"Kyo, let's get a cat."

He could never say no to his wife. Especially not when she was making puppy eyes at him. And especially not when he knew when he agreed, she would be ecstatic.

The very next day, a very pregnant Tohru Sohma dragged him to the pet shop and insisted on buying an orange tabby. The first one she saw, she ran over (which caused Kyo to run behind her because she kept seeming to forget she was pregnant) and squealed, "Chibi Kyo!"

In true Kyo fashion too, the cat took one look at her and hissed and Kyo standing beside his wife, just knew the cat was a goner because Tohru had taken a liking to him and when Tohru like someone, they had no choice but to like her back. He knew that more than anyone else.

The entire ride back home, the newly christened Chibi Kyo ignored Kyo who wasn't sure how to feel about it. In one way, it confirmed that he was free from the curse. On the other hand, he had gotten so used to having cats hang around him, it felt a little empty now that they ignored him.

Chibi Kyo, who for convenience sake was called Chi, fully integrated himself into the Sohma household, snapping at Tohru, then resigning himself to being petted by her, ignoring Kyo, then gradually warming up to him.

When their son was born, Tohru named him Ryo. "Like Kyo," she told her husband. Kyo, of course, felt she just wanted to confuse everyone, but Ryo, like his name suggested bringing brightness into their lives with his little fingers, a tuft of orange hair and brown eyes.

It was clear whose personality the baby had gotten when Ryo gurgled, laughed and petted the cat when Chi welcomed him by standing over him with a very irritable and very defensive posture.

Of course, like Yuki later would mention, the cat was practically another Kyo because ten minutes later saw Ryo and Chi soundly sleeping in the crib.