Karma sank into his seat. It's been about six minutes and Nagisa hadn't come back yet. The bathroom wasn't that far, did Nagisa have to poop?

They did eat a lot, so it wouldn't be out of the question. Oh he was going to tease Nagisa when the blue haired boy came back.

The delinquent smirked he loved teasing the smaller boy. Nagisa always got so worked up about it. But the king of pokerfaces was never afraid of him.

Karma wished he'd wouldn't of been so insecure when a couple of years ago. Nagisa wasn't a snake that was creeping up to take advantage of his emotional vulnerability, but someone to spend time with in a pleasant way.

Hindsight is always 20/20, Karma thought he could have been with Nagisa longer. If he hadn't hesitated in their friendship. Now we're going to be heading off to different places pursuing different dreams soon.

Maybe Nagisa and I can make this work and we won't drift apart.

"Space unicorn roaming through the sea~" his ringtone interrupting his thoughts. He checked his phone, he had 3 texts , one from Kayano, one from Isogai, and Teresaka. The text from Isogai was first.


What the hell. What the hell. WHAT THE HELL. Dating Asano. Nagisa doesn't even like being around Asano. They wouldn't be dating.

It was Asano, that forced himself on Nagisa. People must of saw them together and assumed they were dating. That had to be the only way. Nagisa wouldn't cheat on him.

Karma ran out the theater leaving everything behind. He was going to find Nagisa and protect him from Asano.

He couldn't believe his rival would stoop so low as to force himself on someone.

The ace looked at Nagisa. The two boys were riding the elevator. He looked over to the young man that was in his arms.

Shiota had such a look of contempt on his face. After he exchanged words with the blue hair boy it was evident.

He respected the fact that Shiota stood up to him. He was quite unique that way giving off one demure image, but being something else entirely.

They were the same really one image in school and a different image in private.

It felt intimate being this way with Nagisa. In a way he didn't understand. But looking at him made him feel warm was this attraction? He had no interest in the boy in terms of engaging in sexual conduct. Although he liked the idea of spending more time with him seeing this side of him again.

The way Nagisa's hair landed across his face, his bangs now over his blue eyes. The ace brushed the hair away from his eyes and as the elevator door opened he felt compelled to kiss the shorter boy. So he did.

It only lasted for about two seconds, they were a nice two seconds and he felt Nagisa move he could swear he felt the blue haired boy kissed back.

It was a thought the school's top student couldn't fully digest due to the fact of that he was being kicked to the floor.

Karma couldn't help himself he kicked Asano and pulled Nagisa by his side.

Nagisa held onto Karma's arm before he could attack again "Karma no he's not worth it."

Karma noticed Nagisa was holding onto him for balance. He'd deal with Asano later Nagisa seemed to need him more right now. He looked at Nagisa who wouldn't even meet his gaze.

He took Nagisa back on the escalator they were going to go to the ground floor and leave the mall.

When they reached the ground floor Karma noticed that his classmates were a floor above the both of them that gave them enough time to escape without getting caught.

Nagisa was holding on to Karma's torso as he drove them back to his house. They got through the door and Nagisa's leg was feeling better. He was able to walk without holding onto Karma. It was a good thing too, Karma looked to upset to deal with Nagisa.

They went up to Karma's room his parents were home but they didn't say anything to Nagisa or Karma.

Karma locked the door to his room. Nagisa sat on a chair near the redhead's bed.

"So you want to explain why Asano was kissing you,again?" The delinquent spouted in a low threatening voice. It'd almost be attractive if it wasn't about this.

"He… he thought that you were using me so he wanted to show how easy it'd be to manipulate me. He pretended to confess his feelings for me, then kiss me to prove how'd easy it'd be."

Nagisa's voice was strong and steady he was going to give his boyfriend the whole truth he at least deserved that.

"Then how'd people in school get the idea that you two were dating?" He interjected annoyed.

" I don't know I think people must have saw us kiss or something. I only found out ten minutes before you came in and saw us." Nagisa replied

"The lots of people think you two are dating now. Some in our class how are we gonna deal with that?"

Nagisa shrugged his shoulders. " I wish I knew how, I wish this never happened."

"Us getting together or you and Asano." Karma spat snidely.

The blue haired boy sighed. And wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. And pushed him down onto his own bed.

He was now straddling Karma. And Karma was feeling very insecure about himself and their relationship. And he couldn't blame him if he'd saw Karma getting kissed by another person and held by them he'd be jealous too.

"I'm sorry things turned out this way. But I'm happy we're together I like being with you like this. I don't want to be close to anyone in this way except you. Karma Akabane."Nagisa was blasting charm and channeling everything bitch-sensei had taught him about seduction.

And gently started pressing a line of kisses up Karma's neck to his mouth. Karma seemed to enjoy it but stopped Nagisa from kissing his lips.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you. But I can't stand the thought of you being kissed by someone else while we're together. I know you didn't mean for that to happen but it did."

"But, for right now,Nagisa, I wanna forget our problems and be with you"

He switched their positions and Nagisa was on his back on Karma's bed with Karma between his legs.

Now normally Nagisa would feel really embarrassed. But after the emotionally draining day he had, and being a hormonal teenager he was just going to see where the current actions take him.

Karma started kissing Nagisa and feeling him up under his shirt.

Nagisa started broke away from their kissing to pull off Karma's shirt. Karma was a little shocked that Nagisa was taking this much initiative.

The smaller boy just wanted to drown out his insecurities in Karma's affection if he'd let him. He liked it when Karma looked at him this passionately like he was really attractive. This view of Karma wasn't too bad either. He noticed how handsome Karma was he always knew the other was good looking but this was different.

There was a kinda warm fulfilling feeling to be close to someone he liked that Nagisa wanted more of from Karma. His face was flushed. His arms above his head he started breathing loudly. Looking at Karma right above him gently moving up one of the smaller boys legs to lock around his waist.

The delinquent was pulling down Nagisa's pants and his one of his hands was getting very close to Nagisa's dick. Nagisa moaned quietly from Karma's hands brushing against his hips and inner thighs.

Karma liked the sounds that Nagisa made and was going to start feeling around even more intensely to see what other sounds he could get out of him.

That tryst was put to a halt, because of a knock on the door. It was Karma's mom. "Hey you delinquent punk, I made your favorite dinner. Now you get you and your boyfriend~ downstairs. Or I'm knocking down your door~"

Her tone was jovial and she left the door. But it killed all the mood that the couple had built up.

Karma put his shirt back on and Nagisa pulled his pants up. Karma's mom really was one to break down his door if she thought suspicious activity was afoot.

When they were fully dressed,Nagisa spoke.

" Does your mom know about us?"

"No, she just likes to tease me she still thinks I'm straight. If she knew about us she wouldn't let us be in the room with the door closed." Karma said calmly.

They left the room and ate quietly and awkwardly thinking about the fact that things got pretty heated between them borderline sexual. And now here they were eating delivery pizza.

author's note: Hey it's been a while my dudes. I'll probably finish this in another two chapters.