This kind of really sucks but I couldn't get the idea out of my head so I had to write it.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in this story, they belong to Durarara!

It's nearing 12am when Mikado walks into Masaomi's hospital room and finds his best friend sitting up in his bed staring out the window. Mikado stares at him a moment before climbing into the bed and sitting down next to him. When Masaomi looks at him, it's the look someone has when they're tired of the life they're living, so when he says "Run away with me" Mikado doesn't even think twice before he says yes.

They leave around 1:30am after Mikado helps Masaomi unhook from all of the machines and he changes into the clothes that the nurse had brought for when he gets officially discharged the next day. They're silent the whole way to their apartments and they're still silent when they step onto the train at 2am with their bags packed with their belongings.

They stop in a random city when it's hours and hours later and the sun has already risen. After dropping their bags off in a hotel room, they go to the nearest store and choose a postcard that doesn't have the city printed on it because they don't want even Anri to know where they've been or where they're headed.

The only words that are on the postcard when she receives it are, 'We're safe and we're sorry.' She cries when she reads it and sends them both a text that says, 'It's okay, I know you had to leave.' Even though they don't reply, she knows they've seen it and it fills her with joy that they got away from this twisted city.

Months later they settle down in a small town far far away from Ikebukuro. Masaomi gets a job at the daycare in middle of town and Mikado gets a job in tech support. They rent an apartment just big enough to fit the both of them and send Anri a second postcard that says, 'We found our home.'

Their first kiss happens in their living room after watching a movie so bad that Mikado's been rambling about what could've been done to make it better for about 10 minutes nonstop. Masaomi kisses him when he realizes that he finds it cute more than he finds it annoying. It's just a bonus that it also stops the rambling.

Three years later they get married and adopt a little girl with brown hair to her shoulders and big blue eyes. Her name is Akiko and she's three years old.

The last postcard they send Anri is a picture of the three of them sitting on their floor in front of their couch with the words, 'Our new family' scribbled at the bottom of it. Masaomi's flashing a grin and holding up a peace sign, Mikado's looking at him with a fond smile, and Akiko is holding both of their hands as she smiles at the camera.

Anri frames the picture and puts it on the fireplace in the house she lives in with Celty and Shinra and can't stop smiling for the rest of the day.