During the 'sleepover' and on the way to Steven's house, Connie and Homura haven't talk much to each other, besides things like 'goodnight' and 'good morning'. Connie was curious about Homura, but at the same time, she didn't want to barge in on her life since that's the first time Connie seen Homura so emotional. Sure, it was the first time Connie met Homura, but Steven have told her that this purple gem is sort of stoic and the way Homura suddenly cried last night tells Connie that maybe she needs a little help trying to be more open to them.

"Steven..." Connie said once Homura enter Steven's home, sounding a bit weary about this idea.

"Yeah? Is there something the matter?" Steven ask.

"You see, something 'kind of' personal happened to Homura last night, and I thought that maybe... Pearl could help her with it."


"Yeah. I thought that since Pearl and Homura are going through similar situations, maybe they can support each other through them."

Homura is going through something? Steven thought, trying to piece the two together. Does that mean that Homura likes-

"Just because I'm behind the door doesn't mean I can't hear you two talking about me." Homura said as the the two kids just noticed her through the screen door, causing them to surprised yelp and take a step back from her.

"Oh, sorry, Homura." Connie said. "Bye, Steven. Bye, Homura."

As Connie walk away, Steven let out a nervous laugh and ask Homura, "Are you mad at us?"

"Of course not." The purple gem said with a small shake of a head as the two walk off to the transporter.

"You're not?" Steven said, raising an eyebrow.

"Your friend was worrying about my wellbeing. Why would I be angry about something like that?"

Steven quietly hummed until he said, "I guess you're right. So you wouldn't mind talking to Pearl?"

"If she's okay with it, then I'm okay with it." Homura said with a small nod.

"Great! I always wanted Pearl to have some fun with others."

Let's just hope Pearl can open up to Homura. Steven thought, worry how she would interact with the new gem.

"You want me to just talk with her?" Pearl said to Steven once the human-gem hybrid told her the 'plan'.

"Yeah." Steven said with a smile.

"Steven, I really do trust you, but I'm not certain it's a good time because of all what happened here." Pearl's hands were showing off the big hole in the barn wall. "Maybe someone else could do it, like... Garnet. I feel like they could get along much better than if Homura and I talked."

"But Connie thinks you'll be able to connect with Homura much better."

Pearl look up at the barn's second level, where Homura is quietly waiting for her. It's nice to think that Steven and Connie believes that she could have a simple conversation with Homura, but Pearl always feel like Homura is just covering up something, like all of her stories seem to be a way to get closer to them, a way of getting them to pity her for her tragedy. How is Pearl suppose to know what she might say is true? Garnet haven't told her what this Homura is going to do to them in the future, but she doesn't seem to be worry about it. Maybe if Garnet isn't worried about that, then Pearl shouldn't be worried about it too, right?

Yet, Pearl doesn't feel like it should be that simple. A mystery gem that wants to join them was kind of farfetched for her. Especially with the fact that she claims to be from another planet of gems that isn't Homeworld and that their technology is only slightly advancer than earth's. While Pearl knows that she haven't explored every inch of the universe, there's somewhere in her gut that tells her that isn't true. Pearl was hoping that the other gems would share her opinion on the mystery gem, but when she asked them, Pearl was a little surprised with the results.

Amethyst thought Homura is okay, but much more boring compared to Peridot. As for Garnet, the fusion paused for a moment, then said, "She's... special."

Special? Okay, Pearl can admit that Homura is different compared to both Homeworld and the Crystal Gems. Homura is just so calm about all of this, if you take away the first time they've met, and taking it all of this in more easily than Peridot did when she got into contact with earth culture. Just having slightly advancer technology than earth doesn't mean she can just get used to all of this so easily.

Did her planet's gems visit earth regularly for technology sake? If they did, wouldn't it make a bit more sense to just live here, especially since their gems might blend into the environment effortlessly than a gem from Homeworld? Pearl's head just hurts, trying to reason all of this.

Maybe the two are right, Pearl should just have a nice chat with Homura and maybe all of these questions could be answered.

"Homura," Pearl said once she reaches the barn's second level.

"Yes?" Homura said, simply sitting on the couch as she look at the white gem.

Don't be nervous. She's a gem like you. ...I think. Pearl thought, suddenly nervous about all of this.

"You see, Steven said we should try bonding with each other." Pearl said, delicately sitting on the couch next to the purple gem.

Homura nods to show she understands.

With a soft cough into her fist, Pearl said, "Would you like to start off first?"

The white gem knows that this is going to be awkward from the very start, but she have to say something or else this would be pointless.

"Why is there a hole in the wall?" Homura ask.

"Great question! You see, it's sort of a long story, but after we went to the moon, Steven tried to trap Peridot into the truck, and when Peridot escaped, she used her giant robot to burst through that wall." Pearl said, hoping that would keep this purple gem entertained.

Homura just stared at her, making Pearl feel a bit nervous under her eyes even though Homura is noticeably shorter than her.

"After some events with Yellow Diamond, Peridot is now a Crystal Gem." Pearl quickly added.

"Am I considered a Crystal Gem too?" Homura ask.

"...Not yet."

Homura didn't even complained about it, making Pearl wish that she would show some emotions. Yet, looking at her now, Pearl does wonder what she've been through to be like this.

"Homura..." Pearl said, thinking for a moment. "Would you like to talk about Madoka?"

The purple gem seem to stiffen at the name, which made Pearl wonder how close the two were before the 'incident'. At the same time, she wished that she asked that question at a later date, but Homura doesn't seem to be upset by the mention of her name.

"I'll understand if you don't want to." Pearl said, not wanting anything bad between them, or at least not wanting anything worse between them, because of the whole questioning thing.

"It's okay." Homura seem to force that sentence out of herself. "I think a good talking would help me through this."

Pearl doesn't really know that much about Madoka, besides the fact that Homura claims her as the leader of her planet and she only talk about the good things about her, like she's so caring and kind even at the worst of times. It felt almost familiar, listening to Homura praise Madoka. Then there was one statement that shook her a bit: "She... gave me purpose when I felt like I'm at my lowest. I've done everything to protect her, even the more... disagreeable things that I'm not proud of."

"What do you mean by 'disagreeable'?" Pearl ask.

Homura let out a sign and said, "That, I don't want to talk about that."

The purple gem rest her head against the couch's back. "Even now, she still gave me purpose even when she's no longer here. Madoka is much stronger and kinder than she really is, and now there are probably very few gems who'll remember her. When Madoka told me to run away during the incident, I didn't want to, but she wanted her citizens to live on even if she couldn't. Sometimes, I wished I could had helped her. Be by her and possibly..."

As Homura trailed off, Pearl could see a couple of tears drip down Homura's face, hearing a few soft sniffles from her.

"Thank you for the talk, Pearl." Homura said, wiping her face with her sleeve.

"Homura-" Before Pearl could speak another word to her, Homura jump off the second level and onto the first one, probably running off to Steven.

The white gem didn't understand why Homura just ran away, but all she could guess is that Homura doesn't want to talk anymore. Pearl felt she should talk to her some more. Maybe over some tea too.

AN: Yeah... Sorry it a while to update this. I was really busy with life, and I guess I didn't realize how long it was since the last one. Hopefully, I can get the next one more quickly. Hope you like this chapter and the interaction between Pearl and Homura.