Hey guys, guess who's back with yet another AU. That's right. Me. And there's some special things you should probably take note of. The first, and most prominent, is the fact that Anakin never turned dark side and Order 66 never happened. Palpatine is still in control but he never managed to fully convince Anakin to turn completely, not after his wife gave birth to two adorable kids he adores. He's also not the main focus of the story but, because of this, he's not evil. Unfortunately, Kanan's master is dead and he does go by the name Kanan. Yes, I know he changed it because he was on the run from the Empire but considering the Empire doesn't exist (yet) he can't really have done that.

Bare with me through most of this because it is a fusion of two stories and things will be changed for the benefit of the story (example: Hera and Chopper are bounty hunters). Good news, though, there will be some appearances of other characters outside Rebels but the main focus will be on the Rebel crew. By that, I mean, Hera and Kanan as they slowly (I do mean slow, by the way) reach the relationship they share in the show. Most of the other changes will be revealed as the story further develops.

And though the characters and setting are not mine, the idea is so be flexible. Tell me when something is confusing or when I need to elaborate on a subject but don't point out every little changed detail. It's an AU and no matter how hard I try to keep it to canon things will be changed. It's just the nature of the beast.

There will also be some major appearances from the original characters of The Clone Wars (though remaining out of focus from the story) and if it seems like I'm glorifying Obi Wan it's probably because I am. He is my fave, after all, and I tried to keep it toned down to a minimum but I ever so do adore him so if that's the case then I do apologize. He's not the focus and I'm sorry.

Updates will come and go without any real rhyme or rhythm so apologies in advance.

Kanan really hates bounty hunters, he decided in the soaking rain as he ducked in an alleyway.

A blaster shot clipped the corner of the building he was hiding behind, causing a ringing in his left ear that lasted a split second too long. He ground the back of his teeth together, fingers clutching his blaster tight enough the weapon could very well fall apart on him.

It was tempting to yank out his lightsaber and show the bounty hunter who they were messing with, but he knew that would be more counterproductive than anything else. After all, no one was supposed to know that they had come from the temple.

"Ezra!" he snapped turning to face his padawan hunched over on the other side looking as wet and miserable as Kanan felt.

Dark strands clung to the child's forehead, smearing themselves across his skin as the boy fumbled with something in his lap. Not for the first time, Kanan marveled at just how tiny his padawan was and the rain causing his clothes to hang from narrow shoulders weren't helping anything.

At the sound of his name Ezra snapped his head up, electric blue eyes blinking back at him before the bounty hunter fired again and Ezra had to turn his head or risk permeant blinding when it clipped the side of the boxes he was currently ducked behind.

They really needed to do something about this bounty hunter.

Grinding his teeth together, Kanan spun out from behind his cover finger already on the trigger and firing. Otherwise he would've been a sitting duck as he tried to aim, and he knew that if the bounty hunter was clever then they'd at least piece together that Kanan was force sensitive. Kanan couldn't bring himself to care, though, as he watched the dark outline duck for cover on the rooftop they were being shot from.

"Ezra!" Kanan repeated voice gruffer than he remembered it being as he inched closer to the kid, "Ship. Now."

To his surprise and immense relief, Ezra didn't protest or question him on that. He just rose from his hiding place and made a sprint towards their ship, unfortunately marking himself as a target.

The bounty hunter risked rising from their hiding place as they shot at the boy. Ezra cried out once in shock, stumbling backwards in an awkward sort of dance, as Kanan steeled his features and shot the bounty hunter back into submission. Ezra made it back to the ship, running up the cargo hold before he turned to stare at Kanan expectantly.

Kanan forced a rough smile across his features as he followed the path his padawan had taken. Something buzzed at him through the force, causing his ears to ring as he spun around in a narrow dodge.

"Kanan!" Ezra cried and Kanan didn't have to look to know the kid was seconds away from doing something incredibly stupid.

Cursing the kid under his breath, he fired another shot- hitting closer to the bounty hunter- before he spun and closed the last couple of yards between him and the ship. Ezra was on him nearly instantly, gripping his wet clothes as he jerked him inside and pressed the button for the hanger to close.

"We need to get airborne," Kanan grunted as he stumbled in his wet clothes, making his way to the cockpit and preparing the ship for flight. Ezra followed, settling in the seat beside his as he just continued to stare at his master with those vivid blue eyes.

The ship whirred softly about the same time something struck one of the wings, causing it to rock dangerously. Kanan growled, narrowing his features as he jerked on the steering and forced them in the air.

Another shot.

Another jerk.

Kanan's hands tightened so his fingers were nearly white as he managed to straighten them back out. He called out to Ezra, commanding him to hang on, before they were in hyperspace.

Beside him, Ezra let out a soft breath of relief as he allowed slim shoulders to slump bonelessly. Kanan mimicked the action for only a second, aware of how close they had come that time. Then the second was over and he was straightening back out, focusing his mind on the matter at hand.

"We need to contact the council," he decided as he pressed and flicked several controls on the console, "Inform them of the bounty hunter."

"But we never even saw who they were," Ezra protested eyes wide in thought as he turned towards his master and added, "For all we know it could've been Cad Bane."

Kanan frowned at the name of the collectively feared bounty hunter that had managed to outsmart several of the Jedi higher than himself more than once. Thankfully for them, they only had to face the hunter when he was paid for a job specifically placed against them- which wasn't often.

"It wasn't Cad Bane," Kanan decided because, like Ezra, he's heard the stories and knew they would've come out a lot less unscathed though there was no doubt that whoever they just faced off with was talented.

Ezra blinked back at him but must have realized the logic behind Kanan's words without needing any further elaboration. For that, Kanan was thankful as he brought out his hologram- the familiar figure of Obi Wan appearing.

"Everything alright?" the aging man asked, dark eyes nearly beaded in his now tiny stature.

"Yes master," Kanan replied in the respect he knew the man deserved as he bowed his head before he added in an almost regretful manner, "but we ran into some trouble."

"Oh?" was all Obi Wan said as both his eyebrows rose to near his hairline and the distaste for barring bad news hadn't faded, much to Kanan's disappointment.

"There was a bounty hunter," Kanan explained in a calm tone before he waited a moment, awaiting for the older man's response.

"That is troubling," Obi Wan agreed as he reached up to stroke his beard in careful thought, "Are either of you hurt?"

"No master," Kanan reassured and he supposed that there was always that, at least. It still did nothing with the concern he felt over the thought of facing a bounty hunter over such a simple mission meant to have a minimal amount of action.

"That's good," Obi Wan nodded with a hint of relief in his tone and Kanan marveled at how he could seem so fearless while remaining intact with his emotions.

Not that he was one to speak- trying to train someone like Ezra taxed his patience most of the time while the rest he spent resisting the urge throttle the kid. Something, he's noticed, the others observed with a sense of amusement and he supposed they were all sharing in their good fortune at being assigned a youngling that had been raised inside the temple.

Ezra hadn't, though, just suddenly appearing at their doorstep when he was 7 asking for entrance inside. It wasn't long after that that the council discovered just how incredibly special the youth was, saddling him with Kanan in hopes that he would be able to sympathize with the kid considering he had lost his master not that long before.

Kanan wasn't Obi Wan, though. His openness with his emotions wasn't seen as a reason to respect him, and though he wasn't belittled for them they still seemed to act as a barrier between him and everyone else. Which was fine with him, though it did force him to spend even more time with Ezra and his never-ending barrage of questions.

Somewhere out there, his late master was smirking at him.

"Hurry back," Obi Wan decided pulling Kanan from his thoughts as he focused back on the conversation at hand, "I'm sure the court is interested to hear of this newest development."

"Yes master," Kanan agreed with another nod before Obi Wan's figure blinked out leaving them back alone in the ship.

Beside him, Ezra chewed at his bottom lip nervously. His face was drawn in a thoughtful expression as he seemed to mull something over.

"Something on your mind?" Kanan asked though more as a formality than anything else since he already knew that there was.

"Just… how did the bounty hunter know to attack us?" Ezra questioned in a small voice as he turned blue eyes up towards him, "We hadn't given any indication of the real reason we were there."

Which was a simple information run- of all things. They were just supposed to drop by and make sure everything was still running in a functional fashion, ensuring the peace without being too oppressive about it.

"I don't know," Kanan replied honestly as he focused out at all the space they were flashing past, "but something tells me that it can't mean anything good."


When they arrived back at the temple several hours later, Kanan moved to the meeting room but not before turning and commanding for his padawan to go inform someone of their ship's much needed repairs. Slumping his shoulders, Ezra moved to obey.

He supposed it would've been easier if one of them knew anything about mechanics but, as luck would have it, neither of them did. Nor was anyone eager on filling them in the how so Ezra was usually stuck with tracking anyone down that could.

Droids were usually the most obvious choice but they had a bad habit of ignoring him or were already preoccupied with some other task and couldn't bother with him so that left either a Jedi with that specific knowledge or Sabine. Sabine, Ezra quickly discovered upon arriving nearly 8 years ago, was his best bet. Not only was she a genius and insanely pretty, but she was hardly ever busy because no one thought to ask her or she would deny them when they did, he wasn't entirely sure which, but she's never failed him in the past.

Moving quickly down the hall, Ezra passed many of the doors leading to various rooms and hangers before he reached the one he was looking for and quickly reached out to rasp gently against the hard surface. It slid open what seemed like instantly, revealing a slim figure staring back down at him.

He blinked, feeling self-conscious as her features seemed to mellow out as violet eyes flickered in recognition.

"Ezra," she said in a fond tone as she leaned against the doorframe, "Let me guess, you scratched the ship again."

Ezra's cheeks flamed up as he bowed his head in embarrassment. He knew it hadn't been completely uncalled for, though, considering how many times he had to come to her and begged for her assistance before Kanan found out Ezra had either scratched, dented, or worst to his ship.

"No," he denied with a shake of his head and he heard her chuckle at how childish and idiotic he undoubtedly looked to her, "This time it was a bounty hunter."

Sabine tensed, shoulders going rigid as any trace of amusement faded from her voice and features as she asked in a hushed tone, "What sort of mission did they send you and Kanan on?"

Sabine, Ezra knew, liked Kanan more than any of the other Jedi inside the temple. Perhaps even more so than Obi Wan (which was weird considering everyone seemed to like Obi Wan) and especially more than Anakin Skywalker. Not that Ezra didn't fault her on that one; he couldn't explain it but just being in the same room as the silent male was enough to send chills down his spine.

She also wasn't shy in voicing her opinion though most of the time it's through her artwork.

"It was just a simple check in," Ezra filled in as simply as he could for classification reasons, "but a bounty hunter found and attacked us. Kanan's with the council right now filling them in but they had managed to clip one of our wings. I need you to look at it."

"Of course," Sabine replied almost instantly as she stepped out in the hall and gestured with her hand as she said, "Lead the way."

Ezra did and shortly they were entering the hanger Kanan had parked the ship in. Instantly they were bombarded with the sound of droids and clones and the occasional Jedi moving around. Ezra ignored them as he showed Sabine the way to their ship.

She whistled when she caught sight of the damage, bright eyes narrowing in thought as she turned to him and informed, "It's a miracle it managed to make its way back."

Ezra squinted as she didn't wait for his reply before she mounted the ship to assess the damage up close. He had to admit, it didn't look that bad but he figured if any would know then it would be Sabine.

"Can you fix it?" he asked instead, climbing up the ship so he could stand beside her.

She gave him a look that insinuated she thought he was crazy as she replied in a slightly offended tone, "Duh. It'll just take me a little longer than usual. This isn't just some careless scratch, you know."

Ezra nodded, already stepping back to give her some space. Sabine fumbled with something before she turned back to him.

"Give me a couple of hours," she told him, "and I'll see what I can do."

Ezra nodded, shuffling from foot to foot awkwardly before he turned to leave. His cheeks were still hot and he bowed his head so no one inside the hanger had a chance to tease him about it.

Unfortunately, that just meant he was clueless about obstacles in his path until it was too late.

He rammed into something solid, stumbling backwards as whoever he just struck grunted before letting a soft growl to escape his throat. Ezra's head shot up, silently begging for it to not be who he thought it was and felt the bottom of his stomach drop out when he blinked up to the snarling features of the youngest Honor Guard and biggest jerk Ezra's ever known before.

"Zeb," he chirped as he instinctively made himself smaller as the big guy continued to stare him down. Green eyes narrowed as they locked onto his features and it didn't take a genius to know when the big guy was displeased.

"Kid," he growled and Ezra blinked back up as his mind scrambled for an escape but came up empty, "Watch it."

Ezra nodded submissively as blue eyes focused on several of Zeb's Honor Guard friends staring down at him from behind the Lasat.

Several years ago the republic had made a treaty with the feared race, convincing them to join their ranks and their overly serious attitudes were enough to drive Ezra insane. All except for Zeb, who he was quick to learn could and would quickly fall into his antics and then grow angry when he realized he had.

As far as other members on the Guard went, Zeb wasn't particularly intimidating either which made teasing him constantly that much better. Not that Ezra's made a habit of doing as much.

"Yeah padawan," one of the guards standing behind Zeb cowed as their expression turned into something ugly and teasing, "Watch it."

Ezra swallowed nervously as he nodded, forcing his attention to remain on Zeb, who tensed at the voice behind him. His hands curled into tight fists at his side but he didn't turn around and he definitely didn't offer any defense on Ezra's part, which was fine. Ezra was more than capable of taking care of himself.

"Right," he agreed inching backwards and away, "Sorry. Have a good day."

Zeb offered a jerk of a nod in reply before he turned around to distract the others with conversation. Or, at least, that's what Ezra decided he was doing. For all Ezra knew, he had really wanted to participate in conversation with the jerks.

Forcing those thoughts from his head, he wandered the halls briefly before he finally managed to run into his master who looked worn and tired but not overly concerned about what the council had to say. Ezra chose to believe that was a good sign.

"You manage to track someone down about our ship?" he asked face tired and drawn but his tone remained light and almost cheery as he turned to face him.

Ezra swallowed and nodded, realizing that there was something his master wasn't telling him. Perhaps it was more than he'd ever get to know considering he was still seen as a child and a padawan and, for whatever reason, they were usually thought of as something in need of being protected.

Kanan nodded in approval as he ran a tired hand over his face before he asked, "They mention how long it would take them."

"A couple of hours," Ezra supplied simply before he scrunched up his face and asked, "Why? We have somewhere we need to be?"

Kanan shook his head as he replied, "No. I'd just like to know how long it was going to take before we can get my ship functioning again."

Ezra nodded in understanding, keeping his mouth shut this time as he followed behind his master through the temple's many hallways before they reached Kanan's room. Kanan opened the door before gesturing for Ezra to step inside. Ezra did, keeping his hands to himself as he resisted the urge to ogle everything in amazement.

One would think that after 8 years of living in the temple and constantly being exposed to all its wonders would make the appeal of everything eventually fade. It didn't, at least not for Ezra.

Kanan just didn't appreciate for all his valuables to be stared at as intensely as Ezra was capable of so out of respect for his master he often refrained. Something he always figured Kanan was aware of but never called him out on so he never bothered to stop.

"On your knees," Kanan demanded already dropping to his floor, knees curled under his body and hands gripping his knees lightly.

Ezra blinked at him, feeling despair fill him as realization slowly dawned on him but he didn't protest as he went to obey. He mimicked Kanan's pose as he sat down beside the man, closing his eyes in a superficial attempt of meditation.

Beside him, the force binding him to Kanan mellowed out and Ezra knew the man had already started. Ezra just bent his head, awkwardly peaking at his master and hating at how easily it seemed to come to him.

It wasn't like he was jealous, he just didn't like how easy it came for Kanan to let himself go like he did. It seemed most of the time that he was just giving himself away without really losing anything, and the constant fear Ezra held prevented him from following him in that.

They remained that way for a long time, Ezra occasionally peaking up at his master wondering when they would be finished. It wasn't until he saw Kanan's smirk that he finally caught on.

"How did you?" he asked breaking the silence they had created and causing Kanan to break his concentration so he could stare at him with teal eyes.

"You're my padawan," Kanan explained lightly and he didn't seem overly upset at having his concentration interrupted.

Ezra just dropped his face in a pout.

He heard Kanan chuckle fondly as he rose to his feet and continued, "I believe you've had enough excitement for the night. Go back to your room and rest."

Ezra nodded, smart enough to know when to not argue with his master. He rose back to his feet, turning to leave but stopped at the door. Something about the bounty hunter attacking them still unnerving him.

"Kanan?" he asked in a small voice and he took his master's small hum as permission to continue, "Do you think that bounty hunter knew who we are?"

Kanan was silent for a long time- long enough that Ezra had to turn to make sure the man hadn't suddenly disappeared. He hadn't but his face was drawn in thought.

"I'm not sure kid," he finally said and Ezra knew his master well enough to be able to detect the fear there, "and I don't know if I want to know the answer."


The rain was icy as it pitter-pattered against the metal roof but Hera ignored it. It wasn't like she wasn't used to it by now, though sometimes she did wish it wouldn't cause her clothes to cling against her slim frame as much as it did.

Like usual, Chopper wasn't making anything better.

"Oh quite whining," she snapped at her droid not even bothering to turn a piercing gaze at him, "and focus on the op."

Which was just a simple theft, and something she would normally find derogatory if it didn't pay as highly as it did. After all, she didn't care so much about what she was supposed to do as long as it paid and- in her eyes- a simple job like this would last her and Chopper a week worth of luxury without much demand.

So stealing it was.

Switching the blaster she was currently clutching tightly at her side from one hand to the other, she shifted so she was eyeing the ship filled with the supplies- box 18, supposedly. And that's all she knew- it was a wooden box with a large 18 painted on the side in black ink- and it's all she cared to know.

That and how much she's going to get paid for it.

Beside her, Chopper whirred again and she resisted the urge to strike him. After all, his negative attitude about this whole thing was really starting to frustrate her.

She didn't want to give them away, though, so she ignored him. Shifting to a crouch, she raised her weapon and aimed.

Several clone troopers came into view, causing her to momentarily pause.

Now it made sense on why the price to this was so high. She would essentially be stealing from the republic, an added bonus she supposed.

She rose one of her hands in the air, counting down from three with her fingers before motioning for Chopper. He made some obscure sound only a droid can before all the power in the loading bay shut down.

The clones cried out in shock and she wasted no time firing several precise shots at them. She heard it clang against their armor before they toppled over unconscious- she didn't mind killing but avoided it whenever necessary.

Holstering her weapon back at her side, she gracefully leapt from her perch before breaking out in a brisk jog. Above her, the lights flicked back on as she slowed to a stop in front of the cargo they were sent to obtain.

"Chopper, I've got it," she informed the droid in her comm before reaching out and jerking the crate from the pile. Several of the other crates toppled over, landing noisily against the ground but she ignored it as she started moving back to where she left her droid.

Chopper made some noise, indicating that he understood and there was a rush of air as their ship came to life. A sly grin escaped her features as she pressed a button on the haul she was using, sending the crate and her soaring through the air before she landed gracefully on the overhang.

If anyone saw her they'd confuse her with a Jedi.

She liked that thought though she knew she wasn't. She was just highly skilled.

Sprinting up in the cargo hold she screamed at Chopper to floor it, feeling the ship jerk as it entered hyperspace. A small grin of pleasure crossing her features when she realized she had just managed to successfully steal from the republic and by the time they'd be able to figure it out she'd be nothing more than a ghost.

Locking the crate in place in the cargo hold, she moved to the pilot's seat replacing Chopper's spot.

"Contact the client," she commanded as she took the controls, relishing in the rush of power it gave her.

Stealing was all well and good but flying was her true passion. Unfortunately, no one really paid good pilots these days so she did what she's always done. She adapted.

Chopper grumbled but obeyed.

Several moments later, a hooded figure appeared on the hologram. Someone, she's been told, who struck fear in the hearts he came in contact with but she didn't even bother giving him a second glance. As long as he paid, she had no reason to cause a fuss with him after all.

"I hope you're calling to deliver good news," he said in a raspy tone and Hera resisted the urge to roll her eyes because she wouldn't bother to call for any other reason.

"I've got your package," she responded keeping her voice and face neutral, "Now all I need is a drop off point."

"I'll send the coordinates," and the man sounded very pleased, "Good job bounty hunter."

Hera nodded in acknowledgement before his figure flickered out. Beside her, Chopper grumbled something and this time nothing held her back from rolling emerald eyes.

"I don't care if he unnerves you," Hera told the droid as she set a course for the given coordinates, "He pays well, and we need the credits."

Chopper replied, and that time she chose to ignore it.

And because it wasn't the first time doing business with the cloaked figure she wasn't surprised when he didn't show up to retrieve his package. Instead, there was a droid who demanded the crate before he could hand over her money.

She allowed it and once the droid was satisfied she took the credits and turned to leave. The droid didn't say anything to her nor did she bother making any further conversation with it.

Chopper was waiting for her on board, going on and on about something. She frowned at him, raising an eyebrow down at him.

"What are you going on about?" she demanded, crossing her arms over her chest and fixing him with her best stare.

He grumbled something else, lowering and raising his arms like that would make him clearer. Then he pulled up a hologram of someone she's never seen before.

It was a boy, young and skinny, with dark hair and surprisingly sharp eyes. His features still seemed soft, though, revealing just how young he truly was.

"A new bounty?" she inquired as the large sum of credits appeared under the picture of his face, enough to peak her interest at least.

Moving past her droid, she dropped back into the pilot's seat to put as much distance between them and this planet as she could. It wasn't something she could explain, she just knew she hated sticking around too long after a drop off.

"Any reason why someone's willing to pay so much for someone so small?" she questioned as Chopper came to rest beside her, almost convincing enough to trick someone into thinking he was obedient.

Of course, she knew better and had stopped trying to trick herself a while ago.

Besides, obedience wasn't high on her list of concerns. He was loyal, and that's all that really mattered.

Chopper made another noise as he brought back up the bounty and she placed the ship on auto as she turned to consider it thoughtfully. The boy was obviously young and thin, though more wiry then malnourished, and with a price that high every bounty hunter in the galaxy would soon be going after him.

"Hey Chop?" she asked offhandedly as she turned to direct her attention back to flying, "Where does he live?"

Another whirr as the hologram fizzled out.

Hera felt surprise lift her face as she turned back to stare at her robot and demanded, "The Jedi temple? No wonder his bounty's so high up."

Because one would have to have a suicide wish to try and kidnap a padawan.

Then again, with a price that high self-preservation wouldn't be very high on many of the bounty hunter's lists of concern. It was certainly enough for her to seriously consider taking the risk, the only thing keeping her from leaping forward being the award they'd just collected upon.

"I'm starting to think someone hates the republic as much as we do," Hera finally spoke, turning narrowed green eyes on her robot as a sly smirk crossed her features.

Chopper replied, banging his hands against the top of his head. Hera smirked back, turning to change their coordinates.

"I was just thinking the exact same thing," she responded, "What's the kid's name?"

Chopper told her before he must have finally caught on as he started to protest when she modified their path. She ignored him, something dark creeping in her eyes as her hands tightened into fists around the steering.

"Ezra Bridger, huh?" she asked though some part of her suspected she was speaking mostly with herself at this point, "Well then, he better be careful for I have a feeling he just became a lot of people's new friend."