Here is the remake of Dragooners. It's a crossover of Crimson Dragon, Panzer Dragoon, and Naruto; all of which I do not own. If I did, then I would've made more of the PD series and more varaiaty to CD. Also would make Naruto series more traditional. Hope you like it.




Chapter 1: Portals in the Apartment

It was another day in Konohagakure no sato and one for Uzumaki Naruto. The young eight year old was currently in his basement doing another renovation. This one was cause by an infestation of termites eating through one of the beams causing the rest of the apartment to become unstable. Working alongside him were the two brothers he brought of the street after finding them rumaging through the trash for half expired food, Kenji and Okami, "Oi Kenji, how badly are the beams looking?" Kenji, the younger brother with white hair, orange eyes and a sour demeanor ecthed on his face, pushes softly onn the wooden beam, "The mass majority of them haven't been touched." Okami locks eyes with Naruto, orange eyes hidden behind a light golden mane and his usual smirk in a thin line with worry, "The beams we're worry about are very sensitive, to the point that a fly can collaspe them."

Sighing in frustration, Naruto runs his fingers through his golden spiked locks, 'Got to cut my hair again, I'll find Shin while getting Nekojin to fix this structure problem.' "Alright, I'll find Nekojin, she'll be able to fix this." Seeing the brothers turning to go and gather wooden logs, Naruto walks up the stairs and locks eyes with a young five year old girl with brown hair, green eyes, and light brown skin with a wooden cane in hand, "Megioth, you know you should be resting." She walks over before nudging his side and an arm pulls her closer, "Tis boring here and thou request me to return to mine lair." Smirking while moving northward, absentmindedly waving to the other childern that lives in the building, "Ah, but my request is by order of the medicine lass and you don't want to upset her, do you?"

As she shudders, he chuckles before sending her to the room as a peppy girl with red hair and gray eyes walks out, "Heya boss, what's happening, is the ground done shaking?" Naruto's face turns serious before jabbing his thumb in the direction he came from, "Neko-chan, you need to go and help reinforce the beams down in the basement." Getting a nod, he walks away until he reaches the next flight of stairs and ascends them besides a boy of Kumo descent with black hair and another one that had brunnette hair and tannish skin, "Tanar, Chandar, how are you doing today?" Receiving an affrimative from both, Naruto opens the door and walks forward with the two him. As they walk through the hallway, a young feral looking boy with a wolf cub besides him approach him, "Boss, the results from the expirements are in."

As Naruto looks through the papers given to him, he flicks his fingers outwards, "I see the results of adding the wasp DNA has turned the subjects more violent and incompatible to work alongside our own troops." This follows the sound of Tamar's and Chandar's sworrds unsheathing and piercing a large creature, earning a loud screeching before it collaspe, "If we can utallized a much calmer spieces like a hornet, do you think it'll work?" Receiving a firm nod, Naruto smiles and steps over the hybrid of bird, lizard, wasp and beetle, "Excellent, kindly make it so and inform the bio carver that they have something to disect." As the trio walk by and open the following door, Naruto swings an arm up and walks forward as another such hybrid fall after being cut in half. Heading to another door, they appear in a stable.

The few stable hands that are in there turn before Naruto waves in greeting, which they respond in kind, "So boys and girls, how are the steeds doing?" Getting positive responses, he heads over to a large scaled horse with a tail that had a fin like appendage on it before mounting it. After the stable doors are open, he clicks his teeth twice and they take off in the direction of the Hokage Tower.

Hokage Tower 0930: Hokage Office

Sarutobi Hiruzen has been sitting at his desk for the past two and a half hours. As the most powerful shinobi in the village, he has not allow himself to slouch in his training. He was about to denied a form that he's too tired to read, when a slightly elderly woman voice cut him off, "Sarutobi-sama, why would you denied something that would help the academy students?" Blinking slowly before looking over the paper, he stands up and turns to a smirking woman with rose color hair, jade eyes, and a dark green kimono, "Ah Megumi-chan, thanks for stopping me, are the other Rojos on their way?" Before she could say anything, a young man with white hair, light brown eyes, glasses, and light purple shinobi gear walks in along with a young blonde hair boy with cerulean eyes, and dark orange samurai like armor, "Kabuto-kun, Naruto-kun, how are you two doing?"

Kabuto pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose, "I am well sir, I managed to gain Orochimaru trust recently and am currently getting more information for you." As the Third nods, his eyes turns to the younger blonde in the room, "Naruto, how are your projects coming along?" Smiling widely, Naruto bounces in his chair, "The chakra mounts are well and healthy as are the artifical chakra metal you ask for." Seeing the Hokage nods his head, Naruto smiles lowers slightly, "Unfortunately, the warbeast project is a temporary failure due to the overly violent nature of the wasps speices we had used; currently moving to a less territorial speice." Hearing this as her cue, Haruno Megami clears her throat loudly, "In other news, several yakuza and ronin factions has recently been intergrated into our many splinter cells used for defenses.

Kabuto continues after she had sat down, "I had activated their chakra coil while sending the kids to Nauto and have the adults guarding several key area." As Kabuto lowers himself in his chair, Naruto rises out of his, "The ones that have been able to fully recover are currently training in several kenjustu and bojustu style." Seeing two pairs of eyes narrow at the youngest member, Hiruzen clears his throat, "And what happens to the ones that aren't able to fully recover Naruto?" Clearing his throat, Naruto stands before his leader and co-Rojos, "The ones that perfer not being combative are taught by my bio-engineers; as for the others, there has been some weird...objects appearing and disappearing in my home and I have them locating one to have the science team exam it." Before anyone can ask what the objects are, a child walks in with a folder, hands it over to Naruto, and left.

As Naruto reads the report, the Hokage calls the meeting to an end. Naruto hurries over to his chakra mount after leaving the report on his desk. Hiruzen and the other Rojos open the reports and after reading it, blinks in surprise. The team has found a spiral opening in the air and it had been stablized.

Naruto's Apartment/Southern Rojo Territory 1354: Fifth flour-Residental

Naruto, Tanar, and Chandar walks into the room to find a team of chakra sensetive ronin and yakuza dressing in armor with a chakra glass faceplate, "What's the status on the anomaly?" A boy with emerald green eyes, black messy hair, glasses, and carrying a tall pole made from a sakura tree while wearing light armor with a crimson trim to it, "The anomaly is stable and Team Sigma is ready to go through, we have ensure that the portal, as some are calling it; won't close behind them...I'll be going with them." Naruto nods firmly as he reaches over and grabs a case with many vails and syringes, "As will I, Tanar & Chandar, ensure that everything is secure and running smoothly on this side...I'll be calling every day at noon for an update." With those final words, the team of five ronins, sixteen yakuza, one bio-seeker, and Naruto walk through the portal with Naruto saying only three words.

"Ikuze my brethren!" and then in a flash of light, they pass on through the unknown.

So this is the remake of Dragooners. Next time, we find out what wotld they had entered. If you have a suggestion on a world where dragons and humans work together, let me know and it might be featured. I am also open to any request for OC and such. This DracoTitan signing off.