This is my first Hetalia fanfic on this site! I hope you enjoy! I do not own Hetalia sadly XD

England POV:

It all started with the world meeting in America. It was all normal, besides one thing. America. He was acting different. He wasn't as loud and he wasn't eating his trademark burger. It was strange. America was never like this. I looked over at him and saw a stream of blue pass through him. Similar to the type of hologram the riches use. I shrugged it off. I was probably just seeing things. I turned back to the front. The frog was speaking when he stopped speaking and turned to America. France had confused eyes and walked over to the nation. The other countries were confused and silent.

"Amérique? Are you feeling alright?" France asks.

"I think so… Why?" America looked as confused as I felt.

"I swear you… Glitched for a second."

"Glitched? Dude, I think you are hallucinating."

"I know vhat I saw Amérique." France reached out to feel America's forehead, but America moved out of the way before contact.

"I told you. I am fine." I heard static in his voice.

"Then why was your voice making a static noise?"

"I was clearing my throat." Then America left. But beforehand France replied.

"Je dis Ce qui EST faux. Même si je dois utiliser la force." After that America left the meeting.

I leaned over to Canada who translated for me.

"It means 'I will figure out what is wrong. Even if I have to use force.'"

I nodded and the meeting continued on without America. It was strange not having the loud nation here.

-Time Skip after the Meeting-

I walked to America's house. It was quiet and the lawn was in horrible condition. When I was at the door I knocked three times and it fell. Leaving dust rising everywhere.


I stepped inside and looked around. Leaving a gasp and a scared Englishman. I took out my mobile phone and called France.

"Hello? Zis is France speaking."

"Get over to America's New York house as fast as you can!"

"What is wrong Angleterre?"

"It's America…"

"I will be there soon. Hang in there."

Sure enough France was here in fifteen minutes. I turned and saw him jogging up the crumbling pathway to the house.

"What is wrong with Amérique? Is hé ok Angleterre? "


"What happened?"

"Look inside."

He went passed me and gasped. I turned and he was starting to cry.

"S-Should we look inside for Amérique? "

"I will lead. Stay close behind me."

He nodded and we walked into the house. There was broken glass everywhere. The glass was stained red. Along with a few knives. There was blood splattered on the walls that looked over three months old. We went up the stairs and I almost fell through one. France luckily pulled me up and we continued. He was clinging to my shoulder like a scared child. I turned and found America's bedroom. I heard France sob as he saw the mess. Luckily America wasn't there. There was a sign of a constant struggle of what happened. There was also a blood soaked note. I read it out loud.

"Oh so you finally found out the real America wasn't there. Instead a hologram that was recorded. He struggled so hard! It was hilarious! Unfortunately he was no match for the poison in the food he ate at the meeting 4 months ago. He left on time 'cuz he didn't want to disappoint Iggy! He sat through the whole meeting with poison in his system without speaking up! He knew about it too! He even went on an 8 hour flight with the hurtful jabs of poison in his stomach! Oh no worries. He is alive. But not for long! I would give you coordinates, but what evil 2p would I be if I did that? So I have a riddle in a different language! Enjoy!

Here is the riddle:

Es ist auf den 7 Meeren, von den 5 Kontinenten und Vergangenheit, wo Sie begonnen haben. Zeichnen Sie einen Kreis , das ist die Welt! Nehmen Sie ein Spiel und beobachten America brennen! Zeichnen Sie ein Rechteck , das eine Waffe ist ! Laden Sie es und beobachten ihn laufen! Zeichnen Sie ein Stern! Es ist nicht so weit! Starrte sie aus der Halle , ist das Geheimnis des gestreiften Wand !

-Have Fun! From the Second FACE Family!"

France was sobbing. I went over with the riddle and comforted him. We needed to find the nation with this language.

"It sounds like an Axis language." France said between sobs.

"It might be Italian or German, if it were Japanese it would have looked much different."

"Zhen lets go see them!" France sprinted away. He forgot about the stairs and got stuck. I pulled him out and we knew Germany was cleaning up the meeting room.

-Time skip- At the meeting room-

"Germany!" France and I called in unison and almost knocked the burly German over.


"What does this note say!?" France gasped. I handed Germany the note and he translated it.

"It is in German. Here is vhat it says.

It is on the 7 seas, by the 5 continents and past where you started. Draw a circle, that's the world! Take a match and watch America burn! Draw a rectangle that's a gun! Load it and watch him run! Draw a star! It is not so far! Staring at them out of the hall, is the secret of the striped wall!

Vhere did you even get this?"

"America is in trouble. That bloody country can't even save himself." I replied.

"Zis is why we must hurry Angleterre! "

"Thank you for your help Germany." He wrote the translated version of the note on a separate sheet so we could use it to find America more easily. Before we left Germany gave us an idea.

"There is another meeting tomorrow, its only G8. That means the hologram will show and you can ask for answers from it. You can use this to your advantage."

"Zis is an excellent idea! Merci Allemagne! " Germany nodded and we left. We were staying at my house in the USA until we found America.

-Time Skip- At the g8 meeting-

All the countries were here besides America- Er Hologram America. We told the G8 nations and they all nodded. Meaning they understood. Hologram America came in and what surprised us was that he could touch the door.

"Ah, America. Could you come here lad?" I said. That was the cue for Russia and Germany to block the door.

"Sure bro." The static voice replied. I realized now that he was glowing slightly.

"No. Not you. The REAL America!" I lunged at him and I passed straight through him. I looked so confused on the ground.

"Ah so you guys ain't so stupid after all! HAHAHA! You realize you can't hurt me! I can hurt you though!" I was kicked in the ribs. Causing me to cough.

"What did you do to the real America!?"

"OOOOOH! You mean him?" A screen appeared on the wall with America tied to a chair. He was covered in blood and had duct tape over his mouth. He had bloody tears stained to his face. I had never seen so many knives in a nation before. His arms were covered in cuts and bruises. I could tell that one arm was broken. A person appeared in the screen.

"Poppet! You're on camera! Open your eyes so they feel pity! Unless you want the fire again!"

America obeyed and opened his eyes. One was grey, the other dull and broken. They used the fire to blind one of his eyes I assumed. The figure went over and ripped off the duct tape. America started coughing up blood and I noticed he was covered in something. He closed his eyes again, gasping for suitable air.

"Now now. America. Open your eyes poppet!" He was drenched in what could be easily identified as gasoline. One captor held up a lighter and opened it. America heard the click and opened his eyes instantly.

"Good boy!" The lighter was closed and he grabbed a knife. It was the only silver one left. The duct tape was replaced and a deep cut was made between his collarbone and his shoulder blade. He looked down and I could see red drip down from the wound and his eyes. It hurt to see the former colony crying and being tortured. The figure walked away and came back with a bat. He used the bat and hit him in the head with all of the persons might. Luckily it wouldn't kill a nation, but America still felt the pain and whimpered as blood oozed out of the gash.

"Ollie. Think he's having fun yet?"

"Of course he is! Al could you clean the older knives for me?"

"Could I get Matt to help?"


The screen faded and the hologram was changing form. It was now a different version of Alfred, he had red- brown hair, red eyes, slightly tanned skin, a bomber jacket, a bloody baseball bat with nails sticking out of it, black shades resting on his head, worn jeans, an off- white shirt, and red shoes.

"Hello! I am Al! I am here to end all of your fucking lives!" He swung his bat like he was hitting a baseball. Only the baseball being my head. I fell and I saw the other nations ready their weapons. I grabbed my gun out of the holster and shot his arm. It made contact, but he didn't drop his weapon.

"Ollie taught me to never drop my weapon. Just hope you were taught the same!" He kicked me in the leg and I fell, clutching the gun for dear life. Germany fired his gun, but Al dodged every bullet and Russia's pipe at the same time. By then I was standing and Japan managed to cut his leg. That caused Al to hiss in pain, not making him fall. His bat collided with the katana, sending it through the air. It landed by France and he kicked it toward Japan. Unfortunately Al stopped it and it was thrown at the wall. Japan struggled with it and was shot in the arm by Al. The entire G8 charged (Besides Japan) and we all collided. Al landed on top of us and walked away to the window. It was smashed open and he jumped. I was on top so I ran to the window to see him soaring through the air like he wasn't falling. He landed and used a portal to go to the 2p realm. With the glimpse I saw, it was horrible. The 2p realm had red skies and fire everywhere. The total opposite of peace.

I heard a groan of pain and turned to see all of the nations had at least one injury. Mine was the worst and we all sat on the ground. Stopping the bleeding with our shirts. France was studying everyone and slightly drooling.

"Would you quit that you frog!"

"Fine Angleterre. " France said while studying me and smiling.

"This is no time to be argumentative." Germany said. I nodded and moved away from France; who looked a little disappointed. The least injured nation was China. He left to get the first aid kit from the room next door.

"I know who that was." I said.

"Obviously. It was Al Angleterre! "

"We all knew that. But I know more about them."

"Them?" Russia asked.

"Yes. Them. They are known as 2ps. Also known as our second players. They are stronger, ruthless, and will do anything they want to kill." As if on cue another hologram appeared. It was Al and he started talking.

"You know. 2ps ain't that bad. In fact I will give you all a preview of your 2ps! No worries Iggy! They are all busy making kills right now. You can observe them on a spinning axis I set up!" With that being said he vanished and a version of me came up with a name over it and whose 2p it was. It said Oliver Kirkland. Next was America's, Allen Jones. France's was Francois Bonnefoy, Canada's was Matt Williams, Japan's was Kuro Honda, Germany's Lutz Beilschmidt, Russia's was Viktor Braginsky, China's was Xiao Wang, and the last one was Italy's. His was Luciano Vargas. We all were being wrapped in bandages by China as we were thinking of how our 2ps acted. A picture was sent through the hologram with a personality description at the bottom. All of our pictures were passed around and almost everyone was terrified of Italy's. Once we were all bandaged everyone got their picture back and we all fell asleep. Planning on saving Alfred the next day.