Fandom: The Incredibles

Word Count: 499 words

Characters: Robert Parr/Mr. Incredible, Buddy Pine/Syndrome

Summary: Mr. Incredible sees a new strength in Buddy.

There were days that Buddy didn't come for him. Days where the boy seemingly didn't want to play sidekick and Mr. Incredible could save lives in peace. Bob always sought Buddy out on those days.

He convinced himself that it was only for the boy's safety. After all, if Buddy wasn't with him then who knows where the kid could be. It was all for Buddy's safety. That's what he told himself.

The first time he saw Buddy with a black eye he was concerned. At first he'd thought that Buddy had gotten into a fight at school. Not surprising. However, Buddy's story of running into a door immediately set Bob on edge. But he'd shoved it down. Buddy was a smart kid. There's no way he'd let someone hurt him like that.

When the bruises and broken bones and flimsy excuses continued Bob took matters into his own hands.

"Where do you live?" Buddy froze, turning to look at his idol. Mr. Incredible stood there, his full attention on Buddy. The 12 year old felt himself shiver and go weak in the knees. He'd never had Mr. Incredible's full attention before. It was intoxicating and perfect.

"W-what?" Bob sighed and pressed a hand to his face. He was already regretting this decision.

"Where do you live, Buddy?" Buddy squashed down the almost overwhelming excitement that threatened to break him so that he could think. He opened his mouth to answer the super's question before freezing. This seemed out of place.

"Why do you want to know?" Suspicion laced the boy's voice and Bob internally groaned.

"So I can take you home." Pure joy bubbled up in Buddy before he remembered his father's threat. If his father saw him with Mr. Incredible of all people he'd go crazy. Buddy was not to associate with supers. Ever. The boy sighed softly and turned away from his hero.

"I can get home on my own." Bob blinked in surprise. He was sure Buddy would go wild at the idea of Mr. Incredible going to his house. Concern ran through him again as he remembered why he needed to see Buddy's home.

"You can ride in my car." Buddy practically fell apart at that. The temptation to give in, to let this man see the hell he went back to every night and maybe put a stop to it was too much. Then he'd think of Mirage hiding underneath his floorboards and how he'd be separated from her if anyone ever found out about his home life and his resolve hardened.

"No." Bob felt his mind freeze and confusion spread over his usually calm face. He'd never heard Buddy sound so... harsh.

"No?" Buddy squared his shoulders. Mr. Incredible may be his hero but he was Mirage's and he needed to protect her, no matter the cost.

"I can get there on my own." With that the boy turned away, walking off and leaving a stunned Mr. Incredible in his wake.