A/N: Enjoy!

Fleur's eyes slowly closed and she spoke calmly. "'ermione…is that my favorite shirt burning in your fireplace?"

Hermione shook her head, "No. Of course not. Because I'm going to go into town and buy an even better shirt. I mean that didn't even look that good on you anyway!"

Fleur's jaw worked and she looked up at Hermione. "I made that shirt."

Hermione bit her lip, "Um. By 'not looking that good' I meant that it hid your skin from my eyes?"

Fleur's eye twitched, and Hermione all but ran out of the house and into the town.

Hermione grinned as she entered the town, she was excited to see what people's reactions would be when she revealed her family name. Upon arriving in what she assumed to be the main street, she palmed her wand. It was far too quiet for it to have been the middle of the day. The shops were closed, and the streets abandoned.

"Hello?" she called out cautiously.

"Who are you?" Was returned from somewhere behind her. "How did you get into that house?"

Hermione turned around and met wary blue eyes. "My name is Hermione Kidwell. My mother owns, well owned, the house and I inherited it. I was told that you would provide protection for my friend and I?"

The woman shook her head, "No, the Kidwell's never had a daughter, we would've been told."

Hermione took a step towards her, "They were forced to give me up for adoption a few months after I was born. They were then besieged by pureblood extremists and murdered."

The woman sighed, "If that is true, then yes, we will provide protection, however, you must prove your heritage. Are you willing to do so?"

Hermione nodded, "I am. How?"

"Give me your wand."

Hermione put her wand behind her back, "What?! No!"

The woman raised a brow and Hermione sighed, "Fine. I assume I'll be taking on the whole town?"

She smiled, "Just about."

Hermione groaned and handed over her wand, "Yay."

Hermione panted as she hid in a clothing shop. These people were mad! For merlin knows how long, she had been fighting off men women and children alike. Some of them bowed, and some of them struck without warning. For fuck's sake she'd only been a Kidwell for what? A month?


Hermione's eyes widened. "Oh no."

She ran out to the veela and it was like the city exploded. There were spells coming at them from all angles. Hermione grit her teeth and held Fleur to her chest. Waving her hand, she sent each spell back at the caster and the ones she couldn't catch fizzled out against her protego. None of them came anywhere near Fleur. The attack was taking its toll on her, but having the veela in her arms brought a renewed strength. She could feel her reaction time slowing, and luckily there was a halt in the spells. She immediately shouted,


Several wands set themselves in a pile at her feet.

"Alright!" a voice shouted. "You win."

Hermione relaxed slightly and watched as the people came out of hiding, many of them limping and a few were oddly colored. She held tightly to Fleur just in case.

"You have our protection, Ms. Kidwell." Said the woman from earlier. She returned Hermione's wand and Hermione immediately apparated them home.

Sighing, Hermione released Fleur, "Are you alright?" She looked down, expecting to see shock written across the woman's face, but instead, she was greeted with dialated pupils and a very aroused veela.

"Non." She said and gripped Hermione's shirt, slamming their lips together. Pulling back, she growled out, "I am very far from 'alright' 'Ermione. I am soaking wet and I need you to fuck me, hard."

Hermione groaned and without even a thought, apparated them to the bedroom. Once there, Hermione ripped Fleur's clothes of and pushed the woman onto the bed.

Fleur moaned as Hermione's sharp teeth latched onto her shoulder. "You're mine." Hermione growled and spread Fleur's legs.

Fleur nodded and scratched her nails down Hermione's back as two fingers entered her roughly, "Oui, mon savage! Je ne suis rien qu'à toi!"

Hermione thrust into her roughly, "You will allow me to become your mate."

Fleur tossed her head back, "OUI!"

Hermione gripped Fleur's hair and pulled the veela into a passionate kiss, full of lust and anger, their lips melding together while Hermione's fingers twisted and curled inside of her. It was all too much for the veela, feeling Hermione's strong shoulders under arms, almost as though she could feel the strength of her magic radiating off her in waves. It wasn't long before her hips thrust in a wild staccato and her walls contracted around the strong witch.

"'Ermione!" She shouted as she came and her mouth dropped open with each wave.

Hermione's fingers did not slow, and she even add more, forcing Fleur's tightening walls to spread.

"Gods!" Fleur moaned deep in her throat and her eyes began to change. Hermione was making her lose control and she had to wonder how she could have ever thought this woman to be some weak clumsy thing. "Ungh! Ungh! Ah!" She shouted as Hermione's thrusts increased in power. "Harder!" she shouted, needing to feel how strong her witch was, needing it to hurt.

Hermione's free hand wrapped around her throat and cut off her air. Fleur saw stars and her entire body bowed, fighting Hermione's hold, yet begging her to never let go. Suddenly she was flipped over and Hermione pinned her down, sliding a fourth finger inside of her. The veela in her was halted by the burn and when Hermione bit her shoulder, she submitted. The change halted and reversed and Fleur was screaming as she came again, this time squirting on Hermione's hand. She distantly heard Hermione moan and chuckled, having known the witch would like that.

Fleur fell limp, but kept her hands on the one wrapped around her neck. "Mmm, don't let go mon savage."

Hermione smirked and nodded. She turned the veela on her side and curled up behind her, kissing the back of the neck she had in a tight grip.

"So when do we do battle?"

Fleur chuckled and hummed happily, "You've already won the first. Now we will lie here, while you tell me about this 'ome and who you are."

Hermione blushed, "Oh yeah. That." Hand firmly wrapped around Fleur's throat, Hermione relayed the story of discovering her birth parents.

"What of the people who raised you?"

Hermione sighed, "They are lost to me. I wiped their memories and sent them to Australia, but it seems they have since packed up and moved. They apparently are traveling the world, before they decided to have a child." Fleur gasped and Hermione pulled her closer, "It's fine. I don't think they'd forgive me for what I've done, and I really don't know how to tell them I've been a prisoner of war. My biological parents however know everything. They even know about you."

Fleur gasped and Hermione chuckled. She used her hold on Fleur's neck to roll her onto her back. She straddled her and leaned down. "I love you Fleur. Surely you know that."

Fleur opened her mouth to answer, but was halted by a pecking on the window. Hermione sighed.

"Come in." She said and the window opened up, allowing the owl to fly in. She took the letter and he flew off.

Dear Hermione,

It was a bluff. We took out…You took out every single man Lechamp had. The men following Fleur were just hired mercenaries. A back up plan to buy him time to escape. There is nothing to be done now. But Fleur doesn't need to know that does she?

You both have a month of vacation time. We checked/bribed a couple people.

Have fun you crazy kids.

Ron and Harry.

Hermione kept her face stoic while reading over the letter. Of course Fleur needs to know. That's how she got laid the first time.

"Well. According to the boys, I took out every single one of Lechamp's men, and there is no one after you. We also have a month of vacation time. However, will we pass the days away?"

She looked away from the letter, and smirked at the dilated red eyes below her. "My thoughts exactly." She murmured and leaned down, her grip renewed on Fleur's neck.

A/N: Sex and Happiness from here on out! Again, I have no beta. I write, I check, I post. Lemme know if it needs fixin.