Jessica was ecstatic as she settled into her new life. Rose had arranged an apartment for her near the studio, a quaint and small little thing. It wasn't the most expensive or the most glamorous, but it was hers and that was more than she'd ever had. She also had a new wardrobe, from dresses to blouses with shoes to match. It was more than she'd ever hoped for. No more sex scenes, no more nights working the corners, no more being used. She was finally living the life she had often dreamt of. What could be better?

She was excited for her first real job and nervous as well. When the day of the shoot came she dressed in a tight red dress with a sweetheart neckline and a slit up her thigh. Sliding on matching red pumps and purple opera gloves, she looked more confident than she felt. She headed over to the studio, Maroon Cartoons, and managed to find the right soundstage. She ignored the stares and catcalls as she entered, keeping her distant and uncaring attitude. What she wasn't expecting was the star, a baby Toon drawn no older than two, to hit on her as if he were fifty. She slapped him, surprising him and for a moment she thought she'd be fired before she'd even begun. She held her breath as he looked back at her.

"You got guts, lady, hittin' me like that. I like that in a dame, makes things interestin'."

She sighed as he smirked at her, relieved that she hadn't ruined her nonexistent career.

Her bit in the cartoon went well, though she couldn't help but notice the looks she was receiving. They made her uncomfortable, but at least she knew they couldn't really touch her without permission. It was part of the contract Rose's lawyers had drawn up. No one could touch her off-set without her permission. It had been made crystal clear, and it felt good to be in control of her own body for once. Of course, there were some setbacks. Some of the other extras onset, human and Toon alike, swore she only got the job because she was friends with Acme's daughter. Others said it was because she was having sex with the director.

She wasn't deaf; she heard the whispers as she passed. She simply glared and continued on her way, though inside she was breaking. Would she never escape her sex symbol status? She walked as fast as she could off the set and out of the studio, with direction for her meager paycheck to be mailed to her home.

Once home she collapsed on her bed and sobbed, disappointed that all anyone ever saw was her body. Of course she used it to her advantage most of the time, she had learned to do so when she was still working the streets, but it would be nice if she was more than a nice figure. She was afraid she'd never be able to prove herself as anything other than the "adult Toon that switched professions". Rose stopped by later that afternoon and by that point she had managed to get herself together enough to lie about the day. But the woman saw straight through her lie and demanded to know what had really happened, so she told her. The blonde's eyes narrowed and she slipped into the other room and made a call.

"Rose, what was that?" Jessica asked as she reentered the room.

"Just a call to some friends in high places."

"Rose, you can't keep fighting my battles. That's what started the rumors in the first place."

The young heiress frowned. She knew the redhead was right, but she didn't want her to get hurt. She'd only recently found her self-confidence and she didn't want some jealous nobodies to ruin it.

She looked over at the Toon on the bed, so different from the woman she'd first seen nearly a year before. This woman wasn't jumpy and skittish, instead oozing a quiet confidence and security. She was dressed in a light blouse and slacks rather than just a bra and panties, and was devoid of makeup. Rose smiled softly, proud that the Toon had come so far and was continuing to grow. Looking at her, she realized that she no longer needed the constant guidance and protection she once had.

"I know, Jessa," she said, giving a slightly sad smile. "I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I won't," the redhead responded, a touch of fire to her tone and determination in her eyes.

"Then from now on all your battles are just that, yours."

Jessica smiled, her earlier sadness forgotten.

The next job she landed was her own doing, a result of hard work and auditions. The stares and whistles still came, but this time she embraced them. She noticed the insults she had previously heard thrown around were absent, and she silently rolled her eyes at Rose's intervention. She held her head high as she strutted around in the tiny outfit the producers had provided, and decided then and there that if she was going to be typecast, she might as well own it. And thus, the old Jessica completely died and the new Jessica was born.