Revenge of the Shield

Chapter 1: Brothers Forever

A/N: Just when I thought another plot bunny couldn't hit me, this one did last night. I don't know if anyone's done anything like this, so if they have, I apologize in advance. This is just my scenario of how The Shield COULD get back together after Seth's return. If it happens, I will literally die! Anyway, I hope you enjoy this story.

Disclaimer: WWE and all related characters are property of Vince McMahon. I only own the plot even though I wish it would really happen.

Summary: After Seth is kicked out of The Authority he receives help from two people he never thought would trust him ever again.

Seth Rollins was so pumped. Tonight was the night he returned to WWE. Though he wasn't scheduled to fight, he was making an appearance, and that was good enough for him. He waited as he heard Triple H talking about how he'd been on the shelf and how it was so good to see him return. Then he introduced Seth to the WWE Universe.

Seth's music played, and Seth smiled as he came out to thunderous applause. He saw a few signs welcoming him back, and it made him feel happy to know that the WWE Universe were behind him despite all of the things he did. He strolled to the ring and got into it as Triple H shook his hand and Stephanie started clapping. When Seth's music cut out, Hunter turned to the Architect.

"Seth, it's damn good to have you back," Triple H said. "You've been missed around here, and I can definitely say that they missed you too, am I right?"

The crowd roared its agreement to Hunter's statement.

"Thanks so much, Hunter," said Seth. "I'm so glad to be back here where I belong. I know I've been gone for a long time, but I plan on getting better and climbing my way back to the top where I belong!"

The crowd roared its approval of his words, making Seth smile.

"Well, it sounds like you have a goal in mind, Seth," said Triple H. "See, there was a reason I called you out here tonight."

"You're gonna give me a title shot, right, Boss?" asked Seth eagerly.

Triple H and Stephanie burst out laughing at the same time. Seth's face registered confusion. Why were they laughing at him?

"Oh, that's funny, Seth," Hunter chortled. "Really humorous. I swear, you could be on Last Comic Standing with that sense of humor."

"Hunter, I wasn't joking," Seth said. "I want a title shot."

"See, but that's the joke," Hunter told him. "You've been gone for months, and you just think that because you come back here I'm going to give you a title shot out of the gate?"

Seth nodded. "Yeah because you like me," he said. "You have faith in me, and I'm your champion."

Hunter shook his head. "No, Seth, you WERE the champion until you messed up," he replied. "You may have returned, but you aren't going to get a title shot that quickly. You have to work your way up like everybody else."

Seth's eyes widened in shock. "Are you kidding me?!" he gasped. "After everything I ever did for you, you're gonna deny me a title shot?"

Hunter nodded. "Yes, Seth, that's exactly what I'm going to do," he answered. "You aren't the man anymore since you dropped the ball. We all know you messed up that move and got yourself injured, so the only one you have to blame for this is yourself."

"I can't believe this!" Seth yelled. "I did everything you wanted me to do! I ran errands for you, fought in whatever match you asked me to fight! Hell, I turned on my BROTHERS for you, and this is how you repay me after all of that? You know what, Hunter, screw you!"

"So that's the way it's gonna be?" Hunter asked him.

"Yeah, that's how it's gonna be! You can't get away with this, Hunter!"

Hunter smiled. "It looks like I just did," he said. "Consider yourself kicked out of The Authority."

Seth ranted for a few more minutes before storming out of the ring. He couldn't believe this was happening to him. After everything he'd ever done for Hunter and Stephanie this was how they treated him? He stormed backstage and started throwing things until his anger was spent. Then he sat down on a crate and just sobbed. This wasn't supposed to happen! He was supposed to have a welcome return! How could it have all gone wrong?

Suddenly, he felt a pair of arms wrap around him in a hug.

"It's okay, Seth," a familiar voice soothed. "It's gonna be okay."

Seth blinked through his tears to see Roman Reigns looking down at him. "Roman, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"I work here," Roman joked. "We saw what Hunter did to you, and we're so sorry, man. It shouldn't have been that way."

"We?" Seth asked.

Another familiar face came into view as he sat next to Seth and clapped him on the back.

"We'll get him back, brother," Dean Ambrose said. "He can't treat you like that."

"I thought you hated me," Seth said.

Dean shook his head. "Nah, I'm over all of that. I admit, I was pissed at first, but time heals all wounds as they say. I forgave you shortly after you were injured. Remember when I visited you?"

"Yeah, but I thought that was out of pity," Seth said. "I didn't think you meant it."

"Well, we did, little brother," Roman said. "And we're here for you always."

"We're gonna make that asshole wish he never turned on you," Dean swore.

"Yep, and I know just how we're gonna do it," Roman added.

"How?" Seth asked him.

"We're bringing back The Shield," answered Roman.

Seth's eyes widened. "Are you serious? You would really do that for me?"

"Yep," replied Dean. "Now, let's get to the hotel so we can plan our strategy."

Seth's mouth split into a smile. He was so glad to have his brothers back with him again. "Okay, I'm in," he said. "Let's do this."

Roman laughed. "Seth, have you been watching Ninja Turtles again?" he joked.

"Well, I had to watch something while I was laid up," Seth answered. "Turns out, I really liked it even when I thought I wouldn't."

"Now, that's what I like to hear," said Roman. "You ready to head out?"

Seth nodded. "I'm ready to bond with my brothers again."


Their hotel room was pretty cool, and it felt good to be rooming with Dean and Roman again. He never thought it would ever happen.

Dean opened a bag of pretzels and handed some to Seth. "Okay, so how are we gonna do this?" he asked.

"I say we do it next Monday on RAW," said Roman. "It'll be such a surprise no one will see it coming. We'll do it while Hunter and Stephanie are in the ring, and we'll corner them."

"Hunter's mine," proclaimed Seth. "I want to give him hell after all he did to me."

"You got it," agreed Roman and Dean nodded, too.

"And I think to really get Hunter back we should triple powerbomb Stephanie," suggested Seth.

Dean laughed. "That's sadistic, but I like it," he said.

"Normally I wouldn't condone it, but if that's what will wake Hunter up, I say we do it," Roman said.

"Looks like we've got a plan," Dean cackled. "Now, let's eat."

They dug into the pretzels and talked over their strategy as well as reliving the old days of The Shield. Seth was so happy to have his brothers back and hoped that it wasn't some dream brought on by lack of sleep. When they grew tired, they settled into bed, happy to have a plan and ready to carry it out.


The week rolled by quickly, and before Seth knew it, it was Monday again and time for them to put their plan into action. He was nervous about it because he wasn't sure how the fans would react to having The Shield back together. Roman noticed his anxiety and patted him on the back.

"This will work, Seth," he reassured him. "Believe that."

They got ready and made their way to the door that would allow them to enter through the crowd. Butterflies were tingling in Seth's stomach, and he took deep breaths to try and calm down. This was their moment, and they were going to make it count.

Hunter and Stephanie were in the ring as always gloating about how Seth had been kicked out of The Authority.

"He just wasn't the man we thought he was," Hunter said. "He was weak, and weakness can't be tolerated. In fact, I heard he's not here tonight. He's probably at home with that rat dog of his, whining about how we screwed him over. Well, tough luck, Seth. You brought this on yourself!" He was about to say more when he was cut off.

"Sierra Hotel India Echo Lima Delta Shield."

The familiar guitar riffs of "Special Op" blasted through the arena as three figures made their way down through the crowd. The crowd erupted into cheers as they saw Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins coming down through the WWE Universe. The three touched hands with the fans and then vaulted over the barricade to surround the ring.

Hunter was speechless. "What the hell is going on?" he demanded.

The three members of The Shield didn't answer as they continued to surround the ring. A nod from Roman was all they needed to jump on the apron and enter the ring. Stephanie was shocked and backed away.

"Look, you boys need to get out of here," Hunter said. "You're done! You're finished! There is no more Shield!"

Roman grabbed the microphone away from Hunter. "That's where you're wrong, Hunter," he said. "We never broke up. We've remained strong even after Seth betrayed us. We knew it was all because of you that it happened, and that's why we never left his side."

Dean took the microphone from Roman. "See, Hunter, the thing that gets to me is how stupid you are," he said. "You kept thinking you had Seth in your back pocket when all along he was with us the whole time. He never turned on us like you thought. And when he got injured, we were the ones who visited him. All you did was give him a damn phone call and that was it. You were too busy plotting ways to screw him over the whole time!"

Seth was touched by what Dean and Roman were saying, but now wasn't the time to get emotional. He took the microphone from Dean. "Hunter, you make me sick!" he said. "Ro and Dean saw what you did to me, and it sickened them, too. So we decided to bring the band back together. We decided that the best way to get you back was to reform The Shield, so here we are, and there's not a DAMN thing you can do about it!"

Hunter was about to retort when Seth punched him in the face. He kept punching the COO of the company until he was down. Then as Hunter started to get back up, Seth kicked him in the gut and delivered a textbook Pedigree to his former mentor. Then he smiled at the crowd and began stomping his foot before delivering a Curb Stomp for good measure.

Stephanie was appalled and began screaming at The Shield about how they were going to pay for what they did to Hunter. The Shield smiled and all three men advanced on Hunter's wife.

"What are they doing?" Michael Cole asked.

"It looks like they're cornering Stephanie," JBL replied.

The Shield smiled as they cornered Stephanie against the turnbuckle. Her eyes widened as she saw malice in each of the men's eyes.

"No, please!" she begged. "Just let me go! I promise I won't do anything to you! Just let me go!"

The men looked at each other, and Seth nodded. He and Dean picked up Stephanie, who began to scream shrilly. Roman let out his signature roar as Dean and Seth brought Stephanie over to him. She tried to struggle, but her struggles were in vain as all three members of The Shield lifted her up and triple powerbombed her to the mat.

"Oh my God!" Michael Cole screamed. "I can't believe they did that!"

"They should be fired!" JBL added. "That's Triple H's wife!"

"It definitely doesn't look good for The Shield," Byron chimed in.

The Shield stood over a prone Stephanie and touched their fists together as "Special Op" began to play. They played to the crowd for a few moments before exiting the ring.

Backstage, they began cheering at their success. It had worked!

"Dude, that was awesome!" Seth cried. "Man that felt good!"

"And the crowd loved it," Roman added.

"Looks like The Shield is back in business," Dean chortled.

"Hunter will think twice before messing with us again," Seth said.

"Believe that," Roman added.

"And believe in The Shield," Dean chimed in.

After the show was over, the three men celebrated with drinks. Fans who had been at the event cheered and celebrated with them. Seth smiled as he reveled in the adulation he was given. Fans patted him on the back and welcomed him back with open arms. Nothing could change this night for anything. Seth was the happiest man alive. He was back in the WWE, he was no longer aligned with The Authority, and most importantly, he was back with his brothers again. And Hunter and The Authority needed to be careful with what they did next because there were new sheriffs in town.

"Believe in The Shield!" a fan yelled, and Seth, Roman, and Dean took up the cry while touching their fists together. Nothing was going to tear them apart ever again.

A/N: And that's the end of the first chapter. What did you think? I swear, I would die if this happened in the storyline, but even if it doesn't, I can still dream, right? And in the new Ninja Turtles show (which I love) they usually say, "Let's do this!" whenever they have a plan they want to get done. Usually Raphael says it, though Leonardo has said it, too. And I know that the Curb Stomp was banned (which I think is stupid), but I thought it would be fitting for Seth to use it on Hunter for payback. Feel free to leave a review and have a shelltastic day.