A coil of bitterness twisted in his stomach as he glimpsed the soft glow of the wood elf approaching him through the trees. What was he doing here deep into the night? He had come here for solice, to think in this his own secret place. Must Legolas steal everything from him? Was his brother not enough? Did he have to take his peace as well.

"Leave me alone!" His voice was harsh, the bitterness seeping out of him and across the glade towards the other.

But Legolas jumped and when he actually looked closely he realised his eyes were dazed, he had been miles away, he had not know he was there at all. Why was he out here in the dark, miles down the valley and so disorientated?

"Forgive me. I did not see you there, I was listening..." He stood with his head cocked to one side as if he listened still but to what...there were no sounds.

"Are you well?" He put a hand out to touch him his bitterness and envy forgotten, his brother cared for this elf after all...both his brothers did and as he watched Legolas pulled himself together, stood straighter, eyes clearer and smiled.

"I am well. The sea distracts me. Always it calls and I come out here to indulge myself, to wander and listen...it helps...and Elrohir cannot see. He worries."

He felt a pang of sympathy but then, at the mention of his brother a surge of loneliness and loss.

"You have stolen him from me." He said before he could stop himself, " and you have stolen my choice with him."

He watched as a look of remorse drifted across Legolas's lovely face. He was beautiful he had to admit that.

"I am sorry for that. I would have chosen to stay here myself, I never wished to leave the forest. What has Valinor for me after all that is not here...but the sealonging has stolen that from me and it pains me still. I regret that I have taken a choice from another, please believe that I did not intend it. I cannot regret loving Elrohir though. He is my treasure." And he smiled softly, he knew he was thinking of his brother then, such love was in that smile.

"You would have stayed?" The idea intrigued him for he and his siblings had for so long been the only ones with choice surrounded by elves who could not understand why they would even consider staying. No one had understood the way it tore at them.

"Of course!" Now Legolas's smile was for him. "Many of my people do. We chose once before not to follow the light to Valinor, why would we change our minds now?"

It was a revelation, suddenly he felt no longer alone. Of course Legolas's choice did not involve leaving behind his immortality...but in a way, in time perhaps it did. Why had his Grandfather not told him this?

"Do not feel bad on my account," he said, "In truth I probably would have chosen Valinor in the end if I am honest. I do not think I am brave enough to choose the other, I am not my sister. It is the loss of the choice that hurts, not the end result. Funny after it has caused us so much pain for so many years. It should be a relief...perhaps it will be when I think on it. It will be a relief for my brother I know that. For so long has he been torn yet I know at heart he wished to sail also...but it has felt a betrayal...of the other part of us, of others we love."

And Legolas's smile when he heard that was a brilliant one.

"Perhaps that is my destiny," he said happily, "To lead him to the other side, to what his heart desired without guilt. Perhaps that is why I suffer this, it makes it easier to bear for I have gained more than I have lost, I have him and he is more to me than even the trees. Perhaps the gods are not so cruel after all!"

"Then you have led me there also." he answered "and I know in time I will thank you for that."

"It is I who should thank you Elladan." Legolas said with a smile, "for you have lightened my heart. But I must go, I have wandered too long and Elrohir will miss me."

And then he was gone, quickly, lightly, a flash of gold amongst the trees, a shining light in the darkness. An untameable flame.

"I forgive you, Legolas," he whispered after him though there was nothing to forgive and already his heart was healing and he sat back to think on a world in which he was not the only one with a choice, the only one whose heart did not solely lie over the sea. A world the idea of which eased his soul of a burden long borne.

And to think he had been here all along.