Author's Note: I love Charlie. I also love the family feels that results whenever Charlie is with the Winchesters. But, one thing that I really love is how kickass Charlie can be, especially when her boys need her. Hence, this story. There will be hurt!Charlie, badass!Charlie, hurt!boys and a Castiel/Charlie team up, something that I wish we had gotten more of in the show. Let's set this late season eight, after the second trial.

"In your deepest pain

In your weakest hour

In your darkest night

You are lovely."

Icon For Hire, "The Grey"

If she has to look back and pinpoint she knew that she was going to die, it was probably the moment she decided to step into the King of Hell's lair and serve as distraction. Or maybe, it was the moment she agreed to go along with Castiel's plan to rescue to Winchesters. Or perhaps, if she really thought about it, it was the moment she first allowed herself to think she could do this—that she could be a hero.

"Oh, you poor little lost lamb," Crowley chuckles darkly as he saunters towards her. "You really have no idea what is going on do you?"

But Charlie does know. She agreed to do this—to save her boys—fully knowing what could happen to her as a result. Torture, death—she signed on for it all.

Because that's what heroes do, right? They put themselves on the line to save those they care about?

"You're going to lose." She tells him, summoning up her inner warrior Queen and smiling smugly at him.

"Really now?" He arches an eyebrow.

"Really." She echoes, clasping her hands together, trying not to let her nerves show. She's used all her holy water and one difficult to defeat demon destroyed her only weapon.

All she has left are her wits and even those won't be enough.

Not to ensure they all make it out alive. She can buy enough time for Sam and Dean, but she . . . she's going to die here.

"You don't seem to understand the situation you're in." The King of Hell growls at her. "You're alone. You will die, painfully." He eyes her suspiciously. "Why aren't you scared?"

She is scared.

She's fucking terrified.

It's not like she wants to die. She wants to live her life—be Queen with her friends, tease Dean about the Supernatural books, and geek out with Sam over the latest gadget. But she's grown up idolizing characters that made the right choice—the noble choice—and though every fiber of her being is screaming at her to run away, to save herself, she stays her ground.

Because, at the end of the day, she loves her boys and she will die for them if that's what it takes.

"Bring it on." She smiles at Crowley.

It won't be much, but she'll try to fight him. She'll lose, but she'll do her best to hold him off.

She'll buy Castiel enough time to save the boys.

It will be, after all, the last thing she'll ever do.

Author's Note: Short prologue, but I hope your interest is piqued! This story will be told in flashbacks leading up to this moment. I hope you guys will enjoy this tense, fun, little ride! Please review if you have a moment. Thanks!