The Night After

Hi everyone, DisneyAnimefan94 here and welcome to another Pokémon fanfic. This takes place after the 100th episode of the XY series with Ash, Serena, OC Pokémon Polly and Eevee. So I hope you all enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon!

Chapter 1: Bella Notte (Ash and Serena)

It was late afternoon following Serena's loss in her latest Pokémon Showcase. Serena was more calm about it since she used Eevee for the first time, but her friends still felt bad for her especially Ash.

"Man, it's too bad Serena lost today." Ash said as he fisted his hand. "She worked so hard for her third key."

"Yeah, but Ash remember it was her Eevee's first time." Clemont said as Ash looked at him and smiled.

"Your right." Ash said. "But still that older woman who won today, there's something familiar about her." Bonnie then looked confused at what he said.

"Are you sure, what do you mean?" She asked.

"I mean I've seen it before by several other woman of the same hair color in Hoenn, and one while traveling through Kanto named Jessebella who was reviled to be Jessie the whole time while helping my friend May in her Pokémon contest, and a woman named Jessilina traveling in Sinnoh with my friend Dawn in hers." Ash explained as he put his hand on his chin. "I'm starting to believe all those times besides Kanto, if it was Jessie the whole time including the past Show cases with Serena, and that Poképuff contest." However before he could figure it out, Pikachu came with a piece of paper in his hand.

"Pika, Pika Pi!" Pikachu's voice muffled as Ash looked down on him. "Pika Pi!" He said again as Ash took the paper out of his mouth. He looked at it and began to panic.

"Ash what is it?" Clemont asked.

"When we got into town, I thought if Serena won today, that I would treat her out to a dinner date." Ash said with a sigh. "But since she lost…" Just then Bonnie put her hand up in front of him.

"Don't even think about it Ash!" Bonnie shouted. "You should at least treat her even though she didn't win today."

"I have to agree, why don't you and Serena hit the town tonight?" Clemont said as Ash nodded. He then put down his backpack and took out a notebook and wrote down a letter and gave it to his partner.

"Here Pikachu, give this to Serena." He said as the yellow mouse nodded and ran off. "Well I've got to get going." Ash said as he was about to leave.

"Where are you going?" Bonnie asked.

"To the Pokémon Center, I ordered something for tonight's date." He said as he ran off to the center with the two siblings smiling.

"Serena sure is lucky to have Ash as her boyfriend." Bonnie said.

"She sure is." Clemont agreed. Backstage, Serena had just finished putting back on her traveling attire smiling and even doing a little twirl.

"There all done." She said as she looked at her Pokémon. They were all happy except with for Eevee who was still feeling bad. "Hey Eevee, don't feel bad we'll get the last key." He said as her three Pokémon tried to cheer her up. Just then Pikachu had come in as they all looked at him. "Hey Pikachu, what do you have there?" She asked as she read the note.


Meet me in the Pokémon Center, I have a surprise for you.

Love you with all my heart,


PS: Wear your Showcase dress

"That's weird, why would Ash want me to wear my dress?" She asked. "Oh well, might as well." She said as she pulled back on her dress. Later, she met up with Clemont and Bonnie as they were all walking to the center. When they arrive Serena was caught off guard when she saw Ash in a fedora and tuxedo. Ash smiled and walked over to Serena still dazed by his appearance.

"Why hello there." He said with a sly grin on his face as he took her by the hand. "You're looking lovely this evening, your highness." He then kissed it as Serena's face turned a bright red with her free hand covering her mouth while Clemont and Bonnie giggled at this. "So are you ready to get going?" Ash asked as Serena blinked her eyes and realized what was going on.

"U-um yes?" She asked still dazed by Ash's romantic actions.

"Okay let's go." He said taking her hand that he was still holding, as they walked out of the center. As they continued to walk into the town Serena was still confused at where they were going.

"So Ash, where exactly are we going?" Serena asked.

"You'll see." He said. They finally arrived at a small restaurant as they went in. "Hello I'm Ash Ketchum, I set up reservations earlier today.

"Ah yes, right this way please." The man at the counter said as he walked them to their table. "Your waiter will be right out with you shortly."

"Oh don't worry." Ash said. "I already placed my order for that as well." He said as the waiter bowed down to him and left. Later, they brought Ash and Serena's drinks, as well as some bread as they two enjoyed each other's company.

"So, why did you bring me here anyway?" Serena asked.

"Well I thought that you were going to win your last key, I was going to treat you." He said.

"Oh." Serena said as there was silence between the two.

"I'm so sorry, I hope I didn't make you feel bad." Ash said as Serena put her hands up and waved them.

"Oh no, it's fine." She said. "I appreciate you doing this for me. I have come a long way from my first Showcase, and I have you and the others to thank for that." She as she took hold of his hands.

"Wow Serena, that means a lot to me." Ash said as the two smiled at each other. Just then a waiter came in with a cart caring a large dish covered with a top. When he revealed the dish, it was a large dish of spaghetti and meatballs. Serena raised her eyebrow at Ash as he lifted his finger. "Wait for it." Just then an accordion was heard as Serena looked to see a second waiter come in as the first began to sing.

This is the night

It's a beautiful night

And we call it bella notte

Look at the skies

They have stars in their eyes

On this lovely bella notte

Side by side with your loved one

You'll find enchantment here

The night will weave its magic spell

When the one you love is near

For this is the night

And the heavens are right

On this lovely bella notte

As the song ended, Serena and Ash applauded the two as they bowed and made their leave.

"Oh Ash, that was just lovely." Serena said with blush on her face, as she picked up her fork. "Well Bon Appétit." She said as both she and Ash began to eat. As they were eating, they got hold of the same pasta noddle not noticing until they got closer. Serena blushed as Ash grinned slyly and finished eating the noodle, as their lips collided. Serena's eyes widen as she then closed them giving into the kiss. When their lips parted, they smiled at each other.

"I love you Ash." Serena said.

"I love you too Serena, and I'll know you'll get your third princess key." He said with Serena smiling. "By the way you're not gonna cut your hair again are you, because I think you look cute like this." Serena laughed and gave his boyfriend a playful slap.

"No." She said as she then looked out the window of the restaurant. "I just hope Eevee is doing alright."

"Don't worry, I'm sure our friends and Pokémon are cheering her up right now at the center." He said as Serena smiled.

"Your right." She said as the two continued their dinner on this lovely bella notte.

So there's your Ammourshipping chapter everyone, next time we'll focus on my OC Polly and Eevee. Again hope you all enjoyed this everyone.

This is DisneyAnimefan94, signing out.