Trials of a Pokemorph

A/N: Hey everyone, it's Anti-Canon with the beginnings of a brand new Fic. This will be a bit different from my others in that it will be entirely OCs, an idea I've started to come around to. Here is the intro, just a bit too wet your beaks on, when preparations are complete you will have a first chapter. Until then, Happy Fapping!

Intro Thousands of years in the future, Pokémon and humans are one. When Pokephillaics were first brought into the light, there was much scorn and violence. When people of power were discovered to be part of that group, there was outrage. A new generation was born and, unlike their elders, they were much more open to Pokephilia. Another generation goes by and laws are passed legalizing the practice of Pokephilia. It's a bumpy, uphill climb but it was worth it. Region by region, Pokephilia becomes commonplace, Kalos was the frontrunner.

Then a miracle happened. An ordinary trainer with a far reaching dream and the wish for humans and Pokémon to become closer discovered a myth. There is a Pokémon that could grant wishes, though it only appears every thousand years. The trainer found the the Pokemon's time was upon them and, with his beloved team of Pokémon, set out to find the wish-granter. After a long and dangerous journey, they succeed. Finding the Pokémon in a long abandoned village, he made his wish. On that day, history was changed forever.

With one wish, humans and Pokémon were made one. The very building blocks that make humans and Pokémon different, their DNA, was fundamentally altered. Soon Pokémon were having children by their human partners and vice-versa. The children, deemed Pokemorphs, were revered at first, thought to be a miracle of nature. Soon however, every Pokémon-Human couple were having Pokemorph children. In a generation, Pokemorph's outnumbered all other species. The day the last pure Pokémon died was both joyous and heartrending. The world was finally at piece, all people were the same, part Pokémon, part human.

Being the first to except any and all new ideas, Kalos soon became the center of the world. Laws were drawn up and passed there that effected the entire world. Of course, Kalos's influence spread. They followed the laws of nature. Generations after the last pure Pokémon passed on, towns returned to nature. Having the abilities of Pokémon, Pokemorphs soon abandoned most technology, only using what was needed to sustain life. Town soon sprang up in deep, formerly untamed jungles, unbearablely hot volcanic caves, dry frozen tundras and many other environments humans could never settle before. Unlike humans however, Pokemorph's altered their environment very minimally, being better adapted to said environments. Almost one thousand years after the wish was made, the world was at peace.

One aspect of Kalos reined supreme, free, open, uncensored love. In the old days, humans in Kalos could be found making love anywhere and everywhere. The same was true for Pokephilia when it was legalized. When Pokemorphs came into being, nothing changed. It spread to all regions. It was not uncommon to see couples in the act of sex in the middle of streets. When the towns were abandoned, clearings were soon occupied with multiple couples showing their affection, often joined by other as well. Pokemorphs were brought together by sex.

Nineteen years before the Millennial, a pair of twins are born. They are fraternal twins, not identical. When a Pokemorph has a child the child's species can be almost anything. Because of the unbiased mixing of species in the past, it is impossible to tell what species will dominate a child's genes. As tradition demand, at the age of eighteen the twins set out on a journey. With the whole of the region before them, they are eager to leave home. In each town throughout the world await trials. These trials are designed to test young Pokemorph's skills in various areas, from love to combat to survival. What trials await the siblings? Will they be able to survive in the wild of the world? Be on the lookout for the first chapter in Trials of a Pokemorph.

Author's Note 2: Okay, I know that might have came across as this being a very serious fic. That is false. This will be very much in the area of my other in progress fic, Pokémon XXX. Lemons will abound and won't disappoint. Now on to business, I need OCs! This is a first for me, asking for OCs, but I'm going to give it a try. Below is a template for what I believe I need for my OCs. For those of you who contribute thank you and I hope you're on the lookout for my first chapter! If you have any questions, PM me!


Age- (Anything is acceptable)

Pokemorph Species- (What Pokémon they get their features from, I ask only that you don't use legendary Pokémon, sorry)


Physical Description- (Include breast/dick size (keep it reasonable, people) I don't want to shortchange anyone)

Back Story-

Abilities- (Have fun with this, there's nothing really specific I'm looking for here, they have mixed DNA. Anything's possible!)

Clothing-(This is a little different. Clothing is optional. Some Pokemorphs with slightly human DNA feel more comfortable in clothes. But it's entirely up to you if you want cloths and how much)







Casual- (Around only other group members)

Privacy- (Some people are shy!)

Sex Drive- (You know ;)

Who they prefer- (Age, gender, family, species anything you can think of)

Fetishes- (For this I mean normal and Pokemorph fetishes. Pokemorph fetishes can be things like fur, scales, horns, claws, tails and other things.)

Other-(Anything you feel you need to add)