A/N: For those of you who have been following me, you know I have a love for a good Epilogue. Here's a nice little wrap up:).

Nick POV: He couldn't wait to get to the hospital. There was quite a little party he was planning. As he pulled up, he could hardly stop before he hopped out and started unloading a few things. Monroe and Rosalee pulled up right after him offering to help carry things.

Upon entering the room, Nick let Monroe and Rosalee go first, saving the best for last. As he entered, Nick drank in her pink cheeks and lips. Three days since she had woken up and what a difference. Suddenly her eyes lit up as they entered. Yeah, he would do anything to see that sparkle over and over again. A vague idea crystallized into resolve, when he saw that.

Adalind POV: It had definitely started out better today than yesterday. Eating, adjusting her position, and remembering to only use her right arm, all had gotten somewhat easier. A little movement from the elbow down on the left arm was tolerable, but nothing more than that .

At that moment, Monroe and Rosalee walked in with beaming smiles, but Adalind only had eyes for who might be behind them. They were carrying balloons and flowers that were obscuring her view. As happy as she was to see them, she wondered where Nick was. Then her breath caught as she beamed, "Kelly?!" His dad came through the door toting Kelly on his right hip. Three days, without the little light of her life, was nearly as bad as the pain of losing Diana. Kelly suddenly registered his mom and began waving his arms and kicking chubby little legs with a giant, slobbery, toothless grin. Okay, maybe there was one tooth.

Adalind held out her good arm for him and sadly recognized there would be problems picking up her own son without two good arms. Then all was lost in the joy of having him near. Nick half sat next to her on the bed and put Kelly between them. Then surprisingly, he leaned over and kissed her soundly, lingering a while. When he lifted his head, she turned wide eyes toward the other couple in the room who had wide smiles, then back at Nick. He glanced at her through those gorgeous black lashes and shrugged.

Rosalee interrupted her bewildered thoughts, "That's nothing. You should have seen him the night the paramedics brought you to the hospital," she finished with a smug smile.

"Blubbering like a baby," Monroe rounded. "Everyone knew he was head over heels." Wow, a week did Monroe's face some good, she observed as he smiled.

"Adalind, that man is madly in love with you," Rosalee seemed ecstatic to relate the news. Just then Kelly cried and a very special odor started to waft up.

"Whoa, buddy. Do you think that's safe around your recovering mother," Nick said with a snicker.

"I'll go change him," Rosalee offered with a backward glance at Monroe and a motion of her head to follow her.

"You didn't have to tell them, you know," Adalind spoke shyly looking down at her lap. He promptly lifted her head back up with his finger.

"Yeah I did," he merely stated. Adalind was overwhelmed as Nick kissed her again and snuggled in with her on her right side. "I can't seem to tell enough people who you belong to!" Adalind chuckled at his exuberance. 'Hey mom, someone loves me for who I really am. It's not just because I'm pretty or because of my body. He loves me for me. I'm not just a dirty little secret anymore,' Adalind thought. It was humbling to think that someone was Nick, and he thought she was worth it. 'Well, maybe' Adalind thought "I finally am."

**Special thanks to my beta reader for perspective, inspiration, and being there to constantly bounce thoughts back and forth. You're the best!**