With wide eyes, Harry looked at the house, refusing to get out of the car. "I don't feel so good, Remy, I think I should stay in here."

Remus could feel Harry trembling as he pressed himself against his side. "You're not sick, Harry, you're just scared."

Harry vigorously nodded his head in agreement. "I'm so very, very scared. He isn't going to like me, no one likes me."

Dean stuck his head back in through the car window. "I like you, squirt, now get out of the car before you freeze to death."

Harry gave a shiver. "I-I don't like the cold."

"I know you don't, kiddo, that's why I said you need to get out of the car." Dean said, opening the car door then holding his hand out for his new little brother to take. "I promise that it will be nice and warm inside the house."

Sam stepped up next to his older brother. "It's alright to be scared, Harry, I would be too if I were in your shoes, but you not only have Remus with you, but you also have us. We're not going to let anything happen to you."

"Dad and Bobby look rough and are a bit gruff, but they won't hurt you, kid. Nah, the only thing you have to worry about is getting smothered to death with love and drooled on by Rumsfeld, Bobby's dog," Dean added with a wink.

Harry head snapped up. "There's a dog in there?" He asked, his voice higher pitched with excitement. "Like, a real live puppy?"

"Well, old Rumsfeld isn't exactly a puppy, he's a huge slobbering beast, but he's just going to love you," Dean reassured.

Harry's face lit up as he took Dean's hand. "That's awesome! I don't like little dogs anyway, Aunt Marge was always letting her bulldogs bite me and chase me up the tree. Aunt Marge's dogs were really, really mean. I like big dogs though, like Fang, Fluffy, Padfoot and Moony. Fluffy may have had three heads and tried to bite my head off, but he was so cool. My favorites are wolves though. Do you like wolves, Dean?"

Remus wanted to pinch his nose and groan, Harry was slipping pretty deep again. He was hoping that he could have held on long enough to allow him to talk to John and explain what he could of Harry's condition before he witnessed it for himself.

Dean raised a curious eyebrows as he looked past his new brother to Remus. "A three headed dog?" He questioned. Most people would scoff at hearing about a three headed dog, but in his line of work, a three headed dog wasn't the strangest thing he had encountered. Unlike Harry, he wasn't the biggest fan of large dogs, but after being dragged down to hell by a hell hound, that makes a person look at dogs differently.

Remus gave Harry's shoulder a gentle squeeze in warning. "Harry has a very active imagination."

Looking to Remus, Harry swallowed nervously. "I-I'm sorry, Remy, I wasn't supposed to say anything about that stuff."

"I like wolves," Sam loudly proclaimed hoping to distract Harry who was getting upset. "Maybe later the two of us can get on my laptop and watch wolf documentaries."

Dean groaned. "Why does everything with you have to be about learning and education? I say we watch funny animal videos and eat pie."

Harry looked anxiously between the two brothers. "They...they both sound fun. Can't we do both?" He didn't want to hurt anyone's feeling by picking a side, both ideas sounded fun and he wanted to do something with both Sam and Dean.

"I guess I can survive sitting through a documentary," Dean groaned. "But only one, one documentary."

Harry wanted to hug his brother, but he didn't know if Dean would allow it. Dean was so awesome, he was the coolest guy ever, he probably wouldn't want a broken little brother hanging all over him.

With a frown, Sam looked back at the house. "We better get in there."

"Yeah," Dean agreed. "I'm surprised that Bobby and Dad haven't come out to see what the hold up is."

Harry took a deep shaky breath. "O-Okay, let's go. I don't want anyone getting mad at me. Everyone gets mad at me and I don't want to go back to the bad place"

Dean eyes darkened. "I'm going to find this bad place and burn it to the god damn ground," he mumbled under his breath. Harry didn't hear him, but Remus did. Remus smiled softly, thrilled that Harry's brothers were already accepting him and wanting to protect him. He had hope that leaving his cub with them was going to work out.

As they approached the house, Dean draped his arm over Harry's shoulder. He could feel his little brother tense at the contact, but he left his arm there anyway. Touch may make Harry uncomfortable, but at the same time he could tell that his brother wanted it. Harry just needed to learn that not all touch was bad. Hell, even he needed a hug sometimes...everyone needed hugs.

Sam and Dean weren't surprised when Bobby met them at the door with four shot glasses of holy water. "Took you idjits long enough," he grumbled, "been standing here for five minutes waiting on you boys."

Dean cleared his throat. "Bobby, this is Remus Lupin and Harry Potter. Remus met dad years ago at Ellen's."

Bobby's eyes narrowed as he looked at the older stranger. "Remus Lupin, is that your actual real name?"

"Uhm, yes," Remus answered awkwardly.

"You have got to be shitting me. Who the hell names their kid Remus Lupin? You a werewolf?"

Remus tensed, like with John and most of the people back at Ellen's, this man also gave off the feeling that he was something more, that he could be extremely dangerous. "That's twice now, why do people think I'm a werewolf? Werewolves aren't even real."

Scowling, Bobby raised a single eyebrow. "Right, you expect me to believe that you're not a werewolf with a name like Remus Lupin?"

Harry slipped out from under Dean's arm then plastered himself against Remus' side. "Remy, I think we should go. Mr. Bobby doesn't seem like a very nice man."

Dean glared at Bobby. "He's not a werewolf, Bobby, Ash tested him with silver."

Looking to the kid, Bobby's face softened. He always had a weakness when it came to little ones, especially little ones as pathetic looking as the kid staring up at him with large, fear filled eyes. Tilting his head to the side, he looked closer at the boy, his eyes widening. Looking to Dean, then back to the kid again, he shook his head with a groan. "That kid looks an awful lot like you, Dean. Got something to confess?"

Dean, who had just knocked back his glass of holy water, started choking. "What the hell, Bobby!" He coughed and spluttered.

"I know your daddy wasn't around much, but I remember sitting you down and discussing the birds and the bees and safe sex and birth control."

Sam doubled over laughing. "Oh, this is great, Dean, Bobby thinks Harry is yours."

"But Harry is fifteen!" Dean spluttered. "That would have had me knocking up some girl at fourteen. I was popular with the girls at fourteen, but not that popular."

Bobby snorted. "Ain't no way the boy is fifteen."

"Oh my god, he's not my kid!" Dean cried. "Maybe you should have had the birth control talk with my dad."

Bobby's mouth dropped open in shock, his eyes once again raking over the small boy. "That stupid idjit!"

Dean started laughing. "You can say that again. Now let us the hell in, I'm freezing my nuts off out here."

Still clinging Remus, Harry started giggling. "Dean has frozen nuts."

Bobby shook his head. "You know the drill, kid," he said to Dean, "no one enters without drinking."

Remus looked warily at the small glasses of water. "Why?"

"Because it's my house, my rules," Bobby snapped.

"It's fine," Sam reassured as he took a glass and quickly downed the water. "It's just water."

Harry bit his bottom. "I'm not thirsty, Remy, and I don't think I want to go in the house anyway. Can't we just go home and find Paddy? I'm cold and tired."

At the reminder of his mate, his mate who was currently suffering in Azkaban waiting for him to break him out, Remus reluctantly grabbed a glass of water, then after sniffing it, he drank it down in one gulp. He didn't understand the reasoning behind the water, but if it got him in the house and to John Winchester, then he wasn't going to fight it.

After handing the glass back, Remus grabbed the last glass then held it out for Harry. "It's alright, it's just water."

Harry looked skeptically at the water. Ever since his time in Azkaban and only getting dirty water to drink, the thought of drinking water made his stomach turn. "What if it's poisoned, or dirty like the water in the bad place?"

"It's just water, cub," Remus sighed tiredly. He loved his cub, but it had been a long and exhausting day. Dealing with Harry's constant slips was draining him both mentally and physically. "Please just drink it."

Bobby leaned forward and watched as the boy took the water. He didn't want the kid to be a demon, he hated dealing with demons, especially in children since humans very seldom survived the exorcising process, but there was definitely something off about the boy. He was actually surprised the man passed the holy water test, but he was still betting on him being a werewolf. Though, if he passed Ash's test, and Ash knew what he was doing, then maybe he was just a shifty looking human with an unfortunate name.

Harry grimaced at the water then looked up at Remus with pleading eyes. "Do I have to drink it, Remy? Ever since the bad place drinking water makes me want to vomit."

"If you drink the water I'll give you a piece of Honeydukes fudge." Luckily it wasn't often anymore that Remus had to bribe Harry with chocolate, but at times like this where he was slipping, having chocolate on hand came in handy.

Harry's hand tightened on the glass, then with his face scrunched up in disgust, he quickly choked the water down, giving a visible shiver as he tried not to gag. He really couldn't drink water anymore thanks to his time in Azkaban.

"Huh," Bobby grunted as he took his glass back from the kid. He was glad that the kid wasn't a demon, but now he had to try to figure out what the hell he was. "Get inside then all of you."

Remus found the whole thing with the water extremely strange, but muggles could be strange at times. He didn't have much experience with muggles, and hardly any experience with American muggles, so maybe drinking water before entering a house could just be a weird American muggle tradition. Then again, he had a feeling that they were being tested. He just didn't understand what they were being tested for.

"Your dad's in the living room resting." Bobby explained as he held the door open for his visitors. "I had to stitch up his side."

"Told him not to go to Maryland alone," Dean grumbled.

"Well you know your dad, he's a stubborn jackass."

"I heard that!" a deep, gruff voice yelled from the other room.

"Good, you idjit!" Bobby yelled back.

Harry tugged on Dean's shirt to get his attention. "What's an idjit?" He whispered in his brother's ear.

Dean smirked. "It's Bobby's way of affectionally calling Sam and I idiots. Don't let Bobby's scary appearance and attitude frighten you, he's really just a big old teddy bear. Bobby practically raised Sam and I, he's like a second father to us."

"He made me drink water," Harry pouted. "I hate water. All I was given to drink in the bad place was water and it was always dirty, sometimes it was even brown with bugs in it. I don't like water anymore at all, it makes me want to puke."

Rifling through his coat pocket, Remus pulled out a wrapped hunk of chocolate fudge. "Here you go, this should help settle your stomach."

"Yum, chocolate!" Harry said excitedly as he took the chocolate then stuffed it into his mouth.

Remus felt a chill run down his spine as he entered the living room and his eyes landed on John Winchester. John was standing by a coffee table with his shirt off inspecting a rather large gash in his side that had been crudely stitched up. The man hadn't changed much in the past sixteen or so years, he was still extremely good looking and muscular with Harry's black hair and an aura that screamed danger. He didn't know what it was about John Winchester, but he knew that he was a man that he didn't want to mess with, even with him having magic and being a werewolf. He had a feeling that he wouldn't win in a fight against the muggle.

John's keen eyes landed on the stranger as he straightened up, pulling a shirt over his head. The man barely blinked as he studied the older man and teen, his gaze hard and intense. After a few minutes of staring, his eyes sought out his sons. "Boys," John greeted.

"Sir," Dean answered as Sam said, "Dad."

Heart pounding in his chest, Harry stepped behind Remus, burying his face in the back of the man's shirt. He couldn't believe that this was happening, that this stranger was his father. His entire life he thought that James was his father and that Lily was his mother and that they were both dead, but now here stood this man, this man that seemed larger than life with eyes that felt as though could see into his soul, and he was his dad, his biological dad. He didn't know if he could handle this, he felt like he was either going to throw up, or pass out.

"Dad, this is Remus..."

"Lupin," John finished for Sam.

"You remember me?" Remus asked somewhat nervously.

"Someone in my line of business never forgets the name Remus Lupin."

Remus wanted to question what exactly the man did for a living, but now wasn't the time. He needed to get Harry safety settled with his family and then get back to Grimmauld Place so he could start planning Sirius' escape and then their disappearance from the wizarding world.

"So you were the one asking about me at Ellen's?" John asked suspiciously. He remembered the man, but only vaguely. He remembered his female friend though, she was the only female, other than his wife, that he had felt himself falling in love with. It hurt when she just up and disappeared one day.

Remus inclined his head. "I was. I need your help."

John crossed his arms over his chest, his face hardening. "A week, that's how long I waited around and looked for her after you all disappeared. No goodbye, no note, not even a fuck you, she just slipped out after I fell asleep and that was it."

Dean inhaled sharply. "Y-You fell in love with her?" It really wasn't a question, he knew his dad. His dad wasn't the type to stick around in one place for long, not even for his children. If he had stayed at Ellen's for a few weeks just for Harry's mother, then his dad must have developed some serious feelings for the woman.

Pursing his lips, John shrugged his shoulders. "It doesn't matter now, that was many years ago. I don't know why you came to me, Mr. Lupin, after all these years, but I'm pretty sure that I won't be able to help you with whatever your problem is."

"Technically it's not me that needs your help." Remus reached behind him and gently pulled Harry forward. "Harry needs your help. Harry, your son."

John stumbled backwards, his head shaking no. "I-I can't be his father. She said that it was impossible for her to get pregnant, that she didn't have the proper equipment internally to grow a baby."

Dean started laughing. "And you believed her, dad?"

"Actually, it shouldn't have been possible for her to conceive," Remus admitted, "but she did."

"Look at the boy, John, he's a Winchester," Bobby sighed. "He looks too much like you, Dean , and Sam to not be of your blood."

John ran a trembling hand through his dark locks as he studied the teen again. God, the boy really did look like his sons, though Dean and Sam were never that small and sickly looking. "Where is she? Why am I just not finding out that I have an almost sixteen year old son?"

"Hey, Sammy, how about you and I take Harry to the kitchen for a snack then sneak upstairs to watch those fun filled documentaries on wolves?" Dean suggested not liking how bad Harry was trembling or how pale he looked. He knew how intimidating and downright scary his father could be and Harry right now was scared of his own shadow. This meeting was too much on the poor boy's fragile mind.

"Always the mother hen," Bobby snickered. "I have some popcorn and M&M's in the kitchen, you boys help yourselves."

Harry was surprised when he automatically didn't feel panic at the mention of leaving Remus' side. He may have only known Dean and Sam for less than a day, but he trusted them...his magic trusted them. Still, he didn't want to leave Remus, not with two strangers who made his magic tingle in warning.

Remus pulled Harry into a tight hug. "It's alright, cub, go with Dean and Sam. It's been a long day and I know you're tired and aching. I can handle this."

With tears in his eyes, Harry looked up at the man he loved like a father. "You're not going to leave me yet, right? You're still going to be here after we're done watching videos."

Remus smiles sadly. "Cross my heart, cub, I'm not leaving you yet."

Sniffling, Harry nodded his head. "Okay, love you, Remy."

"Love you too, Harry."

Bobby waited until after the boys left the room before asking, "What's wrong with him?"

Remus tiredly rubbed at his eyes. "It's a long story, mind if I take a seat?"

Bobby pointed to the sofa. "Help yourself."

John was too numb to sit down. "Where is she?" He asked again, not sure if he wanted to wring her neck or kiss the hell out of her...he was leaning towards ringing her neck. He couldn't have a fifteen year old son, he just couldn't. He hadn't been a good father to Dean and Sam, he couldn't do the dad thing all over again with a boy he didn't even know.

"Dead," Remus answered flatly. "She was killed when Harry was fifteen months old. Harry was then sent to relatives who severely abused him up until recently."

Seeing that his friend was currently unable to form words, Bobby decided to ask the questions. "Is that why he's...?" Bobby tapped his head. He didn't know what to call it, but the kid definitely was all there mentally.

Remus mgrimaced. "Harry has had a hard life, but the past six months have been something out of a nightmare for him. He does have some mental issues, but that's only because he spent five months locked up in a cell that wasn't even fit for a rat. He's getting better, but his mind broke in that place."

John was finally able to get his feet to move. Taking a seat next to Bobby, he cleared his throat. "I'm not saying that I believe that he's my kid, but tell me everything."


Dean stumbled tiredly into the dark kitchen, cursing when he stubbed his toe on the doorframe. Flicking the light on, he jumped, flying into the wall when he spotted his father sitting quietly at the kitchen table all alone.

John rolled his eyes in exasperation. "Really, Son, after all that you have seen and been through, me sitting in the dark scares you?"

"Well, you are a scary son of a bitch," Dean shot back, a smirk on his handsome face.

John smiled, though his smile didn't quite reach his eyes. It was four in the morning and he had been sitting alone in the dark for the past two hours trying to work through everything that he had learned. The man, Remus Lupin, told a wild tale of dangerous occult leaders, prisons, abuse, and death, but he had a feeling that the man was leaving a lot of important information out and stretching the truth. Oh, he believed that the boy had been to hell and back, just from the brief glance he had gotten of the boy earlier it was clear to see that he had suffered greatly, but there was a hell of a lot more to the tale that was being withheld from him. He wasn't a stupid man and he learned years ago to trust his instincts, and his instincts were telling him that there was something off, something supernatural about Remus Lupin and the boy.

Grabbing a can of Coke from the fridge, Dean plopped down next to his dad. "So tell me, old man, what's going on inside that head of yours?"

"I think we aren't being told the whole story."

Dean nodded his head. "I agree with you, but I don't think we're going to get the entire truth out of them, at least not yet anyway. They're scared, dad."

John pinched the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes tightly shut. "Do you think the boy is mine?" He really hadn't gotten the chance to talk to the boy, but from what he saw, there was a resemblance.

"He looks like me and he can out eat me in pie," Dean chuckled. "Yeah, I think he's yours."

"Shit," John sighed heavily. "I'm going to need a paternity test before I can even think about taking him in."

"And if it comes back that he's a Winchester?"

John shook his head. "I don't know, Dean, but if he's blood then I can't send him away. I worry though, he's too fragile for the family business. He's not like you and Sammy."

Dean could easily read between the lines. If Harry was a Winchester, which he was pretty positive that he was, then him and Sammy would be stuck looking after the kid while his dad went off hunting. It wasn't right, it wasn't fair to any of them, but then again, he didn't feel that his dad was the right father for Harry. Yeah his dad would keep Harry safe, would protect him with his life, but he wasn't exactly the comforting, nurturing type. He wasn't sure Harry's fragile mind could handle his father.

Polishing off his Coke then crushing the can, Dean leaned back in his chair. "I was thinking, a paternity test can weeks to get the results back, how about I call Cas and have him take a look at Harry?"

"He can tell paternity?"

"He's a damn angel that pulled me out of the depths of hell, I'm pretty sure he'll be able to tell whether Harry is yours or not."

"I don't trust angels," John grumbled.

"Neither do I, they're a bunch of shifty bastards, but I trust Cas."

"I guess it won't hurt," John reluctantly agreed.


Remus bit his lip to keep from smiling when Harry came out of the bathroom after his morning shower dressed in a pair of jeans, one of Sirius' old muggle band t-shirt, AC/DC, and a red and black flannel button up shirt that he had never seen before, but judging by how it hung two sizes too big on his cub, he was pretty sure that the shirt belonged to either Dean or Sam. "Nice shirt, cub."

Blushing, Harry ran his hand over the well worn button up flannel shirt, a small smile on his face. "I was cold last night while we were watching videos so Dean let me borrow it. It's so soft and warm and it smells like Dean. I fell asleep wearing it, do you he will get mad if I wear it today?" He loved the shirt, it made him feel safe and closer to Dean.

"I don't think he will mind at all, Harry," Remus said as he reached out and ruffled the teen's hair. "Are you feeling a bit better today."

Harry chewed on the inside of his lip. "I feel more like me today, but I still feel like I could easily slip. I really didn't get to see or talk to my dad much last night, Dean and Sam saved me from having to sit through the retelling of the tragic tale of my life. A good night's sleep helped, but I don't know what I'm going to do when I see him again. He's pretty scary."

"He is," Remus admitted. "I think that's one of the things that drew James to him, but I don't feel that he will hurt you. Dean and Sam are good guys who respect their father, but they're not afraid of him. John is not an abusive man, but he's also not a man I would want to get on the bad side of. He will keep you safe."

"If he takes me in," Harry said nervously. "I'm broken, Remus, and as much as I want to, I know I'll never be the Harry I was before Azkaban. Hell, even that Harry was broken and struggling."

"Harry, you just be the you that you are. Worrying about it is only going to stress you out. You are going to have good days, and bad days, but I have faith that you will keep improving. Look at you right now, cub, you're having a good day."

"Days not over yet," Harry smirked. "Hell, it hasn't even started yet."

Remus knew that Harry was right, they hadn't even had breakfast yet, but at this point encouraging Harry was really all he could do for him. Harry seemed fine now, but he feared that that was going to change as soon as they get downstairs and Harry is confronted with John and Bobby again. Even though he had talked to the men for hours the previous night, Harry really hadn't had much interaction with them. Dean had also mentioned earlier when he was downstairs waiting for Harry to wake that a friend of his was going to stop by, someone who supposedly could test Harry's DNA without waiting weeks. It was going to be another long, stressful day for his cub.

"Well, let's go get this day started then," Remus said, trying to sound chipper. Hopefully, if all goes well, Dean's friend will be able to confirm that John is Harry's father fairly quickly and he could be on his way before the next full moon in two weeks. It wasn't that he was anxious to be rid of his cub, but he had a feeling that spending a full moon around these men wouldn't be a smart idea.

Taking a deep breath, Harry followed Remus down the stairs and into the kitchen. He released a loud breath when he found only Sam in the kitchen. He knew that he needed to spend some time with his dad to get to know him, but he really wasn't ready for that. He was still processing the fact that he had a living father and that James was actually his mother. Sometimes it felt like he was still in Azkaban and this was just some strange, fucked up dream he was having.

"Morning, Harry," Sam greeted from where he was standing at the stove. "Hope you're hungry, I made pancakes and sausage."

Harry's stomach rumbled loudly. "I'm always starving."

Grinning, Sam placed a plate in front of Harry with four pancakes on it and three sausage links. "Just like Dean," he chuckled. "Dean is a bottomless pit."

"Thank you, Sam," Harry said giving his new brother a shy smile.

"Is Dean's friend coming?" Remus asked as he accepted his own plate of breakfast.

Sam looked out the kitchen window where he could just make out Dean with his head tilted up towards the sky yelling something that he couldn't hear from inside the house. "Uhm, he's calling him now, but sometimes it can be hard getting in touch with Cas and he doesn't always answer." Cas did have a closer bond with Dean though so he normally responded when he called for him. If it was him, unless it was an emergency, Cas normally ignored him. He had a feeling that Cas had a crush on Dean, but with Cas being Cas, the angel probably doesn't understand what he's feeling for Dean.

"Will the test hurt?" Harry asked nervously.

Dean and his dad had already worked out a plan, Cas was going to pluck a few hairs from Harry's head and while he's touching him they're hoping that Cas will be able to tell if Harry is a Winchester or not. Cas will then pretend to take the hairs to test, then return later this evening with the results. It wasn't the best plan, but they couldn't exactly come out and introduce Castiel as an angel of the Lord. They may suspect that Remus is supernatural, but until they were positive, they were going to keep the supernatural world secret.

"As far as I know Cas will only need to pluck a few hairs. Nothing painful at all," Sam reassured.

John entered the kitchen, freezing, his eyes going wide. "Jesus, kid, for a second there I thought you were a ten year old Dean sitting at the table" He honestly really didn't know if he wanted this boy to be his son or not, he really didn't want to do the child raising thing again, but there really wasn't much doubt left in him. That boy, especially dressed like Dean, looked like he could be his son.

Harry's fork clattered loudly onto the plate, all color draining from his face. "I-I..."

John pointed to the fork. "Eat your breakfast, kid, you need it. A good wind could pick you up and carry you away."

"I'm sorry," Harry squeaked as he hurried up and did as ordered, his pulse racing.

John hated that the boy was so scared of him, his boys had never really been scared of him, but he didn't know what to do or say that would help him relax. According to Remus, Harry tended to revert to a childlike state when scared or stressed, but it looked as though a fly could easily scare the boy. "Nothing to be sorry about, kid."

Harry shoved a forkful of food into his mouth, but it felt like a rock going down his throat. He really didn't want to eat now that his father was here, but he also wasn't going to disobey him.

John took a seat at the table, his eyes still on the boy that was probably his son. "I'll admit, kid, I'm not really sure what I'm doing here. Your guardian gave me what I'm sure is the abridged version of your life and why you are in danger, but I have a feeling that I'm not being told some critical information. If my boys and I have any hope of keeping you safe, I need to know everything."

Harry opened his mouth then snapped it shut. He didn't know what to say or do. Remus had stressed that he had to keep what he was and the wizarding world a secret. Remus was also worried that his dad would turn him away if he found out he was magical. He was hoping that his father would get to know and love him before finding out the truth. He was hoping that it would make his accepting that he was a wizard easier.

"I told you everything that I could," Remus said tightly, not liking that John had put Harry on the spot. "If I told you more, I would be putting Harry even more at risk."

"But you have barely told me anything," John snarled. "I need names, descriptions of the people that are after Harry. How can I protect him from them if I don't even know what the hell they look like or what their names are?"

"Names I can give you," Remus gave in, John did have a point. "I'll write down names and descriptions for you, but I beg of you not to go looking for them or asking around. These people, they are extremely dangerous. Right now they think they still have Harry locked away and they don't care enough to physically look in on him, and we need to keep it that way."

"And when you break your friend out whose covering for him, what are you going to do then?" Sam asked.

"I don't know," Remus said sounding defeated. "But these people know absolutely nothing about you or Harry's true parentage. If you don't go looking for them, they shouldn't come looking for you."

John wanted to point out the flaws in that plan, but he could see that the boy was close to tears. "Sorry, kid, I didn't mean to upset you, I just don't like it when important information is being kept from me."

Sam's attention was once again drawn to the window. Shaking his head, he turned to his dad. "Castiel is here."

John rolled his eyes. "Of course he is, Dean called him."

Sam chuckled, they may joke around about it, but Cas really did have a thing for Dean. Dean acts like he doesn't see it, that they're just friends, but they were pretty sure that Dean had some feelings for Cas too, feelings that were more than just friendly. "We should go out to the living room where there's more room for everyone," he suggested.

Finished with his breakfast, Harry stood up, wrapping Dean's flannel tighter around himself. Following Sam out to the other room, he gasped when his eyes landed on the stranger who was standing next to an arguing Dean and Bobby.

John groaned from behind Harry. "Really? What the hell are you two arguing about now?" He asked as he brushed past the teen.

Harry couldn't stop staring at the new guy, he was so distracted with staring at him, that he had no clue what Dean and Bobby were arguing about. Stepping up next to Sam, Harry reached out and started tugging on his sleeve.

Sam only briefly glanced down at Harry before turning his attention back to Dean and Bobby. "Dean, lay off, Bobby didn't mean anything by it."

Dean's face darkened. "He called Cas my pet ang..." Dean stopped talking when he noticed that his little brother and Remus were in the room.

"I was just pointing out how quickly Cas comes when Dean calls," Bobby smirked, a glint in his eyes. "Did he come for you, Sammy, when you called for him in Florida when you almost got your head ripped off?"

"Cas isn't a damn dog trained to come when called," Dean snarled. "He has a life too."

Still staring at the new guy, Harry once again tugged on Sam's sleeve. "Sammy, it's a butterfly."

"Give me a second, Harry," Sam asked as he once again brushed his little brother off. "Bobby, Cas did eventually answer my call."

"Yes, only after you finished the job bleeding out like a stuck pig, and only after he had checked on Dean first. Dean, who wasn't even in danger at the time. I'm not saying that Cas doesn't like us, I'm just saying that he favors Dean over anyone else."

Tired of being ignored, Harry slipped to the back of the room, walking around everyone from behind so he could get closer to the new guy. He had never seen anyone like the new guy before, not even in the wizarding world.

Castiel had stopped listening in on Dean's arguing to watch the teen that couldn't take his eyes off of him. The boy was staring at him so hard that he was barely blinking. It was a little concerning because the boy wasn't just staring at him, he was staring at his wings. Humans couldn't see his wings...or at least they shouldn't be able to, not unless he willed it.

Seeing that the stranger was looking at him, Harry gave a shy wave. Tilting his head to the side like a curious puppy, he looked back to the man's wings. He didn't know how exactly to describe them, they were like every color you can imagine, but at the same time no color at all, and it looked as though they were glowing bright white and shimmering. The wings confused him, yet at the same time mesmerized him. He had never seen anything like them before, they were otherworldly.

John curiously watched the teen as he slowly approached Castiel as if he were hypnotized. The boy was staring at the angel strangely, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. John wasn't the only one observing Harry's strange behavior, Remus was also keeping an eye on his cub. Harry has never been one to approach strangers, he had always been wary of them thanks to his abusive relatives, so Harry approaching Cas and looking at him the way he was, was very out of character for him.

Harry was only about a two or three foot from Cas now, his fingers tingling to reach out and touch the man's wings. He was scared though, even this close he still didn't know how to describe the man's wings. Trying to figure them out was starting to give him a headache. "Are you a butterfly?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper as he slipped once again into his more childlike mindset.

Castiel couldn't believe what the child was asking him. "I am Castiel. Why would you ask if I'm a butterfly?"

Harry pursed his lips. "No, I don't think you are a butterfly, your wings are more like a birds."

Dean made a loud choking sound. "What did you say, Harry?"

Ignoring his brother, Harry reached his hand out, but stopped before touching the pretty wings. "No, not a butterfly or a bird. My Aunt Petunia use to have this beautiful angel that she always put on the very top of our Christmas tree. The angel had these beautiful, soft, fluffy white wings that were spread out wide behind its back. I use to love staring at the angel, it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, until one day my cousin Dudley pushed the tree over during one of his temper tantrums. The poor angel went tumbling off the tree, both it's wings breaking. I felt so bad that I cried when my aunt picked it up and tossed it into the trash. I cried even harder though when my uncle got home and found the angel, which had belonged to his grandmother, in the trash. I ended up getting beat real bad for breaking it because my aunt told my uncle that I was the one who broke it, not Dudley. Your wings look a lot like that angel's wings.

"Jesus, kid," John mumbled, shocked that Harry could see Castiel's wings, and shocked over him talking about his abuse.

"Harry, what are you talking about?" Remus asked, his forehead scrunched up in confusion. He was worried, this was new. Harry may have thought he was hallucinating after he first got out of Azkaban, but seeing wings on a person, this was very concerning. Maybe the stress was getting to be too much for him.

Castiel was speechless, this little human should not be able to see his wings. The boy wasn't another angel, he could sense that, so why then could he see his wings? Not sure what to do or say, he looked to Dean.

Dean's eyes were wide. "Don't look at me, I don't know what the hell is going on."

Castiel jumped when here felt a soft, tentative touch to his wings. "Child, you should not be able to touch them."

Harry quickly snatched his hand back. "I'm sorry," he apologized, his eyes filling with tears.

"Harry, what do you see?" Remus questioned again.

Dean felt like an ass doing this, but keeping the supernatural world secret was important. He didn't want Harry to get mixed up in the family business. "Harry, do you need to maybe lay down for a bit? I know it's been a crazy few days for you, but Castiel doesn't have wings."

"Don't you see the wings?" Harry asked Remus in a small voice, doubting himself.

Remus slowly shook his head no. "I'm sorry, cub."

"Dean," Castiel warned, sensing the boy's distress.

Bobby loudly cleared his throat as he looked to John with raised eyebrows. "Uhm, weren't we supposed to be seeing if Harry here is a Winchester?"


Dean draped his arm around Harry. "Looking good in my flannel rocking the AC/DC shirt, squirt, you remind me of myself at that age. Maybe after we're done here you and I can drive into town for some pie?"

Harry was so confused, why couldn't anyone else see the man's wings? The wings were huge, he couldn't understand how they weren't taking out the windows. Wringing his hands, Harry reluctantly nodded his head. Maybe he was just imagining the wings. "O-Okay."

Feeling like the worst big brother for tricking Harry, Dean pointed to Castiel. "This here is my best friend, Castiel. He's going to take a few hairs from you then take them back to his lab to test them. We should know in a few hours if you're a Winchester or not."

Harry couldn't help it, as soon as he looked back to the bird man his eyes went straight to his wings. He knew that he should say something, maybe introduce himself, but he just couldn't stop looking at the wings. He knew staring was rude, Aunt Petunia would have slapped him in the face for staring, but the wings were just so pretty.

"Hello, Harry," Castiel said, introducing himself. He was very curious about this young man, there had to be something extremely special about him for him to be able to see his wings. He was tempted to return home to ask his brothers or more learned angels if they knew why the boy could see his wings, but he didn't want to alert them that there was a human that could see and identify angels. The boy was human, but he was also something else, he didn't want his brothers hunting him.

"Your wings are so pretty," Harry whispered brokenly.

"Thank you, child," Castiel said with a soft smile. If the other stranger asked why he was thanking him, he could always just tell him that he was humoring him. This boy may be a teenager, on the cusp of being a man, but Dean had told him that there was something wrong with the child's head. Apparently he had seen and suffered so much pain and darkness that his brain was injured.

Harry looked nervously around, fidgeting when he saw that everyone was looking at him. "C-Can we please just get this over with?"

Castiel stepped forward, extending his arm. "Harry, I'm going to place my hand on your head then pull out a few hairs. Are you ready?"

Scared, Harry reached out and grabbed Dean's hand. "Okay, butterfly man."

Castiel very gently placed his hand on the boy's head then allowed his grace to slowly enter him. He wanted to sift around Harry's head too see if he could discover what he was and to see his past horrors, but now was not the time. He could feel the boy trembling with fear and hear his breath coming fast and raspy. He knew that he only had a minute or two before he bolted like a terrified rabbit.

Gasping, Harry shivered when a warm, tingly feeling ran throughout his body. It was strange, it didn't hurt, but it did take his breath away for a minute. It almost felt as though someone had hit him with magic, but magic had never felt like that before. He actually kind of liked the feeling, it made him feel loved and safe. If he had to compare the feeling to something, he would compare it to how he imagined being held by a parent would feel...not that he knew how that felt.

Harry looked at Castiel, the man had an odd look on his face. "That feels good. I like it."

Castiel let his hand linger on the boy's head for a few more seconds before he carefully dropping it. "You felt that?"

Harry wanted to lean in to the man and beg for him to make him feel loved and safe again, but he didn't like the look the man was giving him. The man was looking at him as if he did something wrong.

"Harry, why don't you run upstairs and get your coat," Dean said as he looked between his little brother and Cas. He didn't understand what just happened, but whatever it was it had Cas shook up.

"Yeah, okay, Dean," Harry said happily, his mouth watering at the thought of more pie.

Remus was feeling anxious, there was something going on, something strange. He wanted to know what the hell just happened, why everyone was acting so odd, but he had a feeling that he wouldn't get any answers. Truthfully, it wasn't fair of him to demand answerers when he was keeping secrets from them too. Very important secrets. With a frown, he turned and followed his cub.

Dean held up his hand, warning his brother, father, and Bobby to keep their mouths shut. Waiting until he was sure Harry and Remus were out of ear shot, he turned to Cas. "What the hell just happened?" He whispered frantically.

"He not only saw my wings, Dean, but he also felt my grace." Castiel explained still feeling shocked and confused.

"How is that even possible?" Dean whispered cried.

"It's not possible," Castiel said seriously.

"Could he be a nephilim?" Bobby asked as his eyes flicked towards the stairs.

"I would be able tell if he was a nephilim. The boy is something, but he's not a nephilim."

"He's not a demon, the holy water didn't phase him," John reminded.

"Well, we don't have time to figure out what the hell he is right now," Bobby grunted. "I just want to know if he's a Winchester or not, because he sure as hell looks like one."

"He is," Castiel confirmed.

"Well shit!" John groaned.

Dean sighed loudly. Deep down he had already known and accepted that Harry was his little brother, but being a Winchester wasn't easy and it came with a shit ton load of danger. Harry was now going to have a target on his back.

"We will figure something out," Sam said, but not sounding very confidant. Their life wasn't exactly the life he would want for Harry...or for anyone for that matter. Being a hunter was extremely dangerous, but being a Winchester, that was a million times worse.

"Keep the boy out for a couple hours," John instructed of his sons. "I'm going to have a little talk with Remus."

Dean snorted. "Yeah, good luck with that, dad, that man is not going to spill his secrets."

The men stopped talking when they heard Harry coming down the steps, Rumsfeld at his side. The boy and the dog had bonded almost instantly. "I-I'm ready for pie, Dean."

"Not yet, kiddo," John said as he grabbed his scarf off the back of the coach. His boys had told him how Harry struggled with always being cold. He may not know how he felt about having another son, but he wasn't going to let the boy freeze to death. Harry was now a Winchester, his son, he would take care of him to the best of his ability.

Harry stopped breathing when his father approached him and wrapped a thick black scarf around his neck. The scarf was soft and warm and smelled like aftershave. It smelled like what he imagined a freshly shaved dad would smell like. "T-thank you, sir."

John ruffled the boy's hair. "You listen to Dean and Sam, kid, they're in charge."

Harry quickly nodded his head. "Yes, Sir, I'll be good." Turning to Remus, he wrapped his arms around the werewolf's' waist and buried his face in the man's neck. "Promise you'll be here when I get back?"

"I promise," Remus said sadly knowing that his time with Harry was almost over. His heart ached, he loved Harry as his own, it was going to kill him to walk away.

Pulling away from Remus, Harry shyly approached Castiel. "Are you coming with us to eat pie?"

Castiel didn't need to eat, but he wanted to learn more about the strange child. "Yes, pie is delicious. I will go with you all then test your hairs after."

John watched as the boys, his boys, left the house. He couldn't believe that he had three sons, his life had just been completely flipped upside down. He didn't know what he was going to do or how he was going to handle an underage boy with mental health issues, especially a boy that he didn't have an emotional attachment to, at least not yet anyway. He's man enough to admit that he had been a shit father to Dean and Sam. He had been so obsessed with tracking down the demon that killed his wife and hunting monsters that there had been times where he went weeks without seeing his boys. Bobby had been more of a father to his boys when they were growing up than what he had been. Hell, Dean was more of a father to Sammy now than him. He didn't know what he was going to do with Harry, but he couldn't turn the boy away.