Steven was still a little shocked from the story his dad told him back at the garage. He would've asked a couple more questions, but he saw how uncomfortable his dad was reliving the story. Fortunately for him, he found his dad's journal! Or as his father called it, a man diary.

The second he said hi to the gems he rush up to his room to read it, "Well I see our lift on the tv ban hasn't stifled your love of books." Steven jumped a little not expecting to hear Pearl behind him, "Oh uh hi Pearl! What's up?!" Steven was accidentally shouting, which he did when he was being suspicious. He really wasn't the best at hiding stuff, "Oh that's odd. Did Connie lend you this? I don't remember seeing it on your shelf." Steven started sweating, "Uh yeah! That's where I got it! Hahahaha..." Pearl raised an eyebrow, "Well you know the drill. Any book you bring in here I make sure is safe for your age and mental capaci-..." Pearl opened the book right on the page with the incident, "I need to go... Do something." Pearl set the book down gently before slowly walking through the gem door, "AHHHHHH WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! IS THIS YOUR PUNISHMENT FOR THAT ACCURSED CONCERT ROSE?! HE MEANT TO GRAB YOU AHHHHHHHHHH!" Steven sat there listening to Pearl scream, "Aren't the rooms supposed to be in a different dimension or somethings?" Once the screaming stopped Steven picked up the book and picked up where his father left off.

The crowd cheered, then Greg opened his eyes. There he saw Pearl where Rose was supposed to be, "W-what do you think your doing?!" Pearl said blushing trying to keep her voice steady. Most everyone left seeing as it was the scheduled end of the concert and Greg was frozen there, "... Lucky." One of the men in crowd said under his breath. Vidalia laughed, "What's wrong billy? A little jealous?" The man shot a glare at her, "Is that any way to talk to your future mayor?" Vidalia rolled her eyes, "Yeah, yeah, get to stepping. This is a private part of the beach." Bill muttered something about changing that and left with the crowd.

Rose slowly approached them with what looked like tears in her eyes, "Rose!" Greg let go of Pearl and she fell to ground. Pearl cursed him under her breath, "No need to explain Greg. I should've known, spending hours together. That look in both of your eyes... But." Rose whipped the tears out of her eyes, "I won't lose!" Greg and Pearl looked at each other then back at Rose, "Huh?" Rose flashed her winning smile, "I won't let you take my universe! Pearl... I declare you my rival in love!" She said hugging Greg, "WHAT?!" Greg and Pearl shouted, "Oh you're even syncing up your speech! No matter, Greg on the count of three say I love you! One.. Two... Three!" "I love you!" They said at the same time, "Ha! See? I won't be the loser in this game!" Greg was starting to feel like a toy again. Pearl tried pleading her case but Rose wouldn't listen, "Please Pearl don't get the wrong idea, I don't blame you! He is just so irresistible!" Greg smiled goofily. Pearl shot him a glare he focused on the situation again, "You're still my dear friend. I'm just making sure you know he's mine." Rose said the last part a little darkly, it caught both off guard, "Oh sorry I just can't control myself sometimes!" Rose said smiling brightly again, "sigh" I'm guessing things don't get better.

Steven closed the book and put it up for now, he went to find Pearl and see if she'd calm down. He asked Garnet to help with the door, "So why is she hiding in her room today?" Garnet asked opening the door, "She was reliving the story my dad told me about his metal song." Garnet cracked a smile, "Is she now? Well I got it open, I'd come in to help but I have something else I need to attend today." Steven raised an eyebrow, "What is it?" Garnet looked down and adjusted her glasses, "I'm going to go to a restaurant for dinner." Steven was even more curious, "What?" Garnet smiled again, "Date night." Steven laughed as garnet ruffled his hair. Once she left Steven walked in to find Pearl was missing, "Pearl! Pearl! Where are you?!" Steven looked around her room and noticed a book in the water. It was in bad shape and at least twenty pages were ripped out, the first page wasn't so he decided to investigate, written in fine penmanship was the name Pearl and a scratched out date, 'I am writing in this primitive book at the request of my leader, Rose quarts. Her new toy a mr. Greg universe, had started writing in one and she thought it would be fun for all of us to do the same. Obviously I obeyed, so by the request of her, here are the thoughts of Pearl.' After reading some other pages in the book, Steven realized that the journal was written around the time of his dad's story! He really shouldn't take it but... He had to compare the two! As he walked out he thought of something else, "Wait. If mom asked everyone to write in one, that means the other gems have different sides of it too!" But Steven decided to focus on the one found in pearls room, "Alright all I have to do is dry this bad boy and do investigatin'! Alright dad, what happened after the metal?"

Author notes: A couple things, one: I'm so happy to get back to writing! Two: I will be posting more often. Three: For those of you who are following, "Steven and the crystal gems!" I will post every week starting January 4th! Thanks so much for reading! Tell me if you like it!