Snow fell in clean sheets outside of the Dameron Estate. Rey had been asked over, along with Finn. She was still too distant with her mother to spend Christmas with her. She needed to sort out the truth on her own. Still, she watched the snow fall with a childlike wonder as she remembered the rest of the semester that had passed so quickly.

The school was then checked over by basilisk-specialists hired by the Ministry after the incident in the 1992-93 school year. As said, Ben had left the next day. Anakin, Jacen, and Jaina were unusually reserved due to the lack of another brother. Several kids had been given therapists, Rey included.

Poe and Finn's relationship had blossomed. They were almost never apart, like two halves of the same heart. They were still close with Rey, but she sometimes felt like the third wheel. It made her heart ache for her own love life on hold. Still, she was content to just let things be.

Everyone had split up after Christmas dinner, and she was all alone. She'd gotten a surprising amount of things for Christmas from several people thrilled that she'd saved the Wizarding world.

She picked up an anonymous set of peonies and twisted them in her hands. She enjoyed the scent of them, the feel in her hands. She missed him. She sent him a new kitten and a letter, but she hadn't gotten anything from him. She wondered if he'd forgotten about her.


Sock-footed Rey got to her feet and trudged to the door of the Dameron place. Ms. Dameron leaned out of one of the thresholds.

"Can you get that, dear?" She asked.

Rey nodded, and she opened to see him standing there, sticking out like a crow. She embraced him with all the purity of light, and he with all the passion of fire.