Prompt: "Your OTP is stuck at the train station because they missed the one they needed, and the next one isn't for an hour, but all the shops are closed."

"I'm sorry."

"It wasn't your fault, luv!" Wheatley made a face at Chell as he flopped down onto the bench. "It really wasn't your fault. Come're." He held out his arm. Chell settled in next to him, smiling gently as his arm wrapped around her as he continued talking. "You and me, we both thought the train was leaving ten minutes later, so it's not your fault

"Could have checked it. Then, we would have known." Chell sighed as she looked out at the empty train station. All the food stations and gift shops were closed, nothing open in the late hour. The only signs of life were people waiting for their late-night trains, reading a book or on their phones.

"Well, luv, there's no shame in being upset about it now. Train's pulled out of the station, and we'll just wait up for the next one. I don't mind one bit."

"I don't either," she said quietly. Wheatley caught the deflated lilt in her voice, and he leaned forward, looking at her expression. It betrayed nothing at first glance, but he noted the small frown tugging at the corners of her lips, threatening to display her displeasure.

"Hey, luv, cheer up!" He squeezed her closer, leaning in to press a kiss to her temple. "It's really not your fault. I really, honestly, truly don't mind waiting. But if you're going to be pouty and apologizing on me like this, then I'll apologize for the fact you can't go home yet and sleep. You're looking mighty tired."

She nodded. Wheatley let out a soft laugh, kissing her again.

"Then, why don't you get some shut-eye? The train's at 11:50, right? Just under an hour from now. I won't sleep, so don't you worry about me."

Chell nodded again, tucking her legs up onto the bench. She got comfortable in Wheatley's embrace, leaning against his shoulder. "Thanks."

"No problem, luv. Sleep well."