one who stumble upon this place is a boy who has yellow spiky hair, a pair of icy-blue eyes. The boy's outfit consist of a worn-out shirt and a blue shorts which is slightly torn and the pants has already loses some of it's colour. The boy has a sad look on his face as he watch his family.

This boy's name is Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, the neglected twin brother of the jinchuriki of the Kyuubi No Yoko. Between her giggles, Naruko notices her older brother. All she did was stuck out her tongue at him before returning to her giggles. Naruto just simply walk back into the house to get some tea for himself. Years of neglect from his family has cause the boy to grow up even faster than anyone else who is of the same age. He knew why his parents treated his twin sister with a huge amount of attention.

The reason was because seven years ago,the Kyuubi No Yoko had attacked Konohagakure. The Yodaime Hokage, Minato Namikaze had found a way to defeat the nine-tailed demon which is by sealing the demon into a human body or to be more specific the body of an infant. The reason why he must use an infant was because as anyone who is older their chakra coil would've fully formed so that means their body would rejected the creatures chakra and during the process the person who was used would die in the process. There was only 2 infants born during the attack much to Minato's dismay ,they were his twin son and daughter. After he escaped his wife who tried to kill him for taking their two child , he quickly took both Naruko and Naruto to the sealing. He decided to seal the Kyuubi into Naruko as he remembered that the Kyuubi was said to be a female so he decide to seal the tailed beast into daughter. The only reason why he bring Naruto along was because if anything happen to Naruko he can seal the demon into his son. The sealing had gone perfectly well, but the Shinigami spoke something quite shocking to Minato.

Seven Years Ago
''Are you ready to die, mortal ?'' the death god ask in it's emotionless voice.

Minato would have willingly gave away his soul to the Shinigami since he know what is the price of summoning the Shinigami but he was thinking about what he has done in this particular night. 1. He had sealed the most powerful bijuu into his one and only daughter. 2. His wife, Kushina had just give birth to twins. 3. Finally, since he had become a father he doesn't have any reason to die right now. So he been a gentleman said something which is rather offensive to the Shinigami.

''Fuck you. Of course I'm not ready to die. I just became a father in a night and I've just sealed the most powerful bijuu into one of my child. Not only that, I want to see the two grow up and I also want to see their mother again.'' Minato yelled at the death god in an angry voice tone.

The death god just look at him blankly before saying ''Fine.''

''What.'' Minato respond, he was completely shocked hearing the god of death response.

''The reason I'm not taking your soul right now is because you,'' the Shinigami said while pointing it's ebony finger a Minato ''like any other mortal would die. Your time to die haven't arrived yet so I won't be collecting your soul.''the death god said while shrugging his shoulder.''Not now anyway.'' the Shinigami muttered the last part in a small voice tone.

The death god then takes it's leave in a flash of purple light.

''What.'' Minato yell out loud to no one while staring at the space where the Death god was standing a few seconds ago.

Present Time: Night Time
Naruto is now crying in his room while the sound of fireworks exploded in the sky of Konoha could be was crying because his father has taken away his birthright as the heir of both the Namikaze and the Uzumaki clan.(Authors Note: Maybe I should rewind a little.)

You see, today is 10th of October which is also the day when the Kyuubi was sealed into Naruko and it is also the day of Naruko and Naruto's birthday. You know if I rethink about it, it's more like Naruko's birthday since they only remember about her and the boy was forgotten. Not that he mind about the part being forgotten, but enough of that. The reason why the boy is crying is because what his father had announced at his sister's 7th birthday party.

Naruko's birthday party:A few minutes ago.
''Everyone may I have your attention.'' Minato yelled to everyone who attended his daughter's birthday party.

This cause everyone to turn their head toward Minato who is currently standing with Kushina.''Me and Kushina-chan have decided to name Naruko as the heir of both the Namikaze and Uzumaki clan.''this statements caught well ... the attention of every and each leader of the different clan of Konoha and their respective sons and daughters who attended the party. They cheered happily for Naruko who had become the newly appointed clan heir as they never even bother to ask about Naruto. Except for a certain shy, timid blue-haired girl who was wearing a lavender kimono and a blue sash who admired the she didn't try to voice her protest since she is well ... to shy.

During their was cheering but they didn't notice Naruto who is standing at the front door. The boy can be visibly seen, shaken with rage. The boy has tears of anger and shame forming and slowly coming out of his eye.

The boy quickly ran up stairs and went to his room. Naruto don't even bother to lock his door and worry about people coming to his room since no one noticed , he even dare to bet that no one knew that he even existed. He slowly walk to the corner of his room, he sat on the floor brought his knee near his face and cried for the rest of the night while everyone else is enjoying themselves. The boy cried and cried until he fell asleep.

Present Time : The Next Morning
When Naruto woke up from his sleep, he was greeted by an old man who is hunched back. His garment was a jet black suit and a silver tie. The old man was standing in front of him with a walking cane in his right hand. The man smiled at him but Naruto was more interested in the identity of the man.''Who are you and what are you doing in my room?'' Naruto ask while trying to wipe the tear stain of his face.

The man just look at Naruto with a genuine smile.''Why I'm your grandfather. Naruto-kun.''He said while waiting for the boy's reaction. The boy was currently going through his ,memories. For some weird reason, he suddenly had the memory of this old man with him all of a don't know why but somehow he felt and knew that those memories were fake.

He look at the old man who is still smiling sweetly at him.''Bullshit.''That was all the boy said before he charge toward the old man with his hand balled into fist. Just as Naruto's fist was about to make contact with the man's face, the man disappeared in a column of fire. The boy frantically look around his room for that old man.''You pass.'' came the sound of a Naruto turn his head around, he saw something who looks is terrifying and gorgeous at the same time. The man has a pair of horns coming out of each side of his hair color is as black as the has a few strands of red hair which is on the right side of his outer garment consist of a translucent red has a heat shaped her eyes, Oh, Kami. Those set of upturned red slitted eye makes Naruto body to tremble with fear as soon he look into the being's eyes.''W-w-what ?''Naruto manage to sputter out.

The devil was even more impressed as he had notice the boy who had look into his eyes just now.''Impressive, he didn't even wet his pants when he look at my ''Me No Jigoku''.His attention quickly came back to the said scared boy.''What did you just say? the boy ask while trying his best to hide the anger in his voice.''I said that you pass my test.''that got the boy attention.''What test, you weird ass mothafucker.''Naruto ask,he don't know why but whenever someone tried to scared him, he wouldn't felt fear,only anger.''I was looking for a suitable human to be my champion against an upcoming evil.'' the demon said in a monotone voice. The demon form starts to glow red in color.''Now, accept my gift which I will now bestow upon you.'' and with that the demon disappeared in a column of flames.

Naruto manage to cover his eyes when the being of whatever-the-fuck-he-is was just about to burst into he reopened his eyes,he was glad and somewhat shocked over the fact that he didn't die from the sudden burst of he focuses his vision on where that thing once stood,he didn't see he saw a mask and a piece of paper.

He walk toward the mask and proceed to pick up the mask. It' size seems to fit of a baby or a child. The features of the mask slightly scared the blond haired mask eye 's socket resembled of a human's eye socket while the mouthpart of the mask remind him of a lion baring it's teeth. The mask also has three whisker mark on each side of it's he was tracing his finger over the mask as he takes in the features of the mask , he heard the giggles of a baby emanating from the little mask, and to make matters worse, the tiny mask said something rather shocking to Naruto.''Daddy?''

That one word caught Naruto's complete attention. Time itself seems to stop as Naruto stare at the little mask which was in his hand.

Hi, I am God of Crossover and I would like to thank you for reading my first leave a review and visit my profile page. You will know why once you look into it. Again, I want to thank you all for spending your precious time by reading my first work.

P.S:No flamers okay.I'll only accept reviews talking about how I wrote my story.

P.P.S:Disclaimer:I don't own Naruto,if I did I would be filthy rich by now and I won't be writing a story on this wonderful website

For the jutsu name's
Me No Jigoku: Eyes of Hell