A Boyfriend For Christmas.

A/N – Hi guys. This is a cute little idea that just came to me. I like to do a Christmassy story each year so this year I'm doing a fifty shades one as that's what I'm most passionate about right now. There will be 5, 1000 word chapters leading up to Christmas starting from this evening. I hope you enjoy it :)

P.S Ties fans & Second Chances fans, there will be an update of both stories tomorrow.

"I'm so in love with him," Kate gushes, her long blonde hair in a ponytail as she munches on our supposedly shared popcorn.

She's talking about Henry again. The love of her life. They've only been dating for 5 months but have known each other since they were three. Both of them have liked each other since then but it's taken them this long to do anything about it. It's about time they got together. Finally. I've been hearing about Henry, her absolute love and obsession, since I was about eight years old.

I've known Kate my whole life. Our mothers were best friends growing up and so naturally, we were. They got pregnant at around the same time, which left us both in the same school year. I couldn't even imagine my life without her. She's been there forever. We did absolutely everything together and we always had done.

"I know you are," I reply, finishing the last of my nails with my pink polish. "You always have been."

"He's just perfect," she grins, getting that far away dreamy look she gets whenever thinking about Henry.

"What are you guys doing tomorrow night?" I ask. "Did you decide?"

"Yes," she nods happily. "We're going to watch Swan Lake on ice. He even brought me a pretty dress to wear."

It's the 20th December, five days until Christmas, and I'm so excited. Christmas has always been my favourite day of the year. It's so magical and special.

I just wish I had my own special somebody to share it with.

This year, I'm the only one who's alone. It used to be both Kate and I in our friendship group but now Kate has joined the others in the romantic relationship world and she has Henry. Jose, our best guy friend, has Tory, and Gia, our best girl friend, had Michael. Now it was just me.

Even my family members are all coupled up. My mom and dad are so in love it's ridiculous. They met when they were twelve years old in high school. Their love story is actually very special and the one-in-a-million kind that everybody wants. I don't envy them, I don't envy anybody. I just want a love of my own. Something powerful and earth shattering. All consuming and heavy. I know that sounds extremely deep for an 18-year-old high school girl but it's the truth. I've never done things half speed. Ever. If I'm going to do something, I want to do it properly.

After Kate finishes telling me about Henry for the millionth time, and the particular shade of brown his eyes are, we finish our snacks and climb into bed before turning the light off. I've been having sleepovers with Kate since I was a baby and I hope they never stop. I can picture us still doing this when we're old.

In the dark, Kate whispers quietly.

"I want you to find somebody too Ana Banana." That's her nickname for me. "You deserve the most wonderful guy out there."

"I want that too," I say, turning to face her. We both lay on our sides as we talk to one another.

"Why won't you go out with Olly? He's liked you since forever." She says.

Olly is one of our close friends. We've known each other since Kindergarten and he's always had a crush on me.

"I like him too. As a friend. I've never seen him that way."

"But why? He's cute and funny and sweet."

I just shake my head and Kate sighs. "Are you still crushing on your next door neighbour?" She asks.

I blush and thank God that it's dark so she can't see the heat on my cheeks.

"He's got a girlfriend Ana," she says. "And he's older."

"Not by much." I scoff.

"He's gorgeous I must admit," she smiles.

We both giggle together. He really is.

My new next-door neighbour is called Christian Grey. He's about twenty something and moved in a few months ago. My mom and me took him over cookies and introduced ourselves when he arrived but other than that, we haven't had much interaction. He's not home a lot. All I really know about him is that he owns a successful business with his brother.

Kate is right though, about the girlfriend. Well, maybe. None of us know for sure but I've seen a girl come back with him quite a few times. She's small and blonde and I hate her.

"But for real," Kate continues when our giggles subside. "There are so many boys that like you Ana."

"Hardly." I roll my eyes.

She swats my arm playfully and I laugh. "They do," she insists. "You're by far the prettiest girl at school."

"You're sweet."

"I'm serious," she says. "You are. You've never seen yourself very clearly."

Everyone always says this to me but I think I see myself quite clearly. I'm just average. Average Ana.

"Well, thank you," I reply gratefully. "But you're my best friend. You kind of have to say that."

"Even if you weren't I'd say it. Because it's the truth."

Even in the dark I can see her perfectly arched eyebrows pointing at me.

"Anyways," she says, turning to lie on her back. "Let's make our Christmas wishes."

Ever since we were little girls we'd make a Christmas wish every single day leading up to Christmas from the 1st December before we went to sleep. It was a tradition we just hadn't gotten out of yet.

We close our eyes as we make our wishes and mine has been the same every single night.

All I wish for is a boyfriend this Christmas.

Please review, see you tomorrow xox